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1270-1299 Welsh and Scottish Wars

1270-1299 Welsh and Scottish Wars is in 13th Century Events.

Murder of Henry of Almain

New Chronicle by Villani Chapter 39. 13 Mar 1271. And now we return to our chief subject — how was slain Count Henry, earl of Cornwall (age 35), brother [cousin] of King Edward, in revenge for this, as we said before. The court was greatly disturbed, giving much blame therefor to King Charles, who ought not to have suffered this if he knew thereof, and if he did not know it he ought not to have let it go unavenged. But the said Count Guy (age 27), being provided with a company of men-at-arms on horse and on foot, was not content only with having done the said murder; forasmuch as a cavalier asked him what he had done, and he replied, "J’ai fait ma vangeance," [I took my revenge] and that cavalier said, "Comment? Votre père fut trainé;" [How? Your father was dragged] and immediately he returned to the church, and took Henry by the hair, and dead as he was, he dragged him vilely without the church; and when he had done the said sacrilege and homicide, he departed from Viterbo, and came safe and sound into Maremma to the lands of Count Rosso, his father-in-law. By reason of the death of the said Henry, Edward, his brother, very wrathful and indignant against King Charles, departed from Viterbo, and came with his followers through Tuscany, and abode in Florence, and knighted many citizens, giving them horses and all knightly accoutrements very nobly, and then he came into England, and set the heart of his said brother in a golden cup upon a pillar at the head of London Bridge over the river Thames, to keep the English in mind of the outrage sustained. For the which thing, Edward, after he became king, was never friendly towards King Charles, nor to his folk. After like manner, Philip, king of France, departed with his folk, and came and dwelt many days in Florence; and when he was come into France, he buried the body of the good King Louis, his father with great honour, and had himself crowned with great solemnity at Rheims.

On 13 Mar 1271 Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was murdered while attending mass at the Chiesa di San Silvestro Viterbo Lazio by his cousins Simon "Younger" Montfort and Guy Montfort Count Nola (age 27) in revenge for the deaths of their father Simon and older brother Henry at the Battle of Evesham.

The murder was carried out in the presence of the Cardinals, who were conducting a papal Election, King Philip III of France (age 25), and King Charles of Sicily (age 43). The Montfort brothers were excommunicated

The deed is mentioned by Dante Alighieri some forty years after in the Divine Comedy who placed Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell. Henry "Almain" Cornwall was buried in Hailes Abbey [Map].

Divine Comedy Canto 12. Then I turned me to the Poet, and he said, "Let him now be first, and I second." A little further on the Centaur stopped above some folk who far as the throat were seen to issue from that boiling stream. He showed to us at one side a solitary shade, and said, "He cleft, in the bosom of God, the heart that still is honored on the Thames."1 Then I saw folk, who out of the stream held their head, and even all their chest; and of these I recognized many. Thus ever more and more shallow became that blood, until it cooked only the feet: and here was our passage of the foss.

Note 1. In 1271, Prince Henry, son of Richard of Cornwall, was stabbed during the mass, in a church at Viterbo, by Guy of Montfort, to avenge the death of his father, Simon, Earl of Leicester, in 1261. The heart of the young Prince was placed in a golden cup, as Villani (vii. 39) reports, on a column, at the head of a bridge in London.

Death of Henry III

On 16 Nov 1272 King Henry III of England (age 65) died at Westminster [Map]. His son King Edward I of England (age 33) succeeded I King of England. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 31) by marriage Queen Consort England.

Second Council of Lyons

In 1272 Bishop Thomas Cantilupe (age 54) attended the Second Council of Lyons.

Coronation Edward I

Welsh Wars

Treaty of Aberconwy

In 1277 King Edward I of England (age 37) and Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 44) signed the Treaty of Aberconwy by which Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw agreed that Welsh self-rule would end with the death of Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw. As part of the Treaty Owain "The Red" Aberffraw (age 45) was released from Dolbadarn Castle [Map].

Night of St Gertrude

On 16 Mar 1278 William Jülich IV Count Jülich (age 68) and his son William Jülich (age 38) were killed. He and his two sons William and Roland (his natural son), had entered the town of Aachen to collect taxes for King Rudolph I of Germany (age 59). There was a riot and William and his sons were killed. The city of Aachen was later ordered to pay a high compensation to William's widow Richardis (age 63) as compensation for his murder.

Marriage of King John of Scotland and Isabella Warenne

On 09 Feb 1281 King John I of Scotland (age 32) and Isabella Warenne were married. She the daughter of John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 50) and Alice Lusignan Countess of Surrey. They were fourth cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

Battle of Llandeilo Fawr

On 17 Jun 1282 the army of Gilbert "Red Earl" Clare 7th Earl Gloucester 6th Earl Hertford (age 38) were ambushed by the Welsh at Llandeilo.

William "The Younger" Valence was killed.

Much of Gilbert Clare's army of 1600 men was destroyed.

Battle of Moel y don

On 12 Nov 1282 the English forces attempted to cross the Menai Straits to invade Gwynedd without waiting for the arrival of Edward's larger force. The battle was a rout. Roger Clifford (age 39) drowned. The brothers William Burnell and Philip Burnell were killed.

Battle of Orewin Bridge

On 11 Dec 1282 an English force including John Giffard 1st Baron Giffard Brimpsfield (age 50), Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn Mathrafal Prince Powys Wenwynwyn (age 71) and Owen de la Pole Mathrafal 1st Lord Powis (age 25) defeated a Welsh force at Builth Wells [Map] during the Battle of Orewin Bridge. The Welsh leader Llewellyn "Last" Aberffraw (age 49) was killed effectively bringing to an end the independence of Wales. His brother Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 44) succeeded Prince of Wales.

Treaty of Rheinfelden

On 01 Jun 1283 the Treaty of Rheinfelden was the first treaty to determine the Habsburg order of succession.

On 01 May 1308 Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 52) was murdered by his nephew John "Parricide" Habsburg (age 18) who he had deprived of his inheritance when Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria forced John's eleven year old father Rudolf Habsburg II Duke Austria to waive his rights to the Habsburg duchies of Austria and Styria as part of the Treaty of Rheinfelden.

Execution of David Prince of Wales

On 03 Oct 1283 Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 45) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map]. The first prominent person known to have suffered being hanged, drawn and quartered. Dafydd was dragged through the streets of Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map] attached to a horse's tail, then hanged alive, revived, then disembowelled and his entrails burned before him for "his sacrilege in committing his crimes in the week of Christ's passion", and then his body cut into four-quarters "for plotting the king's death". Geoffrey of Shrewsbury was paid 20 shillings for carrying out the act.

Chronicle of William Rishanger. 03 Oct 1823. After the Feast of Saint Michael, the Parliament of Shrewsbury was held; in which David, having been judicially condemned by judges appointed for this purpose, was dragged and hanged, his entrails burned, his body beheaded, and divided into four parts. These parts were hung in the more prominent cities of England, and his head was placed on a pike in London, as a warning to similar traitors.

Post festum Sancti Michaelis, habitum est Parliamentum Salopiæ; in quo per deputatos ad hoc Justiciarios David judicialiter condemnatus, tractus et suspensus est, visceribusque combustis, corpus capite truncatum, et in quatuor partes est divisum. Quibus in civitatibus Angliæ nobilioribus suspensis, caput Londoniis super palum fixum est, ad terrorem consimilium proditorum.

Antony Bek Enthroned as Bishop of Durham

On 25 Dec 1285 Bishop Antony Bek (age 40) was enthroned at Durham Cathedral [Map].

Charles "Bad" II King Navarre succeeded by Charles III King Navarre

On 01 Jan 1387 Charles "Bad" II King Navarre (age 54) died. His son Charles III King Navarre (age 26) succeeded III King Navarre. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort Navarre (age 24) by marriage Queen Consort Navarre.

Battle of the Counts

On 23 Apr 1287 Guy Montfort Count Nola (age 43) was captured during the Battle of the Counts.

1287 Great Storm

On 14 Dec 1287 a great storm caused a significant number of deaths on both sides of the English Channel. In the Low Countries around 50,000 people are believed to have died. In England hundreds were killed. The port of New Romney was so changed as to be replaced by Rye [Map] through which the course of the River Rother now ran. The port of Dunwich, Suffolk never recovered from the storm and thereafter declined.

Death of Eleanor of Castile

Archaeologia Volume 29 Section XIII. It appears from two circumstances that the Queen's (age 49) death took place in the evening. First her anniversary was celebrated on the eve of the feast of Saint Andrew, which according to the ordinary mode of calculation would be the 29th of November; while the King's letter to the Abbot of Clugni, published in the Foedera, which is by far the most authoritative evidence for the day of her death, states that she died on the 4th of the kalends of December, which would be the 28th of Novemberf; but if the ecclesiastical day is to be reckoned from evening to evening, then the eve of Saint Andrew would include the evening of the 28th. Secondly, there are writs tested on the 28th, as if public business was transacted on the morning of that day. Then public business for a time ceased. No writs are found tested on the 29th or 30th, or on the 1st day of December.

It may be worth observing how differently the precise day of the Queen's death is stated by different writers:

Matthew of Westminster and the Annals of Dunstable, 5 kal. Dec. November 27. Thomas Wikes, 4 kal. Dec. November 28.

Walsingham and Trivet, 4 id. Dec. December 10.

Holinshed, Saint Andrew's Even.

Stowe, November 28.

Gough in the Vetusta Monumenta, November 20.

This list of diseordances may serve to shew how errors will creep in, and how vain it is to expect the highest conceivable accuracy in the multitude of minute statements of historical writers. There is a general aceuracy quite consistent with occasional slight deviations, and honest and honourable men know how to jadge of them.

Archaeologia Volume 29 Section XIII. The corpse (age 49) was opened and embalmed. The heart was reserved to be deposited, probably at her own desire, in the church of the Friars Predicants in London. What else was removed was interred in the chapel of the Blessed Virgin in the Minster at Lincoln [Map]. Writs are found tested by the King (age 51) at Lincoln on the 2nd and 3rd of December. On the 5th they are tested at Casterton, which is on the road from Grantham to Stamford; on the 9th at Northampton; on the 13th at Saint Alban's and London. It is manifest, therefore, that the funeral procession, in which the King was personally present, must have set out very soon after the death. It would seem that the body was taken from Hardby to Lincoln, and that the procession set out from Lincoln on the morning of the 4th.

Chronicle of Thomas Wikes. On the 4th before the Kalends of December [28 Nov 1290], Eleanor (age 49), Queen, wife of King Edward, after suffering from a mild fever, wasting away from the heat, and freed from her prison, paid the fatal debt of death. Her body was carried in stages and buried in London in Westminster Abbey, with the Bishop of Lincoln, on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury, conducting the burial rites on the Sunday before the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle, that is, on the 16th of December. Indeed, the Archbishop of Canterbury refused to attend the funeral rites because, due to a certain dispute between him and the Abbot of the place, he had placed the latter under interdict. Also, another noteworthy event, not to be passed over in silence but rather to be perpetually remembered, occurred this year.

Quarto Kal. Decembris Alianora Regina Domini Regis Edwardi conjux apud Grantham modicæ febris igniculo contabescens, carcere resoluta, fatale mortis debitum solvit; corpus ejus per dietas delatum sepultum est London in Ecclesia Westmonsteriensi, Domino Lincoln vice Domini Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis exequente officium sepulturæ, Dominica proxima ante festum Sancti Thomæ Apostoli, viz. xvi. Kal. Januarii: quippe Dominus Cantuariensis noluit ipsis exequiis interesse, quia in quadam contentione inter ipsum & Abbatem loci supposuerat interdicto. Aliud quoque plerunque notabile non sub silentio prætereundum, sed potius perpetuæ commemorandum memoriæ contigit hoc anno.

Chronicle of Robert Fabyan 1290. In this. xx. yere, and begynnynge of the mayres yere, and also of y kynges. xx. yere, that is to meane vpon the euyn of seynt Andrewe, or the. xxix. day of Nouembre [Note. Most sources say 28 Nov 1290; see Discussion in Archæologia 29], dyed quene Elyanore (age 49) the kynges wyfe, and was buryed at Westmynster, in the chapell of seynt Edwarde, at ye fete of Henry the thirde, [where she hathe, ii. wexe tapers brennynge vpon her tumbe, both daye and nyglu, whiche so hath contynued syne the day of her buryinge to this present daye.] This geutyll waman, as before is towched in the. xxxviii. yere of kynge Henry the thirde, was suster vnto the kyng of Spayne: by whom kynge Edwarde had. iiii. sones, that is to saye, lohn, Henry, Alphons, and Edwarde (age 6), whiche Edwarde succedyd his fader, by reason that the other, iii. dyed before theyr fader; also he had by her v. doughters: the firste, Elianore (age 21), was maryed vnto Wyllyam [Henry] erle of Barre (age 31); the seconde, lohane of Acris (age 18), was maryed as before is sayd vnto y erle of Glouceter (age 47); the thirde, Margarete (age 15), was maryed to the dukes sone of Braban (age 15); the iiii. Mary (age 11) by name, was made a menchon at Ambrysbury; and the v. named Ely/abeth (age 8), was maryed vnto y erle of Holande (age 6); and after his deth she was maryed vnto Humfrey Boherum erle of Hereforde (age 14).

On 28 Nov 1290 Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 49) died at Harby Manor. Her viscera were buried at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

Coronation of John "Empty Coat" I King Scotland

On 30 Nov 1292 King John I of Scotland (age 43) was crowned I King Scotland.

Siege of Conwy Castle

In Dec 1294 Madog ap Llywelyn besieged King of England in Conwy Castle [Map] for three months.

Battle of Maes Moydog

On 05 Mar 1295 William Beauchamp 9th Earl Warwick (age 58) defeated the army of Madog ap Llywelyn during the Battle of Maes Moydog at Llanfair Caereinion, Montgomeryshire [Map]. English losses were around 100 dead, Welsh around 700.

1299 Edward I Creates New Barons

On 06 Feb 1299 King Edward I of England (age 59) created a number of new Barons by writ of summons to Edward's 44th Parliament ...

John Ferrers 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 27) was created 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley.

John Lovell 1st Baron Lovel (age 45) was created 1st Baron Lovel of Titchmarsh. Joan Ros Baroness Lovel (age 39) by marriage Baroness Lovel of Titchmarsh.

William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley (age 44) was created 1st Baron Ros Helmsley. Maud Vaux Baroness Ros (age 42) by marriage Baroness Ros Helmsley.

William Devereux 1st Baron Devereux Lyonshall (age 55) was created 1st Baron Devereux Lyonshall. Lucy Burnell Baroness Devereux Lyonshall by marriage Baroness Devereux Lyonshall.

Adam Welles 1st Baron Welles (age 50) was created 1st Baron Welles. Joan D'Engayne Baroness Welles and Ughtred by marriage Baroness Welles.

Robert Clinton 1st Baron Clinton (age 41) was created 1st Baron Clinton. Ida Odingsells Baroness Clinton (age 34) by marriage Baroness Clinton.

John Moels 1st Baron Moels (age 30) was created 1st Baron Moels.

The next baronies may not have been created on 06 Feb 1299 but were created in 1299 possibly for Edward's 45th and 46th Parliaments on 10 Apr 1299 and 21 Sep 1299 respectively.

Edmund Deincourt 1st Baron Deincourt (age 49) was created 1st Baron Deincourt.

John Strange 1st Baron Strange Knockin (age 46) was created 1st Baron Strange Knockin. Maud Eiville Baroness Strange Knockin by marriage Baroness Strange Knockin.

John St John 1st Baron St John Lagenham (age 49) was created 1st Baron St John of Lagenham.

Robert Clifford 1st Baron Clifford (age 24) was created 1st Baron de Clifford. Maud Clare Baroness Clifford Baroness Welles (age 23) by marriage Baroness de Clifford.

Henry Grey 1st Baron Grey of Codnor (age 44) was created 1st Baron Grey of Codnor. Eleanor Courtenay Baroness Grey Codnor by marriage Baroness Grey of Codnor.

John Mohun 1st Baron Dunster (age 30) was created 1st Baron Mohun of Dunster. Ada Tiptoft Baroness Dunster (age 24) by marriage Baroness Mohun of Dunster.

Roger Scales 1st Baron Scales was created 1st Baron Scales.

John St John 1st Baron St John of Basing (age 25) was created 1st Baron St John of Basing.

John Beauchamp 1st Baron Beauchamp Somerset (age 24) was created 1st Baron Beauchamp Somerset.

Alan Zouche 1st Baron Zouche Ashby (age 31) was created 1st Baron Zouche Ashby.

Henry Percy 9th and 1st Baron Percy (age 25) was created 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick. Eleanor Fitzalan Baroness Percy (age 15) by marriage Baroness Percy of Alnwick.

William Grandison 1st Baron Grandison (age 37) was created 1st Baron Grandison. Sibylla Tregoz Baroness Grandison by marriage Baroness Grandison. His brother was also created Baron Grandison on the same day.

Otto Grandison 1st Baron Grandison (age 61) was created 1st Baron Grandison. His brother was also created Baron Grandison on the same day.

Thomas de Multon 1st Baron Multon (age 22) was created 1st Baron Multon Egremont. Eleanor Burgh Baroness Multon Egremont (age 17) by marriage Baroness Multon Egremont.

Edward I and Margaret of France Wedding

On 10 Sep 1299 King Edward I of England (age 60) and Margaret of France Queen Consort England (age 20) were married at Canterbury Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort England. The difference in their ages was 39 years. She the daughter of King Philip III of France and Maria of Brabant Queen Consort France (age 43). He the son of King Henry III of England and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England. They were first cousin once removed. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Guy Beauchamp 10th Earl Warwick (age 27) was present.