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1415-1424 Henry V and Agincourt
1415-1424 Henry V and Agincourt is in 15th Century Events.
Suppression of the Lollards
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 05 Jan 1414. Ande that same year, on the Twelfe the nyght, were a-restyd certayne personys, called Lollers, atte the sygne of the Ax, whithe out Byschoppe is gate, the whyche Lollers hadde caste to have made a mommynge at Eltham, and undyr coloure of the mommynge to have dystryte the kyng (age 27) and Hooly Chyrche.
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 10 Jan 1414. And they hadde ordaynyde to have hadde the fylde be-syde Syn Gylys. But, thonkyd be God Almighty, owre kyng (age 27) hadde warnyng thereof, and he come unto London and toke the felde be syde Syn Jonys in Clerkynwelle [Map]; and as they come the kyng toke them, and many othyr. And there was a knyght take that was namy[d] Syr Roger of Acton, and he was drawe and hanggyd be syde Syn Gyly, for the King let to be made iiij payre of galowys, the whiche that were i-callyd the Lollers galowys. Al so a preste that hyght Syr John Bevyrlay, and a squyer that hyght John Browne of Oldecastellys, they were hanggyd; and many moo were hanggyd and brent, to the nomber of xxxviij personys and moo.
Southampton Plot
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. Jul 1415. And he roode forthe his way tylle he cam to Hampton, and there he mosteryd his mayne. And there were certayne personys that had caste to slayne our King, but God that knew alle trougthe, he sende warnynge to our kyng; and his enmys, the whiche namys folowythe aftyr, Syr Richarde Camborowe (age 29)13, Erle of Cambryge, Syr Harry, lord Scrope (age 42), ande Syr Thomas Gray (age 30), knyght, with moo of her assent, [th]e whiche personys were a-restyde and put in the preson, ande do to dethe.
Note 13. Camborowe. Conysborughe in Vit.
On 31 Jul 1415, when King Henry V of England (age 28) was in Portchester Castle, Hampshire [Map] preparing to invade France, Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl March 7th Earl Ulster (age 23) revealed the Southampton Plot to him. Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham (age 42), Thomas Grey of Werke and Heaton (age 30), and Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge (age 30) were intending to replace King Henry V of England with Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl March 7th Earl Ulster as King of England based on Edmund Mortimer 5th Earl March 7th Earl Ulster having a better claim to the throne being descended from Edward III's second son Lionel Plantagenet 1st Duke of Clarence whereas King Henry V of England was descended from the third son John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster.
Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 30), Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 29), Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 27) and Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys (age 64) sat in judgement.
On 02 Aug 1415 Thomas Grey of Werke and Heaton (age 30) was beheaded at North Gate Southampton, Hampshire [Map] for his role in the Southampton Plot.
On 05 Aug 1415 two executions of those involved in the Southampton Plot took place at the North Gate aka Bargate [Map]:
Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge (age 30) was beheaded. His son Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Cambridge.
Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Masham (age 42) was beheaded. His brother John Scrope 4th Baron Scrope of Masham (age 27) succeeded 4th Baron Scrope of Masham.
Siege of Harfleur
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 16 Aug 1415.... and the 16th day of the same month he landed at Kytkawys, and the Saturday he laid siege unto the town of Harfleur, and that was the Saturday next after of the Assumption of our Lady; and the siege continued unto the Sunday next before the feste of Saint Michael [29th of September], on the which Sunday the town of Harfleur was delivered up to the king, that was 22nd day of September. But it is to wit that the Tuesday before, that is to say the 16th day of the same month, at 2 of the clock within night, the lords that were the captains and governors of the town, that is to wite the lord Gawcorte, the lord Tutville, and more other lords, send out heralds of arms unto the Duke of Clarence (age 26), praying him at the reverence of God that he would of his high lordship that he would grant them live and leave for to treat with what persons that the king would assign unto them; and the king at the reverence of God and at their request he assigned the Duke of Exeter, the lord Fehewe, and Sir Thomas Erpingham, to hear what they would say and desire.
And they desired that the king would not war on them from that hour of midnight unto the Sunday next after the feast of Saint Michael, and but it were rescued by battle by that day by the French king or by the Dauphin, else at that day to deliver the town unto the King, and they to have her lives and her goods. Ande the king sent them word if that they would deliver the town on the morne after, by the hour of midnight above said, without any condition, he would accept it, and in none other wise he bade them for to treat.
And yet the French lords prayed our lords that they would vouchsafe to beseech the King at the reverence of God and of our Lady that he would grant them respite from the same Tuesday at night unto the Sunday next after till one hour afternoon; and in the meantime the lords that were captains of the town to come to the King with twenty-four knights and squires with them, of the most sufficient men with in the town, and they to be sworn on God's body openly before all the people. But if it so were that the French King or the Dauphin rescued them by that Sunday by the hour of noon, other else anon after noon, they for to deliver the town to the king and all her bodies and goods to don with them what so them every last, with any condition. With that the King suffered them to send unto France eight persons out of the town letting him wit in what plight that they stood in, and the king granted them; and upon the Wednesday by the moon the lords come out, and twenty-two knights and squires with them; and then come the procession solemnly and stately, with twenty-four copes of clothe of gold before God's body, with many worshipful lords, knights, and squires, and other multitude of people from the king's tent, solemnly and stately as ever was done such a thing before time. But the king was not here present. And the French lords made there their oaths upon the sacrament; and, the others done, the French lords were brought unto the king's tent, and there they dined in the king's hall, but in all this time they saw not the King. And when that they had eaten they departed and delivered to certain for to keep in hostage till the Sunday on noon, as it was accordingly made before time when that they took her oaths. And the Sunday at the same hour assigned the king had a tent put upon a hill before the town, and there he sat in his estate, royally, and alle his lords about him. And then come the French lords, with sixty-four with them of the most sufficient men that were withing the town, to the king's own proper person, and delivered up the keys of the town and her bodies and her goods to the King's grace, with out any condition. And this was the 22nd day of Septembre, the year of our lord 1415
... and the xvj day of the same monythe he londyd at Kytkawys, and the Satyrday he leyde sege unto the towne of Arflewe, and that was the Satyrday nexte aftyr of the Assompsyon of our Lady; and the sege contynuyd unto the Sonday nexte be fore the feste of Synt Mychelle, on the whiche Sonday the towne of Arflewe was delyveryd uppe to the kyng, that was xxij day of Septembre. But hit is to wyte that the Tewysday before, that is to saye the xvj day of the same monythe, at xij of the clocke whytheynne nyght, the lordys that were the capytaynys and governowrys of the towne, that is to wete the lord Gawcorte14, the lord Tutvyle, and moo othyr lordys, sende out herodys of armys unto the Duke of Clarens, prayng him at the reverens of God that he wolde of his hyghe lordeschippe that he wolde graunte them lyve and leve for to trete whythe what personys that the kyng wolde a-sygne unto hem; and the kyng at the reverens of God and at hyre requeste he assygnyde the Duke of Exceter [Note. Unclear as to who this is? Possibly Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 38) who was created Duke the following year?], the lord Fehewe, and Syr Thomas Erpyngham (age 60), to hyre whatt they wolde say and desyre. And they desyryd that the kyng wolde nought warre on them fro that our of mydnyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr the feste of Synt Mychell, and but it were rescwyd by batayle by that day by the Frenysche kyng or by the Dolfynne, ellys at that daye to delyver the towne unto the King, and they to have her lyvys and her goodys. Ande the kyng sende them worde yf that they wolde delivery the towne on the morne aftyr, be the our of mydnyght a bove said, without any condyscyon, he wolde accepte it, and in non othyr wyse he bade them for to trete. Ande yette the Fraynysche lordys prayde our lordys that they wolde fochesave to be-seche the King at the reverens of God and of our Lady that he wolde graunte them respyte fro the same Twysday at nyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr tylle one owre aftyr none; and in the mayne tyme the lordys that were captaynys of the towne to come to the King whithe xxiiij knyghtys and squyers with hem, of the moste suffycyent men whithe in the towne, and they to be sworne on Goddys body opynly before alle the pepylle. But yf15 hit soo were that the Fraynysche King or the Dolfynne rescwyde them by that Sonday by the owre of none, othyr ellys a-non aftyr none, they for to delyvery the towne to the kyng and alle her bodys and goodys to don whythe them what so them evyr lyste, whythe16 any condiscyon. Whythe that the King sufferde them to sende unto Frauns viij personys out of the towne lettyng him wytte in what plytte that they stode yn, and the kyng grauntyd hem; and uppe the Wanysday by [th]e mone the lordys come owte, and xxij knyghtys and squyers whythe hem; and thenne come the prosessyon solempny and stately, whithe xxiiij copys of clothe of golde by-fore Goddys body, whythe many worschipfulle lordys, knyhtis, and squyers, and othyr multytude of pepylle from [th]e kyngys tente, solempny and stately as evyr was done suche a thyng be-for tyme. But the kyng was nott here present. And the Franysche lordys made thare her othys a-pon the sacrament; and, the othys done, the Fraynysche lordys were brought unto the kyngys tente, and there they dynyd in the kyngys halle, but in alle this tyme they sawe nought the King. And whanne that they hadde etyn they departyd and delyveryd to sartayne for to kepe yn ostage tylle the Sonday on none, as it was a cordyment i-made before tyme whenne that they toke her othys. And the Sonday at the same owre a-signyd the kyng hadde a tente phyght a-pone a hylle be-fore the towne, and there he sate in his estate, ryally, and alle his lordys aboute hym. And thenne come the Fraynysche lordys, with lxiiij whythe them of the moste suffycyentt men that were whythe yn the towne, to the kyngys owne propyr person, and delyveryd uppe the keyes of the towne and her boodys and her goodys to the Kings grace, whithe out any condyscyon. And this was the xxij day of Septembre, the year of our lord Ml cccc xv.
Note 14. Sawcortein our MS. by a misreading; Gawcourte in Vit.
Note 15. But if, i. e. unless.
Note 16. whythe. withoute, Vit.
In Sep 1415 King Henry V of England (age 29) commenced his invasion of France by undertaking the Siege of Harfleur to provide himself with a port from which to supply future operations. John Mowbray 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 23), John Fastolf (age 35) and Thomas Chaucer (age 48) fought. William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 18) was wounded. Bishop Benedict Nichols was present.
On 17 Sep 1415 Michael de la Pole 2nd Earl Suffolk (age 54) died of dysentery. His son Michael de la Pole 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) succeeded 3rd Earl Suffolk, 3rd Baron Pole. Elizabeth Mowbray Countess Suffolk (age 21) by marriage Countess Suffolk.
On 17 Sep 1415 Nicholas IV Longford (age 42) died.
On 26 Sep 1415 William Boteler of Bewsey (age 39) died at the Siege of Harfleur.
Battle of Agincourt
Memoires of Jean le Fevre of St Remy Chapter 59. [25 Oct 1415]. Then, when the next morning came, which was Friday, the 25th day of October, in the year 1415, the French, namely the constable of France and all the other officials of the kingdom, the Dukes of Orléans, Bar, and Alençon, the Counts of Nevers, Eu, Richemont, Vendôme, Marle, Vaudemont, Blamont, Salmes, Grampret, Roussy, Dampmartin, and generally all the other nobles and men-at-arms, armed themselves and went out of their lodgings.
Then, by the counsel of the constable and other wise members of the king's council, it was arranged to make three divisions: namely, a vanguard, the main battle, and a rear guard. In the vanguard were placed about eight thousand armed men, knights, and squires, and a few archers; this vanguard was led by the constable, along with the Dukes of Orléans and Bourbon, the Counts of Eu and Richemont, Marshal Boucicaut, the master of the crossbowmen, Lord Dampierre, admiral of France, Sir Guichard Dauphin, and some other captains. The Count of Vendôme and other royal officers, along with sixteen hundred men-at-arms, were arranged to make one wing to strike at the English from one side; and the other wing was led by Sir Clignet of Brabant, admiral, and Sir Louis Bourdon, with eight hundred mounted men-at-arms, chosen men, as it was said and as I have heard since.
Puis, quand che vint lendemain au matin, quy feut vendredy vingt-cinquiesme jour d'octobre, l'an 1415, les Franchois, assavoir le connestable de France et tous les aultres officiers du royaulme, les ducs d'Orléans, de Bar, d'Alenchon, les comtes de Nevers, d'Eu, de Richemont, de Vendosme, de Marle, de Vaudemont, de Blamont, de Salmes, de Grampret, de Roussy, de Dampmartin, et généralement tous les aultres nobles et gens de guerre, s'armèrent et issirent hors de leurs logis. Et lors, par le conseil du connestable et aultres sages du conseil du roy, feut ordonné à faire trois batailles, c'est assavoir avant-garde, bataille et arrière garde; en laquelle avant-garde furent mis environ huit mille bachinets, chevaliers et escuyers, et peu de gens de trait; laquelle avant-garde conduisoit le connestable; avec lui les ducs d'Orléans et de Bourbon, les comtes d'Eu et de Richemont, le maréchal Boucicaut, le maistre des arbalestriers, le seigneur de Dampierre, amiral de France, messire Guichard Dauphin, et aulcuns aultres capitaines; et le comte de Vendosme, et aultres officiers du roy, atout seize cents hommes d'armes, feut ordonné à faire une aile, pour férir sur les Anglois d'ung costé; et l'aultre aile conduisoit messire Clignet de Brabant, amiral, et messire Louis Bourdon, atout huit cents hommes d'armes à cheval, gens eslus, comme l'on disoit et que depuis j'ai ouy dire.
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 25 Oct 1415. And the kyng (age 29) sawe he might not passe whythe out batayle, and thenne he said unto his lytylle mayne, "Serys and felowys, yendyr maynye wylle lette us of our waye, and they wylle not come unto us. But nowe lette every man preve hym-selfe a goode man this day and a-vance his baner in the beste tyme of the day and year." Ande the kyng roode ande his basnet in his hede, and alle othyr men wente on her foote a-passe in her hoole araye and18 Englysche myle or that they assemblyde. And thorowe Goddys grace the King made his way thoroughe the thyckyste of alle the batayle; and ther was slayne on the kyngys syde the Duke of Yorke (age 42), the Erle Southeffolke (age 21), and ij knyghtys, and Davy Gam (age 35), and of the gentylle men no moo, and of alle maner of Englysche men it passyd not xxviij personys. And on the Fraynysche syde was slayne the Duke of Launsonne, the Duke of Barre (age 38), the Duke of Braban (age 31), ande vij erlys, and the Constabylle of Fraunce, and the Senschalle of Henowde, and the Mayster Alblester19, and many moo lordys, and knygtys and squyers v Ml and moo. And there was take the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 20), the Duke of Burbon (age 34), the Counte of Rychemounde, and the Counte of Ewe (age 21), [th]e Marchalle of Fraunsce, Syr Bursegaunte, and many moo othyr knyghtys and squyers. And whanne this was done the kyng bode alle nyghte in a vyllage faste be-syde ther that the batelle was done. And on the morowe he toke his waye unto Calys whythe his lordys and his presoners, whythe his owne mayne.
Note 18. So in MS.
Note 19. Thomas Arblastier. He was one of the retinue of Sir William Bourchier. See Nicolas's Battle of Agincourt, 360.
Chronicle of Enguerrand de Monstrelet Volume 4 Chapter 31. The French And English meet in Battle On The Plains Of Azincourt. The English Gain The Victory.
Chronicle of Normandy. [25 Oct 1415]. On Friday the twenty-fifth day of the same month, being the feast of St. Crispin, at break of day both sides prepared for battle. At that hour the French were joined by the Dukes of Orleans and of Brabant, and by the Count de Nevers his brother1, who had each brought his little band, resolved to stand or fall with them in the said battle. On that day they were drawn up in order of battle in a valley near Agincourt, and the French had then appointed three hundred horsemen in armour to rout the English archers who were between the main bodies of the two armies, and when the horsemen had formed they thought to charge the archers, but the shower of arrows fell upon them so thickly, that they were compelled to retreat amongst their own people2, by which they broke their vanguard, which was close by ready for action. At the same moment both the horsemen and the foot soldiers ran to fall upon and pillage the horses and baggage of the English which they had left in the rear during the battle. Such was the commencement of the battle on that day in the valley before mentioned, where the ground was so soft that the French foundered in it, for which cause and from their line being broken by (their own) horse, they could not again join battle, but were more and more defeated, and, as God would have it, lost the day. It was then a pitiful sight to behold the dead and the wounded who covered the field, and the number of men-at-arms who turned and fled.
Note 1. The Duke of Brabant and the Count de Nevers were brothers of the Duke of Burgundy.
Note 2. Martial de Paris speaks of the shouts of the English, probably the hearty English Hurrah! "Quant les Angloys o leur charroy Virent la maniere de faire, Et les Françoys en desarroy, Se prendrent à frapper et braire." ["When the English saw their convoy and the manner of doing things, and the French in disarray, they began to strike and shout."] So Des Ursins: "Et firent iceux Anglois à cheval un si grand et merveilleux cry, qu'ils espouventerent nos gens, tellement que tous nos gens dicelle seconde bataille s'enfuirent." ["And those English on horseback made such a great and marvelous cry that they frightened our people, so much so that all our men from that second battle fled."] (Ed. Godefroy, p. 424). It has been supposed that Henry had no cross-bowmen with him at Agincourt, yet, amongst the indentures of war preserved in the State Paper Office, is one with Johan Sire de Saintpée for twenty men-at-arms on horse- back, and one hundred cross- bowmen, twenty horse, and eighty foot, at 9d. and 6d. per day each, date, 26th May, 3rd year. (Privy Seal Writs, Bund. 4 Hen. V.). They might, however, have been left at Harfleur.
Gesta Henrici Quinti. [25 Oct 1415]. And on the following day, namely, on Friday, the feast of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, the 25th day of October, the Gallic troops, at the break of dawn, positioned themselves in battle lines, squadrons, and wedges, and established their positions before us in the aforementioned field known as Agincourt, in a terrifying multitude. They set their cohorts of cavalry in many hundreds on both flanks of their front line, to break the line and the strength of our archers. That front line was composed of foot soldiers made up of all their nobles and the most select, who glimmered in the forest of spears and the heavy multitude of shining helmets and horsemen on the flanks, and it was estimated to be thirty times greater than all of ours. But their rear and wings, squadrons and wedges, were all on horseback, seemingly prepared for flight rather than for staying, and in relation to our forces, they appeared to be an innumerable multitude.
Et in crastino, viz. die Veneris in festo sanctorum Crispini et Crispiniani, xxv°. die Octobris, Gallici, surgente aurorâ, se constituerunt in aciebus, turmis et cuneis, et stationes fecerunt coràm nobis in dicto campo nominato de Agincort, per quem erat transitus noster versùs Calesiam, in terrificâ inultitudine valdè; statueruntque cohortes equitum in multis centenis ad utrumque latus aciei eorum anterioris, ad dirumpendam aciem et fortitudinem sagittariorum nostrorum. Et erat acies illa anterior acies pedestris ex omnibus nobilibus et electissimis eorum, que in silvâ lancearum et gravi multitudine interlucentium cassidum et equitum à lateribus, æstimativè erat tricesies plures quam omnes nostri. Sed bellum eorum posterius ac alæ, turma et cunei, erant omnes in equis, quasi parati ad fugam potiùs quam ad moram, qui erant respectu nostrorum quasi innumerabilis multitudo.
On 25 Oct 1415 King Henry V of England (age 29) defeated the French army at the Battle of Agincourt. King Henry V of England commanded the Main Battle. Thomas Camoys 1st Baron Camoys (age 64) commanded the Rearguard.
Richard de Vere 11th Earl of Oxford (age 30) commanded. Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 25) was wounded, and was protected by his brother King Henry V of England.
Edward 2nd Duke of York 1st Duke Albemarle (age 42), commander of the Vanguard, was killed; the most senior English casualty. Duke Albemarle, Earl of Rutland and Earl Cork extinct. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 4) inherited his estates including Conisbrough Castle [Map].
John Fortescue (age 35), Dafydd Gam Brecon (age 35) and Edward Burnell (age 44) and Roger Vaughan of Bredwardine (age 38) were killed.
Michael de la Pole 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) was killed. His brother William "Jackanapes" de la Pole 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 19) succeeded 4th Earl Suffolk, 4th Baron Pole.
The English included: Louis Robbessart (age 25), Richard Beauchamp 13th Earl Warwick (age 33), William Botreaux 3rd Baron Botreaux (age 26), William Bourchier 1st Count of Eu (age 41), John Cornwall 1st Baron Fanhope 1st Baron Milbroke (age 51), Edward Courtenay (age 30), Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 12), Thomas Dutton (age 19), Edmund Ferrers 6th Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 29), Roger Fiennes (age 31), Henry Fitzhugh 3rd Baron Fitzhugh (age 57), John Grey (age 28), John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 31), William Harrington (age 42) as the King's Standard Bearer, Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 37), Piers Legh (age 26) (wounded), Alfred Longford, Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 27), Thomas Morley 6th Baron Marshal 5th Baron Morley (age 22), John Rodney, Richard Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope of Bolton (age 22), Robert Strelley (age 18), James Tuchet 5th Baron Audley, 2nd Baron Tuchet (age 17), Robert Umfraville (age 52), Thomas West 2nd Baron West (age 35), Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 30). Thomas Erpingham (age 60) commanded the archers. Thomas Rempston (age 26) was present. Thomas Strickland (age 48) carried the Banner of St George.
Thomas Tunstall (age 57) was killed.
The Welsh included: William ap Thomas "Blue Knight of Gwent" Herbert (age 35), Walter Sais (age 95), Roger Vaughan (age 70) and his son Roger Vaughan (age 5). Owen Tudor (age 15) is believed to have been present as a squire.
The French army suffered significant casualties. Charles Albret (age 46), Philip Valois II Count Nevers (age 26), John of Bar (age 35), Jacques Chatillon (age 48), David Rambures (age 51) and his three sons: Jean Rambures, Hugues Rambures, Philippe Rambures, Waleran Luxemburg (age 60) and Hector de Chartres were killed.
Charles Valois Duke Orléans (age 20) was captured by Richard Waller (age 20) for which he was knighted on the battlefield by King Henry V of England.
John Bourbon I Duke Bourbon (age 34) and Charles Artois Count of Eu (age 21) were captured.
Robert of Bar Count Soissons Count Marle (age 25) was killed. His daughter Jeanne of Bar Countess Soissons succeeded Countess Soissons 1367.
Edward of Bar III Duke of Bar (age 38) was killed. His brother Cardinal Louis of Bar (age 38) succeeded I Duke Bar.
John Valois I Duke Alençon was killed. His son John Valois II Duke Alençon (age 6) succeeded II Duke Alençon.
Frederick Metz I Count Vaudémont (age 47) was killed. His son Antoine Count of Vaudémont (age 15) succeeded Count Vaudémont.
Anthony Valois Duke Brabant (age 31) was killed. His son John Valois IV Duke Brabant (age 12) succeeded IV Duke Brabant. Jacqueline Wittelsbach Duchess Brabant and Gloucester (age 14) by marriage Duchess Brabant.
Jean II Le Maingre "Boucicaut" (age 49) was captured.
Georges de La Trémoille (age 33) was captured.
On 26 Oct 1415, the day after the Battle of Agincourt, the Bishop of Thérouanne consecrated part of the battle ground as a grave-site for the fallen.
Visit of Sigismund Holy Roman Emperor
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. May 1416. Ande this year com the Emperowre of Almayne (age 48)22 in to London be-fore the Feste of Synt Gorge. Ande the feste was deferryde unto his commynge, and that was done solempny at the castylle of Wyndesore. And at the prosessyon the King (age 29) went a-pone the upper-moste syde of the emperowre, and soo alle the masse tyme he stode a-bove the emperoure. Ande at the mete the kyng sate on the ryght syde of the emperoure, and the Duke of Bedforde (age 26) sate on the lefte syde, and the Chaunceler of Inglonde and the Byschoppe of Devylyn sate on the left syde, and the Duke of Bryga and a-nothyr duke of the emperours sate on the kyng is syde; and alle thosse vij satte on oo syde of [th]e table. And the first sotellete of the first cours was howe our Lady armyd Syn Gorge and a aungylle doyng on his sporys. And the secunde sotellete was Syn Gorge rydynge and fyghtyng whythe a dragon whythe his spere in his honde. And the iij sotellete was a castelle, and Syn Gorge and the Kings daughter ledyng the lambe in at the castelle gatys. And all thes sotelleteys were servyd be-fore the emperoure and the kyng and noo ferther; ande othyr lordys were servyd with sotelleteys aftyr her astate and degre.
Meeting of Henry V and the Duke of Burgundy
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. Jun 1416. And the Duke of Burgayne (age 45) and the Counte of Charlys (age 19) son come to Gravelynge; and the King (age 29) sende thedyr the Duke of Glouceter (age 25) his brother and the Erle of Marche (age 24) to abyde there in ostage, wylys that the Duke of Burgayne come to Calys to speke with the King; and in the myddys of the ryver the lordys mette togedyr. And the dukys sone of Burgayn ressayvyd our lordys and led them in to Fraunce, and the Erle of Warwyke (age 34) ressayvyd the Duke of Burgayne ande brought him to Calys, and there they hadde a conselle twyne them two; and thenne he toke his leve of the kyng. And the Erle of Warwyke brought him unto Gravelyng water and in to the same place there as they mette at the first metynge; and there every party toke her leve of othyr. And thenne the King retornyd ayenne into Inglonde and the emperoure saylyde unto Holande and so passyd forthe in to Constaunce.
Note 22. Sigismund (age 48).
Battle of the Seine
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 15 Aug 1416. Alle so that same year the Duke of Bedforde (age 27) and the Erle of Marche (age 24), on our Lady Day the Assumpsyon, they fought whythe viij grete carykys of Jene and whythe l. othyr shyppys, and they toke them whythe her patronys and drownyde a grette hulke of the contre of Flaundrys.
Battle of Cap-de-la-Hève
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 29 Jun 1417. Ande the same year, on Syn Petrys eve and Poule, the Erle of Huntyngdon (age 22) whythe o[th]yr certayne lordys faughtyn whithe carykys of Gene, and dyscomfyte hem, and toke iiij of [th]e grettyste of them and her patronys. And the amerelle [admiral] of them was the Duke of Burbone (age 36), and he was take whithe them whythe alle the tresoure that sholde have wagyd them for halfe a year.
Execution of Lollard John Oldcastle
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 14 Dec 1417. Alle so the same year Syr Johnne Oldecastelle was take in the Marche of Walys and brought unto Westemyster in a chare, and there he was juggyde to the dethe; and this was his juggement, that he shulde be ladde thorowe London in the same chare unto Towre Hylle, and there to be layde on a hyrdylle and drawe to Syn Gylys galowys, and there to be hanggyd and brent. And so he was hanggyd by a strong chayne. For there was the Duke of Bedforde (age 28), the Duke of Exceter (age 40), and alle the lordys of this londe that were [th]at tyme a-bowte London, tylle that they hadde sene his juggement.
On 14 Dec 1417 John Oldcastle was hanged in St Giles' Field Holborn for being a Lollard.
Siege of Rouen
Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419. 1418. The same John Bryan [Sheriff of London] scheryve unto the ix day of Octobre, and thenne he dyde; and thenne John Pernys [J Parnasse] was chose sheryve for the year. And fro that day of Saynt Edward contynuyd the sege of Rone unto the xxiiij53 day of Janyver, as it is by-fore said; at the whiche day they of the cytte desyryd to trete. And the King (age 31) commaundyd the Erle of Warwyke, and the Erle of Salysbury, the lord Fehewe, Syr Watyr Hungerforde (age 39), Gylbert Houmfryvyle, John Vasquyes de Almada, and Robert54 Knyght, to trete whythe hem. And for the party of Roone [Map] [these folowyng]:55
first, it is accordyd that Syr Gy Butler, captayne of the cytte of Roone [Map], with the consentte of the nobylle cyttezyns and of othyr dwellynge and beyng in the same cytte and castelle a-bove said, whythe owt fraude or malyngnynge, what tyme aftyr the myddys of the xix day of this present monythe of Janyver, our said lord the King wylle that the cytte and the castelle too him or to his be delyveryd undyr maner and in forme whythe ynne wrytte.
Alle so it is accordyd that the day and the howre56 of that of the nobylle cyttezyns and othyr whatt soo evyr they be dwellynge and beynge in the fore said cytte and castelle shalle submyt them in alle thyngys to the grace of our excellent lord the kyng.
Alle so it is accordyd that fro this howre57 unto the reale and effectualle [yeldyng]58 of the said cytte and castelle, none of forsaid noble cyttezyns othyr othyr59 being in the same cytte and castelle shalle nought goo out of the said cytte and castelle without specyalle lyscens of our excellente lord the King.60
Alle so it is accordyd that fro this howre57 unto the delyverans of the cytte any61 of [th]e parteys shalle abstayne them from alle goodys62 of werre to make a yenste the othyr partys of hem. Alle so it is accordyde that the noble cyttezeyns and othyr beynge in the cytte and castelle shalle paye to our fore said lord the King CCC Ml scwtys of golde, where of alle way ij of them shalle be worthe an Englysche noble, or in stede of every scwte xxx grete blankys wyte, or xv grotys; of the whyche CCC Ml scwtys that one parte shalle be payde unto our sovereign lord the King, or unto his deputys, whythe ynne the cytte of Roone be-fore said, the xxij day of this present mony[th]e of Janyver, and the othyr halfe payde to our said lord or to his deputys in the feste of Syn Mathie the Apostylle nexte to come, that shalle be the xxiij63 day of Feverer, whythe out any delay i-hadde, &c.64
Alle so it is accordyde that every subgett of our said lord the King that nowe ben or were presoners to any person in the said cytte or castelle, and her pleggys, shall be utterly fre as a-yens thes personnys, and the summys that they ar boundyn ynne, at the day of this present trete and accorde.
Alle so it is accordyde that alle and every soudyer and stranger beynge in the said citte and castelle shalle swere on the Evaungelys of God be-fore there departyng, that they shall not bere armys a-gayne our said lord the King or any of hys, unto the first day of Janyver nexte to come, for no maner maundement [th]at to them of any maner person in contrary may be done or ennyode.65
Alle so it is accordyde that alle and every jewelle, relykys, and othyr goodys longgyng to the abbaye of Synt Kateryne, whythe ynne the same cytte and castelle, beyng alle hoolly, shalle be delyveryd unto him whom that the Kyng of Inglonde deputyn or ordeyn them to ressayve aftyr the delyveraunce of the sayd cytte.
Alle so it is accordyde that the fore said noble cyttezyns and othyr whythe in the said cytte and castelle beyng, shalle make the same cytte and castelle be-fore the said xix daye of this present monythe of Janyver suffycyantly and honestely to be made clene, and alle so honestly and diligently that alle the dede bodys newe dede or to ben dede in to that daye of delyveraunce of the cytte honestely and dylygently shalle ben beryd.
Alle soo it is accordyd that the for said noble cyttezyns and alle beynge in the said citte and castelle anon shalle receyve66 and don entre in to the same cytte and castelle alle and everyche beynge in the dychys67 of the said cytte that for penurye68 went out of the same cytte whom69 they shalle be holde to fede unto the xix day of Janyver above said, as they wylle answere unto Gode and the kyng; and out takyn them they shalle not ressayve non othyr personnys in to the same cytte or castelle unto the forsaid day without specyalle lyssens of our moste dowtfulle lord the Kyng of Inglonde. But yf hit happe any massyngere or harowde of armys of the adversy party of the King to come to the partys of [th]e gatys or dychys of the said castelle and cytte.....70
Whiche71 artyculys and appoyntmentys, as it is before said, alle and every chone in maner as it is accordyd, the forsaid captaynys and the noble cyttezyns ande othyr whythe ynne the said castelle and citte being, welle and trewly whythe out any fraude or malygny72 to holdyn ande observe and kepe they be-hote, ande thoo two be kept and fullefyllyd they bynd them soo, but yf yt be falle our said moste doughtefulle lord the King, that God for bede, to ben ovyr come in the batayle to him i-made by Charlys his adversarye of Fraunce or the Duke of Burgayne, be-fore the for-said [xix]73 day of this present monythe of Janyver; for to sen74 alle way that [if]73 it be falle the forsaid Charlys adversary, othyr the Duke of Burgayne, or any othyr, to come to the sege of our King to remoeve75 fro the forsaid cytte, that nothyr the fore said captayne nor non of the cyttezyns, sowdyers, othyr othyr76 beyng whythe ynne the for said cytte or castelle, shalle goo owte, nor noo maner helpe they shalle delyverye nor lene to hem, so azens our lord the Kings comyng in nomaner a wyse.
Alle so, that alle thes maner of poynttementysse, covenauntys, and accordys, and every poynte as it is a fore said, welle and trewly and unbrokyn to be kepte; and for the more surete of the same covenauntys and accordys, the for said captayne, the noble cyttezyns, and othyr above said shalle ben takyn in this tyme anone into the hondys of our lord the King iiij schore notable plegys, where of xxty shalle be knyghtys and squyers, ande the remenaunte cyttezyns of the same cytte, att her owne coste to be sustaynyd. For the party sothely of our moste doutefulle lord ande King a-fore said, gracyusly and benyngly consederynge the meke submyttynge and yeldynge of the said citte and castelle above said, he hathe grauntyde that alle and everye person of what a-state or degre that he be of condycyon with ynne the said castelle [and cite]77 beyng, [excepte]77 sartayne personys with ynne expressyde, that wylle be-come legys and subgetys to our lord the King, and fro hensforthe wylle dwelle undyr his obessauns, they shalle have there herytagys and goodys, mevablis and unmevablys, whythe ynne his duche of Normandy constitute; and whiche that benne afore the day and date of this present letters by our fore said lord the King to78 othyr personys have nought be yovyn and grauntyde, excepte armours artyrlys a-bove sayd; makyng and doyng [for]77 her herytagys, and for her unmevabylle goodys to our for said lord the King, the services79 ther-of dewe and consuete, or to swere to whom suche maner of servyce of the graunte of our lord the King ought too long.
Alle so it is agrauntyd of our lord the King is be-halve, that alle the cyttezyns and dwellers of the cytte of Roone that nowe be, or in tyme to come shalle be, [and]80 shall have alle ande every franches, lybertes, and prevelegys [th]e whiche of worthely mynde be progenys of our lord the King, of kyngys of Inglonde, dukys of Normandye, to them and to his said cytte were grauntyde, in possessyon where [of]81 they were the first day that our lord the King a-fore said come by fore the said cytte; and alle so of more large grace of his benyngnyte hathe grauntyde, that the same cyttezyns and dwellers of the citte shalle have alle the lyberteys, and franches, and prevelegys, where they were in pos sessyons on the fore said first day of comynge of our lord the King before the cytte, of the graunte of his progenytourys of kyngys of Fraunce that were before tyme of Phylyppe Valeys, adversarye of our lord [the kyng].81
[Also it is grauntid and accordid in our lord] the kyngys behalve, that alle the strangers, sowdyers, and othyr in the fore said citte and castelle, beynge at this tyme nought wyllynge to be come leges of our lord the kyng, the for-said citte so yoldynne as hit is before said, to departe, living to our said lord the kyng all her armowrys, hors, artylyrs, and othyr thyngys, harneysse, and goodys, excepte the Normandys that wylle nought be lyges of our lord the King, [th]at thoo alle shalle a-byde presoners of our lord the kyng.
Alle so it is grauntyd in our lord the Kings behalve, that the werre and alle so schrewde speche that duryng the sege the folke and pepylle nemnyd, of what condycyon that they ben, ayens his ryalle soveraynyte, or whythe defame lyppys have spoke, our moste sovereign lord the kyng, of strenyger the day of parte82 mekely shalle be forgevynne, out take the personys that above in specyalle ben exceptyd.83
Alle so it is accordyd in our lord the kyngys be halve, that the for said soudyers and strongers be-fore this presentt trete and accorde, wyllyng for to departynne, our lord the kyng shalle ordaynne and make a sykyr and saffe condyte in form consuete.
And so the fore said cytte was yoldyd to our sovereign lord the King uppon Synt Wolstonys day.84 And aftyr that he gatte many townys and castellys, as it shalle aftyr this be wretyn alle the processe.
Note 53. Should be the 13th.
Note 54. Robert. Robesard, J.
Note 55. [these folowyng]. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J. Nevertheless it is clear there is a further omission, even in J.
Note 56. howre. The hof this word is struck out in all these places.
Note 57. See notee, p. 122.
Note 58. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 59. So in MS. The first "othyr" seems to mean "or."
Note 60. This clause is repeated in the MS. with the variation, "non of the fore said cyttezyns or othyr."
Note 61. any. every, J.
Note 62. goodys. Evidently a transcriber's error for dedys. J. reads dede.
Note 63. xxiij. Should be 24th. See Rymer, ix. 665.
Note 64. Here several articles are omitted which may be seen in Rymer. They are given in the English in J.
Note 65. enjoined.
Note 66. receyve. resome, MS.; receyve, V.; receyven, J.
Note 67. or about diches, J.
Note 68. penurye. femurye, MS.; penurie, J. Vit. reads "fere."
Note 69. whom. whanne, MS.
Note 70. The conclusion of the sentence is omitted not only in our MS. but also in J. and V. In the Latin it is, "ipse in ipsa non recipietur, seu providebitur eidem per dominum nostrum Regem de salvo conductu."
Note 71. Whiche. The MS. has "with the" written as if it were the continuation of the previous sentence.
Note 72. malygny. malengyne, J.
Note 73. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 74. for to sen, i. e. foreseen, provided.
Note 75. remoeve. remayne, MS., corrected from J.
Note 76. See page 123, notec.
Note 77. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 78. to. and, MS.; corrected from J.
Note 79. services. sermoys, MS.
Note 80. This word is clearly superfluous.
Note 81. The end of this sentence and the beginning of the next are omitted in our MS., which runs on without a break from the word "lorde" to "the kyngys behalve' as if it were one sentence.
Note 82. of strenyger the day of parte. of steryng the day of pietie, J. These are strange corruptions. The Latin has ex instinctu Divinæ pietatis.
Note 83. They are mentioned in the preceding clause in the original treaty; but their names are omitted in the MS.
Note 84. 19th Jan.
On 29 Jul 1418 the English forces commenced the Siege of Rouen. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 33) fought. John Blount (age 30) died. William Harrington (age 45), the King's Standard Bearer, was wounded.
Walter Hungerford 1st Baron Hungerford (age 40) fought.
Henry Beaufort 2nd Earl Somerset (age 17) was killed. His brother John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 15) succeeded 3rd Earl Somerset.
Surrender of Rouen
On 19 Jan 1419 Rouen, France [Map] surrendered to King Henry V of England (age 32) after a sirge of six months.
Alain Blanchard, who had hanged English prisoners from the walls, was summarily executed.
Murder of John the Fearless
On 10 Sep 1419 Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 16) and John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy (age 48) met on the bridge at Montereau to progress their peace negotiations. During the course of the discussions John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy was assassinated. His son Philip "Good" Valois III Duke Burgundy (age 23) succeeded III Duke Burgundy. Michelle Valois Duchess Burgundy (age 24) by marriage Duchess Burgundy.
Treaty of Troyes
Chronicle of Gregory 1420. 20 May 1420. Ande in that year, the xx day of May, the year of our lord M1CCCC xx, the kyng (age 33) come unto Troys, in Chaunpeyne, and there he was worthely ressayvyde of alle the lordys spyrytualle and temporalle that were there whithe the King of Fraince. And on the morne the Kyng (age 51) and Quene of Fraunce (age 50), and Dame Katerynne (age 18), and the Duke of Burgayne, mette to gedyr in Synt Petrys chyrche [Map] in Troys; whiche metyng was in the body of the chyrche. Ande thenne they went upe to the hyghe auter, and there were the artyculys of the pes redde, and the othys made on aythyr partye.
On 21 May 1420 the Treaty of Troyes was signed at Troyes. Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 43) and Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 17) negotiated the terms which included the marriage of Henry V (age 33) and Catherine of Valois (age 18), daughter of Charles VI (age 51), and the acknowledgement of King Henry V of England as Charles V's heir disinheriting the Dauphin (age 17).
Marriage of Henry V and Catherine of Valois
On 02 Jun 1420 Henry V (age 33) and Catherine of Valois (age 18) were married at Troyes Cathedral [Map]. She the daughter of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 51) and Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 50). He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. They were half third cousin once removed. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.
Chronicle of Gregory 1420. 03 Jun 1420. And thenne was the kyng (age 33) and Dame Katerynne (age 18) swryde to-gedyr. And on the morne aftyr was Trenyte Sonday, that was the iij day of June, the year of our lord M CCCC xx, in the chyrche of Troys [Map], the kyng spowsyd Dame Kateryne, Kyng Charlys daughter of Fraunce (age 51); and thenne he was made Regent of Fraunce, and the convencyons of the whiche acordyd folowynge here aftyr, that is for to saye:
Harry, by the grace of God, Kyng of Inglond, heyre and Regent of Fraunce, and lord of Yrlonde, to perpetualle mynde to alle Crystyn pepylle, ande to alle that ben undyr owre obeysaunce, we notefy and declare that thoughe a here before dyvers tretes have ben be twyne the moste excellente Prynce Charlis, owre fadyr of Fraunce, and his progenytours, for the pes to ben hadde be twyne ij realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, the whiche here by forne have borne no1 frwte, we, consyderynge the grette harmys that have ben, not oonly by twyne ij realmys for the grette devysyon that hathe ben be-twyne hem, but to alle hooly Chyrche, we have take a trete whythe our said fadyr and us, that for as moche as be the bonde of matrymonye, i-made for the goode of the pes be-twyne us and our moste dyre modyr Isabelle (age 50) his wife, the same Charlis and Isabelle ben made fadyr and modyr, and there fore take them as for owre fadyr and modyr, we shalle have and worschippe as it syttythe and semythe so worthy a prynce and a pryncesse too ben i-worschippyde, pryncypally before alle othyr temporalle personys of the worlde.
Alle so we shalle nought dystroble, nor dyssesyn, nor lette our said fadyr, but that he holde and procede2 as long as he levythe, and holdythe, ande he possedythe at this tyme, the crowne and dignity of the ryalte of Fraunce, and rentys and profytys of the same, to the sustenaunce of his estate and chargys of the realme of Fraunce, and owr modir al so holdyng as long as she levy the the estate and dignity of the quene, aftyr the maner of the same realme, whythe convenable and convenyante parte of the said rentys and profytys.
Alle so that the fore said Kateryne shalle take and have dwer in our realme of Inglond, as [quenes of England]3 here a-forne were wonte to have and take, that is for to saye, to the summa of xl M [40000] scwtys yearly, of the whyche4 ij [2] shalle be worthe a nobylle Englysche. Alle so the maners, weyis, and menys that we may, whythe out transgressyon or ofFensys ofte5 i-made by us for to kepe the lawys, customys, usagys, and ryghtys of owre said realme6 of Inglonde, [we]7 shalle done owre labur and pursewe that the said Katerynne, alsone as it may be done and be made sure, for to take and for to have in owre said realme of Inglonde fro tyme of our dethe, the said xl M [40000] scutys yerly, of the whyche twyne shalle alle way be worthe8 a nobylle of Englysche mony.
Note 1. borne no. These words are taken from J., and are a true rendering of the text of the original treaty (see Kymer, ix. 895). Our MS. reads, "have ben frwte/' following perhaps some other translation in which the word "without" has been omitted. Vit. reads, still more absurdly, "have ben frendes."
Note 2. procede. A transcriber's error for "possede," i.e. possess,
Note 3. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.
Note 4. of the whiche repeated, MS.
Note 5. ofte. We should certainly read, "of the oath;" but the words do not occur even in J.
Note 6. of owre said realme repeated in MS.
Note 7. Omitted in MS.
Note 8. worthe. with, MS.; corrected from J.
Funeral of Thomas Fitzgerald
After 10 Aug 1420 Thomas Fitzgerald 5th Earl Desmond (deceased) was buried in Paris [Map]. Henry V (age 34) and Charles V (age 51) were present.
Coronation of Catherine of Valois
On 23 Feb 1421 Catherine of Valois (age 19) was crowned Queen Consort England at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 36) was appointed Chief Butler of England. James I (age 26) attended, and was honoured by sitting immediately on the queen's left at the coronation banquet.
Battle of Baugé
On 22 Mar 1421 the Dauphin's (age 18) French army and a Scottish army heavily defeated the English army at the Battle of Baugé. On the French side Étienne Vignolles "La Hire" fought. On the Scottish side John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 40) and John Stewart of Darnley 1st Count Évreux (age 41) fought. William Douglas (age 37) was killed.
On the English side John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 18), Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 44), Thomas Beaufort Count Perche (age 16) and John Holland 2nd Duke Exeter (age 26) were captured. John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset would be captive for the next seventeen years. Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter was released in 1422. Thomas Beaufort Count Perche was released around 1427 in a prisoner exchange.
Thomas Lancaster 1st Duke of Clarence (age 32) was killed in battle. Duke Clarence extinct.
John Lumley (age 38) was killed in battle.
John Ros 7th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 24) was killed in battle. His brother Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 13) succeeded 8th Baron Ros Helmsley.
William Ros (age 24), and Gilbert V Umfraville were killed.
John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 37) was killed in battle. His son Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Tankerville.
William Douglas 1st Lord Drumlanrig was present.
In 1438 John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 35) was released after have been captive for seventeen years following his capture at the Battle of Baugé.
Siege of Meaux
In Dec 1421 King Henry V of England (age 35) commenced the Siege of Meaux. John Cornwall 1st Baron Fanhope 1st Baron Milbroke (age 57) fought. His son John Cornwall (age 18) was killed; his head being blown off by a cannon ball witnessed by his father. Meaux [Map] was eventually captured on 11 May 1422.
Death of Charles VI
On 21 Oct 1422 Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 53) died at Hôtel Saint Pol [Map]. The succession of the French throne was disputed between:
King Henry VI succeeded II King France: Lancaster
Charles "Victorious" VII King France (age 19) succeeded VII King France: Capet Valois. Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France (age 18) by marriage Queen Consort France.
Funeral of Henry V
Gesta Henrici Quinti Chapter 13. [07 Nov 1422]. Having completed all that was appropriate to be performed in the city of Rouen, the Dukes of Bedford and Burgundy remained in that city to govern France and Normandy. The Queen (age 21), the King of the Scots (age 28), the Duke of Exeter (age 45), and other counts, barons, and noble knights took the royal body back to England. And the painful lamentation and mournful grief of the English, hardly enduring the intensity of sorrow, weep for the dead king as their royal king and magnificent protector, husband of the widow, brother of the sister, and mother of the son. After many indeed tearful solemnities and mournful celebrations, the royal body was brought to Westminster, where, after masses, funerals, and many other most devout observances, it was entrusted to honorable burial among the tombs of kings. May his soul rejoice to be numbered among the citizens and companions of the heavenly city.
Peractis itaque quibusque quæ in urbe Rothomagensi perfici decuit, duces Bedfordiæ et Burgundiæ deputati ad regimen Franciæ et Normanniæ in ipsâ civitate remanserunt. Regina et rex Scotorum, dux Exoniæ, et alii comites et barones et nobiles milites corpus regium in Angliam deduxerunt. Quodque dolorosus planctus et planctuosi dolores Anglos mœroris vehementiam vix sustinentes &co>. (sic) Plangit enim Anglia mortuum, ut regio regem et magnificum protectorem, maritum vidua, soror fratrem, et mater filium. Post multas quidem lachrymosas solemnitates et celebritates lugubres, corpus regium usque ad Westmonasterium adductum est, ibidemque post missas, exequias, et alias plures observantias devotissimas, inter regum sepulchra traditur honorificæ sepulturæ. Cujus anima concivis et cohæres supernorum civium fieri lætetur.
On 07 Nov 1422 King Henry V of England was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. John Sutton 1st Baron Dudley (age 21) attended as Chief Mourner and Standard Bearer
Battle of Cravant
Polydore Vergil. 31 Jul 1423. Meanwhile Charles (age 20) besieged Cravant, to which the Earl of Salisbury (age 35) and William de la Pole Earl of Suffolk (age 26) came quickly with 4,000 armed men. They joined battle and slaughtered, routed, and defeated the French, who lost 2,000 dead and 400 captured. Among them was the Earl of Buchan (age 42), the Constable of France (age 43), who ransomed himself immediately thereafter and rejoined the fighting.
On 31 Jul 1423 the English and Burgundian army defeated the French and Scottish armies at the Battle of Cravant at Cravant, Yonne. On the English side Thomas Montagu 1st Count Perche 4th Earl Salisbury (age 35) commanded. Robert Willoughby 6th Baron Willoughby (age 38) was second in command.
The French and Scottish army were commanded by John Stewart of Darnley 1st Count Évreux (age 43). Louis Bourbon 1st Count Vendôme 1st Count Castres (age 47) was second in command. Both were captured; Darnley lost an eye.
Marriage of James I of Scotland and Joan Beaufort
On 12 Feb 1424 King James I of Scotland (age 29) and Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20) were married at Southwark Cathedral [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. She the daughter of John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset and Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence (age 39). He the son of King Robert III of Scotland and Anabella Drummond Queen Consort Scotland. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Release of James I of Scotland
On 28 Mar 1424 King James I of Scotland (age 29) signed his release agreement, in which he promised to pay a ransom of 60,000 marks, at Durham, County Durham [Map]. He and his wife Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20), married for seven weeks, travelled to Melrose Abbey [Map] arriving on 05 Apr 1424
Coronation of James I of Scotland
On 21 May 1424 King James I of Scotland (age 29) was crowned I King Scotland at Scone Abbey [Map]. Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20) was crowned Queen Consort Scotland.
Alexander Lindsay 2nd Earl Crawford and William Crichton 1st Lord Crichton were knighted.