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1541 Executions

1541 Executions is in 1540-1543 Catherine Howard and Cromwell's Execution.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. 17 May 1541. In the beginning of this yere, five priests in Yorkshire began a new rebellion, with the assent of one Leigh a gentleman, and nine temporal men, which were apprehended, and shortly after in diverse places put in execution, in so much that on the seventeenth day of May, the said Leigh and one Tattersall, and Thornton, were drawn through London to Tyburn [Map], and there were executed. And Sir John Neville (age 53) knight was executed for the same at York.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. 27 May 1541. On the same day was Margaret Countess of Salisbury (age 67), which had been long prisoner in the Tower [Map], beheaded in the Tower, and she was the last of the right line and name, of Plantagenet.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 27 May 1541. This yeare, the seaven-and-twentith daie of Maie, 1541a, being Fridaie and the morrow after the Assention Daie, my Ladie of Poole (age 67), Countesse of Salisburieb, and mother to the Lord Montague, late putt to death for treason, was beheaded within the Tower of London upon the Greene called East Smithfid for treasonc against the Kinges Majestie. And the same daie were three persons more drawen from the Tower of London to Tiburne, one called Lee, a gentleman of the north countrey, which was hanged and quartered; and another called Tartarsall, a cloath man of that countrey; and one Thome, a yeoman of the same partes, was hanged and headed ; which persons with their affinitie had pretended to have made a new conspiracie or insurrection in the north countrey in Lent last past, and were brought up to London by Sir Richard Gresshame, knight and alderman of London; and tenne persons more of their affinitie were hanged, drawen, and quartered in Yorke for the same treason; and one Sir John Nevill (age 53), knight, was sent from the Tower of London to Yorke to suffer execution their for treason, which was of their councell.

Note a. Nearly two years after the passing of the act of attainder.

Note b. Margaret Plantagenet, the nearest relation to the King in blood, was daughter, and eventually sole heir, of George Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. She was created Countess of Salisbury in her own right, 14th October, 1513.

Note c. For a supposed treasonable correspondence with her sons, Cardinal Reginald Pole and Lord Montacute.

On 27 May 1541, after some two and a half years of imprisonment, Margaret Pole Countess Salsbury (age 67) was executed at Tower Green, Tower of London [Map] for her role in the Exeter Conspiracy.

Letters and Papers 1541. 29 May 1541. 868. Marillac to Francis I.

What has here happened since he wrote last, on the 22nd, gives matter to write. To begin with, a case more worthy of compassion than of long letters, the countess of Saalberi (deceased), mother of Cardinal Pol (age 41) and the late lord Montaigue, was yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, beheaded in a corner of the Tower [Map], in presence of so few people that until evening the truth was still doubted. It was the more difficult to believe as she had been long prisoner, was of noble lineage, above 80 years old, and had been punished by the loss of one son and banishment of the other, and the total ruin of her house. Further reflections upon this. The manner of proceeding in her case and that of a lord who was executed at the same time (who is not yet named, but is presumed to be lord Leonard de Clidas (age 62), formerly the King's lieutenant in Ireland) seems to argue that those here are afraid to put to death publicly those whom they execute in secret. It may be added that yesterday all the heads which were fixed upon the bridge of the river which passes by this town were taken down; in order that the people may forget those whose heads kept their memory fresh, if it were not that this will people the place with new, for Marillac hears from a good place that, before St. John's tide, they reckon to empty the Tower of the prisoners now there for treason.

The talk of going to the North continues, and provisions are already being sent; which are the greater as the company will be 4,000 or 5,000 horse, as well because the King (age 49) wishes to go with more magnificence (as he has not yet been there) as to be secure against any seditious designs. They will be gentlemen of these quarters of King (Kent), whom he trusts most. The 50 gentlemen of the house will each have tent and war equipment, as also will several other young lords; so that it will be rather like following a camp than going to the chase.

As instructed in last packet of the 20th, will write to no one of affairs here. Would not have done it in the past had he known Francis's pleasure, but was only written to to address all he wrote to Francis, not that he should not write to others. Will write affairs concerning war or peace to Mons. de Vendosme, as long as he is in Picardy, and in his absence a word to M. du Bies, to prevent them thinking better or worse in the absence of news. Is not spoken to about the Cauchoide nor about the conversation he wrote last in cipher.

Letters and Papers 1541. 10 Jun 1541. 897. Chapuys (age 51) to the Queen of Hungary.

If the affair is mentioned, will follow her instructions in her letter of the 28th ult. Expects to be summoned before the King (age 49) two days hence. Is vexed at not having received the copy of her answer to the King, referred to in his despatch of 26 May. The news since that date is that on the 27th three of the chief conspirators in the North - an abbot and two gentlemen - were hung and quartered. About the same time took place the lamentable execution of the countess of Salisbury (age 67) at the Tower [Map] in presence of the Lord Mayor and about 150 persons. When informed of her sentence she found it very strange, not knowing her crime; but she walked to the space in front of the Tower, where there was no scaffold but only a small block. She there commended her soul to God, and desired those present to pray for the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess. The ordinary executioner being absent, a blundering "garçonneau" was chosen, who hacked her head and shoulders to pieces. A most virtuous lady nearly 90 years of age. When her death was resolved on her nephew (grandson) (age 21), the son of lord Montague, who had been allowed occasionally to go about within the Tower, was more strictly guarded. It is to be supposed he will soon follow his father and grandmother. London, 10 June 1541. Original at Vienna.

On 15 Jun 1541 John Neville of Chevet (age 53) was executed for having failed to report a conspiracy.

On 20 Jun 1541 Thomas Fiennes 9th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 26) was tried for the murder of John Busbrig, servant of Nicholas Pelham (age 24) on whose land they were poaching on 30 Apr 1541. Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 68) was appointed Lord High Steward for the trial.

On 29 Jun 1541 he was hanged at Tyburn [Map]. He was buried at St Sepulchre without Newgate Church. Baron Dacre Gilsland forfeit. His son Gregory (age 2) would be restored to the title in 1558.

Note. Hall's Chronicle says strangled.

Letters and Papers 1541. On St. Peter's eve [28 Jun 1541] lord Leonard (age 62), uncle of the Marquis of Osceter (age 24) (Dorset) and of the Chancellor's (age 53) wife, was beheaded in front of the Tower [Map]. Hears he was accused of letting his nephew (age 16), the young Earl of Kildare, escape to France and thence to Liege.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jun 1541. And the 28th day of June was hanged at St Thomas Watterrynge, Mantell, Frudus and another.

Note. For being complicit in the murder of John Busbrig.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 28 Jun 1541. Also the 28th day of June was be-heddyd at Towre hyll lorde Leonard Grey (age 62) markes, and buried within the tower.

On 28 Jun 1541 Leonard Grey 1st Viscount Grane (age 62) was executed at the Tower of London [Map] for having allowed Gerald "Wizard Earl" Fitzgerald 11th Earl of Kildare (age 16), his sister Elizabeth's (age 44) son, to escape capture at Tower of London [Map].

Letters and Papers 1541. That afternoon [Chapus appears here to have the wrong day; other sources say 29 Jun 1541 i.e. St Peter's Day] two gentlemen were hung [A reference to two of John Mantell, John Frowds, George Roidon, Thomas Isleie, and two yeomen Richard Middleton and John Goldwell], one of whom had an income of over 12,000 ducats a year, and was the handsomest and best bred man in England, only 25 years old and married to a niece of the Duke of Norfolk (age 68). He was sentenced for having belonged to a set of eight rakish youths, one of whom had killed a poor old man in an unpremeditated fray. For the same cause lord Dacres (age 26) also, son1 of the Duke of Norfolk's sister, and cousin of this Queen (age 18), 23 years old and possessing a property of about 5,000 ducats a year, was hung from the most ignominious gibbet, and for greater shame dragged through the streets to the place of execution, to the great pity of many people, and even of his very judges, who wept when they sentenced him, and in a body asked his pardon of the King. But the thing which astonished people most was, that, the same day lord Dacres was hung, another young man (age 28), son of the Treasurer of the Royal household (age 56), who was one of those present at the old man's death, was freely pardoned, though he had been already tried for some like misdemeanour.

At the same time in the North, Sir John Neville (deceased) and about 60 more, among whom at least 25 were ecclesiastics, were executed for the conspiracy of which Chapuys wrote some time ago. Has just heard of the arrival of a Polish gentleman with eight or ten servants. Will endeavour to discover who he is and what he comes for. London, 2 July 1541. Original at Vienna.

Note 1. Thomas Fiennes 9th Baron Dacre Gilsland, Lord Dacre, was the grandson of Anne Bourchier Baroness Dacre of Gilsland who was the maternal half-sister of Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk; Anne and Thomas' mother was Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 29 Jun 1541. And the 29th of the same monyth was Lord Dacres of the South (age 26) led with the sheriffs of London unto Tyborne at after-none, and there hanged for the new acte that was made, and browte home agayne in the carte unto St Sepulchres and ther buried.

Note. Lord Dacre was hung for a murder committed in Sussex, as were his three companions named in the next paragraph.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. And so the twenty and nine day of June , being Saint Peter’s day at afternoon, he was led on foot, between the two Sheriffs of London, from the Tower through the city to Tyburn [Map], where he was strangled, as common murderers are, and his body buried in the Church of Saint Sepulchres. The cause of the death of this noble man, and the other gentlemen, was a murder of a simple man and an unlawful assembly made in Sussex. Great moan was made for them all, but most especially for Mantell, who was as witty, and toward a gentleman, as any was in the realm, and a man able to have done good service.

Letters and Papers 1541. 02 Jul 1541. 954. Chapuys (age 51) to the Queen of Hungary.

Almost immediately after Chapuys's return the King (age 50) gave the people of Dunkirk permission to buy here a quantity of wood for their own use for curing herrings, and he has frequently reminded Chapuys of the favor, saying he was surprised that the town had not sent a deputation to say how much wood they required. The deputation has arrived, and now, after being kept 13 days without an answer, they have been told that it is mere loss of time to solicit such things till the Queen has promised to release the harness, copper, and war ammunition purchased by the King some time ago at Antwerp.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. [Before 28 Jul 1541]. During this season, the commissioners that before were sent into Ireland, to inquire of the lord Gray (deceased), certified twenty articles of high treason against him, whereupon he was arraigned and tried by knights, because he was a Lord of name, but no Lord of the Parliament. Howbeit he discharged the jury, and confessed the inditement, and thereupon was judged, and after beheaded at the Tower Hill, where he ended his life very quietly and godly.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 30 Jul 1541. The 30th of Julie was hanged in Smythfielde one Richard Meekins, an orphan of London, for speaking against the sacrament of the aulter contrarie to a statute made for the same, howbeit he died like a true Christian man, and confessing at his death that he beleeved it to be the verie bodie of Christ, God and man.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1541. 30 Jul 1541. Also the same daie one Harvye, a priest of Callis, was hanged, drawen, and quartered in the towen of Callis for treason, which was had thither from the Tower of London the tenth daie of this month at the charges and costes of the Sherives of London.