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Biography of Constance Béarn -1310
Constance Béarn was born to Gaston VII Viscount of Béarn.
On 23 Mar 1260 Alfonso Barcelona (age 31) and Constance Béarn were married. He died three days later. He the son of James I King Aragon (age 52) and Eleanor Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon. He a great grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
On 26 Mar 1260 [her husband] Alfonso Barcelona (age 31) died.
On 05 May 1269 Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 33) and Constance Béarn were married at Windsor Castle [Map]. He the son of Richard of Cornwall 1st Earl Cornwall (age 60) and Isabel Marshal Countess Cornwall, Gloucester and Hertford. He a grandson of King John of England.
In 1270 [her husband] Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 34) repudiated Constance Béarn.
On 13 Mar 1271 [her husband] Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was murdered while attending mass at the Chiesa di San Silvestro Viterbo Lazio by his cousins Simon "Younger" Montfort and Guy Montfort Count Nola (age 27) in revenge for the deaths of their father Simon and older brother Henry at the Battle of Evesham.
The murder was carried out in the presence of the Cardinals, who were conducting a papal Election, King Philip III of France (age 25), and King Charles of Sicily (age 43). The Montfort brothers were excommunicated
The deed is mentioned by Dante Alighieri some forty years after in the Divine Comedy who placed Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell. Henry "Almain" Cornwall was buried in Hailes Abbey [Map].
Letters. 14 Oct 1274. Note. The year could be 1274-1279. Letter XV. Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (age 33) to Robert Burnell Lord Chancellor (age 35).
Eleanora, by God's grace qaeen of England, lady of Ireland, and duchess of Aquitaine to lord Robert Burnell, sends loving greeting.
We require and affectionately entreat you to give counsel and assistance to this affair, that the transgression injuriously committed against the bearer of these presents, the servant of the lady Constance1 our cousin, which Master John Painter Clarell will shew you, may be reasonably redressed. For the confidence which we have in your benevolence is the cause why we so often direct to you our prayers on behalf of our friends. And do you for love of us give such diligence in this affair, that we may henceforth be bound to you by special favour. Given at Guildford [Map], xiiij day of October.
1. There is much discussion among historians as to which Constance is being referred to here. Also which Eleanor wrote the letter: Eleanor of Provence or Eleanor of Castile..
Letters. 1279. Letter XVI. Constance Widow of Henry of Germany, the Nephew of Henry III to Edward I (age 39).
To the most serene prince, and, if it please him, her dearest lord, Edward, by God's grace king of England, lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine, his humble and devoted Constance, relict of the late noble man [her former husband] Henry of Germany, wishes health, and commends herself with devoted obsequiousness and honour.
Be it known to your excellency, that for some time last past I have not dared, through fear of you to write to your highness, nor to signify anything to you, whereof of good cause I grieved, and was beyond measure distressed at heart. But now, by the leave and counsel of the Lord Bishop of Bath (age 40), and Lord Otho de Grandison (age 41), I have dared to write to you, which gives me all possible joy, supplicating your royal majesty that you will deign diligently to search out and inquire the truth from the said lord bishop and Sir Otho concerning my estate, and about all things which have hitherto been done and at tempted about me; for they, if they choose, can for the most part certify you as to the premises. Yet I much desire, and long above all things, that I could speak face to face with your highness about my estate and other things concerning me. Wherefore I pray your lordship, as affectionately and humbly as I can, by that dear love which by your favour you were wont to bear me, and still bear as I hope, that if it would please you that I might come to your highness, you will command my [her father] lord and father (age 54), when he shall be in England, to send for me by his letters. And I believe he will do it willingly, if you will command or advise it. Please it your highness to give credence to our dear and trusty clerk, Master William R., of Miremont, the present bearer, in reference to the premises and all other things which he will say to you on our behalf. May the Most High long preserve your person and dominions, and give you increase of favour and honour!
On 26 Apr 1290 [her father] Gaston VII Viscount of Béarn (age 65) died.
In 1310 Constance Béarn died.