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Julich Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Germany

William Jülich II Count Jülich

Count Jülich

Married Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich

Father: William Jülich II Count Jülich

Unamed Jülich

Father: William Jülich II Count Jülich

William Jülich III Count Jülich

Count Jülich

1210 m Matilda Luxemburg Countess Jülich x 1

Died 1219

Father: William Jülich III Count Jülich

Mother: Matilda Luxemburg Countess Jülich

William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Count Jülich

Born 1210

12 Mar 1237 m Margaret Guelders Countess Jülich

Third Cousin

Before Jan 1250 m Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich x 11

Third Cousin

Killed 16 Mar 1278 (68)

Night of St Gertrude

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Matilda Jülich

Born 1238

Died 1279 (41)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

William Jülich

Born 1240

Married Marie Dampierre

Fourth Cousin

Killed 16 Mar 1278 (38)

Night of St Gertrude

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Margaret Jülich

Born 1240

Died 12 Oct 1292 (52)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Walram Jülich

Born 1243

Died 20 Aug 1297 (54)

Battle of Furnes

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Richardis Jülich

Born 1243

Died 1291 (48)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Otto Jülich

Born 1245

Died 1283 (38)

3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Count Jülich

Born 1250

Before 13 Dec 1299 m Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich x 10

Died 29 Jul 1328 (78)

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

William Jülich V Duke Jülich

Duke Guelders

Born 1299

26 Feb 1324 m Joanna Hainault Duchess Guelders x 2

Half Third Cousin

Died 25 Feb 1361 (62)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich V Duke Jülich

Gerhard Jülich VI Count Berg and Ravensberg

Born 1325

Died 18 May 1360 (35)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich VI Count Berg and Ravensberg

William II of Berg

Born 1348

28 Sep 1363 m Anna of the Palatinate x 1

Died 25 Jun 1408 (60)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William II of Berg

Mother: Anna of the Palatinate

Margarete of Berg

Born 1364

1379 m Otto I Duke of Brunswick-Göttingen x 1

Died 18 Jul 1442 (78)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich VI Count Berg and Ravensberg

Margaret Jülich Countess Cleves and Mark

Countess Mark, Countess Cleves

Born 1350

1369 m Adolph La Marck x 6

Fourth Cousin

Died 10 Oct 1425 (75)

5 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich V Duke Jülich

William Jülich I Duke Jülich

Duke Jülich

Born 1327

Dec 1362 m Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich x 3

Third Cousin

Died 13 Dec 1393 (66)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich I Duke Jülich

Mother: Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich

William Jülich 3rd Duke Guelders 3rd Duke Jülich

Duke Jülich, Duke Guelders

Born 05 Mar 1364

1379 m Katherine Wittelsbach Duchess Guelders

Fourth Cousin

Died 16 Feb 1402 (37)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich I Duke Jülich

Mother: Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich

Reinald Jülich 4th Duke Guelders 3rd Duke Jülich

Duke Guelders, Duke Jülich

Born 1365

05 May 1405 m Marie Harcourt Duchess Guelders

Died 25 Jun 1423 (58)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich I Duke Jülich

Mother: Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich

Joanna Jülich 3rd Duchess Guelders

Duchess Guelders

Died 1394

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich V Duke Jülich

Mother: Joanna Hainault Duchess Guelders

Isabella aka Elizabeth Julich Countess Kent

Countess Kent

Born 1330

03 Apr 1348 m John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent

Half Second Cousin Once Removed

Died 06 Jun 1411 (81)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich V Duke Jülich

Mother: Joanna Hainault Duchess Guelders

Richardis Jülich Countess Mark

Countess Mark

1354 m Engelbert La Marck III Count La Marck

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 1360

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Walram Jülich Archbishop Cologne

Born 1303

Died 14 Aug 1349 (46)

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Richardis Jülich Duchess Lower Bavaria

Duchess Lower Bavaria

Born 07 Mar 1314

1330 m Otto Wittelsbach IV Duke Lower Bavaria

Fourth Cousin

Died 07 Mar 1360 (46)

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Gottfried Jülich

Married Elisabeth Cleves

Died 1335

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Ludwig Jülich

Died 1311

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Maria Jülich Countess Cleves

Countess Cleves

1340 m Dietrich Cleves VIII Count Cleves x 1

Died 1353

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

John Jülich

Died 1327

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Maria Jülich

Died 1353

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Elisabeth Jülich

4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Father: Gerhard Jülich V Count Jülich

Mother: Elisabeth Brabant Countess Jülich

Henry Jülich

Died 1334

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Catharine Jülich

Born 1250

Died 1287 (37)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Blancheflor Jülich

Born 1255

Died 1330 (75)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Mechtild Jülich

Born 1255

Died 1287 (32)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Father: William Jülich IV Count Jülich

Mother: Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich

Petronilla Jülich

Born 1255

Died 1300 (45)

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