Flanders Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Low Countries

Baldwin "Iron Arm" I Margrave Flanders

Margrave Flanders

Born 830

Married Judith Carolingian Queen Consort Wessex x 1

Father: Baldwin "Iron Arm" I Margrave Flanders

Mother: Judith Carolingian Queen Consort Wessex

Baldwin "Bald" II Margrave Flanders

Margrave Flanders

Born 866

Married Aelfthryth Wessex Margrave Flanders x 4

Died 10 Sep 918 (52)

Father: Baldwin "Bald" II Margrave Flanders

Mother: Aelfthryth Wessex Margrave Flanders

Adalulf Flanders I Count Boulogne

Born 890

Died 933 (43)

Father: Adalulf Flanders I Count Boulogne

Arnulf Flanders II Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

Died 972

Father: Arnulf Flanders II Count Boulogne

Arnulf Flanders III Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

Died 990

Father: Arnulf Flanders III Count Boulogne

Baldwin Flanders II Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

Married Adelina Gerulfing Countess Boulogne and Ponthieu x 1

Third Cousin

Died 1027

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Boulogne

Mother: Adelina Gerulfing Countess Boulogne and Ponthieu

Eustace Flanders I Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

Married Matilda Reginar Countess Boulogne x 4

Died 1049

Father: Eustace Flanders I Count Boulogne

Mother: Matilda Reginar Countess Boulogne

Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

Born 1015

Before 1047 m Goda Wessex Countess Boulogne

Before 1087 m Ida Ardennes Countess Boulogne x 3

Died 1087 (72)

Father: Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne

Mother: Ida Ardennes Countess Boulogne

Baldwin I King Jerusalem

King Jerusalem

Born 1058

Before 15 Oct 1097 m Godehilde Tosny

Died 02 Apr 1118 (60)

Father: Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne

Mother: Ida Ardennes Countess Boulogne

Godfrey Flanders Lord Bouillon

Born 18 Sep 1060

Married Beatrice Mandeville Lady Bouillon x 2

Killed 18 Jul 1100 (39)

Father: Godfrey Flanders Lord Bouillon

Mother: Beatrice Mandeville Lady Bouillon

Guillaume Flanders

Born 1088

Died 1130 (42)

Father: Guillaume Flanders

Rohese Boulogne

Born 1106

Married Richard "The Loyal" Lucy x 6

Died 1151 (45)

Father: Guillaume Flanders

Eustace Flanders

Born 1112

Father: Guillaume Flanders

Simon Flanders

Born 1114

Father: Guillaume Flanders

Guillaume Flanders

Born 1125

Married Beatrice Guines

Died 1184 (59)

Father: Guillaume Flanders

Sibylle Flanders

Married Engeurrand "Crusader" Fiennes x 1

Died 1223

Father: Godfrey Flanders Lord Bouillon

Mother: Beatrice Mandeville Lady Bouillon

Faramus Flanders

Father: Faramus Flanders

William Flanders

Father: Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne

Mother: Ida Ardennes Countess Boulogne

Eustace Flanders III Count Boulogne

Count Boulogne

1087 m Mary Dunkeld Countess Boulogne x 1

Died 1125

Father: Eustace Flanders III Count Boulogne

Mother: Mary Dunkeld Countess Boulogne

Matilda Flanders

Born 1105

1125 m King Stephen I England x 6

Died 03 May 1152 (47)

Father: Eustace Flanders II Count Boulogne

Geoffrey Fitzeustace

Father: Eustace Flanders I Count Boulogne

Mother: Matilda Reginar Countess Boulogne

Lambert Flanders II Count Lens

Born 1015

1053 m Adelaide Normandy Countess Troyes and Meaux Champagne Aumale Ponthieu x 1

Died 1054 (38)

Battle of Lille

Father: Lambert Flanders II Count Lens

Mother: Adelaide Normandy Countess Troyes and Meaux Champagne Aumale Ponthieu

Judith Flanders Countess Huntingdon

Earldorman Northumbria, Countess Huntingdon

Born 1054

1070 m Waltheof Northumbria 1st Earl of Northampton 1st Earl Huntingdon x 1

Died 1086 (32)

Father: Eustace Flanders I Count Boulogne

Mother: Matilda Reginar Countess Boulogne

Gerberga Flanders Duchess Lower Lorraine

Duchess Lower Lorraine

Born 1015

Before 1049 m Frederick Luxemburg Ardennes Duke Lower Lorraine x 1

First Cousin Twice Removed

Father: Eustace Flanders I Count Boulogne

Mother: Matilda Reginar Countess Boulogne

Bishop Godfrey Flanders

Born 1015

Died 1095 (79)

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Hildegarde Flanders Countess Holland

Countess Holland

Born 934

Married Dirk Gerulfing II Count Holland x 3

Died 990 (56)

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Liutgard Flanders

Born 935

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Baldwin III Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 940

Married Matilda Billung Countess Flanders x 1

Died 962 (22)

Father: Baldwin III Count Flanders

Mother: Matilda Billung Countess Flanders

Arnulf II Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 960

Before 30 Mar 987 m Rozala of Italy x 1

Died 30 Mar 987 (27)

Father: Arnulf II Count Flanders

Mother: Rozala of Italy

Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 980

Married Matilda Normandy Countess Flanders x 1

Third Cousin Once Removed

1012 m Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders x 1

Died 1035 (55)

Father: Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders

Mother: Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders

Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 19 Aug 1012

1028 m Adela Capet Duchess Normandy x 3

Died 01 Sep 1067 (55)

Father: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Capet Duchess Normandy

Baldwin VI Count Flanders I Count Hainault

Count Flanders, Count Hainault

Born 1030

Before 1055 m Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault x 2

Died 17 Jul 1070 (40)

Father: Baldwin VI Count Flanders I Count Hainault

Mother: Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault

Arnulf III Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 1055

Killed 22 Feb 1071 (16)

Battle of Cassel

Father: Baldwin VI Count Flanders I Count Hainault

Mother: Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault

Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Count Hainault, Count Flanders

Born 1056

Married Ida Reginar Countess Hainault x 9

Half Fourth Cousin

Died 1102 (46)

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Ida Flanders

Born 1085

Died 1101 (16)

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault

Count Hainault

Born 1088

Married Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault x 4

Died 1120 (32)

Father: Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault

Mother: Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault

Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Count Hainault

Born 1108

Married Alice Namur Countess Hainault x 7

Died 08 Nov 1171 (63)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Yolande Flanders Countess Saint Pol, La Marche and Soissons

Countess Saint Pol, Countess Soissons

Born 1131

Married Ivo Nesle II Count Soissons

Married Hugh Campdavaine IV Count Saint Pol

Died 1202 (71)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Baldwin Flanders

Born 1134

Died 1147 (13)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Agnes Flanders

Born 1142

Married Raoul Coucy x 2

Died 1168 (26)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Geoffrey Flanders

Born 1147

Married Eleanor Capet Countess Vermandois

Fourth Cousin

Died 1163 (16)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Lauretta Flanders

Born 1150

Died 1181 (31)

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Count Hainault

Born 1150

Married Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders x 8

Third Cousin

Died 17 Dec 1195 (45)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France

Queen France: Capet

Born Apr 1170

28 Apr 1180 m King Philip II of France x 1

Half Third Cousin

Died from childbirth 17 Mar 1190 (19)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Baldwin IX Count Flanders VI Count Hainault

Count Hainault, Count Flanders

Born 1171

Married Marie Blois Countess Flanders x 2

Fourth Cousin

Died 1205 (34)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Father: Baldwin IX Count Flanders VI Count Hainault

Mother: Marie Blois Countess Flanders

Joan I Countess Flanders

Born 1199

Jan 1212 m Ferdinand Burgundy

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 05 Dec 1244 (45)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Father: Baldwin IX Count Flanders VI Count Hainault

Mother: Marie Blois Countess Flanders

Margaret II Countess Flanders

Countess Flanders

Born 02 Jun 1202

Married Bouchard Avesnes x 5

1223 m William Dampierre II Count Flanders x 4

Died 10 Feb 1280 (77)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Philip Flanders I Marquis Namur

Born 1175

Died 1212 (37)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Yolanda Flanders

Born 1175

Married Peter Courtenay x 8

Half Third Cousin

Died 1219 (44)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Henry Flanders

Born 1176

Died 1216 (40)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Sybille Flanders

Born 1179

Died 09 Jan 1217 (38)

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Eustace Flanders

Died 1219

Father: Baldwin Flanders V Count Hainault

Mother: Margaret Metz Countess Hainault and Flanders

Godfrey Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders IV Count Hainault

Mother: Alice Namur Countess Hainault

William Flanders

Married Mahaut Lalaing

Died 1230

Father: Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault

Mother: Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault

Gerhard Counts Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault

Mother: Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault

Gertrude/Ida Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault

Mother: Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault

Richildis Flanders

Married Everard Tournai

Married Thierry Oisy

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Richilde Flanders Countess Évreux

Countess Évreux

Born 1095

1115 m Amaury Montfort Count Évreux

Died 1115 (20)

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Aelidis Flanders

Born 1098

Died 1153 (55)

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Henry Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Arnould Flanders

Married Beatrix Ath x 1

Father: Arnould Flanders

Mother: Beatrix Ath

Eustace "Elder" Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Simon Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Louis Flanders

Father: Baldwin Flanders II Count Hainault

Mother: Ida Reginar Countess Hainault

Willem Flanders

Died 1117

Father: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Capet Duchess Normandy

Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England

Queen Consort England

Born 1031

Before 1051 m King William "Conqueror" I of England x 9

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 02 Nov 1083 (52)

Father: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Capet Duchess Normandy

Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Born 1033

Before 1065 m Gertrude Billung Countess Holland x 6

Second Cousin Twice Removed

Died 1093 (60)

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Adela Flanders Queen Consort Denmark

Queen Consort Denmark

Born 1064

1080 m King Canute "The Holy" IV of Denmark x 1

Died Apr 1115 (51)

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Robert II Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 1065

Married Clementia Ivrea Countess Louvain and Flanders x 1

Fourth Cousin

Killed 05 Oct 1111 (46)

Father: Robert II Count Flanders

Mother: Clementia Ivrea Countess Louvain and Flanders

Baldwin VII Count Flanders

Count Flanders

Born 1093

Married Hawise Canhiart Countess Flanders

Fourth Cousin

Killed 17 Jul 1119 (26)

Battle of Bures-en-Bray

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Gertrude Flanders Duchess Lorraine

Duchess Lorraine

Born 1080

Married Theodoric "Valiant" Metz II Duke Lorraine x 5

Third Cousin Once Removed

1090 m Henry Reginar III Count Louvain x 2

Half Fourth Cousin

Died 1117 (37)

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Philip Flanders

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Ogiva Abbess Flanders

Father: Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders

Mother: Gertrude Billung Countess Holland

Baldwin Flanders

Died 1080

Father: Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders

Mother: Matilda Normandy Countess Flanders

Judith Flanders Duchess Bavaria

Duchess Bavaria

Born 1033

Married Welf I Duke Bavaria x 2

Before 1051 m Tostig Godwinson Earl Northumbria x 2

Died 1094 (61)

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Unknown Flanders

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Egbert Flanders

Died 953

Father: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders

Mother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Elftrude Flanders

Father: Baldwin "Bald" II Margrave Flanders

Mother: Aelfthryth Wessex Margrave Flanders

Ealswid Flanders

Father: Baldwin "Bald" II Margrave Flanders

Mother: Aelfthryth Wessex Margrave Flanders

Ermentrud Flanders

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