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Guelders Paternal Family Tree
Father: Gerald I Count Guelders
Gerard II Count Guelders
Born 1105
1116 m Ermgard Zutphen Countess Guelders x 2
Died 24 Oct 1131 (26)
Father: Gerard II Count Guelders
Mother: Ermgard Zutphen Countess Guelders
Henry I Count Guelders
Born 1117
1135 m Agnes Arnstein Countess Guelders x 3
Died 1182 (65)
Father: Henry I Count Guelders
Mother: Agnes Arnstein Countess Guelders
Otto I Count Guelders
Born 1150
1184 m Richardis Wittelsbach Countess Guelders x 7
Died 1207 (57)
Mother: Richardis Wittelsbach Countess Guelders
Gerard III Count Guelders
Born 1185
Jan 1206 m Margaret Reginar Countess Guelders x 4
Died 22 Oct 1229 (44)
2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Gerard III Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Reginar Countess Guelders
Richardis Guelders Countess Jülich
Born 1215
Before Jan 1250 m William Jülich IV Count Jülich x 11
Third Cousin
Died 1297 (82)
2 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Father: Gerard III Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Reginar Countess Guelders
Otto II Duke Guelders
1240 m Margaretha Cleves x 2
Fourth Cousin
1253 m Philippe Dammartin Countess Eu x 4
3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Mother: Philippe Dammartin Countess Eu
Born 1255
1276 m Ermengarde Luxemburg I Duchess Limburg
Fourth Cousin
1286 m Margaret Dampierre Duchess Gueders x 1
Fourth Cousin
Died 09 Oct 1326 (71)
4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald I Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Dampierre Duchess Gueders
Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Born 1295
11 Jan 1311 m Sophia Berthout Berthout x 4
May 1332 m Eleanor of Woodstock Plantagenet x 2
Second Cousin Once Removed
Died from a fall from a horse 12 Oct 1343 (48)
5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Sophia Berthout Berthout
Marguerite Guelders
Born 1320
Died 1344 (24)
5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Sophia Berthout Berthout
Mathilde Guelders Countess Blois and Cleves
Countess Blois, Countess Cleves
Born 1325
Before 1348 m Johann Cleves Count Cleves
Feb 1372 m John Chatillon II Count Blois
Second Cousin Once Removed
Died 1384 (59)
Grand Son of King Edward II of England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Eleanor of Woodstock Plantagenet
Born 13 May 1333
01 Jul 1347 m Marie of Brabant Duchess of Guelders
Second Cousin
Died 04 Dec 1371 (38)
Grand Son of King Edward II of England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Eleanor of Woodstock Plantagenet
Edward Duke Guelders
Born 12 Mar 1336
Died from wounds 24 Aug 1371 (35)
5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Sophia Berthout Berthout
Elisabeth Guelders
Died 1376
5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders
Mother: Sophia Berthout Berthout
Marie Guelders Duchess Jülich
Married William Jülich II Count Jülich
Dec 1362 m William Jülich I Duke Jülich x 3
Third Cousin
Died 12 May 1405
4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald I Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Dampierre Duchess Brabant
Margaret Guelders Countess Cleves
1182 m Dietrich Cleves VIII Count Cleves x 1
1308 m Dietrich Cleves VIII Count Cleves x 2
Died 1333
4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald I Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Dampierre Duchess Brabant
Guy Guelders
4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald I Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Dampierre Duchess Brabant
Elisabeth Guelders Abbess Cologne
Died 1354
4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Reginald I Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Dampierre Duchess Brabant
Philippa Guelders
3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Elizabeth Guelders
3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Margaret Guelders Countess Cleves
Married Enguerrand Coucy 4th Lord Coucy
Married Dietrich Cleves VII Count Cleves x 3
Half First Cousin
Died 1281
3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Mother: Philippe Dammartin Countess Eu
Phillipa Guelders
3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Mother: Philippe Dammartin Countess Eu
Margaret Guelders
3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Mother: Philippe Dammartin Countess Eu
Maria Guelders
2 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England
Father: Gerard III Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Reginar Countess Guelders
Henry Guelders
2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Father: Gerard III Count Guelders
Mother: Margaret Reginar Countess Guelders
Margaret Guelders Countess Jülich
12 Mar 1237 m William Jülich IV Count Jülich
Third Cousin
Mother: Richardis Wittelsbach Countess Guelders
Otto Guelders Bishop Utrecht
Born 1193
Died 1213 (20)
Mother: Richardis Wittelsbach Countess Guelders
Adelaide Guelders Countess Holland
1197 m William Gerulfing I Count Holland x 5
Died 12 Feb 1218
Father: Henry I Count Guelders
Mother: Agnes Arnstein Countess Guelders
Agnes Guelders Countess Namur and Luxemburg
Countess Namur, Countess Luxemburg
Married Henry "Blind" Namur IV Count Luxemburg I Count Namur x 1
Father: Henry I Count Guelders
Mother: Agnes Arnstein Countess Guelders
Adelaide Guelders
1135 m Gerard Count Loon x 3
Father: Gerald I Count Guelders
Yolande Guelders Countess Hainault
Married Baldwin Flanders III Count Hainault x 4
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