Biography of Jacob Huysmans 1633-1696

Jacob Huysmans 1633-1696 is in Painters.

Around 1633 Jacob Huysmans was born in Antwerp [Map].

Around 1657 Jacob Huysmans (age 24). Portrait of Mary Bodville.

Mary Bodville: In 1634 Hugh Cholmondeley and she were married.

Before 06 Aug 1658 Jacob Huysmans (age 25). Portrait of Edward Phelips (age 45).

Around 1664 Jacob Huysmans (age 31). Portrait of Rear-Admiral John Chicheley (age 24).

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 26 Aug 1664. Thence to the Dockyarde, and there saw the new ship in very great forwardness, and so by water to Deptford, Kent [Map] a little, and so home and shifting myself, to the 'Change [Map], and there did business, and thence down by water to White Hall, by the way, at the Three Cranes, putting into an alehouse and eat a bit of bread and cheese. There I could not get into the Parke, and so was fain to stay in the gallery over the gate to look to the passage into the Parke, into which the King (age 34) hath forbid of late anybody's coming, to watch his coming that had appointed me to come, which he did by and by with his lady and went to Guardener's Lane, and there instead of meeting with one that was handsome and could play well, as they told me, she is the ugliest beast and plays so basely as I never heard anybody, so that I should loathe her being in my house. However, she took us by and by and showed us indeed some pictures at one Hiseman's (age 31), a picture drawer, a Dutchman, which is said to exceed Lilly (age 45), and indeed there is both of the Queenes (age 54) and Mayds of Honour (particularly Mrs. Stewart's (age 17) in a buff doublet like a soldier) as good pictures, I think, as ever I saw. The Queene is drawn in one like a shepherdess, in the other like St. Katharin, most like and most admirably. I was mightily pleased with this sight indeed, and so back again to their lodgings, where I left them, but before I went this mare that carried me, whose name I know not but that they call him Sir John, a pitiful fellow, whose face I have long known but upon what score I know not, but he could have the confidence to ask me to lay down money for him to renew the lease of his house, which I did give eare to there because I was there receiving a civility from him, but shall not part with my money.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 21 Sep 1664. Up, and by coach to Mr. Povy's (age 50), and there got him to signe the payment of Captain Tayler's bills for the remainder of freight for the Eagle, wherein I shall be gainer about £30, thence with him to Westminster by coach to Houseman's (age 31) [Huysman] the great picture drawer, and saw again very fine pictures, and have his promise, for Mr. Povy's sake, to take pains in what picture I shall set him about, and I think to have my wife's. But it is a strange thing to observe and fit for me to remember that I am at no time so unwilling to part with money as when I am concerned in the getting of it most, as I thank God of late I have got more in this month, viz. near 250l, than ever I did in half a year before in my life, I think.

Samuel Pepys' Diary. 31 May 1665. So weary and sleepy to bed. I endeavoured but missed of seeing Sir Thomas Ingram (age 50) at Westminster, so went to Houseman's the Painter (age 32), who I intend shall draw my wife, but he was not within, but I saw several very good pictures.

Before 08 Apr 1666 Attributed to Jacob Huysmans (age 33). Portrait of Thomas Chiffinch Keeper of the King's Closet (age 66).

Before 1670 Jacob Huysmans (age 36). Portrait of Colonel William Legge (copy after original).

Around 1670 Jacob Huysmans (age 37). Portrait of (possibly) Mary Langham Countess Warrington (age 17).

Around 1670 Jacob Huysmans (age 37). Portrait of Samuel Barnardiston 1st Baronet (age 49).

Around 1670 Jacob Huysmans (age 37). Portrait of Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England (age 31).

Around 1670 Jacob Huysmans (age 37). Portrait of John Maitland 1st Duke Lauderdale (age 53).

Around 1672 Jacob Huysmans (age 39). Portrait of Elizabeth Otten.

Elizabeth Otten: In 1604 she was born to Matthias Otten. In 1669 she died.

Before 13 Jul 1673 Jacob Huysmans (age 40). Portrait of Robert Long 1st Baronet (age 73).

Before 12 Dec 1676 Jacob Huysmans (age 43). Portrait of John Middleton 1st Earl Middleton.

Before 12 Dec 1676 Jacob Huysmans (age 43). Portrait of William Morice (age 74).

Before 1680 Jacob Huysmans (age 46). Portrait of Alice Strickland (age 31).

Alice Strickland: In 1648 she was born to Thomas Strickland. Before 1680 Walter Kirkham Blount 3rd Baronet and she were married. In 1680 Alice Strickland died.

In 1680 Jacob Huysmans (age 47). Portrait of Barbara Every.

Barbara Every: she was born to John Every. On 01 Sep 1674 Robert Henley and she were married.

Before 26 Jul 1680 Jacob Huysmans (age 47). Portrait of John Wilmot 2nd Earl Rochester (age 33).

Before 08 Mar 1685 Jacob Huysmans (age 52). Portrait of Elizabeth Pope Countess Lindsey as Diana.

Before 08 Mar 1685 Jacob Huysmans (age 52). Portrait of Richard Mason (age 52).

Around 1688 Jacob Huysmans (age 55). Portrait of Richard Mason.

Around 1690 Jacob Huysmans (age 57). Portrait of Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland (age 49).

Before 23 Mar 1691 Jacob Huysmans (age 58). Portrait of Mary Langham Countess Warrington (age 39).

Before 08 Jan 1694 Jacob Huysmans (age 61) (attributed). Described as a Portrait of Thomas Strickland (age 72).

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Mary Molyneux.

Mary Molyneux: she was born to Richard Molyneux 1st Viscount Molyneux and Mary Caryll Viscountess Molyneux.

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England (age 57).

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England (age 57).

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Anne Morice Lady Pole (age 42).

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Mary Bedingfield (age 53).

Mary Bedingfield: Around 1642 she was born to Henry Bedingfield 1st Baronet and Margaret Paston. In or before 1688 Thomas Eyre and she were married. On 28 Sep 1710 Mary Bedingfield died.

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Anna Margaret Long (age 54).

Anna Margaret Long: Around 1641 she was born to James Long 2nd Baronet. In or before 1667 Richard Mason and she were married. In 1717 Anna Margaret Long died.

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Elizabeth Cornwallis.

Elizabeth Cornwallis: she was born to Charles Cornwallis. On 05 Jan 1675 Edward Allen and she were married at St Bartholomew the Less.

Before 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 62). Portrait of Jane Boyle. The date somewhat improbable given Huysmans died in 1696.

Jane Boyle: In 1699 she was born to Charles Boyle 2nd Earl Burlington and Juliana Noel Countess Burlington. In 1780 Jane Boyle died unmarried.

In 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 63) died in Jermyn Street.

In 1696 Jacob Huysmans (age 63) was buried in St James' Church.