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Braose Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Normandy

William de Braose 1st Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal

Before 1070 m Agnes St Clare Baroness Bramber

Died 1095

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron Bramber

Phillip de Braose 2nd Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal

Born 1070

In or before 1115 m Aenor Totnes Baroness Bramber x 4

Died 1134 (64)

Father: Phillip de Braose 2nd Baron Bramber

Mother: Aenor Totnes Baroness Bramber

William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal

Born 1115

Before 1144 m Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber x 9

Died 1179 (64)

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal, Baron Bergavenny Feudal Creation

Born 1144

1166 m Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber x 8

Died 09 Aug 1211 (67)

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Loretta de Braose Countess Leicester

Countess of Leicester

Born 1185

1196 m Robert Beaumont 4th Earl of Leicester

Died 1266 (81)

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Maud de Braose

1189 m Gruffydd ap Rhys Dinefwr Prince Deheubarth x 2

Died 29 Dec 1210

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Margaret de Braose

Married Walter Lacy Lord Meath x 3

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Bishop Giles de Braose 7th Baron Braose 5th Baron Bramber

Baron Bergavenny Feudal Creation, Baron Bramber Feudal

Died 1215

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Reginald de Braose 8th Baron Abergavenny 6th Baron Bramber

Baron Bergavenny Feudal Creation, Baron Bramber Feudal

Before 1215 m Graecia Briwere x 2

1215 m Gwladus verch Llewelyn "Dark Eyed" Aberffraw

Died Jun 1228

Father: Reginald de Braose 8th Baron Abergavenny 6th Baron Bramber

Mother: Graecia Briwere

Matilda de Braose

Born 1172

Married Rhys Mechel Dinefwr x 2

Died 1220 (48)

Father: Reginald de Braose 8th Baron Abergavenny 6th Baron Bramber

Mother: Graecia Briwere

William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Born 1204

Before 1221 m Eva Marshal x 4

Hanged 02 May 1230 (26)

Father: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Mother: Eva Marshal

Isabella "Lady of Snowdon" Braose Princess Wales

Princess of Wales

Born 1222

1230 m Dafydd ap Llewellyn Aberffraw Prince of Wales

Half Fourth Cousin

Died 1248 (26)

Father: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Mother: Eva Marshal

Maud de Braose

Born 1224

1247 m Roger Mortimer 1st Baron Mortimer of Wigmore x 7

Died 1301 (77)

Father: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Mother: Eva Marshal

Eva de Braose

Baroness Bergavenny Feudal Creation, Baroness Bramber Feudal

Born 1227

Before 15 Feb 1248 m William Cantilupe x 3

Died 28 Jul 1255 (28)

Father: William de Braose 9th Baron Bergaveny 7th Baron Bramber

Mother: Eva Marshal

Eleanor de Braose

Born 1228

After 12 Aug 1241 m Humphrey Bohun x 4

Fourth Cousin

Died 1251 (23)

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

William de Braose

1206 m Maud de Clare x 1

Starved to death 1210

3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Father: William de Braose

Mother: Maud de Clare

John "Tadody aka Fatherless" Braose 8th Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal

Born 1197

1219 m Margred verch Llewellyn Baroness Clifford x 2

Half Fourth Cousin

Died from a fall from a horse 18 Jul 1232 (35)

Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John "Tadody aka Fatherless" Braose 8th Baron Bramber

Mother: Margred verch Llewellyn Baroness Clifford

William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal, Baron Braose

Born 1224

Before 1260 m Aline Multon x 1

After 1260 m Agnes Moels x 1

Before 1290 m Mary Ros Baroness de Braose x 3

Died Jan 1291 (67)

2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Mother: Aline Multon

William de Braose 2nd Baron de Braose 10th Baron Bramber

Baron Bramber Feudal, Baron Braose

Born 1260

Died 1326 (66)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 2nd Baron de Braose 10th Baron Bramber

Aline de Braose Baroness Mowbray

Baroness Mowbray

Before 29 Nov 1310 m John Mowbray 2nd Baron Mowbray x 2

Third Cousin Once Removed

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 2nd Baron de Braose 10th Baron Bramber

Joan de Braose

Before 1317 m Richard Foliot x 1

Died 1324

2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Mother: Mary Ros Baroness de Braose

Peter Brewes

Born 1273

Before 06 Feb 1312 m Agnes Clifford x 3

Fourth Cousin

Died 06 Feb 1312 (39)

3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Peter Brewes

Mother: Agnes Clifford

Thomas Brewes

Born 08 Sep 1301

Before 1352 m Beatrice Mortimer

Half Third Cousin

Died 09 Jun 1361 (59)

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Thomas Brewes

Beatrice Brewes Baroness Say

Baroness Say

Born 1352

Married William Saye 3rd Baron Say x 2

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 16 Oct 1383 (31)

3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Peter Brewes

Mother: Agnes Clifford

Mary Brewes Countess Norfolk

Countess Norfolk

Born 1302

Before 05 Feb 1326 m Ralph Cobham x 1

Before 04 Apr 1336 m Thomas of Brotherton 1st Earl Norfolk

Half Second Cousin Twice Removed

Died 11 Jun 1362 (60)

3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Peter Brewes

Mother: Agnes Clifford

Piers Brewes

2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Mother: Mary Ros Baroness de Braose

Margaret de Braose Baroness Camoys

Baroness Camoys

Born 1285

1303 m Ralph Camoys 1st Baron Camoys x 1

Died 20 May 1316 (31)

2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Mother: Agnes Moels

Giles Braose

2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William de Braose 1st Baron de Braose 9th Baron Bramber

Mother: Mary Ros Baroness de Braose

Richard Braose

Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: John "Tadody aka Fatherless" Braose 8th Baron Bramber

Mother: Margred verch Llewellyn Baroness Clifford

Richard de de Braose

Born 1232

After 27 Dec 1261 m Alice Le Rus x 4

Died 28 Jun 1292 (60)

2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Richard de de Braose

Mother: Alice Le Rus

Margery de Braose

Born 1265

Married Walter Devereux x 3

Died 12 May 1335 (70)

2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Richard de de Braose

Mother: Alice Le Rus

Mary de de Braose

Born 1269

Before 20 Oct 1290 m John de Weyland x 1

Died 30 Oct 1312 (43)

2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Richard de de Braose

Mother: Alice Le Rus

Giles de de Braose

Born Jan 1270

Died 06 Feb 1310 (40)

3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Giles de de Braose

John de de Braose

Born 10 Aug 1306

Before May 1370 m Agnes Eva Ufford x 1

Died May 1370 (63)

4 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: John de de Braose

Mother: Agnes Eva Ufford

Margaret Braose

Born 1330

In or before 1370 m Nicholas Wychingham x 1

2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: Richard de de Braose

Mother: Alice Le Rus

Sibyl de de Braose

Born 1275

Before 1334 m Constantine Mortimer x 1

Died 09 Nov 1334 (59)

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Eleanor Braose

Before 1227 m Hugh Mortimer

Father: William de Braose 4th Baron Bramber

Mother: Maud "Lady of Hay" St Valery Baroness Bramber

Flandrina Braose

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Engram de Braose

Born 1154

Died 1210 (56)

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Sybil de Braose Countess Derby

Countess Derby

Born 1157

Before 1161 m William Ferrers 3rd Earl of Derby x 5

Died 05 Feb 1228 (71)

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

John de Braose

Born 1160

Died 1224 (64)

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Maud Braose

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Giles de Braose

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Reginald Braose

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Roger Braose

Father: William de Braose 3rd Baron Bramber

Mother: Bertha Gloucester Baroness Bramber

Bertha de Braose Baroness Beauchamp

Baroness Beauchamp of Elmley in Worcestershire

Before 1140 m William Beauchamp 1st Baron Beauchamp x 6

Died 19 Nov 1200

Father: Phillip de Braose 2nd Baron Bramber

Mother: Aenor Totnes Baroness Bramber

Philip Braose

Father: Phillip de Braose 2nd Baron Bramber

Mother: Aenor Totnes Baroness Bramber

Basilia Braose

Father: Phillip de Braose 2nd Baron Bramber

Mother: Aenor Totnes Baroness Bramber

Gillian Braose

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