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Gaunt Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Normandy

Ralph Gaunt

Married Gisèle Luxemburg Ardennes x 3

Died 1095

Father: Ralph Gaunt

Mother: Gisèle Luxemburg Ardennes

Gilbert Gaunt

Born 1048

1071 m Alice Montford Sur Risle x 6

Died 1095 (47)

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Hugh IV Montfort

Born 1075

Married Adeline de Beaumont Meulan Beaumont Meulan x 1

Died 1147 (72)

Father: Hugh IV Montfort

Mother: Adeline de Beaumont Meulan Beaumont Meulan

Thurstan Montfort

Born 1125

Died 1180 (55)

Father: Thurstan Montfort

Henry Montfort

Born 1151

Married Juliana Montfort

Married Emma Corbuceo

Died 1199 (48)

Father: Henry Montfort

Thurstan Montfort

Born 1184

Married Mabel Cantilupe x 1

Died 1216 (32)

Father: Thurstan Montfort

Mother: Mabel Cantilupe

Peter Montfort

Born 1205

Married Alice Audley x 3

Killed 04 Aug 1265 (60)

Battle of Evesham

Father: Peter Montfort

Mother: Alice Audley

Peter Montfort

Born 1245

Died 04 Mar 1287 (42)

Father: Peter Montfort

Elizabeth Montfort Baroness Furnivall Baroness Montagu

Baroness Furnivall, Baroness Montagu

Born 1275

In or before 1301 m William Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu x 4

Before 08 Jun 1322 m Thomas Furnival 1st Baron Furnivall

Died Aug 1345 (70)

Father: Peter Montfort

Mother: Alice Audley

John Montfort 1st Baron Montfort

Baron Montfort

Born 1264

Before 28 Mar 1287 m Alice Plaunche Baroness Montfort x 2

Died 11 May 1296 (32)

Father: John Montfort 1st Baron Montfort

Mother: Alice Plaunche Baroness Montfort

Peter Montfort 3rd Baron Montfort

Baron Montfort

Born 1291

Died 24 Jan 1370 (79)

Father: Peter Montfort 3rd Baron Montfort

John Montfort

Born 1315

Before 1355 m Joan Clinton Baroness Sutton Dudley x 1

Died 1361 (46)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Father: John Montfort

Mother: Joan Clinton Baroness Sutton Dudley

Baldwin Montfort

Born 1355

Before 1375 m Margaret Clinton

Aunt and Nephew

Died 1386 (31)

Father: John Montfort 1st Baron Montfort

Mother: Alice Plaunche Baroness Montfort

John Montfort 2nd Baron Montfort

Baron Montfort

Born 1291

Father: Peter Montfort

Mother: Alice Audley

Alice Montfort Baroness Fitzwalter

Baroness Fitzwalter

Before 20 Jan 1288 m Warin Lisle x 1

After 10 May 1308 m Robert Fitzwalter 1st Baron Fitzwalter

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Walter Gaunt

Born 1080

Married Maud Penthièvre x 2

Died 22 Aug 1138 (58)

Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton

Father: Walter Gaunt

Mother: Maud Penthièvre

Robert Gaunt

Born 1122

Died 1193 (71)

Father: Robert Gaunt

Gilbert Gaunt

Born 1180

Died 22 Jan 1242 (62)

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Gilbert Gaunt

Born 1202

Died 05 Jan 1274 (72)

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Nicola Gaunt Baroness Mauley

Baroness Mauley

Born 1250

In or before 1281 m Piers Mauley 1st Baron de Mauley x 2

Died 1284 (34)

Father: Walter Gaunt

Mother: Maud Penthièvre

Gilbert Gaunt 1st Earl Lincoln

Earl Lincoln

Born 1126

After 1141 m Rohese Clare Countess Lincoln x 1

Died 1156 (30)

Father: Gilbert Gaunt 1st Earl Lincoln

Mother: Rohese Clare Countess Lincoln

Alice Gaunt Countess Huntingdon and Northampton

Before 1185 m Simon Senlis 7th Earl Huntingdon 6th Earl of Northampton

Died 1185

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Robert Gaunt

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Ralph Gaunt

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Emma Gaunt Baroness Percy Topcliffe

Baroness Percy of Topcliffe

Before 1132 m Alan Percy 2nd Baron Percy Topcliffe x 1

Father: Gilbert Gaunt

Mother: Alice Montford Sur Risle

Agnes Gaunt

Father: Ralph Gaunt

Mother: Gisèle Luxemburg Ardennes

Ralph Gaunt

Father: Ralph Gaunt

Mother: Gisèle Luxemburg Ardennes

Baldwin Gaunt

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