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Hauteville Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Normandy

Tancred of Hauteville

Born 980

Died 1041 (61)

Father: Tancred of Hauteville

Robert Guiscard de Hauteville

Born 1015

Died 17 Jul 1085 (70)

Father: Robert Guiscard de Hauteville

Prince Bohemond I of Antioch

Born 1054

1105 m Constance Capet Countess Champagne x 1

Died 03 Mar 1111 (57)

Father: Prince Bohemond I of Antioch

Mother: Constance Capet Countess Champagne

Prince Bohemond II of Antioch

Born 1108

After Oct 1126 m Alice of Antioch x 1

Died Feb 1130 (22)

Father: Prince Bohemond II of Antioch

Mother: Alice of Antioch

Princess Constance of Antioch

Born 1128

1136 m Raymond Poitiers x 1

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 1163 (35)

Father: Tancred of Hauteville

Roger I King Sicily

Born 1031

1062 m Judith Normandy x 12

1077 m Eremburga Mortain

1087 m Adelaida Vasto x 3

Died 22 Jun 1101 (70)

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Matilda Hauteville

Born 1062

Died 1094 (32)

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Adelaida Vasto

Simon Hauteville

Born 1093

Died 1105 (12)

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Adelaida Vasto

Roger II King Sicily

Born 22 Dec 1095

1117 m Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily x 5

1149 m Sibylla Burgundy Queen Consort Sicily

1151 m Beatrix de Rethel x 1

Died 26 Feb 1154 (58)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily

Roger Hauteville III Duke of Apulia

Born 1118

Died 12 May 1148 (30)

Father: Roger Hauteville III Duke of Apulia

Tancred King of Sicily

Born 1138

Died 20 Feb 1194 (56)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily

Tancred Hauteville

Born 1119

Died 1138 (19)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily

Alfonso Hauteville Duke Naples

Born 1121

Died 10 Oct 1144 (23)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily

William "Wicked" I King Sicily

Born 1131

Married Margaret Navarre Queen Consort Sicily x 4

Third Cousin Once Removed

Died 07 May 1166 (35)

Father: William "Wicked" I King Sicily

Mother: Margaret Navarre Queen Consort Sicily

Roger Hauteville IV Duke Apulia

Born 1152

Died 1161 (9)

Father: William "Wicked" I King Sicily

Mother: Margaret Navarre Queen Consort Sicily

Robert Hauteville Prince Capua

Born 1153

Died Mar 1160 (7)

Father: William "Wicked" I King Sicily

Mother: Margaret Navarre Queen Consort Sicily

William "Good" II King Sicily

Born 1155

Feb 1177 m Joan Plantagenet Queen Consort Sicily

Died 11 Nov 1189 (34)

Father: William "Wicked" I King Sicily

Mother: Margaret Navarre Queen Consort Sicily

Henry Hauteville Prince Capua

Born 1158

Died 1172 (14)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily

Unamed Hauteville

Born 1135

Died 1135 (0)

Father: Roger II King Sicily

Mother: Beatrix de Rethel

Constance Queen Sicily

Born 02 Nov 1154

1186 m Henry Hohenstaufen VI Holy Roman Emperor

Fourth Cousin

Died 27 Nov 1198 (44)

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Adelaida Vasto

Maximilla Hauteville

Married Conrad II Italy

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Constance Hauteville

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Unnamed Hauteville

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Flandina married Henry del Vasto Hauteville

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Mauger Count Hauteville

Died 1098

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Felicia Hauteville

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Violante Hauteville

1113 m Robert Burgundy

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Muriel Hauteville

Died 1119

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Judith Hauteville

Died 1136

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Emma Hauteville

Died 1120

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Adelisa Hauteville

Died 1096

Father: Roger I King Sicily

Mother: Judith Normandy

Matilda Hauteville

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