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Biography of Alexander Giffard -1250

Paternal Family Tree: Giffard

1248 Seventh Crusade

1250 Battle of Mansoura

Alexander Giffard was born to Hugh Giffard and Sibyl Cormeilles.

Around 1246 [his father] Hugh Giffard (age 51) died at Warminster, Wiltshire [Map].

Seventh Crusade

In 1248 Alexander Giffard took part during the Seventh Crusade.

After 1262. St Mary's Church, Boyton [Map]. Monument to Alexander Giffard. Believed to represent Alexander Giffard; possibly his father [his father] Hugh Giffard. Early Medieval Period effigy. Alexander fought on the Seventh Crusade and may possibly have died at the Battle of Mansoura in 1250. The effigy notable for the Otter at his feet, biting his sword, and for the Giffard Arms on the shield with a label five points indicating the son, possibly grandson, of the current owner of the arms. The Otter may actually be a badly carved lion! Right Leg over Left.

Hugh Giffard: Around 1195 he was born to Walter Giffard at Warminster, Wiltshire. Before 18 Mar 1217 Hugh Giffard and Sibyl Cormeilles were married. Around 1246 Hugh Giffard died at Warminster, Wiltshire.

Battle of Mansoura

On 08 Feb 1250 the Battle of Mansoura was fought between Crusaders led by King Louis IX of France (age 35) commanded by Robert Capet Count of Artois (age 33) and Ayyubid forces.

Robert Capet Count of Artois and William Longespée (age 42) were killed.

Alexander Giffard fought; possibly killed.

In 1262 Alexander Giffard died or was possibly killed at the Battle of Mansoura.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1854 V1 Pages 233-238. Beneath the Easternmost of the Arches dividing the Chapel from the Nave [Map] is an altar tomb, the one side being composed of slightly pointed Arches, the other of a series of triangles; upon the tomb reposes the effigy of a Knight clad in chain armour, the legs crossed, and the feet resting upon an animal, which, may be eithera wild cat or a lion.—Upon his left arm is the triangular shield of the 13th century; his right arm extending across his breast grasps the long straight sword, which doubtless in its reality had cloven many an infidel’s crest. The figure is of a man in full vigour, of ordinary size, and good proportion. His shield carries the arms of Giffard, gules, three-lions. passant or; in chief, a label of five points azure; upon each point, two Fleur-de-lis of the second. This beyond all doubt is the effigy of Alexander Giffard, the Crusader mentioned in Matthew Paris, as we shall hereafter show.

Ancestors of Alexander Giffard -1250

Great x 4 Grandfather: Osberne de Bolbec Giffard

Great x 3 Grandfather: Osberne Giffard

Great x 4 Grandmother: Avelina Unknown

Great x 2 Grandfather: Elias Giffard

Great x 1 Grandfather: Elias "The Boy" Giffard

GrandFather: Walter Giffard

Father: Hugh Giffard

Alexander Giffard

GrandFather: Walter Cormeilles

Mother: Sibyl Cormeilles