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Biography of Archbishop Walter de Coutances -1207

1189 Coronation of Richard I

1193 Richard I's Ransom

On 11 May 1183 Archbishop Walter de Coutances was elected Bishop of Lincoln being selected by King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 50) over three other candidates.

On 03 Jul 1183 Archbishop Walter de Coutances was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln at Angers Cathedral [Map] by Archbishop Richard de Dover.

On 11 Dec 1183 Archbishop Walter de Coutances was enthroned Bishop of Lincoln.

On 17 Nov 1184 Archbishop Walter de Coutances was translated to Archbishop of Rouen.

Coronation of Richard I

Gesta Regis Henrici 1189. 03 Sep 1189. Then Richard (age 31), Duke of Normandy, came to London, and having gathered there the archbishops and bishops, earls and barons, and a large multitude of knights, on the third day before the Nones of September, on a Sunday, the moon being in its nineteenth phase, on the feast of the ordination of Pope Saint Gregory, an ill-omened day, the aforementioned Richard, Duke of Normandy, was consecrated and crowned as King of England at Westminster in London by Baldwin (age 64), Archbishop of Canterbury. Assisting him in this office were Walter, Archbishop of Rouen, John, Archbishop of Dublin, Formale, Archbishop of Trier, Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, Hugh (age 64), Bishop of Durham, William, Bishop of Worcester, John, Bishop of Exeter, Reginald, Bishop of Bath, John, Bishop of Norwich, Seffrid, Bishop of Chichester, Gilbert, Bishop of Rochester, Peter, Bishop of St. David's in Wales, the Bishop of St. Asaph in Wales, the Bishop of Bangor in Wales, Albinus, Bishop of Ferns in Ireland, and Concors, Bishop of Kildare in Ireland.

Deinde Ricardus dux Normanniæ venit Lundonias, et congregatis ibi archiepiscopis et episcopis, comitibus et baronibus et copiosa militum multitudine, tertio nonas Septembris, die Dominica, luna xix., festo ordinationis Sancti Gregorii papa, die mala, prædictus Ricardus dux Normanniæ consecratus et coronatus est in regem Angliæ, apud Lundonias in Westmonasterio, a Baldewino Cantuariensi archiepiscopo, ministrantibus illi in illo officio Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo, Johanne Dublinensi archiepiscopo, Formale1 Treverensi archiepiscopo, Hugone Lincolniensi episcopo, Hugone Dunelmensi episcopo, Willelmo Wigornensi episcopo, Johanne Exoniensi episcopo, Reginaldo Bathoniensi episcopo, Johanne Norwicensi episcopo, Sefrido Cices- trensi episcopo, Gilleberto Rofensi episcopo, Petro episcopo de Sancto David in Wallia, episcopo2 de Asfath in Wallia, episcopo3 de Pangor in Wallia.—Albinus episcopus Fernensis4 in Hibernia, Concors episcopus Heghdunensis5 in Hibernia;

Note 1. Fulmar, Formalis, or Formator, archdeacon of Treves, was elected archbishop by intrigue in 1183, and consecrated by pope Urban III. on Whit Sunday 1186. He never gained full possession of his see, and was, with his competitor Rodolf, deprived by Clement III. in 1189. He then came to England, where he died.

Note 2. [episcopo] Reiner, 1186-1224.

Note 3. [episcopo] Guy, 1177-1190.

Note 4. [Fernensis] Albinus, 1185-1122.

Note 5. [Heghdunensis] Concord, bishop of Euaghduu.

Richard I's Ransom

In Dec 1193 Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 71) left Orford, Suffolk [Map] with her son Richard's (age 36) ranson of 100,000 marks in silver and 200 hostages. She was accompanied by Archbishop Walter de Coutances and Bishop William Longchamp. Hubert Walter Bishop of Salisbury (age 33) was Regent of England in her absence.

On 16 Nov 1207 Archbishop Walter de Coutances died.