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Paternal Family Tree: Norman
Maternal Family Tree: Gerberge Unknown Viscountess Anjou
1068 Coronation of Queen Matilda
1079 William The Conqueror Battle with his son Robert Curthose
1080 Christening of Edith Matilda of Scotland
1087 King William "The Conqueror" Dies King William II Succeeds
Before 1051 [his father] King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 22) and [his mother] Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 19) were married. She the daughter of [his grandfather] Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 38) and [his grandmother] Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 41). He the illegitmate son of [his grandfather] Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy and [his grandmother] Herleva Falaise. They were third cousin once removed.
Around 1051 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy was born to King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 23) and Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 20).
In 1063 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 12) was created Count Maine.
Flowers of History. 11 May 1068. [his mother] Matilda (age 37), the wife of king [his father] William (age 40), was consecrated queen on the day of Pentecost, by Aeldred, archbishop of York, on the twenty-second of March. [Note. The date a mistake. Pentecost the fiftieth day after Easter so usually in May. Pentcost known as White Sunday, or Whit-Sunday.] This year also, William had a son born in England, who was called [his brother] Henry. For his first-born, [his brother] William Rufus (age 12), and also Robert (age 17), were born in Normandy, before their father had conquered England.
Flowers of History. 1075. The same year, on Easter day, the above-named [his father] king William (age 47) gave his daughter [his sister] Cecilia (age 19) to be dedicated to the service of God with devout solemnity in the church at Feschamp. Also king William cursed his son Robert (age 24), because he had often provoked him to anger, and in the bitterness of his soul he drove him from his sight and presence. And Robert at the end of his life found out undeniably how great was the effect of the paternal malediction, when having become blind, he was exposed to the hatred and persecution of his brothers, and so died miserably in prison.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1079. This year Robert (age 28), the son of [his father] King William (age 51), deserted from his father to his uncle [his uncle] Robert in Flanders (age 46); because his father would not let him govern his earldom in Normandy; which he himself, and also King Philip (age 26) with his permission, had given him. The best men that were in the land also had sworn oaths of allegiance to him, and taken him for their lord. This year, therefore, Robert fought with his father, without Normandy, by a castle called Gerberoy; and wounded him in the hand; and his horse, that he sat upon, was killed under him; and he that brought him another was killed there right with a dart. That was Tookie Wiggodson. Many were there slain, and also taken. His son [his brother] William (age 23) too was there wounded; but Robert (age 37) returned to Flanders. We will not here, however, record any more injury that he did his father.
Around 1080 Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England was christened at Dunfermline [Map]. Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 29) was godfather, [his mother] Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 49) godmother.
Flowers of History. 1080. This year also, [his father] king William (age 52) led a powerful army into Wales, and subjugated it; and received homage and hostages for their fidelity from the petty kings of the viscounty. The same year, Antioch was taken by the pagans, together with the adjacent province, which had been a Christian land ever since the time of Saint Peter, without any disturbances. The same year, Malcolm, king of Scotland (age 48), became furious a second time after the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary, and ravaged the whole of Northumberland, as far as the river Tyne. But when he heard of this, the king of England sent his son Robert (age 29) with an army into Scotland, who returned without having succeeded in his objects, and built a new castle in the river Tyne, and then returned to his father. The same year also, the king sent his brother [his uncle] Odo, bishop of Bayeux, with a large army, to lay waste Northumberland, the people of which district had risen in insurrection against the king, and had murdered Walcher, bishop of Durham, a man of exemplary character, at Gateshead.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1087. In the same year also, before the Assumption of St. Mary, [his father] King William (age 59) went from Normandy [Map] into France with an army, and made war upon his own lord Philip, the king (age 34), and slew many of his men, and burned the town of Mante, and all the holy minsters that were in the town; and two holy men that served God, leading the life of anachorets, were burned therein. This being thus done, King William returned to Normandy. Rueful was the thing he did; but a more rueful him befel. How more rueful? He fell sick, and it dreadfully ailed him. What shall I say? Sharp death, that passes by neither rich men nor poor, seized him also. He died in Normandy, on the next day after the Nativity of St. Mary, and he was buried at Caen in St. Stephen's minster [Map], which he had formerly reared, and afterwards endowed with manifold gifts. Alas! how false and how uncertain is this world's weal! He that was before a rich king, and lord of many lands, had not then of all his land more than a space of seven feet! and he that was whilom enshrouded in gold and gems, lay there covered with mould! He left behind him three sons; the eldest, called Robert (age 36), who was earl in Normandy after him; the second, called [his brother] William (age 31), who wore the crown after him in England; and the third, called [his brother] Henry (age 19), to whom his father bequeathed immense treasure.
On 09 Sep 1087 [his father] King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 59) died at the Priory of St Gervaise, Rouen [Map]. He was buried at the Abbaye aux Hommes, Caen [Map], at a ceremony presided over by Gilbert Arques Bishop Evreux. [his brother] King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 19) attended. His son [his brother] King William II of England (age 31) succeeded II King of England. His son Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 36) succeeded III Duke Normandy.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1090. Indiction XIII. These things thus done, just as we have already said above, by the [his brother] king (age 34), and by his brother and by this men, the king was considering how he might wreak his vengeance on his brother Robert, harass him most, and win Normandy of him. And indeed through his craft, or through bribery, he got possession of the castle at St. Valeri, and the haven; and so he got possession of that at Albemarle. And therein he set his knights; and they did harm to the land in harrowing and burning. After this he got possession of more castles in the land; and therein lodged his horsemen. When the Earl of Normandy, Robert, understood that his sworn men deceived him, and gave up their castles to do him harm, then sent he to his lord, Philip, king of the Franks; and he came to Normandy [Map] with a large army, and the king and the earl with an immense force beset the castle about, wherein were the men of the King of England. But the King William of England sent to Philip, king of the Franks; and he for his love, or for his great treasure, abandoned thus his subject the Earl Robert (age 39) and his land; and returned again to France, and let them so remain. And in the midst of these things this land was much oppressed by unlawful exactions and by many other misfortunes.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1091. In this year the [his brother] King William (age 35) held his court at Christmas in Westminster, and thereafter at Candlemas he went, for the annoyance of his brother, out of England into Normandy. Whilst he was there, their reconciliation took place, on the condition, that the earl put into his hands Feschamp, and the earldom of Ou, and Cherbourg; and in addition to this, that the king's men should be secure in the castles that they had won against the will of the earl. And the king in return promised him those many [castles] that their father had formerly won, and also to reduce those that had revolted from the earl, also all that his father had there beyond, except those that he had then given the king, and that all those, that in England before for the earl had lost their land, should have it again by this treaty, and that the earl should have in England just so much as was specified in this agreement. And if the earl died without a son by lawful wedlock, the king should be heir of all Normandy; and by virtue of this same treaty, if the king died, the earl should be heir of all England. To this treaty swore twelve of the best men of the king's side, and twelve of the earl's, though it stood but a little while afterwards. In the midst of this treaty was Edgar Etheling (age 40) deprived of the land that the earl had before permitted him to keep in hand; and he went out of Normandy to the king, his sister's husband, in Scotland, and to his sister. Whilst the King William was out of England, the King Malcolm (age 59) of Scotland came hither into England, and overran a great deal of it, until the good men that governed this land sent an army against him and repulsed him. When the King William in Normandy [Map] heard this, then prepared he his departure, and came to England, and his brother, the Earl Robert (age 40), with him; and he soon issued an order to collect a force both naval and military; but the naval force, ere it could come to Scotland, perished almost miserably, a few days before St. Michael's mass. And the king and his brother proceeded with the land-force; but when the King Malcolm heard that they were resolved to seek him with an army, he went with his force out of Scotland into Lothaine in England, and there abode. When the King William came near with his army, then interceded between them Earl Robert, and Edgar Etheling, and so made the peace of the kings, that the King Malcolm came to our king, and did homage114, promising all such obedience as he formerly paid to his father; and that he confirmed with an oath. And the King William promised him in land and in all things whatever he formerly had under his father. In this settlement was also Edgar Etheling united with the king. And the kings then with much satisfaction departed; yet that stood but a little while. And the Earl Robert tarried here full nigh until Christmas with the king, and during this time found but little of the truth of their agreement; and two days before that tide he took ship in the Isle of Wight, and went into Normandy, and Edgar Etheling with him.
Note 114. Literally "became his man"—"Ic becom eowr man" was the formula of doing homage.
Florence of Worcester. 1094. The earl [Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 43)], driven to extremity, brought his suzerain, king Philip, with a French army into Normandy, who laid siege to the castle of Argentan, and on the very day he sat down before it, took seven hundred of the king's knights prisoners, with as many squires, and the whole garrison of the place, without loss of blood. He then returned to France, having given orders that the prisoners should be detained in custody until they paid their respective ransoms. Earl Robert also besieged the castle called Holme, until William Peverel (age 54) and eight hundred men who defended it surrendered to him. When the king was informed of this, he sent messengers to England with orders that twenty thousand foot soldiers should be levied and despatched to his aid in Normandy. They were mustered at Hastings, in readiness for crossing the sea, but Ralph Passe-Flambard, by the king's command, withheld the pay which had been allotted for their maintenance, at the rate of ten-pence for each man, and gave them orders to return to their homes: the money he remitted to the king. Meanwhile, all England was distressed by heavy and constant taxation, and by a mortality which was very general in this and the following year.
Florence of Worcester. 1094. King William went to Hastings, and while there caused the church of Battle [Map] to be dedicated ; and then crossing over to Normandy had a conference with his brother [Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 43)], under a safe conduct, but came away without being reconciled to him, and the earl went to Rouen. The king returned to Eu, and establishing himself there, took soldiers into his pay from all quarters, and induced several of the Norman nobles to forfeit tlieir allegiance to his brother, and place their castles in his power, some by promises, others by gifts of gold, silver, and lands; and having secured their consent, he distributed liis own troops among tlie castles which he already held, or those which were now made over to him. Meanwhile, he took the castle of Bures, and sent some of the earl's soldiers who were taken there prisoners to England, and contined the rest in Normandy. Thus he harassed his brother in various ways, and used his utmost efforts to deprive him of his inheritance.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1095. In this year was the [his brother] King William (age 39) the first four days of Christmas at Whitsand, and after the fourth day came hither, and landed at Dover. And Henry, the king's brother, abode in this land until Lent, and then went over sea to Normandy, with much treasure, on the king's behalf, against their brother, Earl Robert (age 44), and frequently fought against the earl, and did him much harm, both in land and in men. And then at Easter held the king his court in Winchester; and the Earl Robert of Northumberland would not come to court. And the king was much stirred to anger with him for this, and sent to him, and bade him harshly, if he would be worthy of protection, that he would come to court at Pentecost.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1100. During the harvest of this same year also came the Earl Robert (age 49) home into Normandy, and the Earl Robert of Flanders (age 35), Eustace, Earl of Boulogne, from Jerusalem. And as soon as the Earl Robert came into Normandy, he was joyfully received by all his people; except those of the castles that were garrisoned with the [his brother] King Henry's (age 32) men. Against them he had many contests and struggles.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 25 Dec 1100. In this year at Christmas held the [his brother] King Henry (age 32) his court in Westminster, and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. And soon thereafter were the chief men in this land in a conspiracy against the king; partly from their own great infidelity, and also through the Earl Robert (age 49) of Normandy, who with hostility aspired to the invasion of this land.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1101. This year also the Bishop Ranulf (age 41) at Candlemas burst out of the Tower of London [Map] by night, where he was in confinement, and went into Normandy; through whose contrivance and instigation mostly the Earl Robert (age 50) this year sought this land with hostility.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1101. And the [his brother] king (age 33) afterwards sent ships out to sea, to thwart and impede his brother (age 50); but some of them in the time of need fell back, and turned from the king, and surrendered themselves to the Earl Robert.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Jun 1101. Then at midsummer went the [his brother] king (age 33) out to Pevensey [Map] with all his force against his brother (age 50), and there awaited him. But in the meantime came the Earl Robert up at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map] twelve nights before Lammas; and the king with all his force came against him. But the chief men interceded between them, and settled the brothers on the condition, "that the king should forego all that he held by main strength in Normandy against the earl; and that all then in England should have their lands again, who had lost it before through the earl, and Earl Eustace also all his patrimony in this land; and that the Earl Robert every year should receive from England three thousand marks of silver; and particularly, that whichever of the brothers should survive the other, he should be heir of all England and also of Normandy, except the deceased left an heir by lawful wedlock." And this twelve men of the highest rank on either side then confirmed with an oath. And the earl afterwards remained in this land till after Michaelmas; and his men did much harm wherever they went, the while that the earl continued in this land.
After 25 Jul 1101 [his brother] King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 33) and Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 50), brothers, both sons of [his father] King William "Conqueror" I of England, signed the Treaty of Alton at Alton, Hampshire by which Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy agreed to renounce his claim to the English throne in exchange for a yearly stipend and other concessions.
On 20 Jul 1101 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 50) landed at Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map].
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1102. In this year at the Nativity was the [his brother] king Henry (age 34) at Westminster, and at Easter in Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. And soon thereafter arose a dissention between the king and the Earl Robert of Belesme (age 46), who held in this land the earldom of Shrewsbury, that his father, Earl Roger, had before, and much territory therewith both on this side and beyond the sea. And the king went and beset the castle at Arundel [Map]; but when he could not easily win it, he allowed men to make castles before it, and filled them with his men; and afterwards with all his army he went to Bridgenorth, and there continued until he had the castle [Map], and deprived the Earl Robert (age 51) of his land, and stripped him of all that he had in England. And the earl accordingly went over sea, and the army afterwards returned home. Then was the king thereafter by Michaelmas at Westminster; and all the principal men in this land, clerk, and laity.
In 1102 Robert II Belleme 2nd Count Ponthieu 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 46) forfeit his Earldom of Shrewsbury for having rebelled against [his brother] King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 34) and supported Robert Curthose (age 51).
Before 25 Oct 1102 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 51) and Sybilla Conversano Duchess Normandy were married. She by marriage Duchess Normandy. He the son of King William "Conqueror" I of England and Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England.
On 25 Oct 1102 [his son] William Clito Normandy Count Flanders was born to Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 51) and [his wife] Sybilla Conversano Duchess Normandy. He a grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1103. This year also came the Earl Robert (age 52) of Normandy to speak with the [his brother] king (age 35) in this land; and ere he departed hence he forgave the King Henry the three thousand marks that he was bound by treaty to give him each year. In this year also at Hamstead in Berkshire was seen blood [to rise] from the earth. This was a very calamitous year in this land, through manifold impositions, and through murrain of cattle, and deficiency of produce, not only in corn, but in every kind of fruit.
The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy by Orderic Vitalis. [Before 18 Mar 1103] The monks of Cluni paid great honours to this baron's memory, and commended his .soul to the Lord God by incessant prayers, mindful of the berefits they richly enjoyed on his foundation at Longueville. His wife Agnes was sister of Anselm de Ribemont, and fifteen years after their marriage gave birth to a son [Walter Giffard 2nd Earl Buckingham], who was named Walter1. After his father’s death, she carefully educated him until he arrived at manhood, and managed his hereditary domains for him many years with great prudence. This lady, giving vay to the feelings of her sex, formed an affection for Duke Robert (age 52); and entangled him in an illicit connection, by the blandishments of love. Promising him succour against his enemies, both from her own resources and those of her powerful relations, she induced the silly duke to engage that on the death of his present wife [[his wife] Sybilla Conversano Duchess Normandy], he would not only marry her, but entrust to her the government of the whole of Normandy.
Note 1. Walter Giffard, third of that name, died in 1164, according to Robert du Mont (Hist. de France, t. xiii. p. 309), without leaving any issue by his wife Ermengarde.
On 18 Mar 1103 [his wife] Sybilla Conversano Duchess Normandy died.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1104. Afterwards were reconciled the Earl Robert (age 53) of Normandy and Robert de Belesme (age 48), whom the [his brother] King Henry (age 36) had before deprived of his lands, and driven from England; and through their reconciliation the King of England and the Earl of Normandy became adversaries. And the king sent his folk over sea into Normandy; and the head-men in that land received them, and with treachery to their lord, the earl, lodged them in their castles, whence they committed many outrages on the earl in plundering and burning.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1105. In this year, on the Nativity, held the [his brother] King Henry (age 37) his court at Windsor Castle [Map]; and afterwards in Lent he went over sea into Normandy against his brother Earl Robert (age 54). And whilst he remained there he won of his brother Caen [Map] and Baieux; and almost all the castles and the chief men in that land were subdued. And afterwards by harvest he returned hither again; and that which he had won in Normandy remained afterwards in peace and subjection to him; except that which was anywhere near the Earl William of Moretaine (age 21). This he often demanded as strongly as he could for the loss of his land in this country.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1106. In this year was the [his brother] King Henry (age 38) on the Nativity at Westminster, and there held his court; and at that season Robert de Belesme (age 50) went unreconciled from the king out of his land into Normandy. Hereafter before Lent was the king at Northampton [Map]; and the Earl Robert (age 55) his brother came thither from Normandy to him; and because the king would not give him back that which he had taken from him in Normandy, they parted in hostility; and the earl soon went over sea back again.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1106. After this, and before August, went the [his brother] king (age 38) over sea into Normandy; and almost all that were in that land submitted to his will, except Robert de Belesme (age 50) and the Earl of Moretaine (age 22), and a few others of the principal persons who yet held with the Earl of Normandy (age 55). For this reason the king afterwards advanced with an army, and beset a castle of the Earl of Moretaine, called Tenerchebrai.136 Whilst the king beset the castle, came the Earl Robert of Normandy on Michaelmas eve against the king with his army, and with him Robert of Belesme, and William, Earl of Moretaine, and all that would be with them; but the strength and the victory were the king's. There was the Earl of Normandy taken, and the Earl of Moretaine, and Robert of Stutteville, and afterwards sent to England, and put into custody. Robert of Belesme was there put to flight, and William Crispin was taken, and many others forthwith. Edgar Etheling (age 55), who a little before had gone over from the king to the earl, was also there taken, whom the king afterwards let go unpunished. Then went the king over all that was in Normandy, and settled it according to his will and discretion.
Note 136. Now Tinchebrai.
On 28 Sep 1106 [his brother] King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 38) defeated his older brother Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 55) at the Battle of Tinchebray at Tinchebray, Orne.
William Warenne 2nd Earl of Surrey and Robert Beaumont 1st Earl of Leicester Count Meulan (age 66). Elias La Flèche De Baugency I Count Maine commanded the reserve. The following fought for Henry:
William "Brito aka Breton" D'Aubigny (age 20).
Alan Canhiart IV Duke Brittany (age 43).
Raoul Tosny (age 26).
William "Pincerna aka Butler" D'Aubigny (age 42).
Robert Grandesmil (age 28), and.
William Normandy I Count Évreux.
Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy was captured and spent the next twenty-eight years in prison; never released.
William Mortain Count Mortain 2nd Earl Cornwall (age 22) was also captured. He spent the next thirty or more years in prison before becoming a monk. Earl Cornwall forfeit.
King Edgar Ætheling II of England (age 55) was captured and subsequently released; Henry had married to Edgar's niece Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England (age 26) in 1100.
Robert II Belleme 2nd Count Ponthieu 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury (age 50) escaped.
Robert Stuteville was captured.
After 28 Sep 1106 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 55) was imprisoned at Devizes Castle [Map].
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. After 26 Mar 1124. After this went the [his brother] king (age 56), and won all the castles of the Earl Waleram (age 20) that were in Normandy, and all the others that his enemies held against him. All this hostility was on account of the son of the Earl Robert (age 73) of Normandy, named [his son] William (age 21). This same William had taken to wife the younger [his daughter-in-law] daughter (age 12) of Fulke, Earl of Anjou (age 35): and for this reason the King of France (age 42) and all the earls held with him, and all the rich men; and said that the king held his brother Robert wrongfully in captivity, and drove his son William unjustly out of Normandy.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1126. In this year the [his brother] king (age 58) had his brother Robert (age 75) taken from the Bishop Roger of Salisbury, and committed him to his son1 Robert, Earl of Glocester (age 27), and had him led to Bristol, and there put into the castle. That was all done through his daughter's (age 23) counsel, and through David, the king of the Scots (age 42), her uncle.
Note 1. Illegitimate.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1127. And the King of France (age 45) brought [his son] William (age 24), the son of the Earl of Normandy (age 76), and gave him the earldom; and the people of that land accepted him. This same William had before taken to wife the [his daughter-in-law] daughter (age 15) of the Earl of Anjou; but they were afterwards divorced on the plea of consanguinity. This was all through the [his brother] King Henry (age 59) of England. Afterwards took he to wife the [his daughter-in-law] sister1 of the king's wife of France; and for this reason the king gave him the earldom of Flanders.
Note. Maternal half-sister; their mother Gisela Ivrea Countess Savoy (age 57).
Florence of Worcester. 1134. Robert (age 83), brother of king Henry, and formerly earl of Normandy, who was taken prisoner of war by the king when in Normandy, at the castle of Tinchebrai, and had been long confined in England, died at Cardiff, and, being carried to Gloucester [Map], was buried with great honours in the pavement of the church before the altar.
The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy by Orderic Vitalis. In the year of our Lord, 1134, the twelfth indiction, Robert II duke of Normandy (age 83) died at Cardiff in Britain, in the month of February, twenty-eight years after he had been taken prisoner at Tinchebrai and immured in his brother’s dungeon. He lies buried in the abbey of the monks of St. Peter at Gloucester [Map].
Effigy of Robert Duke of Normandy. ROBERT Duke of Normandy was the eldest son of [his father] William the First, King of England. He claimed the Dukedom of Normandy of his father during his lifetime, prosecuted a war against him on that account, unhorsed and wounded him, not knowing who he was, at the battle of Gerbrai. On discovering a mistake which might have involved him in the guilt of parricide, he made an humble submission to William, who was however implacable, and denounced a curse against him, to which Robert's subsequent misfortunes are attributed by the historians of the time. On his deathbed the King disinherited him of his claim of succession to the English crown, substituting his second surviving son, [his brother] William le Roux, Rufus, or the Red, in his room.
Kings Wessex: Great x 6 Grand Son of King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex
Kings England: Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Son of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks
Kings France: Great Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 6 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Rollo Normandy Duke Normandy
Great x 3 Grandfather: William "Longsword" Normandy I Duke Normandy
Great x 4 Grandmother: Poppa Unknown Duchess Normandy
Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard "Fearless" Normandy I Duke Normandy
Great x 3 Grandmother: Sprota Unknown
Great x 1 Grandfather: Richard "Good" Normandy II Duke Normandy
Great x 3 Grandfather: Unknown Unknown
Great x 2 Grandmother: Gunnora Countess Ponthieu
GrandFather: Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy
Great x 4 Grandfather: Pascweten Vannes
Great x 3 Grandfather: Judicael Berengar Penthièvre I Count Rennes
Great x 2 Grandfather: Conan "Crooked" Penthièvre III Duke Brittany
Great x 1 Grandmother: Judith Penthièvre Duchess Normandy
Great x 4 Grandfather: Fulk "Good" Ingelger 2nd Count Anjou
Great x 3 Grandfather: Geoffrey "Greygown" Ingelger 1st Count Anjou
Great x 4 Grandmother: Gerberge Unknown Viscountess Anjou
Great x 2 Grandmother: Ermengarde Gerberga Ingelger Duchess Brittany
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Vermandois Count Meaux Count Châlons
Great x 3 Grandmother: Adele Vermandois Countess Anjou
Father: King William "Conqueror" I of England -2 x Great Grand Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Father of Beatrix and Herleva
GrandMother: Herleva Falaise
Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy Son of King William "Conqueror" I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders
Great x 3 Grandfather: Baldwin III Count Flanders
Great x 4 Grandmother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders
Great x 2 Grandfather: Arnulf II Count Flanders
Great x 4 Grandfather: Hermmann Billung Margrave Billung March
Great x 3 Grandmother: Matilda Billung Countess Flanders
Great x 4 Grandmother: Hildegard Westerburg Margrave Billung March
Great x 1 Grandfather: Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders
Great x 4 Grandfather: Adalbert I Margrave of Ivrea
Great x 3 Grandfather: Berengar II King of Italy
Great x 2 Grandmother: Rozala of Italy
Great x 4 Grandfather: Boso Unknown Margrave Tuscany
Great x 3 Grandmother: Willa Bosonids Queen Consort Italy
GrandFather: Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders
Great x 3 Grandfather: Sigfried Luxemburg Ardennes Count Ardennes
Great x 2 Grandfather: Frederick Luxemburg Ardennes
Great x 4 Grandfather: Eberhard IV Nordgau
Great x 3 Grandmother: Hedwig Nordgau
Great x 1 Grandmother: Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders
Great x 3 Grandfather: Heribert I Count Gleiberg Gleiburg
Great x 2 Grandmother: Ermentrude Gleiburg
Mother: Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert I King West Francia
Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh "Great" Capet Count Paris
Great x 4 Grandmother: Beatrice Vermandois
Great x 2 Grandfather: Hugh I King France
Great x 4 Grandfather: Henry "Fowler" I King East Francia
Great x 3 Grandmother: Hedwig Saxon Ottonian
Great x 4 Grandmother: Matilda Ringelheim Queen Consort East Francia
Great x 1 Grandfather: Robert "Pious" II King France
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ebles "Manzer aka Bastard" III Duke Aquitaine
Great x 3 Grandfather: William "Towhead" III Duke Aquitaine
Great x 2 Grandmother: Adelaide Poitiers Queen Consort France
Great x 4 Grandfather: Rollo Normandy Duke Normandy
Great x 3 Grandmother: Gerloc aka Adela Normandy Duchess Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandmother: Poppa Unknown Duchess Normandy
GrandMother: Adela Capet Duchess Normandy
Great x 3 Grandfather: Boson II Count Arles
Great x 2 Grandfather: William "Liberator" Arles 1st Count Provence 1st Count Arles
Great x 1 Grandmother: Constance Arles Queen Consort France
Great x 4 Grandfather: Fulk "Red" Ingelger 1st Count Anjou
Great x 3 Grandfather: Fulk "Good" Ingelger 2nd Count Anjou
Great x 4 Grandmother: Roscille Loches Countess Anjou
Great x 2 Grandmother: Adelaide Blanche Ingelger Queen Consort West Francia
Great x 4 Grandfather: Ratburnus I Viscount of Vienne
Great x 3 Grandmother: Gerberge Unknown Viscountess Anjou