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Biography of Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon 1432-1461

Paternal Family Tree: Courtenay

Maternal Family Tree: Aoife NI Diarmait Macmurrough Countess Pembroke and Buckingham 1145-1188

Around 1420 [his father] Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 6) and [his mother] Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon (age 11) were married. She the daughter of [his grandfather] John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset and [his grandmother] Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence (age 35). He the son of [his grandfather] Hugh Courtenay 12th Earl Devon (age 31) and [his grandmother] Anne Talbot Countess Devon (age 27). They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward I of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

In 1432 Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon was born to Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 18) and Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon (age 23). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

In 1449 [his mother] Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon (age 40) died.

After 09 Sep 1456 Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon (age 24) and Mary Capet Countess Devon (age 10) were married at Coventry, Warwickshire [Map]. She by marriage Countess Devon. She the illegitmate daughter of Charles Valois Anjou Count Maine (age 42). He the son of Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 42) and Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England.

In 1458 [his father] Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon (age 44) died at Yattendon Castle [Map]. He was buried at Courtenay Chantry Chapel Exeter Cathedral. His son Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon (age 26) succeeded 14th Earl Devon, 9th Baron Okehampton, 7th Baron Courtenay.

Chronicle of Gregory 1460. Then the Quene (age 30) havynge knowelechynge of this praty whyle sche sende unto the Duke of Somersett (age 24), at that tyme beynge in Dorset schyre at the Castelle of Corffe [Map], and for the Erle of Devyschyre (age 28), and for Elysaundyr Hody, and prayde them to com to her as hastely as they might, with her tenantys as strong in her harnys as men of warre, for the Lord Rosse (age 33), the Lord Clyfforde (age 25), the Baron of Grestocke (age 46), the Lord Nevyle (age 50), the Lord Latymer (age 53), were waytyng a-pon the Duke of Excete[r] (age 30) to mete with her at Hulle [Map]. And this mater was not taryd but full prevely i-wrought; and she sende letters unto alle her ehyffe offycers that they wold doo the same, and that they shulde warne alle the servantys that lovyd her or purposyd to kepe and rejoyse her of Yysce, to wayte a-pon her at Hulle by that day as hit a-poyntyd by hyr. Alle thes pepylle were gaderyd and conveyde so prevely that they wer hole in nombyr of xvM [Note. 15000] or any man wolde be-leve it; in so moche yf any man said, or tolde, or talkyd of suche gaderyng, he shulde be schende, and some were in grete donger, for the common pepylle said by thoo that told the, troughthe, "Ye talke ryght ye wolde hit were," and gave noo credens of her sayynge. But the laste the lordys purposyd to knowe the troughthe. And the ix day of December nexte folowyng the Duke of Yorke (age 49), the Erle of Salysbury (age 60), the Erle Rutlond (age 17) (he was the Duke of Yorke is secunde sone, one the beste dysposyd lord in this londe), and Syr Thomas Haryngdon (age 60), whythe many mo knyghtys and quyers and grete pepylle with hem, and soo departyd out of London towarde Yorke, &c.

Battle of Towton

Chronicle of Gregory 1461. Ande the xxix [29] day of the same monythe of Marche, that was þe Palme Sunday, the kyng (age 18) mette with the lordys of the Northe at Schyrborne. And there was on Harrys party that was King-

Prynce Edwarde (age 7), Kyng Harrys son.

The Duke of Exceter (age 30).

The Duke of Somersett (age 25).

The Erle of Northehumberlond (age 39).

The Erle of Devynschyre (age 29).

The lord Roos.

The lord Bemound (age 33).

The lord Clyfforde (deceased).

The lord Nevyle.

The lord Wellys (age 51).

The lord Wylby (age 40).

The lord Harry of Bokyngham.

The lord Rivers (age 56).

The lord Schalys.

The lord Maule (age 50).

The lord Ferys of Groby (age 23).

The lord Foschewe. [Possibly John Fortescue (age 67)]

The lord Lovelle (age 28).

Syr Thomas Hammys, captayne of alle the fote men.

Syr Androwe Thorlloppe.

Syr Thomas Tressam (age 41).

Syr Robert Whytyngham (age 32).

Syr John Dawne.

And the yonge Lord of Schrouysbury (age 12), and many moo othyr, bothe lordys, knyghtys, and squyers.

Here ben the namys of the lordys that were slayne in the felde in King Harrys (age 39) party.

The Erle of Northehumberlond,

The lord Clyfforde,

The lord Nevyle (age 51),

The lord Wellys,

The lord Maules,

And many moo then I can reherse; but whythe [t]es and othyr that were slayne in the fylde is a grete nombyr, by syde xlij [42] knyghtys that were slayne aftyr; the hoole nombyr is xxxv M1 [35000] of comeners. Jhesu be þou marcyfulle unto her soulys. Amen.

And the lordys before wretyn fledde, the substance in to Schotlond with the King Harry and Quene Margarete (age 31), and son the Prynce with hym, full of sorowe and hevynys, no wondyr. God knowythe, but every man deme the beste tylle the trought be tryde owte. For many a lady lost her beste be lovyd in that batayle.

Chronicle of Gregory 1461. 03 Apr 1461. The Erle of Devynschyre (age 29) was seke, and might not voyde a waye, and was take and be heddyd. And the Erle of Wylte schyre (age 40) was take and brought unto Newe Castell [Map] to the King. And there his hedde was smete of, and send unto London to be sette uppon London Brygge [Map]. And Docter Morton (age 41), the Prynces chaunceler, was take with him and put in the Towre, but he schapyd a way long tyme aftyr, and is by yonde the see with the Quene, &c.

On 03 Apr 1461 Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon (age 29) was beheaded at York [Map] and attainted. Earl Devon forfeit..

John Heron of Ford Castle Northumberland (age 45), Robert Dethick (age 86), Andrew Trollope and his son David Trollope were killed.

Thomas Grey 1st Baron Grey of Richemont (age 43) was executed. Baron Grey of Richemont forfeit.

Paston Letters Volume 3 450. 04 Apr 1461. 3.450. William Paston and John Playters to John Paston (age 39).

To my maister, John Paston, in hast,

Please you to knowe and wete of suche tydyngs as my Lady of York hath by a lettre of credens, under the signe manuel of oure Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche lettre cam un to oure sayd Lady this same day, Esterne Evyn, at xj. clok, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.

Fyrst, oure Soverayn Lord (age 18) hath wonne the feld, and uppon the Munday next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with gret solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad ther menys to have grace be Lord Montagu (age 30) and Lord Barenars (age 45), whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred hym of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is slayn Lord Fitz Water (deceased), and Lord Scrop (age 23) sore hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent ben ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs (age 30) mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, &c.

Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford (deceased), Lord Nevyle (deceased), Lord Welles (deceased), Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Erle of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of (20000).

Item, Kyng Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, &c. We send no er un to you be cause we had non certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sory cite as myght. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.

Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu spede you. We pray you that this tydyngs my moder may knowe.

Be your Broder,

W. Paston.

T. Playters.

Note 1. ‘On a piece of paper pinned to the above letter,’ says Fenn, ‘is a list of the 268names of the noblemen and knights, and the number of soldiers slain at the above battle of Towton, as follow:—’

Comes Northumbriæ (deceased).

Comes Devon (deceased).

Dominus de Beamunde.

Dominus de Clifford.

Dominus de Nevyll.

Dominus de Dacre (deceased).

Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.

Dominus de Well[es].

Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.

Dominus de Wellugby.

Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.


Sir Rauff Gray.

Sir Ric. Jeney.

Sir Harry Bekingham.

Sir Andrew Trollop.

With (28000) nomberd by Harralds.

Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon 1432-1461 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

King Edward III of England 1312-1377

John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster 1340-1399

Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey 1318-1372

Richard Fitzalan 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 1306-1376

Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent 1350-1397

Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales 1328-1385

Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster 1350-1403

Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 1314-1369

Royal Ancestors of Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon 1432-1461

Kings Wessex: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Kings Gwynedd: Great x 9 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd

Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 15 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth

Kings Powys: Great x 10 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys

Kings England: Great x 2 Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Kings Scotland: Great x 11 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland

Kings Franks: Great x 8 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks

Kings France: Great x 4 Grand Son of Philip IV King France

Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 16 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine

Ancestors of Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon 1432-1461

Great x 4 Grandfather: Hugh Courtenay 9th Earl Devon 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Hugh Courtenay 10th Earl Devon 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Agnes St John Countess Devon

Great x 2 Grandfather: Edward Courtenay Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Bohun Countess Devon Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Princess Elizabeth of Rhuddlan Countess Essex, Hereford and Holland Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: Edward "Blind Earl" Courtenay 11th Earl Devon 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

GrandFather: Hugh Courtenay 12th Earl Devon 3 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Maud Camoys Countess Devon

Father: Thomas Courtenay 13th Earl Devon 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Gilbert Talbot 1st Baron Talbot 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Richard Talbot 2nd Baron Talbot 7 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Anne Boteler Baroness Talbot

Great x 2 Grandfather: Gilbert Talbot 3rd Baron Talbot 8 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Comyn 3rd Lord Baddenoch 6 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Comyn Baroness Talbot 7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Valence Lady Baddenoch

Great x 1 Grandfather: Richard Talbot 7th Baron Strange Blackmere 4th Baron Talbot 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund Butler 1st Earl Carrick

Great x 3 Grandfather: James Butler 1st Earl Ormonde

Great x 2 Grandmother: Petronella Butler Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Eleanor Bohun Countess Ormonde Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Princess Elizabeth of Rhuddlan Countess Essex, Hereford and Holland Daughter of King Edward I of England

GrandMother: Anne Talbot Countess Devon 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: John Strange 2nd Baron Strange Blackmere 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Giffard Baroness Strange Blackmere 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Strange 4th Baron Strange Blackmere 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Ankaret Boteler Baroness Strange Blackmere 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Ela Herdeburgh Baroness Wem and Oversley 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandmother: Ankaret Strange 7th Baroness Strange Blackmere, Baroness Talbot 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 8th Earl of Arundel 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmund Fitzalan 9th Earl of Arundel 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Alice Saluzzo Countess Arundel 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Mary Fitzalan Baroness Strange Blackmere 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Warenne

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Warenne Countess Arundel

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Vere

Thomas Courtenay 14th Earl Devon 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward I of England Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edward II of England Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Philip IV King France 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Isabella of France Queen Consort England 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Blois I Queen Navarre 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 1 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Hainault II Count Hainault II Count Holland 3 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Hainault I Count Hainault III Count Avesnes III Count Holland II Count Zeeland 4 x Great Grand Son of King Stephen I England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa Luxemburg Countess Hainault and Holland 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Charles Valois I Count Valois 3 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Joan Valois Countess Zeeland Holland Avesnes and Hainault 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Capet Countess Valois 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

GrandFather: John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Giles "Payne" Roet

Great x 1 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster

Mother: Margaret Beaufort Countess Devon Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert de Holand of Upholland

Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Holland 1st Baron Holand

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Alan Zouche 1st Baron Zouche Ashby 2 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Maud Zouche Baroness Holand 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Segrave

Great x 1 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward I of England Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmund of Woodstock 1st Earl Kent Son of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret of France Queen Consort England 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: John Wake 1st Baron Wake of Liddell 2 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Wake Countess Kent 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Fiennes Baroness Wake Liddell 4 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

GrandMother: Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 8th Earl of Arundel 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Edmund Fitzalan 9th Earl of Arundel 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Alice Saluzzo Countess Arundel 6 x Great Grand Daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: William Warenne

Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Warenne Countess Arundel

Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Vere

Great x 1 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Edmund "Crouchback" Plantagenet 1st Earl of Leicester 1st Earl Lancaster Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster Grand Son of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Blanche Capet Queen Navarre 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England

Great x 2 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England

Great x 4 Grandfather: Patrick Chaworth

Great x 3 Grandmother: Maud Chaworth