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Hay Paternal Family Tree

See Paternal Family Trees Scotland

David Hay 2nd Baron Erroll

Born 1162

Died 1241 (79)

Father: David Hay 2nd Baron Erroll

Gilbert Hay 3rd Baron Erroll

Born 1210

Before 1240 m Idonea Comyn x 1

Died 1258 (48)

Father: Gilbert Hay 3rd Baron Erroll

Mother: Idonea Comyn

Nicholas Hay 4th Baron Erroll

Born 1240

Died Sep 1306 (66)

Father: Nicholas Hay 4th Baron Erroll

Gilbert Hay 5th Baron Erroll

Born 1270

Died Apr 1333 (63)

Father: Gilbert Hay 5th Baron Erroll

Nicholas Hay

Born 1285

Killed 12 Aug 1332 (47)

Battle of Dupplin Moor

Father: Nicholas Hay

David Hay 6th Baron Erroll

Born 1318

Killed 17 Oct 1346 (28)

Battle of Neville's Cross

Father: David Hay 6th Baron Erroll

Thomas Hay 7th Baron Erroll

Born 1342

Before 07 Nov 1372 m Elizabeth Stewart x 1

Died 14 Jul 1406 (64)

5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Thomas Hay 7th Baron Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Stewart

William Hay 1st Lord Hay

Born 1374

Died 1436 (62)

6 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Lord Hay

Gilbert Hay

Born 1396

Died 07 Sep 1436 (40)

7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: Gilbert Hay

William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1423

Before 1436 m Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll x 7

Third Cousin

Died Oct 1462 (39)

8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Nicholas Hay 2nd Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1436

15 Nov 1461 m Elizabeth Gordon Countess Erroll

Died 1470 (34)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Isabel Hay Lady Oliphant

Born 1441

Married Laurence Oliphant 1st Lord Oliphant x 1

Died 1509 (68)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Beatrix Hay

Born 1449

Married Alexander Gordon

Died 1517 (68)

8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1449

Before 14 Oct 1485 m Isabel Gordon Countess Erroll x 2

Third Cousin Once Removed

After 14 Oct 1485 m Elizabeth Leslie Countess Errol x 1

Died 14 Jan 1507 (58)

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Leslie Countess Errol

Elizabeth Hay

Born 14 Oct 1485

Before 06 Nov 1500 m David Lindsay 8th Earl Crawford x 1

Died 24 Jan 1511 (25)

4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll

Mother: Isabel Gordon Countess Erroll

William Hay 4th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Before 1495 m Christian Lyon Countess Erroll x 1

Fourth Cousin

Killed 09 Sep 1513

Battle of Flodden

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 4th Earl Erroll

Mother: Christian Lyon Countess Erroll

William Hay 5th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1495

Married Elizabeth Ruthven Countess Erroll x 1

Half Second Cousin Once Removed

Died 28 Jul 1522 (27)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 5th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Ruthven Countess Erroll

William Hay 6th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1521

Married Helen or Eleanor Stewart Countess Erroll and Sutherland x 1

Half Second Cousin Twice Removed

Died 11 Apr 1541 (20)

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 6th Earl Erroll

Mother: Helen or Eleanor Stewart Countess Erroll and Sutherland

Jean Hay

Born 1540

Jun 1552 m Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll x 4

Second Cousin Once Removed

4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 3rd Earl Erroll

Mother: Isabel Gordon Countess Erroll

Thomas Hay

Before 1513 m Margaret Logie x 2

Died 1513

5 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Thomas Hay

Mother: Margaret Logie

George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1508

Married Helen Bryson Countess Erroll x 2

1528 m Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll x 9

Died 30 Jan 1573 (65)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1531

Jun 1552 m Jean Hay x 4

Second Cousin Once Removed

Aug 1570 m Agnes Sinclair Countess Erroll x 3

Died 08 Oct 1585 (54)

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Jean Hay

Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 30 Apr 1564

Married Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll x 13

Fourth Cousin

Married Mary Stewart Countess Erroll

Third Cousin

27 Jun 1584 m Margaret Stewart Countess Erroll

Fourth Cousin

Died 16 Jul 1631 (67)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Anne Hay Countess Winton

Countess Winton

Born 1592

26 Apr 1609 m George Seton 3rd Earl Winton x 3

Died 1628 (36)

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

William Hay 10th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 1597

Married Anne Lyon Countess Erroll x 2

Died 07 Dec 1636 (39)

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 10th Earl Erroll

Mother: Anne Lyon Countess Erroll

Gilbert Hay 11th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Born 13 Jun 1631

07 Jan 1658 m Catherine Carnegie Countess Erroll

Died Oct 1674 (43)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: William Hay 10th Earl Erroll

Mother: Anne Lyon Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay Countess Cassilis

Countess Cassilis

04 Feb 1638 m Henry Ker x 2

15 Mar 1644 m John Kennedy 6th Earl Cassilis x 1

Second Cousin Once Removed

Died 1695

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Helen Hay

Born 1615

Died 1625 (10)

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Jean Hay

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Elizabeth Hay

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Francis Hay

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

George Hay

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Mary Hay Countess Buccleuch

Countess Buccleuch

15 Oct 1616 m Walter Scott 1st Earl Buccleuch x 2

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Lewis Hay

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Sophia Hay

Married John Gordon

Third Cousin

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Isabel Hay

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Francis Hay 9th Earl Erroll

Mother: Elizabeth Douglas Countess Erroll

Thomas Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Jean Hay

Alexander Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Jean Hay

Thomas Hay

Died 1596

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Jean Hay

Helen Hay

26 Jan 1584 m Alexander Livingston 1st Earl Linlithgow x 3

Fourth Cousin

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Agnes Sinclair Countess Erroll

George Hay

Married Margaret Kinnaird

8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay

John Hay 12th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

01 Oct 1674 m Anne Drummond Countess Erroll x 3

Died 30 Dec 1704

9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: John Hay 12th Earl Erroll

Mother: Anne Drummond Countess Erroll

Charles Hay 13th Earl Erroll

Earl Erroll

Died 16 Oct 1717

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: John Hay 12th Earl Erroll

Mother: Anne Drummond Countess Erroll

Mary Hay 14th Countess Erroll

Countess Erroll

Died 19 Aug 1758

9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: John Hay 12th Earl Erroll

Mother: Anne Drummond Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay Countess Linlithgow

Countess Linlithgow

After May 1707 m James Livingston 5th Earl Linlithgow 4th Earl Callendar x 1

Third Cousin

7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Agnes Sinclair Countess Erroll

William Hay

7 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Andrew Hay 8th Earl Erroll

Mother: Agnes Sinclair Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Elizabeth Hay

Born 1531

1544 m William Keith Master of Marischal x 1

Fourth Cousin

Died 1578 (47)

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Beatrix Hay

Born 1560

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Helen Bryson Countess Erroll

Elizabeth Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Laurence Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

John Hay

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay Lady Oliphant

Married Laurence Oliphant 4th Lord Oliphant x 5

Third Cousin Once Removed

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Thomas Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

Alexander Hay

6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Helen Bryson Countess Erroll

Eupham Hay

6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England

Father: George Hay 7th Earl Erroll

Mother: Margaret Robertson Countess Erroll

George Hay

5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England

Father: Thomas Hay

Mother: Margaret Logie

Beatrix Hay

8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Gilbert Hay

Born 1450

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Elizabeth Hay Countess Huntley

Countess Huntley

Born 1450

18 Aug 1471 m George Gordon 2nd Earl Huntley x 1

1498 m Andrew Gray 2nd Lord Gray

Died 27 Jun 1509 (59)

8 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England

Father: William Hay 1st Earl Erroll

Mother: Beatrice Douglas Countess Erroll

Margaret Hay

Born 1453

Died 1500 (47)

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