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Paternal Family Tree: Stewart
On 28 Sep 1361 [his father] Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany (age 21) and Margaret Graham Countess Menteith and Fife (age 27) were married. He by marriage Earl Menteith. She the daughter of John Graham Earl Menteith and Margaret Graham 2nd Countess Menteith and Mar. He the son of [his grandfather] King Robert II of Scotland (age 45) and [his grandmother] Elizabeth Mure Queen Consort Scotland. He a great x 4 grandson of King John of England.
In 1381 [his father] Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany (age 41) and [his mother] Muriella Keith Duchess Albany (age 23) were married. He the son of [his grandfather] King Robert II of Scotland (age 64) and [his grandmother] Elizabeth Mure Queen Consort Scotland. He a great x 4 grandson of King John of England.
In 1381 John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan was born to Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany (age 41) and Muriella Keith Duchess Albany (age 23).
In 1390 John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 9) and Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness were married. She the daughter of Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 18) and Margaret Stewart Duchess Touraine. He the son of Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany (age 50) and Muriella Keith Duchess Albany (age 32). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King John of England.
On 03 Sep 1420 [his father] Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany (age 80) died at Stirling Castle [Map]. His son [his half-brother] Murdoch Stewart 2nd Duke Albany (age 58) succeeded 2nd Duke Albany. His son John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 39) succeeded 2nd Earl Buchan. [his wife] Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness by marriage Countess Buchan.
On 22 Mar 1421 the Dauphin's (age 18) French army and a Scottish army heavily defeated the English army at the Battle of Baugé. On the French side Étienne Vignolles "La Hire" fought. On the Scottish side John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 40) and John Stewart of Darnley 1st Count Évreux (age 41) fought. William Douglas (age 37) was killed.
On the English side John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset (age 18), Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 44), Thomas Beaufort Count Perche (age 16) and John Holland 2nd Duke Exeter (age 26) were captured. John Beaufort 1st Duke of Somerset would be captive for the next seventeen years. Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter was released in 1422. Thomas Beaufort Count Perche was released around 1427 in a prisoner exchange.
Thomas Lancaster 1st Duke of Clarence (age 32) was killed in battle. Duke Clarence extinct.
John Lumley (age 38) was killed in battle.
John Ros 7th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 24) was killed in battle. His brother Thomas Ros 8th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 13) succeeded 8th Baron Ros Helmsley.
William Ros (age 24), and Gilbert V Umfraville were killed.
John Grey 1st Earl Tankerville (age 37) was killed in battle. His son Henry Grey 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Tankerville.
William Douglas 1st Lord Drumlanrig was present.
Around 1424 [his brother-in-law] Archibald Douglas 2nd Duke Touraine (age 34) and Euphemia Graham Lady Hamilton (age 16) were married. She by marriage Duchess Touraine, Countess Wigtown. She the daughter of Patrick Graham and Eupheme Stewart 2nd Countess of Strathearn and Caithness. He the son of [his father-in-law] Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 52) and Margaret Stewart Duchess Touraine. They were half second cousins.
On 17 Aug 1424 the English forces led by John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 35) inflicted a significant defeat on the French and Scottish army at the Battle of Verneuil; a second Agincourt. For the English Edmund Hungerford (age 15), Ralph Longford (age 23), John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41) and Richard Waller (age 29) fought.
On the French and Scottish side Pierre Valois, [his father-in-law] Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 52), his son [his brother-in-law] James Douglas, William Seton Master of Seton (age 34), Alexander Home of Home and Dunglas (age 56) were killed
John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 43) was killed. His brother [his brother] Robert Stewart Earl Ross (age 39) de jure Earl Ross and Earl Buchan although he didn't claim the title since both titles had reverted to the Crown.
Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 34) fought.
A Brief Latin Chronicle. 17 Aug 1424. However, in the year —— of this king, there was a battle at Verneuil in Perche between John, Duke of Bedford (age 35), regent of France, and the French and Scots. With the said duke were the Earl of Salisbury (age 36), the Earl of Suffolk (age 27), Lord Willoughby, Lord Scales, Lord Poynings, and William Oldhall with the retinue of the Duke of Exeter, then infirm. In this battle on the French side, the Duke of Alençon was captured; the bastard of Alençon, the Count of Nevers, and the Count of Marle were indeed killed. On the Scottish side, [his father-in-law] Archibald, Earl of Douglas (age 52), the Earl of Buchan (age 43), the Earl of Mar, the Earl of Moray, James Douglas, son of the said earl, Sir Alexander Lindsay; William Douglas of Drumlanrig, Matthew Pork, Hugh Orth, knights, and many others, both French and Scots, were killed in that battle and in the flight, to the number of 7,000 and more. Later, in the ditches of the said town, it is said, 4,000 were found drowned. And for all these things, always give thanks to God.
Anno autem —— hujus regis fuit prelium apud Vernoll in Perche inter Johannem ducem Bedfordie regentem Francie et Francos ac Scottos. Ubi cum dicto duce fuerunt Comes Sarum, Comes Southfok, deminus Wylughby, dominus Scales, dominus Ponynges, Willelmus Oldale cum retinencia ducis Exonie tunc infirmi. Et in dicto bello ex parte Francorum captus est dux de Launson[..]; occisi vero sunt ibidem bastardus de Launson, Comes de Navern et Comes de Marrebon[..]. Ex parte autem Scottorum perempti sunt Archibaldus Comes de Douglasse, Comes de Boghan, Comes de Marre, Comes de Murrey, Jacobus Douglas filius dicti comitis, Alexander Lyndesey miles; Willelmus Douglas de Danlanryk, Matheus Pork, Hugo Orth, milites, et alii quam plures, tam de Francis quam de Scottis in ipso bello et fuga ad numerum vij ml et ultra. Postea vero in foveis dicte ville inventa sunt, ut dicitur, iiij ml submersa. Et super his omnibus semper Deo gratias.
On 17 Aug 1424 [his brother-in-law] Archibald Douglas 2nd Duke Touraine (age 34) succeeded 2nd Duke Touraine, 2nd Earl Wigtown, 5th Lord Douglas, 2nd Lord Annandale, 2nd Lord Galloway, 2nd Lord Bothwell.
Before 1425 [his daughter] Margaret Stewart was born to John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan and [his former wife] Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.20%.
Following the Battle of Verneuil at which John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan, brother of [his half-brother] Murdoch Stewart 2nd Duke Albany (age 63) and key ally of the Albany Stewarts, was killed, King James I of Scotland (age 30) felt able to take action against the Albany Stewarts for their protracted regency whilst James was hostage in England.
Around 01 May 1427 Thomas Stewart and [his former wife] Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness were married. She the daughter of [his former father-in-law] Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine and Margaret Stewart Duchess Touraine. He the son of Alexander Stewart 1st Earl of Mar (age 52). They were second cousins.
Around 1451 [his former wife] Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness died.
Hall's Chronicle 1424. HE had skace ended his exhortacion, but the Englishmen beyng incouraged with his prudent persuasion, sette on their enemies, criyng, Sainct George, Bedford. And the Frenchemen likewise cried, Moutioye, sainct Denise. Then the arrowes flewe out of the long bowes on the one parte, the quarrelles out of the crosse bowes on the other parte. After thei came to hande strokes: greate was the fight, & terrible was the batfaill, with so indifferent Judgement of victory that no heraulde could determyne to whiche parte Fortune moste shewed her louyng countenaunce. For on bothe sides men wer slain and wounded, and on bothe partes some wer felled and recouered, thus stil in a doubtful Judgement, the battaill continued about three houres. The duke of Alauson in the meane season neuer ceased to exhorte and praie his people manly to fight, and not to suffre their enemies, (whiche wer at the very point to be ouercome) by their faint hartes to be victors, and ouercommers. Likewise the duke of Bedford rode about his armie, refreshing the weake with freshe men, and encoragyng his people with moste plesaunt wordes: But at the last when he perceiued the Frenchemen, what with heate, and with trauaill, to waxe wery and faint, and not to bee so freshe as thei wer before (for surely the nature of the Frenchmen, is not to labor long in fightyng, and muche more braggeth then fighteth) he with al his strength set incontinent on them with suche a violence, that they bare theim doune to the grounde by fine force. The French horsemen that daie did litle seruice: for the archers so galled their horses, that they desired not muche to approche their presence. This battaill was fought the xxvij. day of August, in the yere of our Lorde. M. CCCC. xxv. in the whiche battaill wer slain:
Of Frenchemen: The erle of Aumerle, The erle of Ventadore. The erle of Forestes. The erle of Mary. The lorde Grauile. The lorde Gaules. The lorde Fountaynes. The lorde of Amboys. The Vicount Thouars. The lorde Mounteney. The lorde of Combreste. The lorde of Brunell. The lorde Tumblet. The lorde of Poysy. And thre hundred knightes beside. The. Vicount Nerbon whose body was haged on a gibbet, because he was one of the murtherars, of the duke of Burgoyne.
Of Scottes also wer slain. Archibald erle Douglas made duke of Toroyne. James Douglas his sonne erle of Nigton. Ihon the erle of Boughem newly made Constable of Fraunce. Sir Alexander Meldryne. Sir Henry Balglauie. Sir Ihon Sterlyng. Sir William of Homelsdone. Sir James Graye. Sir Robert Kanden. Sir Alexander Lynsaie. Sir Robert Stewarde. Sir Robert Swinton, and. xxvij. hundred Scottes of name and armes, besides other.
Thomas son Alexander Earl Mar and Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness were married. She the daughter of Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine and Margaret Stewart Duchess Touraine.
William Sinclair 3rd Earl Orkney 1st Earl Caithness and Elizabeth Douglas Countess Buchan and Orkney and Caithness were married. She by marriage Countess Orkney. She the daughter of Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine and Margaret Stewart Duchess Touraine. He the son of Henry Sinclair 2nd Earl Orkney and Egidia "Fair Maid of Nithsdale" Douglas Countess Orkney. They were half first cousin once removed.
Kings Wessex: Great x 10 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 6 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 12 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 7 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 5 Grand Son of King John of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 9 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 17 Grand Son of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks
Kings France: Great x 10 Grand Son of Robert "Pious" II King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 15 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Walter Stewart 3rd High Steward
Great x 3 Grandfather: Alexander Stewart 4th High Steward
Great x 4 Grandmother: Bethóc Angus
Great x 2 Grandfather: James Stewart 5th High Steward
Great x 1 Grandfather: Walter Stewart 6th High Steward
GrandFather: King Robert II of Scotland 3 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert Bruce 5th Lord Annandale 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Bruce Earl Carrick 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Isabel Clare Lady Annandale 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 2 Grandfather: King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland 5 x Great Grand Son of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Niall Carrick 2nd Earl Carrick
Great x 3 Grandmother: Marjorie Carrick 3rd Countess Carrick
Great x 4 Grandmother: Margaret Stewart Countess Carrick
Great x 1 Grandmother: Marjory Bruce 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Donald Mar 6th Earl Mar
Great x 3 Grandfather: Donald Mar 7th Earl Mar
Great x 2 Grandmother: Isabella Mar Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Llewellyn "The Great" Aberffraw
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elen ferch Llewellyn Aberffraw Countess Huntingdon and Mar Grand Daughter of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan Plantagenet Daughter of King John of England
Father: Robert Stewart 1st Duke Albany 4 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Adam Mure
GrandMother: Elizabeth Mure Queen Consort Scotland
John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 1 Grandfather: Edward Keith of Sinton
GrandFather: William Keith Great Marischal of Scotland
Mother: Muriella Keith Duchess Albany