Biography of King Donald III of Scotland 1032-1099

Paternal Family Tree: Dunkeld

Before 1031 [his father] King Duncan I of Scotland (age 29) and [his mother] Bethóc Unknown Queen Consort Scotland were married.

Around 1032 King Donald III of Scotland was born to King Duncan I of Scotland (age 31) and Bethóc Unknown Queen Consort Scotland.

On 14 Aug 1040 [his father] King Duncan I of Scotland (age 39) was killed in action by the army of King Macbeth of Scotland (age 35). King Macbeth of Scotland succeeded King Scotland.

On 12 Nov 1093 King Donald III of Scotland (age 61) succeeded III King Scotland.

Florence of Worcester. After 16 Nov 1093. After her death the Scots elected for their king, Donald (age 61), brother of king Malcolm, and expelled from Scotland all the English who belonged to the king's court. Duncan (age 33), king Malcolm's son, hearing of these events, besought king William, in whose army he then served, to grant him his father's kingdom, and obtaining his request swore fealty to him. He then hastened to Scotland, with a host of English and Normans, and expelling his uncle Donald reigned in his stead. Thereupon some of the Scots banded together and slew nearly all his men, a few only escaping with him. But afterwards they restored him to the throne, on condition that he should no longer harbour either Englishmen or Normans in Scotland, and permit them to serve in his army.

John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scottish Nation Book 4 Chapter 24. [12 Nov 1094]. Meanwhile Duncan (age 34), King Malcolm's illegitimate son, when he was with King William Kufus, in England, as a hostage, was by him dubbed knight; and, backed up by his help, he arrived in Scotland, put his uncle Donald to flight, and was set up as king. But when he had reigned a year and six months, he fell slain at Monthechin by the Earl of Mernys, by name Malpetri, in Scottish, Malpedir, through the wiles of his uncle Donald (age 62), whom he had often vanquished in battle ; and he was buried in the island of Iona.

On 12 Nov 1094 King Duncan II of Scotland (age 34) died. His uncle King Donald III of Scotland (age 62) succeeded III King Scotland.

In 1099 King Donald III of Scotland (age 67) died. He was buried at Dunfermline Abbey, Dunfermline and subsequently reburied in Iona. His nephew King Edgar I of Scotland (age 25) succeeded I King Scotland.

King Donald III of Scotland 1032-1099 appears on the following Descendants Family Trees:

King Duncan I of Scotland 1001-1040

Royal Ancestors of King Donald III of Scotland 1032-1099

Kings Scotland: Son of King Duncan I of Scotland