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Paternal Family Tree: Hepburn
Maternal Family Tree: Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell 1469-1557
In Aug 1511 [his father] Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell and [his mother] Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 42) were married. She by marriage Countess Bothwell. She the illegitmate daughter of [his grandfather] James Stewart 1st Earl Buchan. He the son of [his grandfather] Patrick Hepburn 1st Earl Bothwell and [his grandmother] Margaret Gordon Countess Bothwell. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
In 1512 Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell was born to Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell and Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 43).
On 09 Sep 1513 at the Battle of Flodden was fought at the Branxton, Northumberland [Map]. the English army was commanded by Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 70), Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk (age 40), Edmund Howard (age 35), Thomas Dacre 2nd Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 45), Edward Stanley 1st Baron Monteagle (age 51) and Marmaduke Constable (age 56).
The English army included: Henry "Shepherd Lord" Clifford 10th Baron Clifford (age 59), William Conyers 1st Baron Conyers (age 44), Thomas Berkeley 5th Baron Berkeley (age 41) and Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 45).
Randall Babington, John Bigod (age 38) and Thomas Fitzwilliam (age 39) were killed.
Marmaduke Constable (age 33), William Constable (age 38), George Darcy 1st Baron Darcy Aston (age 16), Edmund Walsingham (age 33), Thomas Burgh 7th Baron Cobham 5th Baron Strabolgi 1st Baron Burgh (age 25) and Walter Stonor (age 36) were knighted by Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk.
Christopher Savage, Thomas Venables (age 44) and Brian Tunstall (age 33) were killed.
Bryan Stapleton of Wighill (age 55) was killed. (Some reports have him dying in 1518).
John Booth (age 78) was killed.
Father and son Ralph ellerker of risby in yorkshire and Ralph Ellerker were knighted by Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey.
The Scottish army suffered heavy casualties:
King James IV of Scotland (age 40) was killed. His body ws taken to London, then to Sheen Priory, Richmond; thereafter it disappeared. His son King James V of Scotland (age 1) succeeded V King Scotland.
Alexander Stewart ArchBishop of St Andrews (age 20) was killed.
David Kennedy 1st Earl Cassilis (age 43) was killed. His son Gilbert Kennedy 2nd Earl Cassilis (age 18) succeeded 2nd Earl Cassilis. Isabel Campbell Countess Cassilis by marriage Countess Cassilis.
William Sinclair 2nd Earl Caithness (age 54) was killed. His son John Sinclair 3rd Earl Caithness succeeded 3rd Earl Caithness.
Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox was killed. His son John Stewart 3rd Earl Lennox (age 23) succeeded 3rd Earl Lennox.
William Hay 4th Earl Erroll was killed. His son William Hay 5th Earl Erroll (age 18) succeeded 5th Earl Erroll.
John Douglas 2nd Earl Morton was killed. His son James Douglas 3rd Earl Morton succeeded 3rd Earl Morton, 6th Lord Dalkeith.
[his father] Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell was killed. His son Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Bothwell.
Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies (age 32) was killed. His son Alexander Stewart 5th of Garlies (age 6) succeeded 5th Lord Garlies.
Alexander Elphinstone 1st Lord Elphinstone was killed. His son Alexander Elphinstone 2nd Lord Elphinstone (age 3) succeeded 2nd Lord Elphinstone.
Thomas Hay, George Hepburn Bishop Isles (age 59), Adam Hepburn Master (age 56), Thomas "Younger of Cushnie" Lumsden
William Douglas 6th Lord Drumlanrig was killed. William "Younger" Douglas 7th Lord Drumlanrig succeeded 7th Lord Drumlanrig.
George Seton 5th Lord Seton was killed. His son George Seton 6th Lord Seton succeeded 6th Lord Seton.
John Hay 2nd Lord Hay of Yester was killed. His son John Hay 3rd Lord Hay (age 23) succeeded 3rd Lord Hay of Yester. Elizabeth Douglas Lady Hay by marriage Lord Hay of Yester.
Robert Keith Master of Marischal (age 30), Guiscard Harbottle (age 28), John Erskine, David Home (age 22), Andrew Stewart 1st Lord Avondale (age 43), Archibald Campbell 2nd Earl Argyll (age 64), Robert Douglas of Lochleven (age 89) were killed.
Henry Sinclair 3rd Lord Sinclair (age 48) was killed. His son [his future brother-in-law] William Sinclair 4th Lord Sinclair succeeded 4th Lord Sinclair.
[his uncle] James Stewart 1st Lord of Traquair (age 33) was killed. His son William Stewart 2nd Lord Traquair (age 7) succeeded 2nd Lord Traquair.
John Maxwell 4th Lord Maxwell (age 57) was killed. His son [his step-father] Robert Maxwell 5th Lord Maxwell (age 20) succeeded 5th Lord Maxwell.
William Murray (age 43), Colin Oliphant (age 26), William Ruthven (age 33), George Douglas (age 44) and William Douglas (age 42) were killed.
George Home 4th Lord Home and John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl (age 38) fought.
Brothers David Lyon of Cossins, William Lyon and George Lyon were killed.
William Graham 1st Earl Montrose (age 49) was killed. His son William Graham 2nd Earl Montrose (age 21) succeeded 2nd Earl Montrose.
Robert Erskine 4th Lord Erskine 16th Earl of Mar was killed. His son John Erskine 17th Earl of Mar (age 26) de jure 17th Earl Mar, Lord Erskine.
Thomas Stewart 2nd Lord Innermeath (age 52) was killed. His son Richard Stewart 3rd Lord Innermeath succeeded 3rd Lord Innermeath.
Walter Lindsay of Arden and Walter Lindsay (age 33) were killed.
William Keith of Inverugie (age 43) was killed.
David Wemyss of Wemyss (age 40) was killed.
John Somerville 1st of Cambusnethan (age 55) was killed.
Robert Crichton 2nd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 41) was killed. His son Robert Crichton 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar (age 22) succeeded 3rd Lord Crichton of Sanquhar
Father and son William Rollo (age 59) and Robert Rollo 5th of Duncrub (age 34) were killed.
Around Dec 1513 Alexander Home 3rd Lord Home and [his mother] Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 44) were married. She the illegitmate daughter of [his grandfather] James Stewart 1st Earl Buchan. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Around 1523 [his step-father] Robert Maxwell 5th Lord Maxwell (age 30) and [his mother] Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 54) were married. She by marriage Lord Maxwell. The difference in their ages was 24 years; she, unusually, being older than him. She the illegitmate daughter of [his grandfather] James Stewart 1st Earl Buchan. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Around 1534 [his son] James "Lord Bothwell" Hepburn 1st Duke Orkney was born to Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 22) and [his wife] Agnes Sinclair Countess Bothwell. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.13%.
In 1534 Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 22) and Agnes Sinclair Countess Bothwell were married. She by marriage Countess Bothwell. He the son of Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell and Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell (age 65). They were first cousin once removed. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.
Before 16 Oct 1543 Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 31) divorced [his wife] Agnes Sinclair Countess Bothwell.
Tudor Tracts Chapter 3. [04 May 1544]. And in a valley, upon the right hand, near unto the said town, the Scots were assembled to the number of 5,000 or 6,000 horsemen, besides a good number of footmen; to impeach [prevent] the passage of our said army: in which place, they had laid their artillery at two straits [passes] through which we must needs pass, if we minded to achieve our enterprise. And seeming, at the first, as though they would set upon the Vanguard: when they perceived our men so willing to encounter with them, namely, the Cardinal, who was there present, perceiving our devotion to see his holiness to be such as we were ready to wet our feet for that purpose, and to pass a ford which was between us and them; after certain shot of artillery on both sides: they made a sudden retreat; and leaving their artillery behind them, fled towards Edinburgh. The first man that fled was the holy Cardinal [Beaton] (age 50) like a valiant champion; and with him the Governor, the Earls of Huntley (age 30), Murray And Bothwell (age 32), with divers other great men of the realm. At this passage, were two Englishmen hurt with the shot of their artillery; and two Scottish men slain with our artillery.
In Sep 1556 Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell (age 44) died. His son [his son] James "Lord Bothwell" Hepburn 1st Duke Orkney (age 22) succeeded 4th Earl Bothwell.
Tudor Tracts Chapter 3. In the meantime, word was brought by a Herald of ours — whom the Lord Lieutenant had sent to summon the Castle — that the Earl Bothwell and the Lord Hume with the number of 2,000 horsemen were entered the town, and were determined to the defence thereof. Upon which knowledge, the Lord Lieutenant sent with diligence to the Vanward, that they should march towards the town. And Sir Christopher Morice, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, was commanded to approach the gate called the Cany gate [Canongate] [Map], with certain battery pieces: which gate lay so, that the ordnance must be brought up a broad street of the suburbs, directly against the said Cany gate; which was the occasion of the loss of certain of our gunners. And before that any battery could be made by the said ordnance, divers of the captains of the Vanward — the better to comfort their soldiers — assailed the said gate with such courage, that they repulsed the Scottish gunners from the loupes [embrasures'] of the same, and there slew and hurt sundry of their gunners, and by force drew one piece of artillery out of one of the said loupes.
Cuthbert Ramsay and [his mother] Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell were married. She the illegitmate daughter of [his grandfather] James Stewart 1st Earl Buchan. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
Chronicle of Scotland by Robert Lindesay Volume 2 Book 1 Chapter 4. The gowernour and cardinall beand aggreit in this maner the governour commitit him all haill to the cardinall and that he sould remane at his counsall. And to that effectt delywerit him his eldest sone in pladge and was put in Sanctandrois in his castell in keiping. Schone eftir this the lordis convenit at Stiruiling the xx [20th] day of August in the zeir of god Im vc xliij [1543] zeiris and thair convenit the zoung quein with gret solempnitie, trieumphe, playis, phrassis and bankating and great danceing befor the quene with greit lordis and frinche ladyis. And schone eftir this thair was ane parliament hauldin at Edinburgh the xxviij [28th] of August the zeir of god foirsaid1 quhair thair the contractt of pace and mariaige maid betuix ingland and scotland was dissolweit in plane parliament aganes money of the hairtis of Scotland except allennerlie the quein and cardinall and thair factioun for it maid meikill weir heirschip and slauchter in scotland as ze sall heir heireftir. This beand done the quein returned agane to stirvilling with hir in cumpanie the erle of lennox2 and the erle bothwell3 with mony vther lordis and gentillmen and speciallie thame that war owaris4 and lowearis for hir court was than lyk wenus and cupido in the tyme of fresche maij for thair was sic dansing singing playing and merines into the court at that tyme that no man wald haue tyred thairin bot at this tyme the erle of lennox persawing the governour and cardinall to be aggreit and so tender and familiar togidder that he dreidit no les nor he was dissawit and frustrat of his purpois.
Note 1. This Parliament of 28th August 1543 is not recorded,
Note 2. Matthew, fourth Earl of Lennox, father of Darnley.
Note 3. Patrick, third Earl of Bothwell, father of [his son] James, fourth Earl of Bothwell, husband of Queen Mary.
Note 4. "Owaris"? See Glossary.
[his daughter] Jean Hepburn was born to Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell and Agnes Sinclair Countess Bothwell at Crichton Castle. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.13%.
Kings Wessex: Great x 13 Grand Son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England
Kings Gwynedd: Great x 11 Grand Son of Owain "Great" King Gwynedd
Kings Seisyllwg: Great x 17 Grand Son of Hywel "Dda aka Good" King Seisyllwg King Deheubarth
Kings Powys: Great x 12 Grand Son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
Kings England: Great x 4 Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Kings Scotland: Great x 12 Grand Son of King Duncan I of Scotland
Kings Franks: Great x 10 Grand Son of Louis VII King Franks
Kings France: Great x 6 Grand Son of Philip IV King France
Kings Duke Aquitaine: Great x 18 Grand Son of Ranulf I Duke Aquitaine
Great x 4 Grandfather: Patrick "Younger" of Hailes Hepburn
Great x 3 Grandfather: Adam Hepburn of Hailes
Great x 2 Grandfather: Patrick Hepburn
Great x 4 Grandfather: William "Elder" Borthwick
Great x 3 Grandmother: Janet Borthwick
Great x 1 Grandfather: Adam Hepburn 1st Lord Hailes
Great x 2 Grandmother: Ellen Wallace
GrandFather: Patrick Hepburn 1st Earl Bothwell
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Home of Home
Great x 3 Grandfather: Alexander Home of Home and Dunglas
Great x 2 Grandfather: Alexander Home 1st Lord Home
Great x 1 Grandmother: Helen Home Lady Hailes
Father: Adam Hepburn 2nd Earl Bothwell 12 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: William Seton 1st Lord Seton 7 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Alexander Seton 8 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 2 Grandfather: Alexander Gordon 1st Earl Huntley 9 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Gordon
Great x 3 Grandmother: Elizabeth Gordon
Great x 1 Grandfather: George Gordon 2nd Earl Huntley 10 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: John Crichton of Crichton
Great x 3 Grandfather: William Crichton 1st Lord Crichton
Great x 2 Grandmother: Elizabeth Crichton Countess Huntley
GrandMother: Margaret Gordon Countess Bothwell 11 x Great Grand Daughter of King John of England
Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell 4 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: James Stewart
Great x 3 Grandfather: Robert Stewart of Innermeath
Great x 2 Grandfather: John Stewart of Innermeath 3rd of Lorn
Great x 3 Grandmother: Margaret Holkettle
Great x 1 Grandfather: James "Black Knight of Lorn" Stewart
Great x 2 Grandmother: Isabel Macdougall
GrandFather: James Stewart 1st Earl Buchan 2 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: King Edward III of England Son of King Edward II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England 5 x Great Grand Daughter of King Stephen I England
Great x 2 Grandfather: John Beaufort 1st Marquess Somerset and Dorset Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Giles "Payne" Roet
Great x 3 Grandmother: Katherine Roet Duchess Lancaster
Great x 1 Grandmother: Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 1st Earl Kent 4 x Great Grand Son of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England
Great x 3 Grandfather: Thomas Holland 2nd Earl Kent Great Grand Son of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Joan "Fair Maid of Kent" Princess Wales Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 2 Grandmother: Margaret Holland Duchess Clarence 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward I of England
Great x 4 Grandfather: Richard Fitzalan 3rd or 10th Earl of Arundel 8th Earl of Surrey 5 x Great Grand Son of King John of England
Great x 3 Grandmother: Alice Fitzalan Countess Kent 2 x Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Great x 4 Grandmother: Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey Great Grand Daughter of King Henry III of England
Mother: Agnes Stewart Countess Bothwell 3 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England