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Perthshire is in Scotland.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Atholl
Around 1266 John Strathbogie 9th Earl Atholl was born to David Strathbogie 8th Earl Atholl and Isabel Plantagenet Countess of Atholl at Atholl. He a great x 2 grandson of King John of England.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Balloch
On 11 Apr 1583 Colin Campbell of Glenorchy (age 70) died at Balloch.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Bredalbane
On 19 Nov 1662 John Campbell 2nd Earl Breadalbaine and Holland was born to John Campbell 1st Earl Breadalbaine and Holland (age 26) and Mary Rich (age 26) at Bredalbane.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Cupar
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Drummond Castle
In 1501 sisters Margaret Drummond (age 26), Eupheme Drummond and Sibylla Drummond died from poisoning, food poisoning, at Drummond Castle.
In 1519 John Drummond 1st Lord Drummond died at Drummond Castle. He was buried at Innerpeffray.
On 11 May 1713 James Drummond 3rd Duke Perth was born to James Drummond 2nd Duke Perth (age 39) and Jane Gordon Duchess Perth (age 22) in Drummond Castle. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.70%.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Dunfermline [Map]
Around 1080 Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England was born to King Malcolm III of Scotland (age 48) and Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland (age 35) at Dunfermline [Map].
Around 1080 Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England was christened at Dunfermline [Map]. Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 29) was godfather, Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 49) godmother.
John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scottish Nation Book 4 Chapter 109. In revenge for the foregoing outrages, the king of England (age 63), with a very large force, both by sea and by land, entered Scotland, in the year 1303, with the deliberate design of once for all fully bringing it, and the dwellers therein, under his yoke; or, of sweeping out the inhabitants altogether, and reducing the land itself to an utter and irreclaimable wilderness. Having, therefore, scoured the hills and plains, both on this side of the hills and beyond them, he, in person, reached Lochindorb [Map]; and, after making some stay there, he received the submission of the northern districts, and appointed officers of his in all the castles and fortified towns surrendered to him. Returning thence leisurely, he received the submission of all the communities, as well as fortresses and castles they passed through, with none to withstand or attack him; and, after much winding about through the land, he got to Dunfermline [Map], where he lingered a long time, wintering there until Candlemas. The same year, his son and heir, Edward of Carnarvon (age 18), Prince of Wales, made a long stay in the town of Perth [Map]. Food was in such plenty there, for the whole of the aforesaid time, that a laggen, Scottish measure, of good wine sold for fourpence.
On 16 Apr 1580 Janet Douglas was born to Henry Douglas and Janet Murray at Dunfermline [Map].
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Dunfermline Abbey [Map]
On 26 Feb 1275 Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 34) died at Cupar Castle, Cupar. She was buried at Dunfermline Abbey [Map].
On 28 Jan 1284 Alexander Dunkeld Prince Scotland (age 20) died at Lindores Abbey, Newburgh. He was buried at Dunfermline Abbey [Map].
Froissart Book 1 Chapter 20. The foresaid peace, which was purchased between England and Scotland, was to endure three year; and in the meantime it fortuned that king Robert of Scotland (age 54) was right sore aged and feeble: for he was greatly charged with the great sickness, so that there was no way with him but death. And when he felt that his end drew near, he sent for such barons and lords of his realm as he trusted best, and shewed them how there was no remedy with him, but he must needs leave this transitory life, commanding them on the faith and truth that they owed him, truly to keep the realm and aid the young prince David (age 5) his son, and that when he were of age they should obey him and crown him king, and to marry him in such a place as was convenient for his estate. Then he called to him the gentle knight sir William Douglas (age 43) [Note. William appears to be a mistake since it was James "Black" Douglas who took Robert's heart?], and said before all the lords, 'Sir William, my dear friend, ye know well that I have had much ado in my days to uphold and sustain the right of this realm; and when I had most ado, I made a solemn vow, the which as yet I have not accomplished, whereof I am right sorry: the which was, if I might achieve and make an end of all my wars, so that I might once have brought this realm in rest nd peace, then I promised in my mind to rave gone and warred on Christ's enemies, adversaries to our holy Christian faith. To this purpose mine heart hath ever intended, but our Lord would not consent thereto; for I have had so much ado in my days, and now in my last enterprise I have taken such a malady that I cannot escape. And sith it is so, that my body cannot go nor achieve that my heart desireth, I will send the heart instead of the body to accomplish mine avow. And because I know not in all my realm no knight more valiant than ye be, nor of body so well furnished to accomplish mine avow instead of myself, therefore I require you, mine own dear especial friend, that ye will take on you this voyage, for the love of me, and to acquit my soul against my Lord God. For I trust so much in your nobleness and truth, that an ye will take on you, I doubt not but that ye shall achieve it, and declare then shall I die in more ease and quiet, so that it be done in such manner as I shall declare unto you. I will that as soon as I am trespassed out of this world, that ye take my heart out of my body and embalm it, and take of my treasure, as ye shall think sufficient for that enterprise, both for yourself and such company as ye will take with you, and present my heart to the Holy Sepulchre [Map], whereas our Lord lay, seeing my body cannot come there: and take with you such company and purveyance as shall be appertaining to your estate. And wheresoever ye come, let it be known how ye carry with you the heart of king Robert of Scotland at his instance and desire, to be presented to the Holy Sepulchre.' Then all the lords that heard these words wept for pity: and when this knight sir William Douglas might speak for weeping, he said: ' Ah, gentle and noble king, a hundred times I thank your grace of the great honour that ye do to me, sith of so noble and great treasure ye give me in charge; and, sir, I shall do with a glad heart all that ye have commanded me, to the best of my true power, howbeit I am not worthy nor sufficient to achieve such a noble enterprise.' Then the king said, ' Ah, gentle knight, I thank you, so that ye will promise to do it.' 'Sir,' said the knight, ' I shall... embalmed, and honourably he was interred in the abbey of Dunfermline [Map] in the year of our Lord God MCCCXXVII., the seventh day of the month of November [Note. Appears to be an error here 1329 rather than 1327, and most sources agree the date of his death was the 7th of June.].' And when the springing-time began, then sir William Douglas purveyed him of that which appertained for his enterprise and took his ship at the port of Montrose in Scotland, and sailed into Flanders, to Sluys, to hear tidings and to know if there were any nobleman in that country that would go to Jerusalem [Map], to the intent to have more company. And he lay still at Sluys the space of twelve days or he departed, but he would never come a-land, but kept still his ship, and kept always his port and behaviour with great triumph, with trumpets and clarions, as though' he had been king of Scots himself; and in his company there was a knight banneret and seven other knights of the realm of Scotland, and twenty-six young squires and gentlemen to serve him; and all his vessel was of gold and silver-pots, basins, ewers, dishes, flagons, barrels, cups and all other things; and all such as would come and see him, they were well served with two manner of wines and divers manner of spices, all manner. of people according to their degrees. And when he had thus tarried there the space of twelve days, he heard reported that Alphonso king of Spain (age 17) made war against a Saracen king of Granade. Then he thought to draw to that part, thinking surely he could not bestow his time more nobly than to war against God's enemies and that enterprise done, then he thought to go forth to Jerusalem [Map] and to achieve that he was charged with. And so he departed and took the sea toward Spain, and arrived at the port of Valence the great. Then he went straight to the king of Spain, who held his host against the king of Granade Saracen, and they were near together, on the frontiers of his land.
Letters. 01 Aug 1394. Letter XXVI. Annabella Queen of Scotland (age 44) to King Richard II (age 27).
To the most high and mighty prince Richard, by the grace of God king of England, our very dear cousin, Annabella, by the selfsame grace queen of Scotland sends health and greeting.
We give you hearty and entire thanks for your loving letters presented to as by oar well-beloved Donglas, herald-at-arms, from which we have learned to our great pleasure and comfort your good health and estate. And, dearest cousin, as touching the marriage-treaty to be made between some nearly allied to you by blood and some children of the king my lord and of us, be pleased to know that it is agreeable to the king (age 57) my said lord and to us, as he has signified to you by these letters. And in especial, that, although the said treaty could not be held on the third day of July last past for certain and reasonable causes contained in your letters sent to the king my aforesaid lord, you consented that the treaty should in like manner take place another day, namely, the first day of October next coming, which is agreeable to the king my aforesaid lord and to us; and we thank you heartily aud with good will, and affectionately pray you that you will continue the said treaty, and have the said day kept, for it is the will of my said lord the king and of us that as far as in us lies the said day should be kept without fail. And, dearest cousin, we affectionately require and entreat you that your highness will not be displeased that we have not sooner written to you; for we were lying in childbed of a male infant named James, of whom we are now well and graciously delivered, thanks to God and our Lady. And also, because, at the coming of your letters, the king my said lord was far away in the isles of his kingdom, we did not receive these letters sent to us on this matter till the last day of July last past. Most high and puissant prince, may the Holy Ghost ever keep you! Given under our signet, at the abbey of Dumfermline [Map], the first day of August.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Dunkeld
In 1593 Bishop Robert Crichton was born at Dunkeld.
On 05 Nov 1774 John Murray 3rd Duke Atholl (age 45) died at Dunkeld. His son John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 19) succeeded 4th Duke Atholl, 5th Marquess Atholl, 6th Earl Atholl, 7th Earl Tullibardine.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Dunmore in the Forst of Athole
On 29 May 1782 James Murray 1st Baron Glenlyon was born to John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 26) in Dunmore in the Forst of Athole.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Erroll
In 1423 William Hay 1st Earl Erroll was born to Gilbert Hay (age 27) at Erroll.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Innermeath
In 1388 Robert Stewart of Innermeath (age 63) died at Innermeath.
On 30 Dec 1394 James "Black Knight of Lorn" Stewart was born to John Stewart of Innermeath 3rd of Lorn (age 44) and Isabel Macdougall at Innermeath.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Innerpeffray
In 1519 John Drummond 1st Lord Drummond died at Drummond Castle. He was buried at Innerpeffray.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Killiecrankie
On 27 Jul 1689 James Seton 4th Earl Dunfermline (age 46) fought at Killiecrankie during the Battle of Killiecrankie.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kincardine
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kincardine Castle
In 1589 John Fleming 2nd Earl Wigtown was born to John Fleming 1st Earl Wigtown (age 22) and Lilias Graham Countess Graham. He was baptised on 05 Dec 1589 at Kincardine Castle - Ludovic Stewart 2nd Duke Lennox 1st Duke Richmond (age 14) and Francis Stewart 5th Earl Bothwell (age 26) attended. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.25%.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kinghorn Ness
On 19 Mar 1286 King Alexander III of Scotland (age 44) died at Kinghorn Ness. His granddaughter Margaret "Maid of Norway" I Queen Scotland (age 2) succeeded I Queen Scotland.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kinnoull
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kinross
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Kinross, Lochleven Castle
In 1393 Henry Douglas (age 53) died at Lochleven Castle, Kinross.
In 1469 Henry Douglas of Lochleve (age 69) died at Lochleven Castle, Kinross.
In 1569 after the Rising of the North failed, Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland (age 41) fled to Scotland, where he was captured by the Earl of Morton (age 53), one of the leading Scottish nobles. He was held at Lochleven Castle. After three years of captivity he was sold to the English for £2000.
Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. 1570. Lady Margaret Erskine (age 54) to the Countess of Murray, circ. 1570. Madam. Efter meist hertlie commendatioun. I haue resawit your wreting fra this berer and your excuyss off your lang wreting to me, quhilk I except in gud pairt, be resoun of the ewill wedder, quhilk is als ewill heir as it is with you, and quhair ye wrett that ye and your barnis ar weall and in gud helth I am waray glaid of the same, and I assuyr your Ladysohip ther is ne woman of the erth that I wald war fayunar weill nor ye and your bairnis, and sail call meist ernestlie for the same one God, and quhair ye wrett that ye sail wisie me efter Candilraes ye salbe hartlie welcoum, and I beseik in God that ye sail think your traywell weill waird to se my baim, quha growls weill, and cumis weill fordwart, thankis to God. As for newis heir I haue nene to wratt, bot the Laird and all frindis heir ar weill, and in gud helth thankis to God. And the laird [William Douglas 6th Earl Morton (age 30)] is in the Loich, and it is all frosyn, quha is at greitt charges be resoun of grett eumpany in his houss daylie for the keiping of my Lord of Northumberland (age 42). As for newes of the Court, ye will gett from Bdinbruch, for it is ane waray sleicht court and small obeydience, and I dout nocht bot we sail think tham happye that ar away, and thay that ar wikkit that is behind. Ilk ane of thame sail try thair awain. pairt be tym, howbeit nayn uther will do it. I will cummer you vnth na laugar letter bot quhat that lyis in my power salbe reddye in the auld maner, as knauis God quha conserwe yow cternalie. Of the Newhons the fyft day of Januare be your Mother.
(Signed) Margart Erskyn
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Methven
On 19 Jun 1306 the forces of Aymer de Valence 2nd Earl Pembroke (age 31) including Robert Pierrepont ambushed and routed the Scottish army of King Robert the Bruce I of Scotland (age 31) including Simon Fraser, Christopher Seton and John Strathbogie 9th Earl Atholl (age 40) at Methven during the Battle of Methven. John Strathbogie 9th Earl Atholl was captured as well as many others.
British Isles, Scotland, Murthly Castle Perthshire
On 07 Sep 1863 Winifred Anna Dallas Yorke Duchess Portland was born to Thomas Dallas Yorke at Murthly Castle Perthshire.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Newburgh
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Ruthven Castle
22 Aug 1582. The Raid of Ruthven was a plot by several nobles led by William Ruthven 1st Earl Gowrie (age 39) to kidnap the fifteen years old King James VI of Scotland (age 16), son of Mary Queen of Scots (age 39), (before he became King of England) to reform the government of Scotland.
The nobles included John Erskine 19th Earl of Mar (age 20), Thomas Lyon Master of Glamis, Robert Boyd 5th Lord Boyd (age 65), Patrick Lindsay 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres (age 61), and David Erskine Commendator of Dryburgh.
They were opposed by Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox (age 40) and James Stewart 1st Earl Arran who controlled the government.
King James VI of Scotland was captured whilst hunting near Ruthven Castle.
The rebels were joined by Francis Stewart 5th Earl Bothwell (age 19) and James Cunningham 7th Earl Glencairn (age 30).
Esme Stewart 1st Duke Lennox was exiled; he died a year later in Paris. James Stewart 1st Earl Arran was imprisoned.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Sheriffmuir
On 13 Nov 1715 John Lyon 5th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 19) was killed at Sheriffmuir during the Battle of Sheriffmuir fighting for the Jacobites. His brother Charles Lyon 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne (age 16) succeeded 6th Earl Strathmore and Kinghorne.
British Isles, Scotland, Perthshire, Taymouth Castle
On 29 Mar 1834 John Campbell 1st Marquess Breadalbane (age 71) died at Taymouth Castle. His son John Campbell 2nd Marquess Breadalbane (age 37) succeeded 2nd Marquess Breadalbane, 5th Earl Breadalbaine and Holland.