Mansel Paternal Family Tree
6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Edward Mansel of Margam
Born 1556
1580 m Mary Mordaunt
Before 20 Dec 1631 m Jane Pole
Died 20 Dec 1631 (75)
7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baronet
Arthur Mansel
Born 1587
Before 22 Nov 1623 m Jane Price x 1
Died 27 Nov 1638 (51)
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Mother: Jane Price
Born 22 Nov 1623
17 Apr 1646 m Catherine Perry aka Hunter x 1
Died 1699 (75)
9 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Mother: Catherine Perry aka Hunter
Catherine Mansel
1667 m William Waller x 1
7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baronet
Born 1594
Before 1616 m Catherine Sidney
Before 1623 m Catherine Lewis
25 Aug 1627 m Elizabeth Montagu Lady Sebright and Mansel x 3
Died 04 Apr 1638 (44)
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Lewis Mansel 2nd Baronet
Mother: Elizabeth Montagu Lady Sebright and Mansel
Henry Mansel 3rd Baronet
Born 1630
Died 04 Apr 1638 (8)
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Lewis Mansel 2nd Baronet
Mother: Elizabeth Montagu Lady Sebright and Mansel
Edward Mansel 4th Baronet
Born 1637
Died 14 Nov 1706 (69)
9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Edward Mansel 4th Baronet
Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel
Born 1668
18 May 1686 m Martha Millington Baroness Mansel x 4
In or before 1719 m Ann Shovell
Died 10 Dec 1723 (55)
10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel
Mother: Martha Millington Baroness Mansel
Christopher Mansel 3rd Baron Mansel
Born 1720
Died 26 Nov 1744 (24)
10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel
Mother: Martha Millington Baroness Mansel
Bussy Mansel 4th Baron Mansel
Born 1721
17 May 1724 m Elizabeth Hervey
13 Mar 1729 m Barbara Villiers Lady Blackett x 1
Died 29 Nov 1750 (29)
11 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Father: Bussy Mansel 4th Baron Mansel
Mother: Barbara Villiers Lady Blackett
Louisa Barbara Mansel
Born 02 Feb 1733
16 Jul 1757 m George Venables-Vernon 2nd Baron Vernon x 1
Died 16 Feb 1786 (53)
10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel
Mother: Martha Millington Baroness Mansel
Robert Mansel
Died Apr 1723
11 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Mother: Ann Shovell
Thomas Mansel 2nd Baron Mansel
Born 1719
Died 29 Jan 1744 (25)
10 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Father: Thomas Mansel 1st Baron Mansel
Mother: Martha Millington Baroness Mansel
Mary Mansel
Before 1717 m John Talbot x 1
8 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Father: Lewis Mansel 2nd Baronet
Mother: Elizabeth Montagu Lady Sebright and Mansel
Mary Mansel Lady Leman
Lady Leman of Northaw in Hertfordshire
In or before 1662 m William Leman 2nd Baronet x 1
6 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Edward Mansel of Margam
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 1557
In or before 1588 m Catherine Morgan x 3
After 1588 m Dorothy Stepney
Died 02 Dec 1628 (71)
7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Francis Mansel 1st Baronet
Mother: Catherine Morgan
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 1588
On or after 02 Aug 1623 m Elizabeth aka Mary Fotherby x 1
Died 12 Apr 1640 (52)
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Walter Mansel 2nd Baronet
Mother: Elizabeth aka Mary Fotherby
Francis Mansel 3rd Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Died 1650
7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Francis Mansel 1st Baronet
Mother: Catherine Morgan
Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Killed 27 Oct 1644
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Edward Mansel 4th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
In or after 1664 m Joan Wyndham
Died 1680
7 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Francis Mansel 1st Baronet
Mother: Catherine Morgan
Richard Mansel of Ischeod
Died 1636
8 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel of Ischeod
Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Born 1613
Died May 1666 (53)
9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Richard Mansel 5th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 06 Jan 1641
Died 28 Aug 1691 (50)
10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel 5th Baronet
Richard Mansel 6th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 1669
Died 1700 (31)
10 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel 5th Baronet
William Mansel 7th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 15 Mar 1670
18 Oct 1700 m Amy Cox x 1
Died 1732 (61)
11 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 7th Baronet
Mother: Amy Cox
Richard Mansel 8th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Died 20 Feb 1749
12 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel 8th Baronet
William Mansel 9th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 01 Mar 1739
Died 14 Jan 1804 (64)
13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 9th Baronet
William Mansel 10th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 29 Apr 1766
Dec 1790 m Elizabeth Bell Lady Mansel x 1
Died 20 May 1829 (63)
14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 10th Baronet
Mother: Elizabeth Bell Lady Mansel
John Bell William Mansel 11th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 05 Oct 1806
31 Jul 1832 m Mary Georgiana Dymoke x 1
Died 14 Apr 1883 (76)
15 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Father: John Bell William Mansel 11th Baronet
Maria Mansel
In or before 1902 m Edward Bradford Medlycott 4th Baronet
Died 01 May 1912
13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 9th Baronet
Colonel John Mansel
Born 16 Aug 1776
Died 29 Jan 1863 (86)
14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Captain Arthur Edmund Mansel
Born 10 Apr 1828
06 Dec 1860 m Clare Henrietta Lascelles
Died 20 Jul 1905 (77)
13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 9th Baronet
Commander Richard Mansel aka Philipps
Born 1777
Died 20 Aug 1844 (67)
14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Commander Richard Mansel aka Philipps
Major Courtenay Mansel
Born 13 Jan 1801
1838 m Eliza Sidney x 2
Died 09 Sep 1875 (74)
15 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Major Courtenay Mansel
Mother: Eliza Sidney
Edward Berkeley Mansel 12th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 02 Feb 1839
Died 08 Jan 1908 (68)
15 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Major Courtenay Mansel
Mother: Eliza Sidney
Richard Mansel 12th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 13 Jan 1850
Died 02 Jun 1892 (42)
16 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel 12th Baronet
Courtenay Cecil Mansel 13th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 25 Feb 1880
Died 04 Jan 1933 (52)
17 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Courtenay Cecil Mansel 13th Baronet
John Philip Ferdinand Mansel 14th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 1910
Died 1947 (37)
18 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: John Philip Ferdinand Mansel 14th Baronet
Philip Mansel 15th Baronet
Baronet Mansel of Muddlescombe
Born 03 Mar 1943
13 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: William Mansel 9th Baronet
Richard Mansel aka Philipps
14 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Richard Mansel aka Philipps
Commander Richard Mansel aka Philipps
15 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Commander Richard Mansel aka Philipps
Courtenay Phillips aka Mansel
Died 09 Sep 1875
9 x Great Grand Son of King Edward III of England
Father: Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Anthony Mansel of Ischoed
Died 04 Apr 1679
6 x Great Grand Daughter of King Edward III of England
Father: Edward Mansel of Margam
Elizabeth Mansel
Married Walter Rice x 1
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