Army Ranks

Army Ranks is in Army.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Brigadier

In 1968 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 52) retired from the Army. He was granted the honorary rank of Brigadier.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Captain

In 1946 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 30) was promoted Captain in the Royal Horse Guards Regiment.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Colonel

In 1960 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 44) was promoted Colonel in the Household Cavalry Regiment.

Colonel in Chief

In 1974 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 58) was appointed Colonel in Chief of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment; the only non-Royal Colonel in Chief.

Colonel of Horse

In 1645 William Compton (age 20) was appointed Colonel of Horse.

Deputy Colonel in Chief

In 2006 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 90) was appointed Deputy Colonel in Chief of the Yorkshire Regiment into which the Duke of Wellington's Regiment had been amalgamated.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Lieutenant

In 1946 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 30) was promoted Lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards Regiment.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Lieutenant Colonel

In 1954 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 38) was promoted Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Horse Guards Regiment.

Culture, England, Military, Army Ranks, Second Lieutenant

In 1936 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 20) was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Territorial Army.

In 1940 Arthur Valerian Wellesley 8th Duke Wellington (age 24) was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards Regiment service number 68268.