Pouch VIII

Pouch VIII is in Appendix.

Imprisonment and Trial of Anne Boleyn and her Co-Accused

King's Bench Records In The Public Record Office. Baga De Secretis. Pouch VIII.

This Pouch is indorsed "Sessiones Comitatuum Middlesexise et Kanciee primo tent apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Middlesexiæ coram Thoma Audeley, milite, Cancellario Angliæ et aliis &c. et secundo tent' apud Depford in comitatu Kanciæ coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite, et aliis, anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo."

Trial and conviction of Mark Smeaton, Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Sir Francis Weston. Adultery with Queen Anne Boleyn. - Special Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, 12 May, 1536, 28 Hen.

Record of the Sessions held at Westminster and Deptford:

Dominus rex mandavit preedilecto et fideli domino Thomæ Audeley militi, Cancellario Anglise, præcharissimisque cousanguineis suis Thomæ duci Norfolciæ, Carolo duci Suffolciæ et aliis literas suas patentes in hgec verba : Henricus Octavus dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ rex, Fidei Def'ensor, Dominus Hiberniæ et in terra supremum caput Anglicanæ ecclesiæ pras- dilecto et fideli suo Thomæ Audeley, militi, Cancellario Anglian, præ- charissimisque consanguineis suis Thomæ duci Norfoloæ, Carolo duci Suffolciæ ac charissimis consanguineis suis Johanni Comiti Oxoniæ, Radulpho Comiti Westmorlandiæ, Thomæ Comiti Wilteshire, Roberto Comiti Sussexiee, uecnon dilectis et fidelibus suis Willelmo domino Sandys, Thomse CrumAvell arrnigero primario secretario suo, Willelmo Fitz-William, militi, Willelmo Paulett, militi, Johanni Fitz-James, militi, Johanni Baldewyn, militi, Ricardo Lyster, militi, Johanni Porte, militi, Johanni Spelman, militi, Wakero Luke, militi, Antonio Fitzherbert, militi, Thomæ Englefeld, militi, et Willelmo Shelley, militi, salutem. Sciatis quod assignavimus vos decem et novem, decem et octo, decem et septem, sex- decim, quindecim, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, undecim, decem, novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque et quatuor vestrum justiciaries nostros ad inquirendum per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de comitatu nostro Middlesexise ac aliis viis, modis et mediis,' quibus melius sciveritis aut poteritis, tarn infra libertates qnam extra, per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de quibuscumque proditionibus, mesprisionibus proditionum, rebellionibus, feloniis, murdris, homicidiis, riotis, routis, conventiculis illicitis, insurrectionibus, extortionibus, oppressionibus, contemptis, concelamentis, 'ignorantiis, negligentiis, offensis, mesprisionibus, falsitatibus, deceptis, confederationibus, conspirationibus, necnon accessariis eorumdem, ac aliis transgressionibus et offensis quibuscumque infra comitatum prædictum per quoscumque habitis, factis, perpetratis sive commissis et per quos vel per quern, cui vel quibus, qualiter et quomodo ; ac de aliis articulis et circumstantiis prasmissa et eorum quodlibet sive eorurn aliquod vel aliqua qualitercumque concernentibus plenius veritatem. Et ad eadem proditiones et alia præmissa audiendum et terminandum secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Angliæ. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ad certos dies et loca quos vos decem et novem, decem et octo, decem et septem, sexdecim, quindecim, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, undecim, decem, novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque vel quatuor vestrum ad hoc provideritis diligenter super prsemissis faciatis inquisitiones et prsemissa omnia et singula audiatis et terminetis ac ea faciatis et expleatis in forma prædieta; facturi inde quod ad justiciam pertinet secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Anglise. Salvis nobis amerciamentis et aliis ad nos inde spectantibus. Mandamus autem tenore præsentium vicecomiti nostro comitatus nostri preedicti quod ad certos dies et loca quos vos decem et novem, decem et octo, decem et septem, sexdecim, quindecim, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, undecim, decem, novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque vel quatuor vestrum ei sciri feceritis venire faciat coram vobis decem et novem, decem et octo, decern et septem, sexdecim, quindecim, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, undecim, decem, novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque vel quatuor vestrum tot et tales probos et legales homines de balliva sua, tarn infra libertates quam extra, per quos rei veritas in pramiissis melius sciri poterit et inquiri. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apucl Westmonasterium vicesimo quarto die Aprilis anno regni nostri vicesimo octavo.

The lord the king sent letters to his chosen and faithful lord Thomas Audeley, the English chancellor, and to his dearest cousins, Thomas duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, and others in these words: in the land, the supreme head of the English church, to his beloved and faithful Thomas Audeley, soldier, Chancellor of England, and to his dearest kinsmen, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, and his dearest kinsmen, John, Earl of Oxford, Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire, Robert, Earl The Sussexes, to their beloved and faithful William, Lord Sandys, Thomas CrumAvell, his chief secretary, William Fitz-William, soldier, William Paulett, soldier, John Fitz-James, soldier, John Baldewyn, soldier, Richard Lyster, soldier, John Porte, Salute to the soldier, John Spelman, soldier, Wakero Luke, soldier, Anthony Fitzherbert, soldier, Thomas Englefeld, soldier, and William Shelley, soldier. Know that we have assigned you nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, and four of you our justiciaries to investigate by the sacrament of good and lawful men of our county of Middlesex, and by other ways, ways, and means, by which you know better, or are able, to tarn below the liberties and outside, by which the truth of the matter may be better known of any treasons, treasons, rebellions, felonies, murders, murders , riots, riots, illegal assemblies, insurrections, extortions, oppressions, contempts, concealments, ignorance, negligence, offenses, scorns, falsities, deceptions, confederations, conspiracies, as well as accessories to the same, and other transgressions and offenses by which the company mentioned below things done, done, perpetrated or committed, and by whom or by whom, to whom or to whom, in what manner and in what manner; and of the other articles and circumstances stated, and any of them, whether or not, or in any way, relating more fully to the truth. And for the same treasons and other premises to be heard and terminated according to the law and custom of our kingdom of England. And therefore we command you that on certain days and places that you nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five or four of you for this purpose you shall carefully make inquiries about the foregoing, and hear and conclude all the foregoing, and make and complete them in the form aforesaid; We will therefore do what pertains to justice according to the law and custom of our English kingdom. Safe for us mercenaries and others looking at us from there. And we command, according to the tenor of the present sheriff of our said county, that on the certain days and places which you mentioned, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six , five or four of you let him know, let him come before you, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, or four of you so many such honest and lawful men of their own country, tarn under the liberties than outside, by whom the truth of the matter may be better known and inquired into. In witness whereof we have caused these letters to be made public. Witness myself at Westminster on the twenty-fourth day of April in the twenty-eighth year of our reign.

Quarum literarura domini regis patentium predictarum prsetextu preceptum fuit vicecomiti Middlesexiæ quod non omitteret &c. quin venire faceret coram prasfatis justiciariis apud Westmonasterium in comitatu Middlesexise die Mercurii videlicet decimo die Maii tune proximo sequente 24or tarn milites quam alios liberos et legales homines de corpore comitatus prædicti ad faciendum ea quæ ex parte domini regis tune et ibidem eis injuugentur. Et quod idem vicecomes tune foret ibidem in propria persona sua una cum ballivis et ministris suis ad faciendum ea quæ ad sui et eorum ofScia pertinent in hac parte. Et vicecomes inde fecit executionem prout patet per panel la, &c.

The sheriff of Middlesex was commanded not to omit, &c. that he should cause to appear before the ancient justiciaries at Westminster in the county of Middlesex on Wednesday, namely, the tenth day of May next following the 24th day, the soldiers and other free and legal men of the body of the county, who were aforesaid to do what the king's lordship ordered them to do there and then. And that the same sheriff should be there in his own person, together with his bailiffs and officers, to do what pertains to his and their offices in this part. And the sheriff thence executed the execution, as is evident from panel la, &c.

Inquisitio capta apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Middlesexiæ coram prasfatis Johanne Baldewyn, milite, Kicardo Lyster, milite, Johanne Porte 1, milite, Johanne Spelman, milite, Waltero Luke, milite, Antonio Fitzherbert, milite, et Willelrno Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. dicto die Mercurii decimo die Maii, anno vicesimo octavo supradicto, per sacra- mentum Egidii Heron, armigeri, Hogeri More, armigeri, Ricardi Awnsham, urmigeri, Thomas Billyngton, armigeri, Gregorii Levell, armigeri, Johannis Worsop, armigeri, Willel mi Godard, gent. Willelmi Blakwall, gent. Johannis .Wilford, gent. Willelmi Berd, gent. Henrici Hubbithorn, gent. Willelmi Hunnyng, gent. Roberti Walys, gent. Johannis Englonde, gent. Henrici Lodysman, gent, et Johannis Averey, gent. Juratorum, &c. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod cum domina Anna Hegina Angliæ, uxor domini nostri Henrici Octavi, Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ regis, Fidei defensoris, efc Domini Hiberniæ ac in terra supremi capitis ecclesise Anglicanæ per tempus trium annorum modo plenarie elapsorum et amplius extiterit; eademque domina Anna nedum excellentissimum atque nobilissimum matrimonium inter dictum dominum nostrum regem et ipsam dominam reginam solempnizatum vilipendens verum etiam maliciam in corde suo erga dictum dominurn nostrum regem gerens, instigatione diabolica seducta Deum præ occulis non habens atque ejus fragilem et carnalem appetitum indies insequens et affectans quamplures præfati domini nostri regis diurnos et familiares servos eidem reginæ adulteros et concubinos fore et efficere false proditorie et contra legiuntiæ suas debitum. turpibus colloquiis et osculis, tactis, donis, variisquo aliis nephandissirais ejus instigationibus et incitationibus de tempore in tempus sicuti ejus criminis facultas abolendissima appetiit falsissime et proditoriosissime procuravit. Adeo quod ad illud ejusdem reginæ nequissimum et proditoriosissimum crimen adulterii perpetrandum nonnulli dicti domini regis servientes per dictæ reginse vilissimam provocationem et incitationem indies, eidem reginse proditorie erant dediti et inclinati, hinc indeque sic ut subsequitur de factis et verbis proditoriis insecutum fuit, videlicet prsedicta regina sexto die Octobris anno regni prædicti domini nostri regis vicessimo quinto apud villum Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea quendam Henricum Noreys nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto armigerum unumgenerosorum privatæ cameræ ejusdem domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum dulcibus verbis, osculis, tactibus ac aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Henricus Noreys duodecimo die Octobris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo quinto, occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditorias incitationis et procurationis eandern dominam reginam contra legianciæ suæ debitum apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat ; Quodque idem Henricus Noreys diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Henrici propria prsefatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Henrico Noreys proditorie ibidem facta præfatarn reginam proditorie violavit, viciavit et carnaliter cognovit; Et quod prædicta regina secundo die Novembris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Georgium Boleyn nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto militem dominum Rocheford fratrem naturalem præfatæ reginæ ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ dicti domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum ac cumlingua ipsius reginæ in ore dicti Georgii et lingua, ipsius Georgii in ore dictæ reginæ tarn osculis cum aperto ore ipsius regina et Georgii donis et jocalibus ac quam aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Georgius dominus Rocheford omnimoda Dei

Inquisitio capta apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Middlesexiæ coram prasfatis Johanne Baldewyn, milite, Kicardo Lyster, milite, Johanne Porte 1, milite, Johanne Spelman, milite, Waltero Luke, milite, Antonio Fitzherbert, milite, et Willelrno Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. dicto die Mercurii decimo die Maii, anno vicesimo octavo supradicto, per sacra- mentum Egidii Heron, armigeri, Hogeri More, armigeri, Ricardi Awnsham, urmigeri, Thomas Billyngton, armigeri, Gregorii Levell, armigeri, Johannis Worsop, armigeri, Willel mi Godard, gent. Willelmi Blakwall, gent. Johannis .Wilford, gent. Willelmi Berd, gent. Henrici Hubbithorn, gent. Willelmi Hunnyng, gent. Roberti Walys, gent. Johannis Englonde, gent. Henrici Lodysman, gent, et Johannis Averey, gent. Juratorum, &c. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod cum domina Anna Regina Angliæ, uxor domini nostri Henrici Octavi, Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ regis, Fidei defensoris, efc Domini Hiberniæ ac in terra supremi capitis ecclesise Anglicanæ per tempus trium annorum modo plenarie elapsorum et amplius extiterit; eademque domina Anna nedum excellentissimum atque nobilissimum matrimonium inter dictum dominum nostrum regem et ipsam dominam reginam solempnizatum vilipendens verum etiam maliciam in corde suo erga dictum dominurn nostrum regem gerens, instigatione diabolica seducta Deum præ occulis non habens atque ejus fragilem et carnalem appetitum indies insequens et affectans quamplures præfati domini nostri regis diurnos et familiares servos eidem reginæ adulteros et concubinos fore et efficere false proditorie et contra legiuntiæ suas debitum. turpibus colloquiis et osculis, tactis, donis, variisquo aliis nephandissirais ejus instigationibus et incitationibus de tempore in tempus sicuti ejus criminis facultas abolendissima appetiit falsissime et proditoriosissime procuravit.

An inquisition taken at the town of Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, before the late John Baldewyn, soldier, Kicard Lyster, soldier, John Porte 1, soldier, John Spelman, soldier, Walter Luke, soldier, Anthony Fitzherbert, soldier, and William Shelley, soldier, justiciaries, &c . on the said Wednesday the tenth day of May, in the twenty-eighth year aforesaid, by the sacrament of Egidius Heron, squire, Hoger More, squire, Richard Awnsham, squire, Thomas Billyngton, squire, Gregory Levell, squire, John Worsop, squire, Willel mi Godard, gen. William Blackwall, gent. of John Wilford, gent. William Berd, gent. of Henry Hubbithorn, gent. William Hunnyng, gent. Robert Walys, gent. of John England, gent. Henry Lodysman, gent., and John Averey, gent. Jurors, &c. Those who say upon their sacrament that when Lady Anne Queen of England, wife of our Lord Henry VIII, King of England and France, by the grace of God, defender of the Faith, Lord of Ireland, and in the land of the supreme head of the English Church, for the period of three years just past, she existed fully and more; and the same lady Anna, not to mention the most excellent and noble marriage solemnized between the said lord the king and the lady queen herself, but also carrying malice in her heart towards the said lord our king, being seduced by diabolical instigation, not having God before her eyes, and constantly pursuing and affecting his fragile and carnal appetite that several of the aforesaid servants and family servants of our lord the king would be adulterers and concubines of the same queen, and would fulfill the debt falsely and treacherously against their legions. by indecent conversations and kisses, touches, gifts, and various other instigations and incitements of his nephandissires, from time to time, as the faculty of his crime most falsly and treacherously procured the abolition of his desires.

Adeo quod ad illud ejusdem reginæ nequissimum et proditoriosissimum crimen adulterii perpetrandum nonnulli dicti domini regis servientes per dictæ reginse vilissimam provocationem et incitationem indies, eidem reginse proditorie erant dediti et inclinati, hinc indeque sic ut subsequitur de factis et verbis proditoriis insecutum fuit, videlicet prsedicta regina sexto die Octobris anno regni prædicti domini nostri regis vicessimo quinto apud villum Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea quendam Henricum Noreys nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto armigerum unumgenerosorum privatæ cameræ ejusdem domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum dulcibus verbis, osculis, tactibus ac aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Henricus Noreys duodecimo die Octobris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo quinto, occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditorias incitationis et procurationis eandern dominam reginam contra legianciæ suæ debitum apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat;

To the extent that some of the servants of the said master of the king, by means of the said queen's most vile provocation and incitement, were treacherously devoted and inclined to perpetrate that same queen's most wicked and treacherous crime of adultery. On the sixth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of our aforesaid lord the king, at the town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, and at various other days and times before and after, a certain Henry Noreys, late of the town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, of the squires of the same kind, of the private chamber of the same lord, to rape and carnally know the queen herself with sweet words, kisses, touches, and other illicit ways and means, treacherously procuring and inciting, by which the same Henricus Noreys, on the twelfth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of the said lord the king, on the occasion of the said lady queen's treacherous incitement and procuring of eandern lady queen against the debt of her legion at the town In the aforesaid county of Westminster he treacherously violated, defeated, and carnally knew;

Quodque idem Henricus Noreys diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Henrici propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Henrico Noreys proditorie ibidem facta præfatam reginam proditorie violavit, viciavit et carnaliter cognovit;

And that the same Henry Noreys on various other days and times before and afterwards at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, sometimes by Henry's own agency of the aforesaid queen, treacherously committed there, and sometimes by the queen's own agency, treacherously committed there by the same Henry Noreys, treacherously violated the aforesaid queen, and carnally he knew;

Et quod prædicta regina secundo die Novembris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Georgium Boleyn nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto militem dominum Rocheford fratrem naturalem præfatæ reginæ ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ dicti domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum ac cum lingua ipsius reginæ in ore dicti Georgii et lingua, ipsius Georgii in ore dictæ reginæ tam osculis cum aperto ore ipsius reginæ et Georgii donis et jocalibus ac quam aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Georgius dominus Rocheford omnimoda Dei omnipotentis precepta et singulas humanæ naturæ leges spernens prædictæ reginæ illecebras et incontinentias intuens et cognoscens quinto die Novembris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo eandem reginam sororem suam naturalem false detestandissime et proditoriosissime contra legianciæ suæ debitum apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto violabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the said queen, on the second day of November in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of the said lord the king, and on various other days and times before and after, at the aforesaid town of Westminster, in the aforesaid county, a certain George Boleyn, late of the town of Westminster, in the aforesaid county, a soldier, Lord Rocheford, a natural brother of the aforesaid queen, and one of the nobles of the said private chamber of the said lord of the king to violate the queen herself and know her carnally, and with the queen's tongue in the mouth of the said George and the tongue of George in the mouth of the said queen, both with kisses with the open mouth of the queen and George with gifts and jests and other illicit ways and means treacherously procured and incited, by which the same George Lord Rocheford, defying the omnipotent precepts of Almighty God and the individual laws of human nature, looking at the seductions and incontinences of the said queen, and knowing on the fifth day of November in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of the said lord the king, the same queen falsely detesting her natural sister and most treacherously against the legions He was violating his debt at the said town of Westminster in the said county, and knowing it carnally.

Quodque idem Georgius diversis aliis diebus et vicibus postea et antea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Georgii propria præfatæ reginæ ibidem proditorie facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Georgio ibidem proditorie facta præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat, et quod prædicta regina tertio die Decembris anno regni dicti domini nostri regis vicesimo quinto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Willel- mum Bryerton nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto armigerum ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ præfati domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum osculis, tactibus ac aliis diversis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Willelmus Bryerton octavo die Decembris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo quinto proditorie occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditoriæ incitationis et procurations eandem reginam contra legianciæ suæ debitum apud Hampton-courte in parochia de Lyttylhampton in comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat

And that the same George on various other days and times afterwards and previously at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, sometimes by George's own agency with the aforesaid queen treacherously committed there, and sometimes by the queen's agency with the same George treacherously committed there, treacherously violated the aforesaid queen, violated and carnally knew and that the said queen, on the third day of December in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of our said lord the king, and on various other days and times before and afterwards, at the said town of Westminster, in the said county, a certain William Bryerton, late of the town of Westminster, in the said county, esquire, and one of the gentlemen of the said privy chamber treacherously procured and incited the aforesaid lord of the king to violate and carnally know the queen herself by kisses, touches, and other unlawful ways and means, by which the same William Bryerton, on the eighth day of December in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of the said lord the king, on the occasion of the said lady queen's treacherous incitement and procuring the same treacherously violated, defiled, and carnally knew the queen against the debt of her legion at Hampton-court, in the parish of Lyttylhampton, in the aforesaid county.

Quodque idem Willelmus Bryerton diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Willelmi propria prefatæ reginæ ibidem proditorie facta, et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Willelmo ibidem proditorie facta præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the same William Bryerton on various other days and times before and afterwards at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, sometimes by William's own agency of the aforesaid queen treacherously committed there, and sometimes by the same William's agency treacherously committed the aforesaid queen there treacherously violated, defeated and carnally knew her.

Et quod prædicta regina octavo die mensis Maii anno regni dicti domini nostri regis vicesimo sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Franciscum Weston nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto, militem, ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ præfati domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendum osculis, verbis, donis et aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat per quod idem Franciscus Weston vicesimo die mensis Maii anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo sexto proditorie occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditorie incitationis et procurationis eandem dominam reginam contra legiantiæ suæ debitum apudvillam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the aforesaid queen, on the eighth day of May, in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of our said lord the king, and on various other days and times before and after, at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, a certain Francis Weston, late of the town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, a soldier, and one of the gentlemen of the said private in the chamber of the aforesaid lord the king treacherously procured and incited to violate the queen herself and carnally know her by kisses, words, gifts and other unlawful ways and means, whereby the same Francis Weston on the twentieth day of May in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of the said lord the king treacherously on the occasion of the treacherous incitement of the said lady queen and of the agency he treacherously violated, defeated, and carnally knew the same lady queen against the debt of her legion at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county.

Quodque idem Franciscus Weston diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Francisci propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Francisco Weston proditorie ibidem facta præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the same Francis Weston at various other days and times before and after at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, sometimes by the agency of Francis himself, treacherously committed there by the aforesaid queen, and sometimes by the agency of the queen himself, the same Francis Weston treacherously committed the aforesaid queen treacherously violated, violated, and carnally knew the aforesaid queen.

Et quod prædicta regina duodecimo die mensis Aprilis anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Marcum Smeton, nuper de villa Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto, gentylman ac unum grometorum dictæ privatæ cameræ dicti domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnaliter cognoscendumtarn osctilis et tactibus quam donis pecuniæ et jocalium et aliis diversis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem Marcus Smeton vicesimo sexto die mensis Aprilis anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo proditorie occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditorise incitationis et procurations eandem dominam reginam contra legiantiæ suæ debitum apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the aforesaid queen, on the twelfth day of April in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of the said lord the king, and on various other days and times before and after, at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, a certain Marcus Smeton, late of the town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, a gentleman and one of the grooms of the said private chamber of the said lord of the king to violate the queen herself and carnally know him by his arms and touches which he treacherously procured and incited by gifts of money and jousts and other unlawful ways and means, by which the same Marcus Smeton on the twenty-sixth day of April in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of the said lord the king treacherously on the said occasion By the treacherous incitement and agency of the queen, he treacherously violated, vanquished, and carnally knew the same queen against the debt of her legion at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county.

Quodque idem Marcus Smeton diversis aliis diebus et vicibus postea et antea apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Marci propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eidem Marco Smeton proditorie ibidem facta præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat.

And that the same Marcus Smeton on various other days and times afterwards and previously at the town of Westminster in the aforesaid county, sometimes by the agency of Marcus himself, treacherously committed there by the aforesaid queen, and sometimes by the agency of the queen himself, the same Marcus Smeton treacherously committed the aforesaid queen treacherously violated, violated, and carnally knew the aforesaid queen.

Et insuper juratores prædicti dicunt quod prædicti Georgius Boleyn, miles, dominus Rocheford, Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton, Franciscus Weston et Marcus Smeton sic carnali amore dictæ reginæ accensi et inflammati fuerunt quod quern illorum dicta regina magis appetiit et affectavit alius eorum malignabat et indignabat et cordibus suis invicem murmurabant alter versus alterum suspiciens et zelotipans.

And moreover the aforesaid jurors say that the aforesaid George Boleyn, the knight, Lord Rocheford, Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, Francis Weston, and Marcus Smeton were so aroused and inflamed by the carnal love of the said queen that one of them desired and affected the said queen more, and another of them reviled and indignantly they muttered to each other in their hearts, each looking suspiciously at the other and jealous.

Et exinde unus eorum versus alium maliciam concipiens præfatræ reginræ plurima obsequia nocturnis temporibus inordinata diversa etiam dona et arras dicto proditorio vicio adulterine apta diversis transactis temporibus dum dictorurn proditoriorum criminum suorum tempora agebant occulto et proditorie singulatim exhibuerunt.

And thenceforth one of them, conceiving of malice towards the other, to the aforesaid queen, did most of the obsequies at nighttimes, and presented various gifts and sacrifices to the said treacherous vice, adulterously, at different times passed, while the said times of their treacherous crimes were secretly and treacherously carried out one by one.

Et quod præfata regina pariformiter prædictos Georgium, Henricum et ceteros proditores prænominatos solos sibi concubines habere tam ardenter affectavit et concupivit quod eorum aliquem cum alia quacumque muliere conversare, colloqui, aut vultum familiarem exhibere minime potuit sustinere absque calumpnia, dupplicentia et indignatione ipsius reginæ eis propteria fiendis et demonstrandis.

And that the aforesaid queen was so ardently affected and desired to have the aforesaid George, Henry, and the other traitors named as her concubines alone, that she could not at all endure any of them to converse, or show a familiar face with any other woman, without the reproach, duplicity, and indignation of the queen herself on account of them showing.

Et præterea juratores prædicti dicunt quod præfata regina prænominatis Georgio, Henrico, Willelmo, Francisco et Marco pro eo quod ipsi eorum adulterina prædicta vicia proditoria cum eadem regina ad suum libitum et beneplacitum iterarent et vicissim continuarent diversa dona et mercedes insignia tam pro supradictis eorum proditoriis viciis in forma prædicta commissis et peractis quam extunc cum eadem regina committendis et perpetrandis apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto vicesimo septimo die Novembris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea proditorie contulit, dedit et largita fuit.

And besides, the aforesaid jurors say that the aforesaid queen George, Henry, William, Francis, and Mark, for the fact that they themselves repeated the aforesaid treasonous vices with the same queen at their own will and pleasure, and in turn continued to give different gifts and notable wages both for their aforesaid treasonous vices in the aforesaid form having been committed and performed, which thenceforth with the same queen committing and perpetrating at the aforesaid town of Westminster in the aforesaid county on the twenty-seventh day of November in the year of the reign of the said lord the king twenty-seventh and on various other days and times before and afterwards it was treacherously contributed, given and lavished.

Quorum prætextu dicta regina præfatos proditores in eorum dictis proditionibus ad tune et ibidem proditorie auxiliavit et confortavit; ulteriusque præfata regina et ceteri proditores prænominati eidem reginæ per modum dictorum proditoriorum viciorum divisim adherentes videlicet eadem regina et singuli cæteri prænominati proditores cum eadem regina divisim et invicem ultimo die mensis Octobris anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo supradicto et aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto mortem et destructionem præfati domini nostri regis proditorie contra legiancæ suæ debitum compassi fuerunt et imaginaverunt

On whose pretext the said queen treacherously aided and strengthened the aforesaid traitors in their said treasons here and there; and further the aforesaid queen and the other traitors named to the same queen by the manner of the said treacherous vices adhering to the same queen and each of the other named traitors separately with the same queen and each other on the last day of October in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of the said lord the king aforesaid and on other days and times before and after at the aforesaid town of Westminster, in the aforesaid county, the death and destruction of our aforesaid lord the king treacherously against the debt of his legions, and imagined.

Ita quod dicta regina sepius dicebat et promittebat se maritare unum proditorum prædictorum quandocumque dictus dominus rex ab hoc seculo migrare contigeret, affirmando quod nunquam ipsum dominum regem in corde suo diligere volebat, idemque dominus noster rex supradictus falsissima et abolendissima crimina, vicia et proditiones versus eum taliter ut præscribuntur commissa et perpetrata infra breve tempus nunc præteritum, summa Dei gratia mediante, agnoscens et perpendens tantam intra se concepit cordialem ingratitudinem et tristitiam præsertim ex ejus dictæ reginæ et consortis sibi impensa malicia et adulterii proditorii procuratione atque etiam ex dictorum ejus servorum cubiculariorum dignissimæ suæ personæ regiæ vicinissorum acceptorum, collatis proditionibus, quod nonnulla corpori suo regali dampna gravamina et pericula exinde sibi accreverunt et devenerunt.

Thus the said queen often said and promised that she would marry one of the aforesaid traitors whenever the said lord the king happened to depart from this world, affirming that she never wanted to love the lord the king himself in her heart, and the same our lord the aforesaid king absolved the most false and most falsified crimes, vices, and treasons against him in such a way as are prescribed committed and perpetrated within the short time now past, by the supreme grace of God interceding, acknowledging and considering within himself such hearty ingratitude and sadness, especially from the malice and adultery of his treacherous agency spent on him by the said queen and consorts, and also from the said servants of the most worthy chamberlains his own royal person received by the neighbors, and by the treasons, that some injuries and dangers to his royal body accrued and befell him.

Sicque præfati juratores dicunt quod præfata regina et cæteri proditores prænominati proditiones suas præscriptas ut præmittitur false et proditorie commiserunt et perpetraverunt in dicti domini nostri regis coronæ suæregiæ et totius regni sui Angliæ contemptum manifestum et derogationem et regalis personæ et corporis dicti domini regis periculum ac in proditoriurn scandalum periculum detrimentum et derogationem exitus et heredum dictorum domini regis et reginæ et contra pacem ejusdem domini regis. [Billa Vera.]

And so the aforesaid jurors say that the aforesaid queen and the other aforesaid traitors have falsely and treasonably committed their treasons, as aforesaid, and have perpetrated in the said lord the king's crown, the crown of his oath, and his whole kingdom of England, a manifest contempt and derogation, and a royal danger to the person and body of the said lord the king, and in treachery scandal, danger, loss, and derogation of the issue and heir of the said lord of the king and queen, and against the peace of the same lord of the king. [True Bill.]

Et modo scilicet, die Veneris proximo post tres septimanas Paschæ anno regni dicti domini regis nunc vicesimo octavo coram præfato Thoma Audeley, milite, cancellario Angliæ, Thoma Duce Norfolciæ, Carolo Duce Suffolciæ, Johanne Comite Oxoniæ, Radulpho Comite Westmorlandiæ, Thoma Comite Wilteshire, Roberto Comite Sussexise, Willelmo domino Sandys, Thoma Crumwell, armigero, primario Secretario dicti domini regis, Willelmo Fitzwilliam, milite, Willelmo Paulett, milite, Johanne Fitzjames, milite, Johanne Baldewyn, milite, Ricardo Lyster, milite, Johanne Porte, milite, Johanne Spelman, milite, Waltero Luke, milite, Antonio Fitzherbert, milite, et Willelmo Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. apud Westmonasterium in dicto comitatu Middlesexiæ venerunt prasdicti Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton, Franciscus Weston, miles, et Marcus Smeton per Willelmum Kyngeston, militem, constabulum Turris Londoniæ, in cujus custodia præ antea ex causis prædictis per dictum dominum regem commissi fuerunt et per mandatum ipsius domini regis ad barrum hic ducti in propriis personis suis.

And of course, on Friday next after three weeks of Easter in the year of the reign of the said lord the king, now the twenty-eighth, before the aforesaid Thomas Audeley, knight, chancellor of England, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Charles Duke of Suffolk, John Earl of Oxford, Ralph Earl of Westmoreland, Thomas, Earl of Wiltshire, Robert, Earl of Sussex, William, Lord Sandys, Thomas Crumwell, squire, first secretary to the said lord the king, William Fitzwilliam, soldier, William Paulett, soldier, John Fitzjames, soldier, John Baldewyn, soldier, Richard Lyster, soldier, John Porte , soldier, John Spelman, soldier, Walter Luke, soldier, Antonio Fitzherbert, soldier, and William Shelley, soldier, justiciaries, &c. At Westminster, in the said county of Middlesex, the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, Francis Weston, soldier, and Marcus Smeton came by William Kyngeston, soldier, constable of the Tower of London, in whose custody they had been committed by the aforesaid causes by the said lord the king, and by his command the king's lords were here brought to the bar in their own persons.

Et statim de præmissis eis superius separatim impositis separatim allocuti qualiter se velint inde acquietare; prædictus Marcus Smeton dicit quod ipse non potest dedicere quin ipse culpabilis est de violatione et carnali cognitione prædictæ reginæ prout per indictamentum prædictum superius supponitur. Et inde ponit se in misericordiam domini regis. Et quo ad totum residuum in indictamento prædicto versus eum superius suppositum dicit quod ipse nonnullo est inde culpabilis. Et inde de bono et malo ponit se super patriam, &c.

And at once from the premisses laid above them separately, they were separately addressed as to how they would like to be appeased thence; the aforesaid Marcus Smeton says that he himself cannot confess that he himself is guilty of the violation and carnal knowledge of the aforesaid queen, as is supposed by the aforesaid indictment. And thence he places himself at the mercy of the lord the king. And with regard to the whole remainder of the aforesaid indictment against him, he says that he is in some way guilty of it. And thence he places himself in charge of his country in matters of good and evil, &c.

Et prædicti Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton et Franciscus Weston, miles, separatim dicunt quod ipsi de præmissis nec aliquo præmissorum in nullo sunt inde culpabiles. Et inde de bono et malo ponunt se seperatim super patriam, &c.

And the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Francis Weston, soldier, separately say that they themselves are not guilty of the premises, nor in any of the premises. And thence they set themselves about good and evil

Item inter dictum dominum regem et præfatos Henricum Noreys, Willelmum Bryerton et Franciscum Weston, militem, venerunt inde juratores coram præfatis justiciariis apud Westmonasterium prædictum hac instante die Veneris proximo post dictas tres septimanas Paschæ. Et qui, &c. ad recogn' &c. quia, &c.

Likewise, between the said lord the king and the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton and Francis Weston, a soldier, there came jurors before the aforesaid justiciaries at Westminster on this instant next Friday after the said three weeks of Easter. And who, &c. to recognize &c. because, &c.

Idem dies datum est tam præfato Marco Smeton quam præfatis Henrico Noreys, Willelmo Bryerton et Francisco Weston, militi. Ad quos diem et locum coram præfatis justiciariis venerunt tarn prædictus Marcus Smeton quam prædicti Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton et Franciscus Weston in propriis personis suis. Et juratores inter dictum regem et præfatum Henricum Noreys, Willelmum Bryerton et Franciscum Weston per vicecomitem comitatus Middlesexiæ impanellati, exacti similiter venerunt. Qui ad veritatem de præmissis dicendi, electi, triati et jurati dicunt super sacramentum suum quod prædicti Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton et Franciscus Weston de proditionibus prædictis eis superius impositis sunt culpabiles;

The same day was given to both the aforesaid Mark Smeton and the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton and Francis Weston, soldiers. At which day and place before the aforesaid justices came the aforesaid Marcus Smeton and the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton and Francis Weston in their own persons. And the jurors between the said king and the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Francis Weston, impaneled by the sheriff of the county of Middlesex, came in like manner. Those who to speak the truth about the premises, chosen, tried and sworn, say on their oath that the said Henry Noreys, William Bryerton and Francis Weston are guilty of the treasons aforesaid imposed upon them;

Et quod ipsi nulla habent terras, tenementa, bona, neque catalla, &c. Super quo instanter servientes domini regis ad legem ac ipsius regis attornatus juxta debitam legis formam petierunt tam versus præfatum Marcum Smeton super cognitionem suam propriam in hac parte factam quam versus præfatos Henricum Noreys, Willelmum Bryerton et Franciscum Weston, militem, super veredictum prædictum versus eos et eorum quemlibet redditum judicium et executionem superinde pro prædicto domino rege habendum, &c. Et super hoc vicecomes, et per curiam hic intellectis omnibus et singulis præmissis, concessus est quod tam prædictus Marcus Smeton quam prædicti Henricus Noreys, Willelmus Bryerton et Franciscus Weston, miles, ducantur per præfatum Constabularium Turris Londoniæ usque dictam turrim.

And that they themselves have no lands, tenements, goods, or chattels, &c. Whereupon the king's lord's servants at law and the king's own attorney, according to the due form of the law, petitioned both against the aforesaid Mark Smeton on his own knowledge in this part, and against the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton, and Francis Weston, soldier, on the aforesaid verdict against them and any judgment rendered and execution of them above shall be held for the aforesaid lord the king, &c. And upon this the sheriff, and by the court having understood each and every one of the foregoing, it was granted that both the aforesaid Marcus Smeton and the aforesaid Henry Noreys, William Bryerton and Francis Weston, soldier, should be led by the aforesaid constable of the Tower of London to the said tower.

Et deinde per medium civitatis Londoniæ directe usque ad furcas1 de Tybourne trahantur et super furcas illas ibidem suspendantur et viventes ad terrain prosternantur et interiora cujuslibet eorum extra ventres suos capiantur, ipsisque viventibus omburentur et capita eorum amputentur quodque corpora eorum in quatuor partes dividantur; Et quod capita et quarteria cujuslibet eorum ponantur ubi dominus rex ea assignare voluerit, &c.

And then they are drawn directly through the middle of the city of London to the gallows of Tybourne, and there they are hung upon those gallows, and the living ones are prostrated to the ground, and the entrails of each of them are taken outside their bellies; And that the heads and quarters of each of them should be placed where the lord the king wished to assign them, &c.

Note 1. Literally "forks".

In margin. "Trahitur et suspensus," written four times over to signify that the sentence was carried out in each separate instance.

Dorso. Per manus Johannis Fitzjames, militis, unius justiciariorum infra specificatorum coram domino rege die Sabbati proximo post tres septimanas Paschæ anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo deliberatum, &c.

On the reverse. Delivered by the hands of John Fitzjames, soldier, one of the justiciaries specified below, before the lord the king, on Saturday next, three weeks after Easter, in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King Henry VIII, &c.

In this pouch (VIII.) are the originals of the documents entered on the above enrolment, besides others which have only been abstracted or mentioned in that document. In the latter case it appeared advisable to print these documents in full from the originals, except when only re-duplicative. They are strung on a file promiscuously, in the order indicated by the numbers in the margin, but are here arranged chronologically, so far as each session is concerned, that for Middlesex preceding Kent.

24 April, 28 Hen. 8. (M. 10.) Middlesex. Special Commission of Oyer and Terminer addressed to Thomas Audeley, knt. and others. This is identical with the first document entered on the enrolment, and does not therefore require to be reprinted.

9 May, 28 Hen. 8. (M. 8.) Middlesex. [The Justices' Precept to the Sheriff for the return of the Grand Jury at Westminster on Wednesday the 10th day of May then next following.]

Scilicet. Thomas Audeley, miles, Cancellarius Anglise et socii sui justiciarii domini regis, per litteras patentes ipsius regis ad inquirendum per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de dicto comitatu Middlesexise tarn infra libertates quam extra, per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de quibuscumque proditionibus, murdris, feloniis, conspirationibus, rebellionibus, insuriectionibus, contemptis, concelamentis, forisfacturis, deceptionibus, falsitatibus, riotis, routis, conventiculis illicitis, transgressionibus, mesprisionibus et aliis offensis quibuscumque in comitatu prasdicto per quoscumque et qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis ac de aliis articulis et circumstantiis præmissa qualitercumque concernentibus plenius veritatem et ad eadem proditiones, murdra, felonias, conspirationes, rebelliones, insurrectiones, contemptus, concelamenta, forisfacturas, deceptiones, falsitates, riotas, routas, conventicula illicita, transgressiones, mesprisiones et alias offensas prædictas ad sectam ipsius regis tune audiendum et terminandurn secundum legem et consuetudinem regni domini regis Anglige assignati, vicecomiti Middlesexia; salutem. Exparte dicti domini regis tibi prascipimus quod venire facias coram nobis prasfatis justiciariis apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu prædicto die Mercurii videlicet decimo die Maii proximo future de quolibet hundredo comitatus pra3dicti 24 de magis discretis et sufficientibus personis per quos rei veritas in prsemissis melius sciri poterit et inquiri ad faciendum ea quæ ex parte ejusdem domini regis tune ibidem eis injungentur, publice etiam proclamari facias per totum comitatum prædictum quod omnes illi qui pro domino rege de aliquo articulo articulorum prædictorum sequi aut prosequi voluerint tune sint ibidem billas et sectas ipsius regis in forma juris prosecuturi. Scire etiam facias omnibus ministris tuis quod tune sint ibidem ad faciendum ea quas eorum officiis pertinent in hac parte. Et tu ipse tune sis ibidem una cum ministris tuis ad faciendum ea quæ ad tui et eorum officia pertinent. Et habeas ibi tune novem juratorum et ministrorum prædictorum et eorum per quos eis sic scire feceris breve domini regis de intendendum quod tibi inde venerit et hoc preceptum datum 9 die Maii anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo.

Dorso. Executio istius precepti patet in quodam panel lo huic precept o annexato.[The execution of this precept is evident in a certain panel attached to this precept.]

Responsio Humfridi Monmouth et Johannis Cotes, vicecomitum. [Answer of Humphrey Monmouth and John Cotes, sheriff.]

[Grand Jury panel for Middlesex. The dots in the margin show the names of those who appeared, and the contracted word "jur." is written against those who were sworn]:

Egidius Heron, armiger, jur.

Rogerus More, armiger, jur.

Ricardus Awnsham, ar. jur.

Thomas Byllyngton, ar. jur.

Gregorius Lovell, ar. jur.

Johannes Worsope, ar. jur.

Ricardus Harryyong, ar. Jesper Leyke, ar. Willelmus Gooddard, gent. jur.

Willelmus Blakwall, gent. jur.

Johannes Wylford, gent. jur.

Willelmus Berd, gent. jur.

Robertas Wheler, gent.

Henricus HubbyIthorn, gent. jur.

Willelmus Hunnyng,- gent. jur.

Robertas Walys, gent. jur.

Willelmus Hollys, gent.

Johannes Englond, gent. jur.

Willelmus Warner, gent.

.* . Thomas Curtys, gent.

Henricus Lodysman, gent. jur.

Johannes Averey, gent. jur.

Thomas Burnell, gent.

Ricardus Callard, gent.

Georgius Aleyn, gent.

Johannes Elryngton, gent.

Thomas Hemmyng, gent.

Ricardus Bellamy, gent. Willielmus Goodere, gent.

Johannes Hone, gent. Robertus Smalwod, gent.

Willelmus Jenyns, gent.

Johannes Jamys, gent.

Thomas Sylvester, gent,

Johannes Chanterell, gent.

Ricardus Clark, gent.

Johannes Grymston, gent. Robertus Redman, gent.

Johannes Rawson, gent.

Ricardus Ive, gent.

Johannes Willoughby, gent.

Ricardus Brown, gent.

Johannes Ederick de Edgeware, gent.

Alanus Nicoll, gent.

Willelmus Russell, gent. Robertus Sherp, gent.

Willelmus Snelson, gent.

Johannes Nicoll de Dolstrete.

Quilibet juratorum prsBdictorum separatim per se attachiatus et manucaptus est per plegium [Each of the aforesaid jurors was individually bound and handcuffed by the oath]

Johannis Den et Ricardi Fen.

Dorso. Capta apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu Middlesexise die Mercurii decimo die Maii anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite, Ricardo Lyster, milite, Johanne Porte, milite, Johanne Spelman, milite, Waltero Luke, milite, Antonio Fitz- herbert, milite, et Willelrno Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. per sacramentum juratorum infrascriptorum, &c.

On the Reverse. Taken at the town of Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, on Wednesday, the tenth day of May, in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, in the presence of John Baldewyn, soldier, Richard Lyster, soldier, John Porte, soldier, John Spelman, soldier, Walter Luke, soldier, Anthony Fitzherbert, a soldier, and William Shelley, a soldier, to the justices, &c. by the sacrament of the undersigned jurors, &c.

10 May, 28. Hen 8. (M.7). Original indictment found at Westminster by the Grand Jury, Giles Heron, &c. against Anne Boleyn and the rest, as copied from the enrolment. At the foot of this document, which is much rubbed, is written "Billa vera," and a memorandum in the margin that the same indictment is sent before Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal and High Steward of England [see Pouch IX.], to do all matters concerning the Queen and the Lord Rochford, on Monday, the 15th day of May, 1536, at the Tower.

The indictment has been already given from the enrolment, but the memorandum in the margin is as follows:

Mittitur coram Thoma duce Norfoiciæ, Thesaurario ac Comite Marescallo Angliæ, necnon Senescallo Angliæ hac vice, quo ad omnia quæ ad reginam et dominum Rocheford tangentia die lunse 15 die Maii anno regni domini regis nunc 28 apud Turrim Londoniæ virtute brevis dicti domini regis Johanni Baldewyn, militi, et sociis suis justiciariis, etc. ad inquirendum de quibuscumque proditionibus, &c. infra comitatum Middlesexise perpetratis audiendum et terminandum assignatis ac virtute præcepti dicti Senescalli dictis justiciariis scilicet directis terminand', &c.

It is sent before Thomas, duke of Norfolk, Treasurer and Earl Marshal of England, as well as the Seneschal of England in this turn, to all that touching the queen and lord Rocheford on Monday, the 15th day of May in the year of the reign of the lord the king now 28 at the Tower of London by virtue of the brief of the said lord John Baldewyn, the soldier, and his associates, the justiciaries, etc. to inquire into any treasons, &c. below the county of Middlesexis assigned to hear and terminate the committed, and by virtue of the order of the said Senescal to the said justiciaries, namely direct termination, &c.

The Justices' precept to the Constable of the Tower, commanding him to bring up the bodies of Sir Francis Weston, knt. Henry Noreys, esq William Bryerton, esq. and Mark Smeton, gent, at Westminster, on Friday next after three weeks of Easter. The Constable returns that before the receipt of the precept the persons within-mentioned had been committed by the King's Council for high treason, but that he nevertheless would bring them up as he is required.

Scilicet, Thomas Audeley, miles, Caricellarius Angliæ, et socii sui justiciarii domini regis per literas patentes ipsius regis ad inquirendum per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de comitatu Middlesexiæ tam infra libertates quam extra per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de omnimodis proditionibus, insurrectionibus, rebellionibus, feloniis, murdris, transgressionibus, mesprisionibus ac aliis diversis articulis in litteris domini regis patentibus eis inde directis specificatis per quoscumque et qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis et ad eadem audiendum et terminandum assignati Constabulario Turris domini regis Londoniæ vel ejus locumtenenti vel deputato suo ibidem salutem. Ex parte dicti domini regis vobis precipimus firmiter injungentes quod corpora Francisci Weston, militis, Henrici Noreys, armigeri, Willelmi Bryerton, armigeri et Marci Smeton, gentylman, in prisona dicti domini regis sub custodia vestra detenta ut dicitur una cum causa detentionum suarum quibuscumque nominibus censeantur in eadem habeatis coram dicto domino rege apud Westmonasterium die Veneris proximo post tres septimanas Paschæ ad respondendum præfato domino regi de diversis altis proditionibus unde indictati sunt. Et habeatis ibi tune hoc preceptum. Datum apud Westmonasterium 10 die Maii anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo. Per Sessionem. Fermour.

Of course, Thomas Audeley, soldier, bailiff of England, and his associates, the justiciar of the lord the king, by the king's letters patent, to inquire by the sacrament of honest and lawful men of the county of Middlesex, both within the liberties and without, by whom the truth of the matter may be better known of all kinds of treasons, insurrections, rebellions, felonies, murders, transgressions, malices, and other divers articles in the lord king's open letters directed to them from thence specified by any and any manner of deeds or perpetrated, and for hearing and terminating the same assigned to the constable of the lord king's Tower of London or his lieutenant or his deputy, greeting there. On the part of the said lord the king, we command you firmly that the bodies of Francis Weston, soldier, Henry Noreys, squire, William Bryerton, squire, and Mark Smeton, gentylman, are detained in the prison of the said lord the king under your custody, as it is said, together with the cause of their detention by whatever names they may be considered in the same you shall have before the said lord the king at Westminster on Friday next after three weeks of Easter to answer the aforesaid lord the king concerning the various high treasons whence they have been indicted. And have this commandment there at that time. Given at Westminster on the 10th day of May in the twentieth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth in the eighth. During the Session. Fermour.

Ante adventum istius Precepti michi directi infranominati Franciscus Weston, miles, Henricus Norres, armiger, Willelmus Bryerton, armiger, et Marcus Smeton, gentilman, michi commissi fuerunt per Consilium domini regis salvo et secure custodiendi pro diversis altis proditionibus per ipsos ut dicitur perpetratis, corpora tamen ipsorum Francisci, Henrici, Willelmi et Marci ad diem et locum infra contentas parata habeo prout interius michi præcipitur. Responsio Willelmi Kyngston, militis, Constabularii Turris Londoniæ infrascripti.

On the reverse. Before the arrival of this command, the under-named Francis Weston, soldier, Henry Norres, squire, William Bryerton, squire, and Marcus Smeton, gentleman, were committed to me by the council of the lord the king to keep safe and secure for the various high treasons committed by them, as it is said, nevertheless, I have prepared the bodies of Francis, Henry, William, and Marcus themselves for the day and place below, as I am instructed inwardly. The underwritten answer of William Kyngston, soldier, Constable of the Tower of London.

Continues the same more or less for Kent