Biography of Thomas Boleyn 1400-1472

Paternal Family Tree: Boleyn

Around 1400 Thomas Boleyn was born to Geoffrey Boleyn (age 20) and Alice Bracton (age 15). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.12%.

Before 1406 [his father] Geoffrey Boleyn (age 26) and [his mother] Alice Bracton (age 20) were married. They were first cousins.

On 08 Mar 1421 Thomas Boleyn (age 21) was ordained as Deacon.

In 1422 Thomas Boleyn (age 22) was appointed Rector of Reepham, Norfolk which post he held until 1429.

In 1434 Thomas Boleyn (age 34) is titled Magister in the commission for him to attend the Council of Basle in 1434 upon the King's affairs in the suite of Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 28).

In 1438 Thomas Boleyn (age 38) was appointed Rector of Hackford next Reepham, Norfolk by Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 32).

Bishop Praty's Confirmations of Monastic Elections and Benedictions of Newly Elected Abbots and Priors. And it is to be remembered that on the Wednesday, in the week of our Lord's Passion, about 10 o'clock before nones, namely, on March 23rd in the year above written, in the third Indiction, in the 10 th year of . . Pope Eugenius IV., the aforesaid Thomas Shorham, Abbot, as he asserted, elected and confirmed of the Monastery of Begham . . appeared before . . Eichard . . , Bishop of Chichester, in the Chapel situated within his Palace of Chichester, and asked and instantly begged the same Eeverend Father, his Diocesan, that he would deign to distinguish him with his gift of Benediction in the Church's accustomed form. To this the said Eeverend Father said that he willingly would. And subsequently, arrayed in Pontifical vestments

and decorations, he celebrated in a low voice the Mass of the Holy Spirit. And in the course of the solemnities of the Mass he conferred on the aforesaid brother Thomas elected, as is stated above and con- firmed, the gift of Benediction used and accustomed by the Church in such cases. Which done, the said brother Thomas made his obedience to the said Eeverend Father in the form which follows:-

In the Name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Shorham, Abbot of the Monastery of Begham, of the Premonstratensian Order of Chichester Diocese, elected and confirmed, profess, &c. [as on p. 155], . . being present then and there the venerable and discreet Master Thomas Boleyn (age 39), LL.B., Edward Brugge, John Kyngeslane, Chaplains, John Fulborne, John Halswell, 'scutifers,' and very many others in a large crowd.

Bishop Praty's Confirmations of Monastic Elections and Benedictions of Newly Elected Abbots and Priors. Resignation oe the Prior de Calceto.

In the Name of God, Amen. I, brother John Baker, Prior of the Priory of the Conventual Church of St. Bartholomew de Calceto of the Order of St. Augustine [Map] of the Diocese of Chichester, willingly and heartily, from certain true and lawful causes moving me thereto, [desire] to be entirely relieved from the cure and rule of the Priory and from the state and dignity of Prior of the same place, and I resign the same my Priory de Calceto and the state and dignity of Prior of the same into your sacred hands, reverend Father and Lord in Christ, Lord Richard by the grace of God Bishop of Chichester, Diocesan of the place, and all right in the same state or dignity of Prior belonging to me heretofore in any manner I yield up and resign, and from their possession in deed and word I altogether retire in these writings.

This above-written resignation was made in a certain ground floor room outside the door of the hall within the Manor of the Lord Bishop of Chichester at Aldyngbourne on May 9th, 1439, in the second Indiction, in the ninth year of the Pontificate of the most holy Father and Lord in Christ, Lord Eugenius IV., Pope, in the presence of Master Thomas Boleyn (age 39), Sir John Kyngeslane, Chaplain, John Fulbourne and others.

And immediately after the reading of the schedule the said reverend Father the Bishop of Chichester admitted the aforesaid resignation, the same witnesses being present, and I, William Treverdow, notary public, also being present.

On 26 Jun 1439 Thomas Boleyn (age 39) was appointed Chaplain of East Itchenor which was then in the gift of Boxgrove Priory.

On 25 Mar 1440 [his father] Geoffrey Boleyn (age 60) died. Around 1414 [his mother] Alice Bracton (age 29) died. Memorial brass in the floor of the nave of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map]. It originally also had tiny figures representing their 5 sons and 4 daughters, but the inlay is lost. Inscription: Hic jacet Galfrid. Boleyn qui obt. 25 die mensis Martij 1440, et Alicie, uxor. ejus, et pueror. suorum, quorum a'i'ab; &c. Label: Dominus propitius esto nobis peccatorib. ie "Here lies Geoffrey Boleyn who died the 25th day of the month of March A.D. 1440, and Alice, his wife, and children, on whose souls may God have mercy Amen"

Geoffrey Boleyn: Around 1380 he was born to Thomas Boleyn and Anne Jane Bracton. Before 1406 Geoffrey Boleyn and Alice Bracton were married. They were first cousins. In 1408 Geoffrey Boleyn provided timber for the building of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle. The church was paid for by four Lords of the manor, Geoffrey Boleyn, Thomas Brigge, Thomas Roos and an unknown person, with newly acquired wealth from the wool trade.

Alice Bracton: Around 1385 she was born to John Bracton at Salle, Norfolk.

In 1454 Thomas Boleyn (age 54) was appointed Master of Gonville College, Cambridge University which position he held until 1472.

In 1472 Thomas Boleyn (age 72) died. He was buried at Wells Cathedral [Map].

Ancestors of Thomas Boleyn 1400-1472

GrandFather: Thomas Boleyn

Father: Geoffrey Boleyn

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Bracton

GrandMother: Anne Jane Bracton

Thomas Boleyn

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Bracton

GrandFather: John Bracton

Mother: Alice Bracton