Europe, British Isles, England, Welsh March, Cheshire, Haslington

Haslington, Cheshire is in Cheshire.

Around 1325 Richard Vernon was born to Thomas Vernon (age 35) at Haslington, Cheshire.

In 1365 Jacob Vernon was born to Richard Vernon (age 40) at Haslington, Cheshire.

Around 1424 John Vernon was born to Richard Vernon (age 20) at Haslington, Cheshire.

Around 1437 Ralph Vernon was born to John Vernon (age 13) at Haslington, Cheshire.

Around 1473 Richard Vernon was born to Ralph Vernon (age 36) at Haslington, Cheshire and Joan Fouleshurst (age 36).

In 1494 Ralph Vernon was born to Richard Vernon (age 21) at Haslington, Cheshire.

Around 1526 Ann Vernon was born to Ralph Vernon of Haslington in Cheshire and Isabel Leversage at Haslington, Cheshire.

In 1537 Thomas Vernon was born to Robert Vernon (age 27) at Haslington, Cheshire.

In 1578 George Vernon was born to Thomas Vernon (age 41) and Dorothy Egerton (age 33) at Haslington, Cheshire.

Dorothy Egerton died at Haslington, Cheshire.