Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Nottinghamshire, Strelley

Strelley, Nottinghamshire is in Nottinghamshire.

Around 1360 Richard Stanhope was born at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

In 1397 Robert Strelley was born to Nicholas Strelley and Elizabeth Pierrepont at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

In 1430 Robert Strelley (age 33) died at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

In 1450 Joyce Strelley was born to Robert Strelley (age 27) and Isabel Kempe at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

Around 1450 Nicholas Strelley was born to Robert Strelley (age 27) and Isabel Kempe at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

Around 1480 Nicholas Strelley was born to Nicholas Strelley (age 30) and Katherine West (age 20) at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

Around 1486 Ellen Gresley was born to Thomas Gresley (age 30) at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

On 12 Jun 1491 Nicholas Strelley (age 41) died at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

In 1528 Anthony Strelley was born to Nicholas Strelley (age 48) and Isabel Spencer (age 32) at Strelley, Nottinghamshire.

Around May 1533 Sanchia Willoughby (age 81) died at Strelley, Nottinghamshire. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Strelley [Map].