Europe, British Isles, England, City of London, Vintry

Vintry is in City of London.

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1554 Wyatt's Rebellion

1666 Great Fire of London

On 22 Sep 1653 John Frederick (age 51) was elected Alderman of Vintry.

On 19 Jun 1716 John Eyles 2nd Baronet (age 33) was appointed Master of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers and Alderman of Vintry.

Europe, British Isles, England, City of London, St James Garlickhythe Vintry

In 1471 Eleanor Neville Baroness Stanley (age 24) died. She was buried at St James Garlickhythe Vintry.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Feb 1561. The x day of Feybruary [was buried?] in Garlykeheyffe master Gybes, on [one] of the mar[shal men?] of London.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 04 Mar 1563. The iiij day (of) Marche ther was a man's dowther dwellyng in sant James in Garlyke heyff, in the plase that w[as the] yerle of Wosetur('s) plase, she was delevered with a chyld, and after caste yt owt of a wyndow in-to Temes, and after Daker co ...

Europe, British Isles, England, City of London, St Martin Vintry [Map]

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 04 Jul 1450. Ande in the morne he come yn a-gayne, that sory and sympylle and rebellyus captayne why the hys mayny; that was Satyrday, and hyt was also a Synt Martyn ys day1, the dedycacyon of Synt Martynys in the Vyntry [Map], the iiij day of Juylle. And thenne dyvers questys were i-sompnyd at the Gylhalle [Map]; and ther Robert Home beynge alderman was a-restydeand brought in to Newegate. And that same day Wylliam Crowemere (age 34), squyer, and Scheryffe of Kentt, was be-heddyde in the fylde whythe owte Algate at the mylys ende be-syde Clopton ys Place. And a nothyr man that was namyde John Bayle was be-heddyd at the Whytte Chapylle. And the same day aftyr-non was be-heddyd in Cheppe a-fore the Standard [Map], Syr Jamys Fynes (age 55), beyng that tyme the Lorde Saye and Grrette Treserer of Ingelonde, the whyche was brought oute of the Toure of London [Map] unto the Gylde Halle [Map], and there of dyvers tresons he was exampnyd, of whyche he knowlachyd of the dethe of that notabylle and famos prynce the Duke of Glouceter. And thenne they brought hym unto the Standard in Cheppe [Map], and there he ressayvyd hys jewys and hys dethe. And so forthe alle the iij [3] heddys that day smetyn of were sette uppon the Brygge of London [Map], and the ij othyr heddys takyn downe that stode a-pon the London Brygge by-fore. And at the comyng of the camptayne yn to Sowtheworke, he lete smyte of the hedde of a strong theff that was namyd Haywardyn.

Note 1. The Translation of St. Martin of Tours.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Mar 1561. The xxij day of Marche ther was a wyff dwellyng in sant Martens in the vyntre [Map], within the clostur dwellyng, of the age of lii. toke a woman into her howse at the done-lyhyng, and the sam nyght she was delevered with chyld, and the sam woman of the howse led her-seyff in bed, and mad pepull beleyff that yt was her owne chyld.

In Sep 1666 St Martin Vintry [Map] was one of the eight-six parish churches destroyed in the Great Fire of London.

Europe, British Isles, England, City of London, Vintry, Three Cranes [Map]

Henry Machyn's Diary. 30 Sep 1552. The xxx day of September the mayre and the aldermen, and the new shreyffes, took barges at iij Cranes in the Vyntre [Map], and so to Westmynster hall, and ther they toke [their] hoyth in the escheker, and then thay came to de[ner]. Ther was a grett dener as youe have sene; for ther wher mony gentyll men and women.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Feb 1554. The sam day at after-non was a proclamasyon in Chepesyde, Ledyn-hall, and at sant Magnus [Map] corner, with harold of armes and on of the quen['s] trumpeters blohyng, and my lord mare, and my lord admerall (age 44) Haward, and the ij shreyffs, that ser Thomas Wyatt (age 33) was proclamyd traytur and rebellyous, and all ys fellowes, agaynst the Quen('s) mageste and her consell, and that he wold have the Quen in costody, and the Towre of London in kepyng; and thay convayd unto evere gatt gonnes and the bryge; and so evere gatt with men in harnes nyght and days. And a-bowt iij of the cloke at after-non the Quen('s) (age 37) grace cam rydyng from Westmynster unto yeld-hall with mony lordes, knyghts and lades, and bysshopes and haroldes of armes, and trompeturs blohynge and all the gard in harnes. [Then she declared, in an oration to the mayor and the city, and to her council, her mind concerning her marriage, that she never intended to marry out of her realm but by her council's consent and advice; and that she would never marry but all her true] sogettes [subjects] shall be content, [or else she would live] as her grace has don hederto. [But that her gr]ace wyll call a parlement [as] shortely as [may be, and] as thay shall fynd, and that [the earl of] Penbroke (age 53) shall be cheyffe capten and generall agaynst ser Thomas Wyatt (age 33) and ys felous in the [field,] that my lord admerall (age 44) for to be sosyatt with the [lord mayor] to kepe the cete from all commars therto. [After this] the Quen('s) grace came from yeld-hall [Map] and rod to the iij cranes [Map] in the vyntre, and toke her barge [to] Westmynster to her own place the sam day.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 25 Mar 1557. [The xxv of March] the duke of Muskovea whent to [court, with] a x althermen and a grett compene of [merchants, which] be fre of Muskovea; and the lord toke ys ba[rge at the] iij Cranes in the Vyntre [Map]; and ys garment was of cloth of tyssuw, and ys hatt and ys nyght-cape was sett with grett perlles and ryche stones, as evere I say, and ys men in cloth of gold and red damaske in syd gownes; and so he dy. (unfinished).