Battle of Minden

Battle of Minden is in 1714-1760 George I and George II.

On 01 Aug 1759 William Middleton 5th Baronet (age 21) was severely injured at the Battle of Minden.

George Sackville aka Germain 1st Viscount Sackville (age 43) was ordered several times to advance the British cavalry to complete the victory but refused to do so since Sackville was estranged from Lord Granby (age 38), the force commander, and withheld permission for Granby to "gain glory" through an attack. For this action, he was cashiered and sent home. Sackville refused to accept responsibility for refusing to obey orders. Back in England, he demanded a court martial, and made it a large enough issue that he obtained his demand in 1760. The court found him guilty, and imposed one of the strangest and strongest verdicts ever rendered against a general officer. The court's verdict not only upheld his discharge, but ruled that he was "...unfit to serve His Majesty in any military Capacity whatever", then ordered that their verdict be read to and entered in the orderly book of every regiment in the army. The king had his name struck from the Privy Council rolls.