Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 Highgate Cemetery

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 Highgate Cemetery is in Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2.

Highgate Cemetery. Sacred to the memory of Edward Hodges Baily (age 69), Esq., R.A., Who died May 22 May, 1867, aged 79 years. Also of Elizabeth (deceased), wife of the said Edward Hodges Baily, Esqre., R.A., Who died March 8th 1858, aged 70 years.

Highgate Cemetery. Lady Charlotte Beauclerk, daughter of William, 8th Duke of St Albans, Born 4th April, 1802. Died 12th August, 1842.

Henry Beauclerk (deceased), Died 22nd Jany., 1856. Aged 43 years.

Highgate Cemetery. Sir Charles Vincent Loraine, Bart., Born 20th July, 1807, Died in London 19th August, 1850. This monument was erected to his Memory bv his disconsolate widow.

Highgate Cemetery. Here are deposited the remains of Sir John Peniston Milbanke, Bart.1, who departed this life on the 26th day of July, 1850, in the 75th year of his age.

Note 1. Sir J. P. Milbanke, Bart., was the seventh baronet. He was born on the 20th August, 1775 (second son of the fifth baronet) [Note. He was a grandson of the fifth baronet?], by Cornelia, daughter of Sir William Chambers, the noted architect. On the 19th March, 1826, he succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his uncle, Sir Ralph Noel, who assumed that name by royal sign manual, and whose only daughter (age 58) was the wife of Lord Byron, the poet, and mother of the Countess of Lovelace (age 34). Sir John was twice married. He died at Halvaby, Yorkshire.

Highgate Cemetery. William John Crole Wyndham, son of George O'Brien Wyndham, 3rd Earl Egremont, Died 16th November, 1865, aged 67 years. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." "To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise." "In Thy presence is fulness of joy."

Captain Charles Crole, R.N., his brother, Died September 30th 1850, aged 55 years.

Major George Seymour Crole, 28th Regiment, his half brother, Died June 13th 1863, aged 64 years.

John Barker, Esqre Father-in-law to the above W. J. Crole Wyndham, Died July 18th 1863, aged 68 years.

Emily Charlotte Barker (age 77), mother-in-law to the above W. J. Crole Wyndham, Died January 12th 1866, Aged 77 years.

Highgate Cemetery. Sacred To the Memory of Caroline, the beloved wife of Sir William E. Burnaby (age 34), Bart., who died in London, 17th October, 1857, Aged 40 years.

Also In memory of Emma (deceased) Relict of Capt E. A. G. Burnaby, R.N., Who died March 1st 1859, Aged 65.

Highgate Cemetery. The Right Honourable John Singleton Copley, Baron Lyndhurst, Three times Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, High Steward of the University of Cambridge. P.C., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S, &c, Born 21st May 1772, died 12th October, 1863.

Mary (age 94) the youngest daughter of John Singleton Copley, Esq., R.A., Born 23rd September, 1773, Died 23rd April, 1868.

Highgate Cemetery. Sacred to the Memory of Catherine Maria Foord Bowes, daughter of the late Sir John Johnson, Bart., widow of the late Major-General Foord Bowes, who fell at the storming of the forts at Salamanca in 1812. Her extensive benevolence and endearing qualities, gained the esteem and admiration of all who knew her Beloved in life and lamented in death. This tribute of affection is erected by her surviving sister and two brothers, a record of her. worth and their sorrow. She died at Anglesey, on the 5th February, 1850, aged 66 years, after a severe illness of six months, which she bore with Christian patience. — Proverbs 4 chaptr & 18 verse.

Also in Memory of Marianne (deceased), youngest daughter and last surviving child of the late Sir John Johnson, Bart., Died 1st Januart, 1868, aged 76. — Matthew chap. v. verse 3.

Highgate Cemetery. In Memory of Susan Emily Cunliffe wife of Lieut-General Sir Robt Cunliffe, Bart., C.B., of Acton Park, Denbighshire, Who departed this life November 11th 1856, Aged 51 years.

Highgate Cemetery. Sacred to the Memory of Nicholas Westby1, of the county of Clare, Ireland, who departed this life August 24th 1860, Aged 72 years.

The Hon. Emily Susanna Laura Westby, Died June 1870. Aged 82 years. "In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, Let me never be confounded."

Note 1. He was the eldest surviving son and heir of William Westby, of Thornhill, in the county of Dublin, Esq., by Mary, his wife, daughter of George Fletcher, of Tottenham, Esq.; he married, 1815, the Hon. Emily Susanna Laura, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Sir William Waldegrave, first Baron Radstock, of Castle Town, Admiral of the Red and G.C.B., by Cornelia, his wife, daughter of David Van Lennap, of Smyrna, Esq. His lineal ancestor, from whom he stood fourth in descent, was the Rev. Thomas Westby (son of George Westby, of Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, Esq., a major in the army), of Clonmel, who, about the time of the Commonwealth, settled in Ireland ; his family, which had flourished in Lancashire from early in the sixteenth century, had previously been seated at Westby, Ravenfield, Coningsburgh, Firsby, and elsewhere in the county of York ; the Yorkshire and chief branch of the family became extinct in the male line by the death, in 1790, of George Westby (whose wife was Catherine, daughter and heir of John Hirst, of Clough House, CO. York, Esq., and great-granddaughter of George Westby, of Gilthwaite, Esq., who died 167 1), of Howarth Grange and Gilthwaite, Esq. The Westbys can show a long line of worthy ancestry, almost reaching to the Conquest, and among their alliances appear the names of Byron, Rokeby, Egerton, Worsley, Brereton, Tatton, Molyneux, Ashton, Odingsells, Shirley, Vaux, Reresby, Fitzwilliam, Shuiileworth, Wyrrall, Bright, Hirst, Spencer, D'Arcy, Beckwith, Cromwell, Levett, Norris, Souihwonh, Barton, Heeketh, Hatfield, Laughton, Talbot, and many others of equal importance. Gilbert Westbye was, temp. Henry III., High Sheriff of the county of Laocastei, foi twelve years, 1233 — 46. The Yorkshire and Lancashire County Histories and Heraldic Visitations, " Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," together with the Harleian, Barritl, Holme, and other genealogical MS5., give much information satisfactorily proving the descent and former importance of the family. The annexed illuslralion is a facsimile of the family armorial bearings as given in the Visitation of Yorkshire. 15S4, Harl. MSS.,1394, and the following note appears above the pedigree in the MSS. ; — "The crest and armes of John Weelby, of Movfbricke, in Com. Lancaslria;" from the Visitation of Lancashire, rGi3, Harl. MSS., 1437, we learn that these arms were: — "Geuen to John Westby, in co. York, 20 of May, 2 yere of Eliz., 1560, by Larawance Dalton."

Highgate Cemetery. But thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sacred to the Memory of Granville George Lord Radstock (deceased), C.B.1, Vice- Admiral of the Red ; Born September 24th 1786; Died May 11th 1857. Distinguished by a calm courage, and rare simplicity and truthfulness of character ; in early life his energies were devoted to the service of his country in war ; in after-life his time and resources were consecrated to the present and eternal welfare of his fellowcountrymen and comrades. He trusted not, however, to his own merits ; all his hope was fixed on his Saviour's cross.

Radstock, Baron (Granville-George Waldegrave), of Castle Town, Queens County, in the peerage of .Ireland, Vice-Admiral of the Red, naval aide-de-camp to the Queen, and C.B. He married August 7, 1823, Esther Caroline, youngest daughter of James Puget, Esq., of Totteridge, Hants. He left issue one son and two daughters. He became second Baron upon the decease of his father Augsut 20, 1825.

Highgate Cemetery. In Memory of John Francis (deceased), Sculptor, Born Sep. 3, 1780, died Aug. 30, 1861.

Charles William, son of John and Mary Francis, Born Dec. 22, 1820, Died Feb. 23, 1849.

Mary, wife of John Francis, Born Sep. 20, 1779, Died Jan 29, 1855.

Elizabeth, widow of William Brown, Sculptor, and daughter of John and Mary Francis, Born April 11th 1807, died July 29th 1859.

Highgate Cemetery. In Memory of Belinda (deceased), the beloved wife of Lord William Thynne (age 65), Died August 1st 1869, aged 52.

Highgate Cemetery. Here lie the Mortal Remains of Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir James Sanderson, Baronet, and the beloved wife of Richard Burdon Sanderson, Esqre., Died June 6th 1864, aged 67. "I rest in God."

In Memory of Richard Burdon Sanderson, of West Jesmond House, Northumberland, Esqre. Who died in the faith of Christ, at Montague Grove, Hampstead, February 10th 1865, aged 73. "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.

Highgate Cemetery. To the Dear Memory of My husband, Gabriel Rossetti, Born at Vasto Ammone, In the kingdom of Naples, 28th February, 1783 ; Died in London, 26th April, 1854, "He shall return no more, nor see his native country." — Jeremiahi xxii. 10. "Now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly." — Hebrews xi. 16.

Ah dio — ajutami tu. Also to the Memory of Elizabeth Eleanor, Wife of D. G. Rossetti (Eldest son of the above). Who departed on the 11th February, 1862, Aged 30.

Highgate Cemetery. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (deceased). Poet, Philospher. Theologian. This truly great and good man resider for the last nineteen years of his life In this Hamlet. He quitted "the body of this death" July 25th 1834 In the sixty-second year of his age. Of his profound learning and discursive genius His literary works are an imperishable record. To his or private worth. His social and Christian virtues. James and Ann Gillman. The friends with whom he lived During the above period, dedicate this tablet. Under the pressure of a long And most painful disease. His disposition was unalterably sweet and angelic. He was an ever-enduring. ever-loving friend: The gentlest and kindest teacher: The most engaging home-companion. "O! framed for calmer times, and nobler hearts, O studious poet, eloquent for truth! Philosopher! condemning wealth and death. Yet docile, childlike, full of life and love." Here on thy monumental stone thy friends inscribe thy worth; Reader, for the world, mourn; A light has passed away from the earth ; But, for this pious and exalted Christian, "Rejoice! and again, I say unto you rejoice!"