John Evelyn's Diary 1659

 John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 is in John Evelyn's Diary 1650s.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 January

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 January 17

17 Jan 1659. Our old vicar preached, taking leave of the parish in a pathetical speech, to go to a living in the city.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 March

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 March 24

24 Mar 1659. I went to London, to speak to the patron, Alderman Cuttler, about presenting a fit pastor for our destitute parish church.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 April

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 April 05

05 Apr 1659. Came the Earl of Northampton (age 36) and the famous painter, Mr. Wright (age 41), to visit me.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 April 10

10 Apr 1659. One Mr. Littler, being now presented to the living of our parish, preached on John vi. 55, a sermon preparatory to the Holy Sacrament.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 April 25

25 Apr 1659. A wonderful and sudden change in the face of the public; the new protector, Richard (age 32), slighted; several pretenders and parties strive for the government: all anarchy and confusion; Lord have mercy on us!

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 05

05 May 1659. I went to visit my brother (age 41) in London; and next day, to see a new opera, after the Italian way, in recitative music and scenes, much inferior to the Italian composure and magnificence; but it was prodigious that in a time of such public consternation such a vanity should be kept up, or permitted. I, being engaged with company, could not decently resist the going to see it, though my heart smote me for it.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 07

07 May 1659. Came the Ambassador of Holland and his lady to visit me, and stayed the whole afternoon.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 12

12 May 1659. I returned the visit, discoursing much of the revolutions, etc.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 19

19 May 1659. Came to dine with me my Lord Galloway (age 49) and his son, a Scotch Lord and learned: also my brother (age 41) and his lady, Lord Berkeley and his lady, Mrs. Shirley, and the famous singer, Mrs. Knight, and other friends.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 23

23 May 1659. I went to Rookwood, Surrey, and dined with Sir William Hicks (age 63), where was a great feast and much company. It is a melancholy old house, environed with trees and rooks.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 26

26 May 1659. Came to see me my Lord George Berkeley (age 31), Sir William Ducie, and Sir George Pott's son of Norfolk.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 May 29

29 May 1659. The nation was now in extreme confusion and unsettled, between the Armies and the Sectaries, the poor Church of England breathing as it were her last; so sad a face of things had overspread us.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 June

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 June 07

07 Jun 1659. To London, to take leave of my brother (age 41), and see the foundations now laying for a long street and buildings in Hatton Garden, designed for a little town, lately an ample garden.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 September

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 September 01

01 Sep 1659. I communicated to Mr. Robert Boyle (age 32), son to the Earl of Cork, my proposal for erecting a philosophic and mathematic college.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 September 15

15 Sep 1659. Came to see me Mr. Brereton (age 28), a very learned gentleman, son to my Lord Brereton (age 48), with his wife and divers other ladies. Also, Henry Howard of Norfolk (age 31), since Duke of Norfolk.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 September 30

30 Sep 1659. I went to visit Sir William Ducie and Colonel Blount (age 55), where I met Sir Henry Blount (age 57), the famous traveler and water drinker.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October 10

10 Oct 1659. I came with my wife (age 24) and family to London: took lodgings at the Three Feathers [Map], in Russell Street, Covent Garden, for the winter, my son being very unwell.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October 11

11 Oct 1659. Came to visit me Mr. William Coventry (age 31) (since secretary to the Duke), son to the Lord Keeper, a wise and witty gentleman.

11 Oct 1659. The Army now turned out the Parliament. We had now no government in the nation: all in confusion; no magistrate either owned or pretended; but the soldiers, and they not agreed. God Almighty have mercy on us, and settle us!

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October 17

17 Oct 1659. I visited Mr. Howard (age 31), at Arundel House [Map], who gave me a fair onyx set in gold, and showed me his design of a palace there.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 October 21

21 Oct 1659. A private fast was kept by the Church of England Protestants in town, to beg of God the removal of his judgments, with devout prayers for his mercy to our calamitous Church.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 07

07 Nov 1659. Was published my bold "Apology for the King" in this time of danger, when it was capital to speak or write in favor of him. It was twice printed; so universally it took.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 09

09 Nov 1659. We observed our solemn Fast for the calamity of our Church.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 12

12 Nov 1659. I went to see the several drugs for the confection of treacle, dioscordium, and other electuaries, which an ingenious apothecary had not only prepared and ranged on a large and very long table, but covered every ingredient with a sheet of paper, on which was very lively painted the thing in miniature, well to the life, were it plant, flower, animal, or other exotic drug.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 15

15 Nov 1659. Dined with the Dutch Ambassador. He did in a manner acknowledge that his nation mind only their own profit, do nothing out of gratitude, but collaterally as it relates to their gain, or security; and therefore the English were to look for nothing of assistance to the banished King. This was to me no very grateful discourse, though an ingenuous confession.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 18

18 Nov 1659. Mr. Gunning (age 45) celebrated the wonted Fast, and preached on Phil. II 12, 13.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 24

24 Nov 1659. Sir John Evelyn [of Godstone, Surrey] invited us to the forty-first wedding-day feast, where was much company of friends.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 November 26

26 Nov 1659. I was introduced into the acquaintance of divers learned and worthy persons, Sir John Marsham, Mr. Dugdale (age 19), Mr. Stanley, and others.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 09

09 Dec 1659. I supped with Mr. Gunning (age 45), it being our fast day, Dr. Fearne, Mr. Thrisco, Mr. Chamberlain, Dr. Henchman (age 67), Dr. Wild, and other devout and learned divines, firm confessors, and excellent persons. Note: Most of them since made bishops.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 10

10 Dec 1659. I treated privately with Colonel Morley (age 43), then Lieutenant of the Tower, and in great trust and power, concerning delivering it to the King (age 29), and the bringing of him in, to the great hazard of my life, but the Colonel had been my schoolfellow, and I knew would not betray me.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 12

12 Dec 1659. I spent in public concerns for his Majesty (age 29), pursuing the point to bring over Colonel Morley (age 43), and his brother-in-law, Fay, Governor of Portsmouth.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 18

18 Dec 1659. Preached that famous divine, Dr. Sanderson (age 72) (since Bishop of Lincoln), now eighty years old, on Jer. xxx. 13, concerning the evil of forsaking God.

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 29

29 Dec 1659. Came my Lord Count Arundel, of Wardour (age 51), to visit me. I went also to see my Lord Viscount Montague (age 49).

John Evelyn's Diary 1659 December 31

31 Dec 1659. Settling my domestic affairs in order, blessed God for his infinite mercies and preservations the past year.