Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine is in Prehistory.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1854 V1

Pages 233-238 Boyton Church, in the Vale of Wylye.

Pages 303-304 Tumulus [] at Winterbourne-Monkton. Discovery of an Ancient Tumulus, At Winterbourne-Monkton.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1856 V3

Pages 67-86 On the Barrow of Lanhill near Chippenham. with remarks on the site of, and the events connected with The Battles of Cynuit and Ethandun, A.D. 878 By John Thurnam (age 45), M.D. F.S.A.

Pages 185-188 Account of a Barrow On Roundway Hill near Devizes, Opened In April, 1855. By Mr. Cunnington, F.G.S.

Pages 164-177 On a Cromlech-tumulus called Lugbury, near Littleton Drew by John Thurnam (age 45), M.D., F.S.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1857 V4

Pages 307-363 Abury By William Long, Esq., M.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1859 V6

Pages 73-74 Account of a Barrow on Oldbury Hill, Wilts. Opened by Mr Cunnington, F.G.S, February 1853.

Pages 159-167 An Account of the British and Anglo-Saxon Barrows on Roundway Hill, in the Parish of Bishop's Cannings, by Mr Cunnington, F.G.S.

Pages 317-336 Examination of the Barrows on the South Downs of North Wiltshire in 1853-1857 by John Thurnam (age 48), M.D., F.S.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1860 V7

Pages 145-191 Silbury. By the Rev. A. C. Smith, M.A. Read before the Society at Avebury during the annual Meeting at Marlborough, September, 1859-

Page 224-226 Facsmililes of Aubrey's Plans of Abury.

Pages 315-320 Wayland Smith's Cave or Cromlech, near Lambourn, Berks. By Professor T. L. Donaldson, Architect, Ph. D.

Pages 321-333 On Wayland's Smithy, and on the Traditions connected with it by John Thurnam (age 51), M.D., F.S.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1866 V10

Pages 85-103 Notes on Barrow-Diggings in the Parish of Collingbourne Ducis. By the Rev. W. C. Lukis (age 48).

Pages 109-113 On A Piece Of Perforated Slate Found at Aldington, Worcestershire, And Illustrative of the Ancient use of Slate discovered in Barrows in Wiltshire. By the Rev. A. H. Winnington Ingram, F.G.S., Hon. Canon.

Pages 130-135 Examination of a Chambered Long Barrow [], at West Kennet, Wiltshire. By John Thurnam (age 55).

Pages 209-216 Excavations at Avebury. Under the Direction of the Secretaries of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, September 29th,— October 5th, 1865.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1868 V11

Pages 40-49 On Four Lozenge Shaped Flint Javelin Heads from an Oval Barrow near Stonehenge; and On the Leaf Shaped Type of Flint Arrow-Head and its Connection with Long Barrows by John Thurnam (age 57), M.D., F.S.A.

Pages 113-118 A Report of Diggings made in Silbury Hill, and in the Ground Adjoining. By the Rev. Prebendary Wilkinson.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1872 V13

Page 103 Notes of a Long Barrow on Oldbury Hill

Pages 339-342 On Long Barrows and Round Barrows by John Thurnam (age 61), Esq, M.D., F.S.A. Report of an Address delivered on Bratton Down, during an Execursion of the Society, August 8th, 1872.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1878 V17

Pages 253-254 Supposed Stone-Circle near Abury

Pages 327-335 Abury Notes. By William Long, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1879 V18

Pages 377-383 Avebury — The Beckhampton Avenue. By the Rev. Bryan King (age 66), M.A.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1884 V21

Pages 256-263 Some Undescribed Articles in the the Stourhead Collection by W. Cunnington, Esq., F.G.S.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1885 V22

Pages 234-238 Extracts from a Note Book by Sir R C Hoare.

Pages 345-348 Barrow at Ogbourne St Andrew's. Wilts by Mr. Cunnington, F.G.S.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1886 V23

Pages 117-118 Ringsbury Camp.

Pages 245-253 1887. Recent Explorations at Silbury Hill By Alfred C. Pass.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1889 V24

Pages 104-117 Notes on Bowl's Barrow. By Mr Cunnington.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1894 V28

Pages 172-173 Opening of Barrows, &c., near Haxon. By William Cunnington.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1902 V32

Page 175 The attention of the Committee has been called during the year, amongst other things, to the proposed cleaning and scraping of the Market Cross at Salisbury, and to the injury being done to the fine long barrow at Winterbourne Stoke cross roads. The Salisbury Town Council yielded to the representations made by our Society and by the Society of Antiquaries, and has decided not to scrape the stonework of the Market Cross. The Secretary lost no time in interceding for the preservation of one of the finest of the long barrows, and it is hoped that further damage to it is averted.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1907 V35

Pages 1-20 Notes on the Opening of a Bronze Age Barrow at Manton [], near Marlborough By Mrs M E Cunnington (age 37).

Pages 515-517 Avebury, Orientation of the Avenues. Sir Norman Lockyer, in Nature, Jan. 16tb, 1908, pp. 249—251.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1910 V36

Pages 300-310 The Discovery Of A Chamber In The Long Barrow At Lanhill [], Near Chippenham. By Maud E. Cunnington (age 40).

Pages 311-317 Notes On Barrows [, , ] On King's Play Down, Heddington. By Maud E. Cunnington (age 40).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1913 V38

Pages 1-11 Jun 1913. The Re-Erection of Two Fallen Stones [], and Discovery of an Interment with Drinking Cup, At Avebury. By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 43).

Pages 379-414 Jun 1914. List Of The Long Barrows Of Wiltshire. By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 44).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1922 V41

Pages 172-174 "Blue hard stone, ye same as at Stonehenge," found in Boles [Bowles] Barrow (Heytesbury, I.)

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1924 V42

Pages 49-51 1921 to 1922. Notes on Field-Work In N. Wilts, 1921—1922. By A. D. Passmore.

Pages 431-437 1924. The "Blue Stone" From Boles Barrow By B. Howard Cunnington (age 63), F.S.A., Scot.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1925 V43

Pages 48-58 Figsbury Rings. An Account Of Excavations In 1924. By Mrs. M. E. Cunnington (age 55).

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1930 V45

Pages 300-335 The "Sanctuary" On Overton Hill, Near Avebury. By M. E. Cunnington (age 60). Being an account of excavations carried out by Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Cunnington in 1930.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 1935 V47

Page 288 The Meux Excavation at Avebury.

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine Volume 1955 V56

Page 4-11 Marden And The Cunnington Manuscripts By Lt. Col. R. H. Cunnington