Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden

Camden is in London.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Bedford Square Camden

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Caroline Street Bedford Square Camden

On 11 Feb 1822 Arthur William Devis (age 59) died of apoplexy at Caroline Street Bedford Square Camden. He was buried at Church of St Giles in the Fields.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Bedford Square Camden, Gower Street

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Bedford Square Camden, 7 Gower Street [Map]

In Sep 1847 the Pre-Raphealite Brotherhood was formed at 7 Gower Street, Camden [Map], the home of John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 18). The seven founder members were Millais, brothers Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 19) and William Michael Rossetti (age 17), William Holman Hunt (age 20), James Collinson (age 22), Frederick George Stephens (age 19) and Thomas Woolner (age 21).

1851 to 1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 21). "Ophelia". Hamlet Act IV Scene 7 Part IV in which Queen Gertrude describes Ophelia's death to Laertes. Millais painted the scene near Tolworth, Surrey [Map] using the River Hogsmill. Elizabeth Siddal (age 21) modelled in a bath-tub at 7 Gower Street, Camden [Map]. The initials PRB bottom right next to his signature. See Ophelia by John Everett MIllais.

1852. John Everett Millais 1st Baronet (age 22). Portrait study for "The Proscribed Royalist", "The Proscribed Royalist, 1746".. Arthur Hughes (age 19), then a student at the Royal Academy, recalled meeting Millais in the Academy library. Millais asked him to 'sit…for a head in his picture, 'The Proscribed Royalist '. I went and sat 5 or 6 times. He painted me in a small back room on the 2nd floor of the Gower Street house [Map]'.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Chalk Farm

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Chalk Farm, Roundhouse

On 15 Oct 1966 the International Times was launched at an event at the Roundhouse. Soft Machine and Pink Floyd played. In the audience were Paul McCartney and Marianne Faithfull.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Cricklewood [Map]

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Ely Palace Camden

On 05 Jun 1467 the challenger Edward Woodville Lord Scales (age 11) travelled to London and was conveyed to Ely Palace Camden by John "Butcher of England" Tiptoft 1st Earl of Worcester (age 40).

After 1557 John Arundell (age 27) was imprisoned at Ely Palace Camden.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Euston

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Euston Road

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 44 Euston Road

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 44 Euston Road, Boys Industrial School

Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones 1860. After 09 Jun 1860. Our own home-coming was informal, for Russell Place had not expected us so soon and was unprepared to receive us; there were no chairs in our dining-room, nor any other furniture that had been ordered except a table. But what did that matter? if there were no chairs there was the table, a good, firm one of oak, sitting upon which the bride received her first visitors, and as the studio was in its usual condition there was a home at once. The boys at the Boys Home in Euston Road had made the table from the design of Philip Webb (age 29), and were busy with chairs and a sofa, which presently arrived. The chairs were high-backed black ones with rush seats, and the companion sofa was of panelled wood painted black. The chairs have disappeared, for they were smaller articles, vigorously used and much moved about, but the table and sofa have always shared the fortunes of their owners and were never superseded: we ate our last meal together at that table and our grandchildren laugh round it now. How modest the scale of our housekeeping was it would be hard to say, and also how rich we felt: "we live in great happiness and thankfulness" was the clue given my friend Charlotte as to our estate.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Euston Square

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 56 Euston Square

Letters of Christina Rossetti. 56 Euston Square, N.W.

Friday afternoon, 14th. [May 1869]1

My dear Miss Boyd (age 44)

Thank you warmly for so exceedingly kind an invitation, concerning which I will only put forward one regret, that Mrs Epps [Note. Not clear who Mrs Epps is since Laura Theresa Epps (age 17) didn't marry Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 33) until 1871] should lose what might so have refreshed her both in mind and in body. And indeed, if I may, I will say that should it after all turn out that she could visit lovely Penkill you will without hesitation let me know your altered plans to which I shall most readily conform mine. On the other hand if I go, it will be a special indulgence to travel with the Scotts [Note. William Bell Scott (age 58) and Letitia Margery Norquoy] and as you give me so generous a latitude I will even feel housed at the Castle until a companion offers with whom to start south again;-the journey being somewhat formidably lengthy. But this, of course, only in case it brings my visit within not altogether unreasonable dimensions. How very kind you are to me, and how much I should like to make my gratitude obvious to you. Knowing what a Dear Mrs Scott is, I think she will kindly let me know her plans in due course: meanwhile I expect to run down to Gloucester next week on a little visit to my Uncle if he will have me, but to be up again in time for Penkill.

My love, please, to Mrs Scott, and a kindred sentiment to Mr Scott (age 58). We saw Gabriel (age 41) last night, but I know nothing at all about his summer plans.2

My Mother (age 69) desires her most cordial remembrances to you, and adds her thanks to mine on my behalf.

Always and affectionately yours

Christina G. Rossetti (age 38).

I expect you will find me quite a different order of being this year as regards walking, and I mean to trim up my old hat for possible croquet.

Note 1. Endorsed: "1867." CGR returned to Penkill in 1869, from 9 June to 22 July, not in 1867.

Note 2. DGR (age 41) was at Penkill from mid-August to 20 September.

Letters of Christina Rossetti. 56 Euston Square, London, N.W.

Thursday afternoon. [August 1869]

My dear Alice (age 44)

You who are lady of castle and lands, and deal justice not only to man and maid but likewise to fish and fowl, might be amused to witness the painstaking responsibility and toil with which I keep house for two. This arduous housekeeping added to my habitual labours and enterprises must explain your kind letter's having waited awhile for its answer; its enclosed plume of fluff1 fans the flame of my grateful remembrance of you and Penkill,-not that this needed fanning.

Please thank Mr Scott (age 58) for the note which puts my scrap to the blush, and assure him that if a second creative moment unlocks the lips of Sir Bedavere2 the golden utterance will reach Maria (age 42) whether addressed to her in Euston Sq., or at 3 Copt Hall Place-Folkestone.

It is a blameless triumph that a letter reached you on Tuesday morning. I hope the oldest inhabitant continues to thrive, and that if the crabb-dear me! I have turned him into ½ a poet!3-if the crab's position becomes too pitiable he may regain freedom and peace in his native sea. Aunt Eliza was delighted with the weed we picked up together, and cannot have had such a haul I know not when.-Mrs Scott shared with me the enjoyment of your letter last Saturday when I had the pleasure of lunching with her at Notting Hill. She looked and seemed well. Now I am hoping, but not with confidence, that she will say "yes" and meet the Edgcomes4 at tea here next Saturday. These mutual friends are migrating to the immediate neighbourhood of Oxford with an eye to retrenchment, and have promised to make two at a peculiarly festive festivity which may call together no more than themselves and Aunt Eliza to honour my teaboard;-for Mrs Scott may say "no", and William (age 39) may have flitted to Folkestone for a glimpse of our Mother. Gabriel (age 41) le désiré has asked people to dine with him tomorrow, so presumably he cannot at once be exchanging Chelsea for lovely Penkill;-but I merely infer.-I hope the red lady and her blossoming bower grace and enhance each other;- and that the S.K. windows are progressing to the satisfaction both of blue-eyes and light-(!)-eyes; not to the production of a permanent "Grecian bend".5-William has read me his life of Shelley6, in which I find matter to interest me and impartiality to admire. Certainly impartiality is not a feminine virtue.-Poor ducklings suggestive of green peas! Perhaps the gentleman who discerned in you a "dear girl" might also view you as a "duck"-and thus make you a cannibal.

Note 1. The enclosure does not remain with the letter.

Note 2. CGR's allusion here is obscure.

Note 3. George Crabbe was one of CGR's favorite poets.

Note 4. Not identified.

Note 5. The first reference is to the paintings illustrative of The King's Quair, in process when CGR was first at Penkill in 1866 and completed by her second visit in June of 1869; the second is to WBS's stained-glass windows for the Ceramic Gallery of the South Kensington Museum (Bornand, p. 145 n. 1). "Blue-eyes and light-(!)-eyes" probably refer to Alice Boyd and Letitia Scott. "Grecian Bend" remains obscure.

Note 6. See letter no. 373, n. 2.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Great Ormond Street Camden

On 24 Feb 1725 John Pratt (age 68) died in Great Ormond Street Camden.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Great Russell Street

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 60 Great Russell Street

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1852. 22 Dec 1852. (Furniture moved into the 1st floor apartment at 60 Great Russell St.)

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 62 Great Russell Street

Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones 1861. Before the birth of our first child [Philip Burne-Jones 2nd Baronet] we removed from Russell Place into a larger set of rooms just left by Mr. Henry Wallis, at No. 62, Great Russell Street. Here Edward's studio was again only the front room on the first floor, but as the house was opposite to the British Museum the large open space before it gave a better painting light than usual. Behind the studio and communicating with it by a door was our sitting-room, and beyond that a very small third one. The outlook of the sitting-room was upon a little back-yard entirely built over and covered with a skylight; beyond this was the high blank wall of the back of a house. This had once been coloured and was now blotched in a leprous way. Our own walls inside were beautified with some old tapestry left there by Mr. Wallis while he was travelling abroad.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Great Russell Street, Montague House

Evelyn's Diary. 11 May 1676. I dined with Mr. Charleton, and went to see Mr. Montague's (age 37) new palace, near Bloomsbury, built by Mr. Hooke (age 40), of our Society, after the French manner.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1679. I was invited to dine at my Lord Teviotdale's, a Scotch Earl, a learned and knowing nobleman. We afterward went to see Mr. Montague's new palace near Bloomsbury, built by our curator, Mr. Hooke (age 44), somewhat after the French; it was most nobly furnished, and a fine, but too much exposed garden.

Evelyn's Diary. 10 Oct 1683. Visited the Duchess of Grafton (age 15), not yet brought to bed, and dining with my Lord Chamberlain (her father) (age 65), went with them to see Montague House, a palace lately built by Lord Montague (age 44), who had married the most beautiful Countess of Northumberland (age 29). It is a stately and ample palace. Signor Verrio's (age 47) fresco paintings, especially the funeral pile of Dido, on the staircase, the labors of Hercules, fight with the Centaurs, his effeminacy with Dejanira, and Apotheosis or reception among the gods, on the walls and roof of the great room above,-I think exceeds anything he has yet done, both for design, coloring, and exuberance of invention, comparable to the greatest of the old masters, or what they so celebrate at Rome. In the rest of the chamber are some excellent paintings of Holbein, and other masters. The garden is large, and in good air, but the fronts of the house not answerable to the inside. The court at entry, and wings for offices seem too near the street, and that so very narrow and meanly built, that the corridor is not in proportion to the rest, to hide the court from being overlooked by neighbors; all which might have been prevented, had they placed the house further into the ground, of which there was enough to spare. But on the whole it is a fine palace, built after the French pavilion-way, by Mr. Hooke, the Curator of the Royal Society. There were with us my Lady Scroope, the great wit, and Monsieur Chardine (age 39), the celebrated traveler.

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1686. Passed the Privie Seale, amongst others, the creation of Mrs. Sedley J (concubine to) Countesse of Dorchester (age 28), which the Queene took very grievously (age 27), so as for two dinners, standing neere her I observed she hardly eate one morsel, nor spake one word to the King (age 52), or to any about her, tho' at other times she us'd to be extreamly pleasant, full of discourse and good humour. The Roman Catholics were also very angry, because they had so long valu'd the sanctity of their religion and proselytes. Dryden (age 54) the famous playwriter, and his two sonns, and Mrs. Nelly (age 35) (Misse to ye late) were said to go to masse; such proselytes were no greate losse to the church. This night was burnt to the ground my Lord Mountague's palace in Bloomsbury, than wch for painting and furniture there was nothing more glorious in England. This happen'd by the negligence of a servant, airing, as they call it, some of the goods by the fire in a moist season; indeede so wet and mild a winter had scarce ben seene in man's memory. At this Seale there also pass'd the creation of Sr H. Walgrave (age 25) to be a Peere. He had married one of the King's natural daughters (age 19) by Mrs. Churchill. These two Seales my brother Commissioners pass'd in the morning before I came to towne, at. wch I was not displeas'd. We likewise pass'd Privy Seales for 5.2/6,000 upon severall accounts, pensions, guards, wardrobes, pri vie purse, &c. besides divers pardons, and one more wch I must not forget (and wch by Providence I was not present at) one Mr. Lytcott to be Secretary to the Ambassador to Rome. We being three Commissioners, any two were a quorum.

Around 1690 Daniel Finch 2nd Earl Nottingham 7th Earl Winchilsea (age 42) commissioned the building of Burley-on-the-Hill House as it is known today. Christopher Wren (age 66) was consulted. The designs of Montague House and Devonshire House [Map] were reviewed.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Holborn Camden

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Holborn Camden, Newcastle House

On 08 Sep 1692 Ralph Montagu 1st Duke Montagu (age 53) and Elizabeth "Mad Duchess" Cavendish Duchess Albermarle Duchess of Montagu (age 38) were married at Newcastle House. She the daughter of Henry Cavendish 2nd Duke Newcastle upon Tyne who had died the year before and the widow of Christopher Monck 2nd Duke Albemarle. She the daughter of Henry Cavendish 2nd Duke Newcastle upon Tyne and Frances Pierrepont Duchess Newcastle upon Tyne (age 62).

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Holborn Camden, St Andrew's Church

Around 1660 William Stanton (age 21) had set up a business adjacent to St Andrew's Church, Holborn.

On 15 Nov 1708 Stephen Anderson 3rd Baronet was born to Stephen Anderson 2nd Baronet (age 30). He was baptised at St Andrew's Church, Holborn on the same day.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Holborn Camden, St George the Martyr Church

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St George the Martyr Cemetery. St George the Martyr Church, Bloomsbury. Here lies the body of Sr. John Cotton (age 50), of Conington Bar, Who died the 05th of February, 1730 [Note. 1731], In the 52 year of his age. He was grandson of Sr. John Cotton, Who gave to the use of the public for ever That library of manuscripts which was began To be collected by Sr. Robert Cotton, And had been so continued for 100 years. At an eminent expence to his family. This is put here by his nearest kinsman and heir, Where, by his will, he modestly directed His body to be laid. A further remembrance of him being designed. To be placed amongst his ancestors at Connington, Which is now accordingly done.

Around Nov 1747 William Stukeley (age 59) became Rector of St George the Martyr Church, Bloomsbury.

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St George the Martyr Cemetery. St George the Martyr Church, Bloomsbury. In this grave are deposited The Mortal Remains of The Right Honble Eliza, Lady Langdale, Wife of Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Baron of Holme, On Spalding Moor, in the County of York. She departed this life the 7 J ... 17 ... [07 Jan 1765] Aged 77 Years.

Also the remains of the Right Honble Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Husband of the above-said Lady. He departed this life in the 90th Year Of his age, the 8th of January, 1771.

Also the remains of the Right Honble Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Son of the above. Who departed this life the 5 of April, 1778, Aged 70 Years.

Also the remains of the Honble. Elizabeth Langdale, Sister of the aforesaid Lord Langdale. She died 30th January, 1786, In the 3rd year of her age.

Also the remains of The Right Honble. Lady Constantine Langdale (age 66), Widow of aforesaid Lord Langdale, Of Holme, in the County of York, Who died on . . of November, 1792, In the 80th Year of her age.

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St George the Martyr Cemetery. St George the Martyr Church, Bloomsbury. Here Heth the body of Sir Peter Dennis, Bart, Vice-Admiral of the Red Squadron, Who departed this life on ye 11th day Of June, 1778, aged 65.

Here lieth the body of Mrs. Martha, Relict of the Rev. Jacob Dennis, Who departed this life on the 11th day of July, 1746, aged 77 years.

Also the body of Elizth., late wife of Sir Peter Dennis, Bart., Who departed this life on the 30th day Of December, 1765, aged 44 years.

Here lieth the body of Mrs. Ann Dennis.

Also a Daughter of Mrs. Martha Dennis, Who died the 10th day of June, 1793, Aged 81.

And also the body of Charles Dennis, Who departed this life on the first of June, 1772, Aged 67 years.

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St George the Martyr Cemetery. St George the Martyr Church, Bloomsbury. Prope . Situs . est Carolus . Baro . Tenterden Ioannis. et . Aliciae . Abbott Filius . natu . minor Humillimae . sortis ; parentibus Patre . vero . prudenti . matre . pia . ortus Shcolae , regiae . Cantuariensis Postea . Collegii . Corporis . Christi Oxon . alumnus Per . annos . xx . in . causis . versatus Primo . ad . communia . placita Mox . ad . placita . coram . ipso . rege . tenenda lusticiarius Deinde . lusticiarius . Capitalis Gratia . demum . Georgii . IV . Regis In . Baronum . ordinem . co-optatus Quantum . apud . Britannos , honestus . labor Favente . deo . valeat Agnoscas . lector . Haec conscripsit Vir . summus . idemque . omnium . modestissimus Vixit . annis . LXX Decessit . die . Nov . IV . anno . sacro . MDCCCXXXIII Uxorem . duxit . Mariam loannis . Lagier . Lamotte . arm . filiam . natu . maximam Quae . carissimo . marito Dies . non . amplius . XLV . superfuit Et . iuxta . sepulta . est Parentibus . optimis . desideratissimis Liberi . moerentes Posuerunt..

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Vine Tavern Holborn Camden

On 19 May 1676 John Greenhill (age 32) died. He had been returning home somewhat less than sober from an evening in the Vine Tavern when he fell into a ditch in Long Acre. He was carried to his lodgings in Lincoln's Inn Fields but didn't recover. He was buried in St Giles in the Fields.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Primrose Hill

On 12 Oct 1679 Edmund Berry Godfrey (age 57) was murdered. He was found dead in a ditch at Primrose Hill lying face down on his own sword. The investigation concluded he had been strangled and subsequently moved.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Primrose Hill, St George's Terrace

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Primrose Hill, 67 St George's Terrace St George's Terrace

On 16 May 1860 Anne Isabella Noel Baroness Byron 11th Baroness Wentworth (age 67) died at 67 St George's Terrace St George's Terrace. Her grandson Byron King-Noel 12th Baron Wentworth (age 24) succeeded 12th Baron Wentworth.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, St George's Church

On 30 Jan 1770 Charles Marion Welstead (age 27) and Ann Richards (age 27) were married at St George's Church, Bloomsbury.

On 30 Jun 1821 Charles Christopher Pepys 1st Earl of Cottenham (age 40) and Charlotte Maria Wingfield were married at St George's Church, Bloomsbury.

In 1828 Bishop John Lonsdale (age 39) became Rector of St George's Church, Bloomsbury.

14 Jun 1913. The Central News reported:

Emily Wilding Davison's (deceased) funeral procession passing Piccadilly Circus [Map], 14th June 1913. Following her tragic death, Davison was instantly embraced as a martyr to the cause. On 14 June 1913 her body was borne on an open hearse through London to a memoroial service at St George's Church, Bloomsbury before being taken by train to Morpeth, Northumberland [Map] for a family funeral. The funeral procession (the last great suffrage march) was organised by fellow suffragette Grace Roe, and the memorial service was presided over by clergy from the Church League for Women's Suffrage.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, St Giles' Cemetery

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St Giles' Cemetery, Kings Road. St Giles' Cemetery, King's RoadHere rest the mortal remains of Ann Flaxman, The virtuous and beloved wife of John Flaxman, R.A.P.S., Whose soul returned to the Almighty Creator and Blessed Redeemer On the 7th of February, In the year of Our Lord, 1820, And the 60th year of her age. Under the same stone Is interred her husband, John Flaxman, R.A.P.S.1, Whose mortal life Was a constant preparation For a blessed immortality. His angelic spirit returned to the Divine Giver On the 7th of December, 1826, In the 72nd year of his age.

Also in the same vault Are deposited the mortal remains of Mary Ann Flaxman (deceased), Sister of the above John Flaxman, Whose gentle spirit returned to the Divine Giver On the 17th of April, 1833, in the 65th year of her age.

Note 1. Mr. John Flaxman, was born at York, 1755. From boyhood lie displayed a remarkable genius for modelling in clay.

In 1787 he visited Rome, where, during a residence of seven years, he executed his celebrated designs in outline from Homer, Æschylus and Danté.

These were engraved and published, as were some which he made from Hesiod.

Whilst at Rome he also executed the splendid group from Ovid's Metamorphoses entitled "The Fury of Athamas;" consisting of four figures larger than life. For this work he received only £6oo ; an amount very much below the cost. It was executed for the Earl of Bristol. In 1794 he returned to England and executed the monument for Lord Mansfield, now in Westminster Abbey. For this he received £2,500. After this he produced a large number of fine works, and was considered the greatest of modem sculptors. His collections of drawings and models he bequeathed to the University of London, to form a Flaxman Gallery.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, St Martin's Cemetery

Cansick's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 2 St Martin's Cemetery, Camden Town. St Martin's Cemetery, Camden Town. Sacred To the Memory of Sir John Barrow Barrow (deceased), Bart., Who accompanied Lord Macartney's Embassy to China ; And was forty years Secretary of the Admiralty. Born at Dragley-Beck, Ulverston, 19th of June, 1764; Departed this life 23rd Novr., 1848, In the 85 year of his age.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Torrington Square

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, 30 Torrington Square

Letters of Christina Rossetti. 30 Torrington Square-W.C., Saturday 28th [?February 1885]

My dear Alice (age 60),

My Mother & I pay you affectionate thanks-to you & to Mrs Scott-for offering us this time a friendly pleasure we can accept. With your leave we hope to be with you at 2 o'clock next Thursday, & shall be happy to see the Miss Courtneys again, & to look forward to a late view of Mr Scott. Pray observe that your memoria technica has enabled me to spell your sisters' names correctly.1 It is happy for me that you did not select Thursday in this week, as I am struggling thro' an amorphous phase thanks to a gathering in my nose! but by next Thursday I trust I may be presentable to indulgent eyes. My dearest Mother's health continues, I am thankful to say, good, & she takes her little walks despite various winds of the compass.

With my Aunt's remembrances

Always your affectionate

Christina G. Rossetti (age 54)

Note 1. Actually AB's (age 60) half sisters, born to her mother Margaret Losh Boyd who married Henry Courtney after her first husband's death. AB's brother, Spencer Boyd, thirteenth laird of Penkill Castle, left the property to Alice at his death in 1865 but with the proviso that if she died without an heir it would pass to one of his mother's remaining children. Thus, when AB died on 11 April 1897, Penkill and the title were inherited by Eleanor Margaret Courtney Boyd (fifteenth laird), the eldest of the half sisters mentioned in this letter.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Tottenham Court Road

On 23 Aug 1746, Saturday, Robert Rochfort 1st Earl of Belvedere (age 38) and Richard Herbert (age 42) engaged in a duel over a long-standing debt of honour at the fields between Tottenham Court Road and Marylebone. Robert Rochfort 1st Earl of Belvedere (age 38) was badly wounded. Richard Herbert (age 42) received a ball in the eye which came out at the back of the skull. He survived albeit with mentaal impairment.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Tottenham Court Road, Percy Street

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Tottenham Court Road, 7 Percy Street

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1851. 13 Nov 1851. After Clipstone Street spent the evening with Wells (age 22) at John (age 24) and Thomas Seddon's (age 30), 7 Percy Street; G. Rossetti (age 23), F. M. Brown (age 30) and G. Truefitt (age 27) were there.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Camden, Tottenham Court Road, Whitfield Chapel [Map]

In Jun 1756 Evangelical preacher George Whitefield laid the foundation stone for Whitfield Chapel, Tottenham Court Road [Map]. It was enlarged in 1759.

In 1770 John Wesley preached a sermon "On the death of the Rev Mr George Whitefield" at Whitfield Chapel, Tottenham Court Road [Map].

Cansisk's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 1 Whitefield's Chapel. Whitfield Chapel, Tottenham Court Road [Map]. Underneath Lies the earthly Part of Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon (deceased), who was the last 23 years of her Life A Seeker of Jesus. Reader, if her bleffed, tho' painful Solicitude be thine Faint not! For Juft before her Death She was enabled for the first Time, to call God Her Father; and breathed herlaft in humble Confidence of feeing his Face with Joy, Feb. 1st 1782. Aged 42.

Cansisk's Monumental Inscriptions Volume 1 Whitefield's Chapel. Whitfield Chapel, Tottenham Court Road [Map]. Near this Place lies John Bacon (deceased), R.A.1, Sculptor; Who Died Aug. 7th 1799; aged 59 years; and left The Following Inscription For this Tablet: "What I was as an Artist seemed to me of some Importance While I lived; But What I really was, as a Believer in Christ Jesus, is the Only Thing of Importance to me now!"

Note 1. Bacon was born in Southwark, November 24, 1740, he was apprenticed to Mr. Crispe, a manufacturer of china, at Lambeth [Map], where he was employed in painting on porcelain. While here he had an opportunity of seeing the models sent by different sculptors to be burnt, and by them was inspired with a strong desire for his future profession. He was unremitting in his diligence, and his progress was so rapid that he obtained nine of the first premiums of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts. The first of these was for a figure of Peace, in 1758, when he was only eighteen years of age. He was the first person to bring to perfection statues in artificial stone and cement, which has since been brought to great perfection. In 1769 he began to work in marble; and having invented an instrument for transfering the form of the model to marble, he saved a great deal of his time, and brought his instrument to be adopted by other sculptors. In 1769, he obtained from the Royal Academy the first gold medal given by that society, and the year following he was chosen an associate. While modelling the bust of George III. for the hall of Christ Church, Oxford, the King asked him if he had ever been out of the kingdom; and on being answered in the negative, "I'm glad of it," said his Majesty, "you will be the greater honour to it." His execution of this bust gained him the royal patronage, and he was employed in forming another for the university of Gottingen. Among his many works were the statue of Mars, Lord Chatham's monument in Guildhall, a beautiful monument in Bristol Cathedral, to Mrs. Draper, Lord Chatham, in Westminster Abbey, Howard, and Dr. Johnson's in St. Paul's Cathedral, besides a large number of others..

On 25 Mar 1945 Whitfield Chapel, Tottenham Court Road [Map] was destroyed by, possibly, the last V2 rocket bomb to be dropped on London during World War II. Nine people were killed and forty-five injured. A new chapel was built in 1957 and the grounds became a public thoroughfare. There are reports of another V2 later that same day hitting Broadfield Square, Enfield, killing seven and seriously injuring 100.