Europe, British Isles, South-East England, Surrey, Southwark, Marshalsea

Marshalsea is in Southwark, Surrey [Map].

On 06 Jan 1437 Edward Hastings 8th Baron Hastings (age 54) died at Marshalsea. His son John Hastings 9th Baron Hastings (age 25) de jure 9th Baron Hastings. Anne Morley Baroness Hastings (age 24) by marriage Baroness Hastings.

Europe, British Isles, South-East England, Surrey, Southwark, Marshalsea, Winchester Palace [Map]

On 07 Nov 1541 Catherine Howard (age 18) was interrogated by Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury (age 52) and John Gresham Lord Mayor (age 46) at Winchester Palace in Southwark [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle. 17 Aug 1554. The 17 of Augusta the King (age 27) and Queen (age 38) came by water from Richmond in the after noone, and landed at my Lord Chancellors stayers in St. Marye Overies, and there had a banquett in the Lord Chauncellors (age 71) howsse [Map], and then passed throughe the parke to the howse at St. Georges, of which Sir John Gage, Lord Chamberlayne to the Queene (age 74), had the keepinge, and there lay that night and dyned there the next daye.

Note a. The authorities differ widely as to this date. The Grey Friars' Chronicle (p. 91 ) says: "They came not unto London tyll it was the 18th day of Angnst, and then came hothe unto the place in Sothwarke, and lay there that nyght, and the 19th day came into London." And Stow (p. 625): "The 11 of August, the King and Queene remooued to Richmond, from thence by water to Southwarke, &c. And the next day, heing the 12 of August, they rode through Southwarke oner the bridge, and so through London, &c." While Baker's Chronicle reads: "The eleventh of August they remoued to Richmond, the seven-and-twentieth to Suffolk Place in Southwark, and the next day to London," &c. (p. 342).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Jan 1555. The xxij day of Januarij was raynyd at my lord chansseler (age 72) plasse [Map] by-syd sant Mare Overes [Map] ser John Hoper (age 60) latt bysshope of Glosetur, doctur C[rome], as the parsun of Wyttyngtun colege, harold Tomson, Rogars parsun or veker of sant Pulkers, and dyvers odur.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Oct 1559. [The] v day of October cam to [London by Ald]gatt the prynse of Sweythen (age 25), and [so to Leadenhall], and done [down] Gracyous-strett [Map] corner in a howse stod [the lord] marques of Northamtun (age 47) and my lord Ambros Dudley (age 29) [and other gentlemen and] lades; and my lord of Oxford (age 43) browth (him) from Col[chester] [Map] and my lord Robart Dudley (age 27), the master of the quen('s) horse; and trumpettes bloyng in dyvers places; and thay had [a great] nombur of gentyllmen ryd with cheynes a-for them, and after them a ij C [200] of yomen rydyng, and so rydyng over the bryge unto the bysshope of Wynchastur plasse [Map], for [it] was rychely hangyd with ryche cloth of arres, wrought with gold and sylver and sylke, and ther he remanyth.

On 11 Jun 1595 Bishop William Wickham (age 56) died at Winchester Palace [Map]. He was buried at Southwark Cathedral [Map].