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British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham [Map]

Rotherham is in South Yorkshire.

On 24 Aug 1423 Archbishop Thomas Rotherham was born to Thomas Rotherham of Brookgate in Rotherham and Alice Scott at Rotherham [Map].

On 08 Aug 1561 Robert Swift (age 83) died at Rotherham [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Rotherham where the inscription on his monument reads: "Here vnder this Tombe are placyd and buried the Bodyes of Robarte Swifte Esquier, and Anne his fyrste wyfe, who lyvyde manye yeares in this Towne of Rotherhm, in vertuus fame grett wellthe, and good woorship. They were pytyfulle to the poore and relevyd them lyberallye, and to theyr Frend" no les fayth fulle, then Bowntyfulle. Trulye they Fearyd God, who plen tuuslye powryd his Blessing" vppon theym. The sayd Anne dyed in the moneth of June, in the yere of o' Lorde God 1539, in the 67. year of heir age; and the sayd Robarte deptyd ye viijth day of August," in the yere of o' Lorde God 1561, in the 84. yeare of his age. On whose Sowlles, withe all Chrysten Sowlles, th' omnipotent Lorde haue marcy. Amen."

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Sep 1561. The vj day of September was serten gayre [gear] [made] for on [one] master Swyft (deceased), sqwyre, cott-armur, pennon of armes, and a ij skochyons, at Roderam [Map], in Yorke-shyre.

Note. P. 266. Master Swift of Rotherham. Robert Swift esquire, mercer, of Rotherham, where he "lyvyde many yeares in vertuous fame, grett wellthe, and good woorship," and had attained his 84th year. See his epitaph in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 18, and further particulars of him and his family in vol. i. of that work, p. 205. The name of his eldest son is of constant occurrence in Lodge's Illustrations, as one of the servants and most frequent correspondents of the earl of Shrewsbury.

The River Don rises at Dunford Bridge [Map] after which it flows broadly east through Penistone [Map] then south through Oughtibridge [Map], Sheffield [Map] then east through Rotherham [Map], past Conisbrough Castle [Map], Doncaster [Map] and Stainforth [Map] before joining the River Ouse at Goole [Map]. Originally the River Don was a tributary of the River Trent forming the northern boundary of the Isle of Axholme [Map] but was re-engineered by Cornelius Vermuyden as the Dutch River in the 1620s.

The River Rother rises at Clay Cross [Map] then flows through Chesterfield [Map] and Sheffield [Map] after which it joins the River Don which then flows through Rotherham [Map] to which the River Rother gives its name.

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, All Saints Church

In Jun 1539 Anne Taylor (age 67) died. She was buried at All Saints Church, Rotherham.

On 08 Aug 1561 Robert Swift (age 83) died at Rotherham [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Rotherham where the inscription on his monument reads: "Here vnder this Tombe are placyd and buried the Bodyes of Robarte Swifte Esquier, and Anne his fyrste wyfe, who lyvyde manye yeares in this Towne of Rotherhm, in vertuus fame grett wellthe, and good woorship. They were pytyfulle to the poore and relevyd them lyberallye, and to theyr Frend" no les fayth fulle, then Bowntyfulle. Trulye they Fearyd God, who plen tuuslye powryd his Blessing" vppon theym. The sayd Anne dyed in the moneth of June, in the yere of o' Lorde God 1539, in the 67. year of heir age; and the sayd Robarte deptyd ye viijth day of August," in the yere of o' Lorde God 1561, in the 84. yeare of his age. On whose Sowlles, withe all Chrysten Sowlles, th' omnipotent Lorde haue marcy. Amen."

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, Kimberworth

On 24 Nov 1816 Llewellynn Jewitt was born to Arthur Jewitt (age 44) and Martha Sheldon of Crooke's Moor in Sheffield at Kimberworth.

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, Moorgate General Hospital

On 19 Feb 1957 Frederick Oxley (age 76) died. England & Wales, National Probate Calendar: "Of 39 Upper Clara Street, Rotherham [Map] died 19 Feb 1957 at Moorgate General Hospital, Rotherham. Administration Wakefield 02 April to Edith Anne Oxley widow. Effects £146 2s 4d.

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham Bridge

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, Templeborough [Map]

Between 43AD and 68AD an earth and wood Roman fort was first built at Templeborough [Map]. It was later rebuilt in stone. It is thought to have been occupied until the Roman withdrawal from Britain c. 410. Icknield Street crossed the River Don near the fort.

Icknield Street 18e Chesterfield to Templeborough. The route of Icknield Street from Chesterfield [Map] to Templeborough [Map] is unknown. Speculatively it passed through Old Whittington [Map], Hundall [Map], Highlane, South Yorkshire [Map], Orgreave [Map].

Icknield Street, aka Ryknild Street, is a Roman Road from Bourton-on-the-Water [Map] to Templeborough [Map]. Icknield Street is road RM18 in Ivan Margary's book 'Roman Roads in Britain'.

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, Upper Clara Street

British Isles, England, South Yorkshire, Rotherham, 39 Upper Clara Street [Map]

Photo of 39 Upper Clara Street, Rotherham [Map].

On 19 Feb 1957 Frederick Oxley (age 76) died. England & Wales, National Probate Calendar: "Of 39 Upper Clara Street, Rotherham [Map] died 19 Feb 1957 at Moorgate General Hospital, Rotherham. Administration Wakefield 02 April to Edith Anne Oxley widow. Effects £146 2s 4d.