
Captain is in Navy.

Wreck of The Greyhound

On 19 Mar 1563 the Greyhound was wrecked on its journey to Le Havre with the loss of around two-hundred lives.

Captain Thomas Finch (age 51) drowned.

Brothers John Wentworth (age 25) and James Wentworth (age 23) drowned.

In 1660 Philip Howard Captain of the King's Lifeguard (age 29) was appointed Captain of the King's Lifeguard.

In 1663 Captain Edward Grove was appointed Captain of the Merlin.

In 1664 Admiral John Harman (age 39) was appointed Captain of the The Gloucester.

In 1665 Captain John Cox was appointed Captain of Mary.

In 1665 Admiral John Harman (age 40) was appointed Captain of the Royal Charles.

In 1666 Captain John Hubbard was appointed Captain of the Royal Charles.

In 1666 Captain John Cox was appointed Captain of Sovereign.

On 16 Aug 1770 Captain George Marlay (age 22) was appointed Captain of the 62nd Regiment.

The London Gazette 12111. War-Office, August 22, 1780.

19th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet John Bailey to be Lieutenant, vice William Wells.

31st Regiment of Fcot, Alexander Giddes, Gent, to be Ensign in one of the Additional Companies, vice Ersktine Hope.

72nd Regiment of Foot, Captain John Hamiiton, of the Huntingdonshire Militia, to be Ensign in one of the Additional Companies, vice Gilbert Hillock.

72nd Regiment of Foot, Serjeant-Major Henry Andrews to be Quarter-Master, vice John Allen.

Southern Regiment of Fencible Men, Alexander Smollet, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Charles Anderson.

To be Majors in the Army.

Captain Banastre Tarleton (age 26), of 79th Foot.

Captain Archibald Robertson, of the Corps of Engineers.

Captain John Graves Simcoe, of 40th Foot.

Captain John Andre, of 54th Foot.

Lieutenant Ewen Cameron, from Half Pay in the late 78th Regiment, to be Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Cochran's Independent Company of Invalids, vice John George Hobson.

Captain Alnwick Castle

In 1462 William Tailboys 7th Baron Kyme (age 47) was appointed Captain Alnwick Castle.

Captain Boulogne

In 1575 George Howard (age 50) was appointed Captain Boulogne.

Captain Deal Castle

In 1672 Francis Hawley 1st Baron Hawley (age 63) was appointed Captain Deal Castle which position he held until 1674.

In 1682 Admiral Francis Wheler (age 24) was appointed Governor of Deal Castle.

In 1777 Francis Osborne 5th Duke Leeds (age 25) was appointed Captain Deal Castle.

Captain Dieppe

In 1419 William Bourchier 1st Count Eu (age 45) was appointed Captain Dieppe.

Captain Harfleur

In 1415 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 37) was appointed Captain Harfleur.

Captain Ludlow Castle

In 1402 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 24) was appointed Captain Ludlow Castle.

Captain of Norham Castle

Before Dec 1539 Brian Leyton was appointed Captain of Norham Castle.

Captain of Rouen

In 1419 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 41) was appointed Captain of Rouen.