River Tyne

 River Tyne County Durham River Derwent River North Tyne River Rede River South Tyne River Allen River East Allen River West Allen River Nent

River Tyne is in North Sea.

Bede. How Bishop John cured a dumb man by his blessing. [687 a.d.]

In the beginning of Aldfrid's reign, Bishop Eata died, and was succeeded in the bishopric of the church of Hagustald [Map] by the holy man John, of whom those that knew him well are wont to tell many miracles, and more particularly Berthun, a man worthy of all reverence and of undoubted truthfulness, and once his deacon, now abbot of the monastery called Inderauuda [Map], that is, "In the wood of the Deiri": some of which miracles we have thought fit to hand on to posterity. There is a certain remote dwelling [Map] enclosed by a mound, among scattered trees, not far from the church of Hagustald [Map], being about a mile and a half distant and separated from it by the River Tyne, having an oratory dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, where the man of God used frequently, as occasion offered, and specially in Lent, to abide with a few companions and in quiet give himself to prayer and study. Having come hither once at the beginning of Lent to stay, he bade his followers find out some poor man labouring under any grievous infirmity, or want, whom they might keep with them during those days, to receive alms, for so he was always used to do.

Battle of Newburn

On 28 Aug 1640 the Battle of Newburn was fought at the Newburn [Map] ford over the River Tyne between the Scottish army of 20,000 men commanded by Alexander Leslie 1st Earl Leven (age 60) and the English army of 5000 commanded by Edward Conway 2nd Viscount Conway (age 46). The Scottish army was successful.

Bede. How both by his prayers and blessing he recalled from death one of his clerks who had bruised himself by a fall.

Nor do I think that this miracle, which Herebald Abbot, the servant of Christ, says was wrought upon himself by the bishop, is to be passed over in silence. He was then one of that bishop's clergy, but now presides as abbot in the monastery at the mouth of the River Tyne. "Living with him," said he, "and being very well acquainted with his course of life, I found it to be in all points worthy of a bishop, as far as it is lawful for men to judge; but I have known by the experience of others, and more particularly by my own, how great his merit was before Him Who seeth the heart; having been by his prayer and blessing recalled from the threshold of death and brought back to the way of life. For, when in the prime of my youth, I lived among his clergy, applying myself to reading and singing, but not having yet altogether withdrawn my heart from youthful pleasures, it happened one day that, as we were travelling with him, we came into a plain and open road, well fitted for galloping. The young men that were with him, and especially the laymen, began to entreat the bishop to give them leave to gallop, and make trial of their horses one with another. He at first refused, saying that it was an idle request; but at last, overcome by the unanimous desire of so many, 'Do so,' said he, 'if you will, but let Herebald have no part in the trial.' Then I earnestly prayed that I might have leave to compete with the rest, for I relied on an excellent horse, which he had himself given me, but I could in no wise obtain my request.".

Froissart. Thus rode forth all that day the young king of England by mountains and deserts without finding any highway, town or village. And when it was against night they came to the river of Tyne, to the same place whereas the Scots had passed over into England, wtening to them that they must needs repass again the same way. Then the king of England and his host passed over the same river with such guides as he had, with much pain and travail, for the passage was full of great stones. And when they were over, they lodged them that night by the river side, and by that time the sun was gone to rest, and there was but few among them that had either axe or hook, or any instrument to cut down any wood to make their lodgings withal; and there were many that had lost their own company and wist not where they were. Some of the footmen were far behind and wist not well what way to take; but such as knew best the country said plainly they had ridden the same day twenty-four English miles, for they rode as fast as they might without any rest, but at such passages as they could not choose. All this night they lay by this river side, still in their harness, holding their horses by their reins in their hands, for they wist not whereunto to tie them. Thus their horses did eat no meat of all that night nor day before: they had neither oats for forage for them, nor the people of the host had no sustenance of all that day nor night, but every man his loaf that he had carried behind him, the which was sore wet with the sweat of the horses; nor they drank none other drink but the water of the river, without it were some of the lords that had carried bottles with them; nor they had no fire nor light, for they had nothing to make light withal, without it were some of the lords that had torches brought with them.

In this great trouble and danger they passed all that night, their armour still on their backs, their horses ready saddled. And when the day began to appear, the which was greatly desired of all the whole host, they trusted then to find some redress for themselves and for their horses, or else to fight with their enemies, the which they greatly desired to the intent to be delivered out of tantes; but so all that night they were fain to fast, nor their horses had nothing but leaves of trees and herbs: they cut down boughs of trees with their swords to tie withal their horses and to make themselves lodges. And about noon some poor folks of the country were found, and they said how they were as then fourteen mile from Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Map], and eleven mile from Carlisle [Map], and that there was no town nearer to them wherein they might find anything to do them ease withal. And when this was shewed to the king and to the lords of his council, incontinent were sent thither horses and sumpters to fetch thence some purveyance; and there was a cry in the king's name made in the town of Newcastle, that whosoever would bring bread or wine or any other victual should be paid therefore incontinent at a good price, and that they should be conducted to the host in safe-guard; for it was published openly that the king nor his host would not depart from the place that they were in, till they had some tidings where their enemies were become. And the next day by noon such as had been sent for victual returned again to the host with such purveyances as they could get, and that was not over much, and with them came other folks of the country with little nags charged with bread evil baken in panniers, and small poor wine in barrels, and other victual to sell in the host, whereby great part of the host were well refreshed and eased.

River North Tyne

The River North Tyne flows from Kielder Water [Map] past Greystead [Map], Bellingham [Map] to Redesmouth [Map] where it is joined by the River Rede.

It continues past Wark [Map], Nunwick [Map], Barrasford [Map], Chollerton [Map], Wall [Map] to Warden [Map] where it joins the River South Tyne to become the River Tyne.

River South Tyne

The River South Tyne rises on Cross Fell, Westmoreland [Map] from where it flows past Garrigill Westmoreland [Map], Alston [Map] where it is joined by the River Nent.

Thereafter it flows past Kirkhaugh [Map], Knarsdale [Map], Lambley [Map], Featherstone Castle [Map], under Featherstone Bridge [Map], Haltwhistle [Map], Melkridge [Map], Ridley [Map] after which it is joined by the River Allen

River Allen

The River Allen is formed from the convergence of the River West Allen and the River East Allen.

Cupola Bridge [Map] is a stone bridge over the River Allen with three segmental arches, the central taller, with arch rings and double keystones, round-ended cutwaters topped by band.

River East Allen

The River East Allen rises near Allenheads [Map] from where it flows past Ropehaugh [Map], Spartylea [Map], Sinderhope [Map], Allendale Town [Map], Catton [Map] to just before Cupola Bridge [Map] where it converges with the River West Allen to form the River Allen.

River West Allen

The River West Allen rises near Coldcleugh [Map] from where it flows past Carrshield [Map], Ninebanks [Map], Bearsbridge [Map] to just before Cupola Bridge [Map] where it converges with the River East Allen to form the River Allen.

River Nent

The River Nent rises near Nenthead [Map] from where it flows past Nentall [Map] to Alston [Map] where it joins the River South Tyne.