Biography of Archbishop Hubert Walter 1160-1205

Paternal Family Tree: Norman

1189 Richard I Appoints his Bishops

1189 Oct New Bishops Consecrated

1193 Richard I's Ransom

1199 Coronation of King John

Around 1160 Archbishop Hubert Walter was born to Hervey Butler (age 30) and Maud Valoignes (age 25).

Richard I Appoints his Bishops

On 15 Sep 1189 King Richard "Lionheart" I of England (age 32) held a Council meeting at Pipewell [Map] at which he appointed a number of Bishops:

Bishop William Longchamp was elected Bishop of Ely.

Bishop Godfrey Lucy was elected Bishop of Winchester.

Bishop Richard Fitzneal (age 59) was elected Bishop of London.

Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 29) was elected Bishop of Salisbury.

1189 Oct New Bishops Consecrated

On 22 Oct 1189 two of Richard's new Bishops were consecrated ...

Bishop Godfrey Lucy was consecrated Bishop of Winchester.

Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 29) was consecrated Bishop of Salisbury.

On 29 May 1193 Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 33) was elected as Archbishop of Canterbury.

Richard I's Ransom

In Dec 1193 Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 71) left Orford, Suffolk [Map] with her son Richard's (age 36) ranson of 100,000 marks in silver and 200 hostages. She was accompanied by Archbishop Walter de Coutances and Bishop William Longchamp. Hubert Walter Bishop of Salisbury (age 33) was Regent of England in her absence.

Coronation of King John

On 27 May 1199 King John of England (age 32) was crowned I King of England by Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 39) at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Bishop Herbert Poore attended.

On 13 Jul 1205 Archbishop Hubert Walter (age 45) died.

[his father] Hervey Butler and [his mother] Maud Valoignes were married.

Ancestors of Archbishop Hubert Walter 1160-1205

Great x 4 Grandfather: Geoffrey Normandy 1st Count of Eu

Great x 3 Grandfather: Gilbert Clare 2nd Count of Eu

Great x 2 Grandfather: Richard de Clare

Great x 1 Grandfather: Gilbert de Clare

Great x 4 Grandfather: Walter Giffard

Great x 3 Grandfather: Walter Giffard 1st Earl Buckingham

Great x 2 Grandmother: Rohese Giffard

GrandFather: Hervey de Clare

Great x 2 Grandfather: Hugh Claremont

Great x 1 Grandmother: Adeliza Claremont

Father: Hervey Butler

Archbishop Hubert Walter

GrandFather: Theobald Valoignes

Mother: Maud Valoignes