Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey

Anglesey is in North-West Wales aka Gwynedd.

Battle of Anglesey

In 980 Hywel ap Ieuaf King Gwynedd defeated Custennin ab Iago Aberffraw, son of his former enemy Iago ap Idwal Aberffraw at the Battle of Anglesey, at Anglesey. Custennin ab Iago Aberffraw was killed; he was supported by the Viking Gofraid mac Arailt Ivar.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1000. This year the king (age 34) went into Cumberland, and nearly laid waste the whole of it with his army, whilst his navy sailed about Chester [Map] with the design of co-operating with his land-forces; but, finding it impracticable, they ravaged Anglesey. The hostile fleet was this summer turned towards the kingdom of Richard.

On 27 Nov 1437 John Stanley (age 51) died at Anglesey.

Cassio Dio Roman History Book 62. 7. Having finished an appeal to her people of this general tenor, Buduica led her army against the Romans; for these chanced to be without a leader, inasmuch as Paulinus, their commander, had gone on an expedition to Mona, an island near Britain. This enabled her to sack and plunder two Roman cities, and, as I have said, to wreak indescribable slaughter. Those who were taken captive by the Britons were subjected to every known form of outrage. The worst and most bestial atrocity committed by their captors was the following. They hung up naked the noblest and most distinguished women and then cut off their breasts and sewed them to their mouths, in order to make the victims appear to be eating them; afterwards they impaled the women on sharp skewers run lengthwise through the entire body. All this they did to the accompaniment of sacrifices, banquets, and wanton behaviour, not only in all their other sacred places, but particularly in the grove of Andate. This was their name for Victory, and they regarded her with most exceptional reverence.

Cassio Dio Roman History Book 62. 8. Now it chanced that Paulinus had already brought Mona to terms, and so on learning of the disaster in Britain he at once set sail thither from Mona. However, he was not willing to risk a conflict with the barbarians immediately, as he feared their numbers and their desperation, but was inclined to postpone battle to a more convenient season. But as he grew short of food and the barbarians pressed relentlessly upon him, he was compelled, contrary to his judgment, to engage them. Buduica, at the head of an army of about 230,000 men, rode in a chariot herself and assigned the others to their several stations. Paulinus could not extend his line the whole length of hers, for, even if the men had been drawn up only one deep, they would not have reached far enough, so inferior were they in numbers; nor, on the other hand, did he dare join battle in a single compact force, for fear of being surrounded and cut to pieces. He therefore separated his army into three divisions, in order to fight at several points at one and the same time, and he made each of the divisions so strong that it could not easily be broken through.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Benllech

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Benllech, Glyn Burial Chamber [Map]

Glyn Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Glyn Burial Chamber [Map]. Limestone capstone, propped in place by other stones. The rise in ground around it may represent a 14m circular mound or cairn that originally covered it. Partial excavation by E.N. Baynes in 1909 found that 'treasure seekers had cleaned out the whole of the chamber'.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Benllech, Pant y Saer Burial Chamber [Map]

Pant y Saer Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Archaeologia Cambrensis 1933 Pages 185 228. The Chambered Tomb Of Pant-Y-Saer [Map], Anglesey. By W. Lindsay Scott, F,S.A.Scot.

The chambered tomb of Pant-y-saer stands in latitude 530 18' 3" N., longitude 40 14' 15" W., on the outskirts Of the village Of Tvnygongl and about a mile distant from the northern end of Red Wharf Bay. This sandy bay on the east coast of Anglesey provides good shelter in westerly winds: and in such conditions is a safe place for hauling up boats. The lower land around it is reasonably fertile and the situation is not unattractive for settlement and distinctly advan- tageous for sea-raiders seeking a base for operations on the north coast of Wales.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Bethel

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Bethel, Din Dryfol Burial Chamber [Map]

Din Dryfol Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Din Dryfol Burial Chamber [Map] is a Neolithic Passage Grave excavated by F. Lynch in the late 1970s. It has been largely destroyed over time, but the excavations nonetheless revealed that it had been of multi-period construction, like Trefignath [Map] burial chamber near Holyhead.

The first chamber to be built was rectangular in shape and located at the western end of the current monument. The entrance stones to this chamber and the stones on its north side are still standing.

A second chamber was constructed to the east of the earliest tomb. All that is left of this now is a fallen side stone, which was once part of a second rectangular chamber. Unusually, there were wooden posts at the entrance to this chamber. The chambers would have been covered by a long, narrow mound (cairn), and there was once a stone facade running up to the wooden portal.

Some time later, the cairn and chambers were extended to the east, with a 3 metre high portal stone at the entrance. It appears that the access between the three chambers was never blocked, unlike Trefignath.

Finds from the site included a number of small flint tools, and some sherds of Neolithic pottery.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Henblas Burial Chamber [Map]

Henblas Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Henblas Burial Chamber [Map]. A pair of large quartz rich boulders, measuring about 4.1 metres and 3 metres in height with circumferences of 15.3 metres and 16.8 metres respectively, with a large slab lying between them.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Hendrefor Burial Chambers [Map]

Hendrefor Burial Chambers is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Hendrefor Burial Chambers [Map]. Two stone chambers, 7 metres apart, which would once have been buried under a single long mound. One was recorded as intact in 1802, but by 1825 only one upright remained standing, which remains 2.7 metres (8.9 ft) high.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Heneglwys

In 1504 Bishop William Glynne was born at Heneglwys, Anglesey. He was educated at Queen's College, Cambridge University [Map].

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Holy Island [Map]

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Ligwy Burial Chamber [Map]

Ligwy Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Ligwy Burial Chamber [Map] is a Neolithic burial chamber in Lligwy, near the east coast of Anglesey, Wales. It consists of a circle of upright stones, made into a low chamber by a very large roof slab estimated at 25 tonnes. Excavation in 1909 found the remains of some 15 to 30 people, and pottery suggesting a late Neolithic date.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanddaniel Fab

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanddaniel Fab, Llanedwen

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanddaniel Fab, Llanedwen, Maen Morddwyd Standing Stone [Map]

The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 2 Chapter 7. As many things within this island are worthy of remark, I shall not think it superfluous to make mention of some of them. There is a stone [Maen Morddwyd Standing Stone [Map]] here resembling a human thigh,153 which possesses this innate virtue, that whatever distance it may be carried, it returns, of its own accord, the following night, as has often been experienced by the inhabitants. Hugh, earl of Chester,154 in the reign of king Henry I., having by force occupied this island and the adjacent country, heard of the miraculous power of this stone, and, for the purpose of trial, ordered it to be fastened, with strong iron chains, to one of a larger size, and to be thrown into the sea. On the following morning, however, according to custom, it was found in its original position, on which account the earl issued a public edict, that no one, from that time, should presume to move the stone from its place. A countryman, also, to try the powers of this stone, fastened it to his thigh, which immediately became putrid, and the stone returned to its original situation.

Note 153. I am indebted to Mr. Richard Llwyd for the following curious extract from a Manuscript of the late intelligent Mr. Rowlands, respecting this miraculous stone, called Maen Morddwyd [Map], or the stone of the thigh, which once existed in Llanidan parish. "Hic etiam lapis lumbi, vulgo Maen Morddwyd, in hujus caemiterii vallo locum sibi e longo a retro tempore obtinuit, exindeque his nuperis annis, quo nescio papicola vel qua inscia manu nulla ut olim retinente virtute, quae tunc penitus elanguit aut vetustate evaporavit, nullo sane loci dispendio, nec illi qui eripuit emolumento, ereptus et deportatus fuit."

Note 154. Hugh, earl of Chester. The first earl of Chester after the Norman conquest, was Gherbod, a Fleming, who, having obtained leave from king William to go into Flanders for the purpose of arranging some family concerns, was taken and detained a prisoner by his enemies; upon which the conqueror bestowed the earldom of Chester on Hugh de Abrincis or of Avranches, "to hold as freely by the sword, as the king himself did England by the crown."

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llandyfrydog

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llandyfrydog, St Tyfrydog's Church [Map]

The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 2 Chapter 7. There is in the same island a stony hill, not very large or high, from one side of which, if you cry aloud, you will not be heard on the other; and it is called (by anti-phrasis) the rock of hearers. In the northern part of Great Britain (Northumberland) so named by the English, from its situation beyond the river Humber, there is a hill of a similar nature, where if a loud horn or trumpet is sounded on one side, it cannot be heard on the opposite one. There is also in this island the church of St. Tefredaucus [Map],155 into which Hugh, earl of Shrewsbury, (who, together with the earl of Chester, had forcibly entered Anglesey), on a certain night put some dogs, which on the following morning were found mad, and he himself died within a month; for some pirates, from the Orcades, having entered the port of the island in their long vessels, the earl, apprised of their approach, boldly met them, rushing into the sea upon a spirited horse. The commander of the expedition, Magnus, standing on the prow of the foremost ship, aimed an arrow at him; and, although the earl was completely equipped in a coat of mail, and guarded in every part of his body except his eyes, the unlucky weapon struck his right eye, and, entering his brain, he fell a lifeless corpse into the sea. The victor, seeing him in this state, proudly and exultingly exclaimed, in the Danish tongue, "Leit loup," let him leap; and from this time the power of the English ceased in Anglesey. In our times, also, when Henry II. was leading an army into North Wales, where he had experienced the ill fortune of war in a narrow, woody pass near Coleshulle, he sent a fleet into Anglesey, and began to plunder the aforesaid church, and other sacred places. But the divine vengeance pursued him, for the inhabitants rushed upon the invaders, few against many, unarmed against armed; and having slain great numbers, and taken many prisoners, gained a most complete and bloody victory. For, as our Topography of Ireland testifies, that the Welsh and Irish are more prone to anger and revenge than any other nations, the saints, likewise, of those countries appear to be of a more vindictive nature.

Note 155. This church is at Llandyfrydog [Map], a small village in Twrkelin hundred, not far distant from Llanelian, and about three miles from the Bay of Dulas. St. Tyvrydog, to whom it was dedicated, was one of the sons of Arwystyl Glof, a saint who lived in the latter part of the sixth century.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanfaelog

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanfair

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanfair, Ty Mawr Burial Chamber [Map]

Ty Mawr Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Ty Mawr Burial Chamber [Map] has a large capstone now resting on its collapsed support stones. It was a simple passage grave.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llanfechel Burial Chamber [Map]

Llanfechel Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Llanfechel Burial Chamber [Map] is situated in a field north-west of, and close to, the farm house of Cromlech. It seems to have been a very large Cromlech originally, to judge from the appearance of the capstone and supports that are lying close together. The capstone rests with one end on the fallen suports, the other lying on the ground.. It is ten feet ten inches long by five feet eleven inches wide, and one foot four inches in thickness. I was told by an old man who lived near, that he remembered it much larger than it is at present, and that a piece was broken off and used for building about seventy years ago. The support that lies to the north-east of it is seven feet eight inches long by four feet wide; the others I have not measured.

Cromlechs of Anglesey. Llanfechel Burial Chamber [Map]. In the Arch. Camb., vol. i. p. 366, 1870, it is stated: "At a short distance from the church, on a rising ground, are three pillar-stones set in a triangle about ten feet high above the ground, which appear to have been the remaining supports of a covering stone long since removed. This chamber, in its original, must have been one of unusually lofty and imposing dimensions. The arm on which it stands is named Cromlech, which is supposed to confirm the supposition that a Cromlech once stood here. Lower down, however, on the slope of the hill, stood also a Cromlech at the time that the Ordnance Map was made, but it has since vanished, From which ever of the two monuments the arms is so called it would be desirable to ascertain by deeds how the arms has been so called, as the first use and meaning of the word "Cromlech" is not yet satisfactorilky explained."

I must correct the writer of the foregoing account by saying that the original Cromlech, as marked on the Ordnance Map, is still in situ, and very conspicuous, though its capstone has fallen down and a few of its remaining supports are lying beneath it. It is situated in a field north-west of, and close to, the farm house of “Cromlech”. It seems to have been a very large Cromiech originally, to judge from the appearance of the capstone and supports that are lying close together, The capstone rests with one end on the fallen supports, and the other lying on the ground. It is ten feet ten inches long by five feet eleven inches wide, and one foot four inches in thickness. I was told by an old man who lived near, that he remembered it much larger than it is at present, and that a piece was broken off and used for building about seventy years ago. The suppoet that lies north-east of it is seven feet eight inches long by four feet wide; the others I have mot measured.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Llansadwrn

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Menai Straits

Wales Illustrated. Wales Illustrated in a Series of Views comprising the Pictureesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, Seats of the Nobilty and Gentry, Antiquities, &c. Engraved on Steel from the Original Drawings by Henry Gastineau (age 38). Accompnied by Historical and Topographical Descriptions.

Title Page: Menai Straits, Anglesey.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Perthi-Duon Burial Chamber [Map]

Perthi-Duon Burial Chamber is also in Prehistoric Anglesey Burial Chambers.

Perthi-Duon Burial Chamber [Map]. Possibly just a boulder in a field? Or, a collapsed burial chamber, consisting of a 2.5 metres by 1.8 metres capstone lying on two collapsed stones, which may have been the upright stones. Multiple stones surround the monument. The site was examined as early as 1723, when Henry Rowlands, an antiquarian, visited and drew the tomb, which at the time stood upright.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Plas Newydd

Around 1899 Henry Cyril "Toppy" Paget 5th Marquess Anglesey (age 23) converted the Chapel at Plas Newydd, Anglesey into the Gaiety Theatre. Here he took the lead role, opulently costumed, in productions ranging from pantomime and comedy to performances

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Porth Trecastell

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Presaddfed

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Priestholm aka Puffin Island [Map]

The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 2 Chapter 7. There is a small island [Priestholm aka Puffin Island, Anglesey [Map]], almost adjoining to Anglesey, which is inhabited by hermits, living by manual labour, and serving God. It is remarkable that when, by the influence of human passions, any discord arises among them, all their provisions are devoured and infected by a species of small mice, with which the island abounds; but when the discord ceases, they are no longer molested. Nor is it to be wondered at, if the servants of God sometimes disagree, since Jacob and Esau contended in the womb of Rebecca, and Paul and Barnabas differed; the disciples also of Jesus disputed which of them should be the greatest, for these are the temptations of human infirmity; yet virtue is often made perfect by infirmity, and faith is increased by tribulations. This island is called in Welsh, Ynys Lenach,156 or the ecclesiastical island, because many bodies of saints are deposited there, and no woman is suffered to enter it.

Note 156. Ynys Lenach, now known by the name of Priestholme Island, bore also the title of Ynys Seiriol, from a saint who resided upon it in the sixth century. It is also mentioned by Dugdale and Pennant under the appellation of Insula Glannauch.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Skerries

On 15 Dec 1619 Thomas Butler Viscount Thurles (age 38) drowned accidentally at Skerries, Anglesey having been sent to England to answer charges of having garissoned Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, County Kilkenny.

Europe, British Isles, North-West Wales aka Gwynedd, Anglesey, Trecastell

Tudur ap Goronwy Tudor lived at Trecastell, Anglesey.