Intervisibility and Alignment of Avebury Monuments

Intervisibility and Alignment of Avebury Monuments is in Avebury Late Neolithic Early Bronze Age.

Books, Prehistory, Prehistoric British Isles, Prehistoric South England, Avebury Late Neolithic Early Bronze Age, Intervisibility and Alignment of Avebury Monuments, Henge and Inner Circles Alignment

The North [Map] and South [Map] entrances appears to align the two inner circles, the North and South circles. A line drawn between their centres is parallel with the line between the North [Map] and South [Map] entrances - the yellow line on the Schematic.

Books, Prehistory, Prehistoric British Isles, Prehistoric South England, Avebury Late Neolithic Early Bronze Age, Intervisibility and Alignment of Avebury Monuments, Midwinter Sunset and Midsummer Sunrise Alignment

Taking the Centre of the Henge as where the lines between the entrances cross then a line drawn from the Centre to the extant stone [Map] in the north-east quadant is aligned to the Midwinter Sunset and Midsummer Sunrise - the magenta line on the Schematic.

Books, Prehistory, Prehistoric British Isles, Prehistoric South England, Avebury Late Neolithic Early Bronze Age, Intervisibility and Alignment of Avebury Monuments, Silbury Hill and Marlborough Mound

It appears that the Marlborough Mound [Map] is visible from Silbury Hill [Map] - the blue line on the Schematic. If it is it suggests the Marlborough Mound and Silbury Hill were constructed for the same purpose?

The light orange is land above 150m. The dark orange is land above 200m.