Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands

 Banks Chambered Cairn Tomb of the Eagles

Orkney Southern Islands is in Orkney Islands.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Banks Chambered Cairn [Map]

Banks Chambered Cairn is also in Orkney Chambered Cairns Unspecified Type.

3000BC. Banks Chambered Cairn [Map], aka the Tomb of the Otters, was found in Sep 2010. The tomb is quarried out of solid bedrock. It has six chambers. Approximately 2000 human bones were excavated from one of the chambers including adults, children and babies. More recent excavations of the entrance and passageway in March 2012 revealed another 1000 human bones. Recent carbon dating shows the very last bones to be deposited in the passageway in 3021 BC.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Liddle Farm

Carbon Date. 908BC. Early Iron Age Carbon Dates

Report: Peat underlying structural stone at N end of Site 1 at Liddle Farm, South Ronaldsay, Orkney, Scotland. Comment (subm): OXTL-189b-i for burnt stone produced TL date given as 1000 BC to 400 BC, median date 590 BC.

ID: 775, C14 ID: SRR-525 Date BP: 2908 +/- 45, Start Date BP: 2863, End BP: 2953

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 841, OS North: 465

Archaeologist Name: J W Hedges

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 18, 1976, 5-17; Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 106, 1974-5 39-98; Renfrew, C (ed), The prehistory of Orkney (1985) (for calibration and synthesis)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Carbon Date. 826BC. Early Iron Age Carbon Dates

Report: Organic material at bottom of large stone cooking trough at Liddle Farm Site 1, South Ronaldsay, Orkney, Scotland.

ID: 776, C14 ID: SRR-701 Date BP: 2826 +/- 75, Start Date BP: 2751, End BP: 2901

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 841, OS North: 465

Archaeologist Name: J W Hedges

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 18, 1976, 5-17; Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 106, 1974-5, 39-98; Renfrew, C (ed), The prehistory of Orkney (1985) (calibration and synthesis)

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, A2

Carbon Date. 220BC. Middle Iron Age Carbon Dates

Report: Animal bone, A2, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6754, C14 ID: OxA-1288 Date BP: 2220 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 2150, End BP: 2290

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, A4

Carbon Date. 1110. Late Medieval

Report: Shell, A4, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. Comment (lab): correction for marine reservoir effect is necessary if the two shell dates hence are to be directly compared with the dates on bone; this correction is in the order of 405 40 years giving a reservoir-adjusted age of 485 80 for this date. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6752, C14 ID: OxA-1287 Date BP: 890 +/- 70, Start Date BP: 820, End BP: 960

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, D9

Carbon Date. 640. Early Medieval

Report: Shell, D9, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. Comment (lab): correction for marine reservoir effect is necessary if the two shell dates hence are to be directly compared with the dates on bone; this correction is in the order of 405 40 years giving a reservoir-adjusted age of 955 70 for this date. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6751, C14 ID: OxA-1286 Date BP: 1360 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 1300, End BP: 1420

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, D11

Carbon Date. 190. Late Iron Age Carbon Dates

Report: Animal bone, D11, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6753, C14 ID: OxA-1285 Date BP: 1810 +/- 80, Start Date BP: 1730, End BP: 1890

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, D13

Carbon Date. 1030. Late Medieval

Report: Animal bone, D13, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6750, C14 ID: OxA-1284 Date BP: 970 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 910, End BP: 1030

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Orkney Islands, Orkney Southern Islands, South Ronaldsay, Six Cairns, E17

Carbon Date. 1000. Late Medieval

Report: Animal bone, E17, from Six Cairns, Banks Head, South Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands, off Scotland. Subm A C Renfrew 1987. Comment (subm): date series indicates two phases of activity, around beginning of 1st millennium AD and around AD 1000; but there are no artefacts to relate to these dates. [Ed: see extensive comment in ref. below.]

ID: 6749, C14 ID: OxA-1283 Date BP: 1000 +/- 60, Start Date BP: 940, End BP: 1060

OS Letter: ND, OS East: 461, OS North: 832

Archaeologist Name: A C Renfrew

Reference Name: Archaeometry, 30, 1988, 297-8

Council for British Archaeology (2012) Archaeological Site Index to Radiocarbon Dates from Great Britain and Ireland [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]