Biography of Simeon Solomon 1840-1905

Simeon Solomon 1840-1905 is in Painters.

On 09 Oct 1840 Simeon Solomon was born to Michael Meyer Solomon.

Around 1857 Simeon Solomon (age 16) was introduced by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 28) to members of the Pre-Raphealite Brotherhood including Algernon Charles Swinburne (age 19) and Edward Coley Burne-Jones 1st Baronet (age 23).

In 1858 Simeon Solomon (age 17) exhibited at the Royal Academy.

The Diary of George Price Boyce 1858. 13 Feb 1858. February 13. Miss Cooke came to sit for me. Little Simeon Solomon (age 17) called and stayed a long while and jawed and bored us considerably. Burges came up and I introduced them.

1859 to 1863. Simeon Solomon (age 18). "Dante's First Meeting with Beatrice".

1859. Simeon Solomon (age 18). Self-Portrait.

1859. Simeon Solomon (age 18). "Pastoral Lovers".

1859. Simeon Solomon (age 18). "Mrs. Fanny Eaton (age 23)".

1859. Simeon Solomon (age 18). "Babylon hath been a golden cup". Pen and ink. One of the illustrations for the "Bible Gallery", a hundred-print collection of engravings conceived by the brothers Dalziel in 1859. This drawing depicts the Jewish King David and the maiden, Abishag, looking concerned and androgynous, and illustrates a passage in Jeremiah lamentating the Jewish people's captivity by the kingdom of Babylon: 'Babylon hath been a golden cup in the hand of God, which hath made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine, therefore all the nations are mad.' The drawing was considered too risque for the Bible Gallery, and was exhibited separately at the French Gallery Winter Exhibition in 1859.

1859. Simeon Solomon (age 18). "Mrs. Fanny Eaton (age 23)".

1860. Simeon Solomon (age 19). "The Mother of Moses". Model Fanny Entwhistle aka Eaton (age 24).

1865. Simeon Solomon (age 24). "Coptic Baptismal Procession".

1865. Simeon Solomon (age 24). "Habet". Model top right probably Fanny Eaton (age 29)".

1866. Simeon Solomon (age 25). "Damon and Aglae".

1868. Simeon Solomon (age 27). "A Prelude by Bach".

1868. Simeon Solomon (age 27). "Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene".

1871. Simeon Solomon (age 30). "Rabbi Carrying the Law".

In 1873 Simeon Solomon (age 32) was arrested for soliciting in public toilets. He was charged with indecent exposure and an attempt to commit buggery. Both were found guilty, fined £100 and sentenced to 18 months hard labour.

In 1874 Simeon Solomon (age 33) was arrested in Paris [Map] and sentenced to three months in prison.

In 1884 Simeon Solomon (age 43) was admitted to the workhouse.

1895. Simeon Solomon (age 54). "The Forsaken Ariadne".

Before 1905. Simeon Solomon (age 64). "Mater Christi Alma".

Before 1905. Simeon Solomon (age 64). "Sleep Gentle Sleep".

Before 1905. Simeon Solomon (age 64). "The Knight of the Lord's Passion".

On 14 Aug 1905 Simeon Solomon (age 64) died from complications brought on by alcholism.