Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds [Map]

Bury St Edmunds is in Suffolk.

1153 Eustace of Blois Dies

1190 Massacre of the Jews at Bury St Edmunds

1381 Peasants' Revolt

1447 Death of Humphrey of Lancaster

1533 Funeral of Mary Tudor

1640 Long Parliament

1774 General Election

Eustace of Blois Dies

On 17 Aug 1153 King Stephen's eldest son Eustace Blois IV Count Boulogne (age 23) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Probably from food poisoning, possibly murdered for having sacked the Abbey. His brother William Blois I Count Boulogne (age 16) succeeded I Count Boulogne.

Around 30 May 1157 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 24) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 35) spent Whitsun at Bury St Edmunds [Map] for a ceremonial crown wearing.

Massacre of the Jews at Bury St Edmunds

On 18 Mar 1190 at Bury St Edmunds [Map] fifty-seven of the Jewish population were murdered.

Froissart. 1326. THUS was sir John of Hainault (age 38) moved in his courage and made his assembly, and prayed the Hainowes to be ready at Hal, and the Brabances at Breda, and the Hollanders to be at Dordrecht at a day limited. Then the queen of England (age 31) took leave of the earl of Hainault (age 40) and of the countess (age 32), and thanked them greatly of their honour, feast and good cheer that they had made her, kissing them at her departing. Thus this lady (age 31) departed and her son (age 13) and all her company with Sir John of Hainault (age 38), who with great pain gat leave of his brother, saying to him: 'My lord and brother, I am young and think that God hath purveyed for me this enterprise for mine advancement. I believe and think verily that wrongfully and sinfully this lady hath been chased out of England, and also her son. It is alms and glory to God and to the world to comfort and help them that be comfortless, and specially so high and so noble a lady as this is, who is daughter to a king and descended of a royal king; we be of her blood and she of ours. I had rather renounce and forsake all that I have and go serve God over the sea and never to return into this country, rather than this good lady should have departed from us without comfort and help. Therefore, dear brother, suffer me to go with your good-will, wherein ye shall do nobly, and I shall humbly thank you thereof, and the better thereby I shall accomplish all the voyage.' And when the good earl of Hainault had well heard his brother (age 38), and perceived the great desire that he had to his enterprise, and saw well it might turn him and his heirs to great honour hereafter, said to him: 'My fair brother, God forbid that your good purpose should be broken or let: therefore in the name of God I give you leave'; and kissed him, straining him by the hand in sign of great love. Thus he departed and rode the same night to Mons in Hainault with the queen of England (age 31). What should I make long process? They did so much by their journeys that they came to Dordrecht in Holland, whereas their special assembly was made. And there they purveyed for ships great and small, such as they could get, and shipped their horses and harness and purveyance, and so commended themselves into the keeping of God and took their passage by sea. In Sanses de Boussoit, the lord of Vertaing, the lord of Potelle, the lord Villers, the' lord of Hennin, the lord of Sars, the lord of Bousies, the lord of Aubrecicourt, the lord of Estrumel, and sir Wulfart of Ghistelles, and divers other knights and squires, all in great desire to serve their master. And when they were all departed from the haven of Dordrecht, it was a fair fleet as for the quantity, and well ordered, the season was fair and clear and right temperate, and at their departing with the first flood they came before the dikes of Holland; and the next day they drew up their sails and took their way in coasting Zealand; and their intents were to have, taken land at Dongport;1 but they could not, for a tempest took them in the sea, that put them so far out of their course that they wist not of two days where they were: of the which God did them great grace, for if they had taken land at the port whereas they had thought, they had been all lost, for they had fallen in the hands of their enemies, who knew well of their coming, and abode them there to have put them all to death. So it was that about the end of two days the tempest ceased, and the mariners perceived land in England and drew to that part right joyously, and there took land on the sands without any right haven or port at Harwich [Map], as the English chronicle saith, the 24th day of September, the year of our Lord MCCCXXVI., and so abode on the sands three days with little purveyance of victual, and unshipped their horses and harness, nor they wist not in what part of England they were in, other in the power of their friends or in the power of their enemies. On the fourth day they took forth their way in the adventure of God and of Saint George, as such people as had suffered great disease of cold by night and hunger and great fear, whereof they were not as then clean rid. And so they rode forth by hills and dales on the one side and on the other, till at the last they found villages and a great abbey of black monks, the which is called SaintEdmund [Map], whereas they three days refreshed themselves.

After 15 Jun 1381 John Cavendish (age 35) was buried at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

Chronicle of Gregory 1447. Jan 1447. Ande that same yere was a Parlyment begon at Byry [Map]; and that same yere there was grete wache at Syn Donstonys in the Este [Map], by the sofferens of oure sufferayne lorde the kyng, in every warde of London alle the xvi dayes in Crystysmasse by the commaundement of the kynge (age 25).

Death of Humphrey of Lancaster

On 20 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) was arrested on a charge of treason by John Beaumont 1st Viscount Beaumont (age 37), Humphrey Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham (age 44), Edmund Beaufort 1st or 2nd Duke of Somerset (age 41), Richard Neville Earl Salisbury (age 47) and Ralph Boteler 6th and 1st Baron Sudeley (age 58).

On 23 Feb 1447 Humphrey Lancaster 1st Duke Gloucester (age 56) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. He was possibly poisoned although more likely he died from a stroke. He was buried at St Alban's Cathedral [Map]. Duke Gloucester, Earl Pembroke extinct. His death left England with no heir to the throne in a direct line. Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 35) became heir presumptive until the birth of Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales six years later.

Chronicle of Gregory 1447. 23 Feb 1447. Ande at Schroffe tyde nexte aftyr there was ordaynyd a Parlyment at Synt Edmondys Bury [Map]; ande att the comyng of the goode Duke Umfray, sum tyme Duke of Glouceter (age 56), uppon the Satyrday anon as he was a lyght of hys hors he was a-restyde of dyvers lordys for treson by commaundement of the kyng (age 25), and men sayde at that tyme. And uppon the Thursseday next folowynge he dyssesyd ande passyde owte of thys wrecchyde and false trobely worlde. And he ys buryde at Syn Albonys.

Around 1483 Bishop Stephen Gardiner was born at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 12 Jul 1553. The xij day [of] July by nyght, was cared to the Towre [Map] iij carts [full of all] maner of ordenans, as gret gune and smalle, bowes, bylls, speres, mores-pykes, arnes, arowes, gunpowther, and wetelle, monay, tentes, and all maner of ordenans, gunstones a gret nombur, and a grett nombur of men of armes; and yt had been for a gret army toward Cambryge [Map]; and ij days after the duke, and dyvers lordes and knyghts whent with him, and mony gentylmen and gonnars, and mony men of the gard and men of armes toward my lade Mare grace, to destroye here grace, and so to Bury [Map], and alle was agayns ym-seylff, for ys men forsok hym .... and of dyvers maters, and so in dyvers plases .... contres was her grace proclamyd quen of [England.]

Note. Political placard. The paragraph now imperfect seems to have been that which furnished the following in Strype: "On the same 16th day, in the morning, some, to shew their good will to the lady Mary, ventured to fasten up upon Queenhithe church wall, a writing in way of a declaration, importing that the lady Mary was proclaimed in every country 'Queen of England, France, and Ireland,' (being an officious lye to do her service,) and likewise treating of divers matters relating to the present state of affairs."

Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary 1553. 18 Jul 1553. The xviij. daye the duke (age 49), perceaving howe their succours came not, and also receyving from some of the counsell at the Tower lettres of discomfort, retoumed from Bury [Map], and came back agayn to Cambridge [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 02 Aug 1555. The ij day of August was a shumaker bornyd at sant Edmundebere in Suffoke [Map] for herese.

In 1587 William Hervey was born at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

In 1593 Francis Prujean was born to Francis Prujean Rector at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

In 1614 Thomas Jermyn (age 41) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds.

Around 1627 Francis Chaplin was born at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

On 14 Nov 1627 Elizabeth Waldegrave died. On 06 Dec 1629 Arthur Coke (age 42) died in Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Jacobean Hooded Monument sculpted by Nicholas Stone (age 40) in St Andrew's Church, Bramfield [Map]. White and black marble; reclining effigy of Elizabeth with Arthur kneeling in prayer above within an arched Recess; Arms over the arch and surrounding it are seven Cartouche's.

Elizabeth Waldegrave: She was born to George Waldegrave. On 08 Feb 1608 Arthur Coke (age 21) and she were married at Hitcham, Norfolk as recorded in the papers of the Winthrop Family Folio 36: "The viijth of Feb. beinge Shrovetuesday the L Cokes seconde soonne maryed the daughter and heire of Sir George Waldegrave at Hiccham". The Hitcham Register gives 09 Feb as the date of the marriage. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Arthur Coke: In 1587 he was born to Edward Coke (age 34) and Bridget Paston.

Long Parliament

In Nov 1640 Henry Jermyn 1st Earl St Albans (age 35) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds during the Long Parliament.

In Nov 1640 Thomas Jermyn (age 23) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds during the Long Parliament.

In 1661 Edmund Pooley of Bradley in Suffolk (age 42) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds which seat he held until 1671.

On 27 Aug 1665 John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol was born to Thomas Hervey (age 40) at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

In 1673 Thomas Jermyn 2nd Baron Jermyn (age 39) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds.

Evelyn's Diary. 28 Aug 1677. To visit my Lord Chamberlain (age 59), in Suffolk; he sent his coach and six to meet and bring me from St. Edmund's Bury [Map] to Euston.

Evelyn's Diary. 04 Sep 1677. I went to visit my Lord Crofts (age 66), now dying at St. Edmunds Bury [Map], and took the opportunity to see this ancient town, and the remains of that famous monastery and abbey. There is little standing entire, save the gatehouse; it has been a vast and magnificent Gothic structure, and of great extent. The gates are wood, but quite plated over with iron. There are also two stately churches, one especially.

Evelyn's Diary. 13 Sep 1677. My Lord's coach conveyed me to Bury [Map], and thence baiting at Newmarket, Suffolk, stepping in at Audley-End [Map] to see that house again, I slept at Bishop-Stortford [Map], and, the next day, home. I was accompanied in my journey by Major Fairfax, of a younger house of the Lord Fairfax, a soldier, a traveler, an excellent musician, a good-natured, well-bred gentleman.

In 1689 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 36) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds.

In 1703 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 50) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds.

On 29 Jun 1733 Thomas Hervey (age 34) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds which seat he held until 1747.

On 27 Apr 1759 Bishop Bowyer Sparke was born to Major William Sparke at Bury St Edmunds [Map].

1774 General Election

In 1774 Charles Davers 6th Baronet (age 36) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds during the 1774 General Election.

In 1818 Henry Fitzroy 5th Duke Grafton (age 27) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds which seat he held until 1820.

In 1826 Henry Fitzroy 5th Duke Grafton (age 35) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds which seat he held until 1831.

In 1831 Charles Fitzroy (age 39) was elected MP Bury St Edmunds.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Brockley

On 15 Oct 1285 Roger Zouche (age 43) died at Brockley.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Bury St Edmund's Abbey

John of Worcester. 1032. The church of St. Edmund, king and martyr, was dedicated this year. [Note. Possibly Bury St Edmund's Abbey.]

In 1202 Bishop Hugh of Northwold became a monk of the Bury St Edmund's Abbey.

On 07 Aug 1213 Bishop Hugh of Northwold was elected Abbot and Abbess of Bury St Edmund's Abbey.

Wriothesley's Chronicle. 23 Jun 1533. This yeare, on Midsommer eaven, died the French Queene (age 37),a sister to the Kinge (age 41), and wife to the Duke of Suffolke (age 49), and was buried at Sainct Edmondesburie in Suffolke.

Note a. Mary (age 37), sister to Henry VIII (age 41) and Queen Dowager of France, died at the manor of Westhorpe [Map], in Suffolk, on the 23rd June, and was buried (July 22) at the monastery of St. Edmondsbury, where her corpse was found in a perfect state on September 6th, 1784, being 251 years after her interment.

On 21 Jul 1533 Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (deceased) was buried at Bury St Edmund's Abbey. Catherine Willoughby Duchess Suffolk (age 14) chief mourner.

Jurmin Wuffingas was reburied at Bury St Edmund's Abbey.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Bury St Edmund's School

Around 1738 Francis Willoughby 3rd Baron Middleton (age 11) educated at Bury St Edmund's School.

Around 1740 Thomas Willoughby 4th Baron Middleton (age 11) educated at Bury St Edmund's School.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Hengrave

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Hengrave, Church of St John Lateran

On 28 Feb 1556 John Bourchier (age 27) died. He was buried at the Church of St John Lateran, Hengrave.

On 10 Feb 1561 John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 62) died. He was buried on 10 Mar 1561 at the Church of St John Lateran, Hengrave. His grandson William Bourchier 3rd Earl Bath (age 3) succeeded 3rd Earl Bath, 13th Baron Fitzwarin.

On 12 Dec 1561 Margaret Donnington Countess Bath (age 52) died at Stoke Newington [Map]. She was buried on 12 Jan 1562 at the Church of St John Lateran, Hengrave.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Jan 1562. The xj day of January was bered in Suffoke my lade contes of Bayth wedow, and the last wyff to the sed erle, and late the wyff of ser Thomas Cutsun, and late to ser Recherd Longe knyght; with a grett banar of armes and vj banar-rolles of all mareges [marriages], and a x dosen skochyons of armes, and vj of sylke wrought with fyne gold.

Note. P. 275. Funeral of the countess of Bath. Margaret, only child of John Donnington, of Stoke Newington in Middlesex, married successively to sir Thomas Kytson, sir Richard Long, and John Bourchier earl of Bath. The last died in 1560. Her monument in Hengrave church, Suffolk, with recumbent effigies of herself and her three husbands, is engraved in Gage's History of that parish, 1822, 4to. p. 65; and in the same volume are several letters to and from her, an inventory of her property, her will, and an account of her funeral expenses, &c.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Hengrave Hall

Before 25 May 1524 John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 25) and Eleanor Manners Countess Bath (age 21) were married at Hengrave Hall, Bury St Edmunds. He the son of John Bourchier 1st Earl Bath (age 53) and Cecily Daubeney Baroness Fitzwarin (age 50). He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 04 Dec 1548 a double wedding of a father and son, and a mother and daughter, was celebrated at Hengrave Hall, Bury St Edmunds.

John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 49) and Margaret Donnington Countess Bath (age 39) were married. She by marriage Countess Bath. He the son of John Bourchier 1st Earl Bath and Cecily Daubeney Baroness Fitzwarin. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

John Bourchier (age 19) and Frances Kitson were married. She the daughter of Thomas Kitson and Margaret Donnington Countess Bath (age 39). He the son of John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 49) and Eleanor Manners Countess Bath. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Horringer

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Little Horringer

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Little Horringer Hall

On 10 Jan 1999 Frederick William John Augustus Hervey 7th Marquess of Bristol (age 44) died of multiple organ failure due to chronic drug abuse almost penniless at Little Horringer Hall. His half brother Frederick Hervey 8th Marquess of Bristol (age 19) succeeded 8th Marquess of Bristol, 8th Earl Jermyn of Horningworth in Suffolk, 12th Earl Bristol.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Ickworth

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Ickworth House Ickworth

Around 1700 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 32). Portrait of Robert Davers 1st Baronet. Ickworth House Ickworth.

Robert Davers 1st Baronet: Around 1620 he was born. In 1682 Robert Davers 1st Baronet (age 62) was created 1st Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk. In 1685 Robert Davers 1st Baronet (age 65) died. His son Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 32) succeeded 2nd Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk. Mary Jermyn Lady Davers by marriage Lady Davers of Rougham in Suffolk.

Around 1723 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 55). Portrait of Robert Davers 3rd Baronet (age 39). Ickworth House Ickworth.

Robert Davers 3rd Baronet: In 1684 he was born to Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Mary Jermyn Lady Davers. In 1722 Robert Davers 2nd Baronet (age 69) died. His son Robert Davers 3rd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 3rd Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk. On 20 May 1723 Robert Davers 3rd Baronet (age 39) died. His brother Jermyn Davers 4th Baronet (age 37) succeeded 4th Baronet Davers of Rougham in Suffolk.

On 10 Oct 1870 Herbert Hervey 5th Marquess of Bristol was born to Augustus Henry Charles Hervey (age 33) in Ickworth House Ickworth.

In Mar 1994 Frederick William John Augustus Hervey 7th Marquess of Bristol (age 39) sold the contents of Ickworth House Ickworth at auction for £2.3 million.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, St Mary's Church Ickworth

On 18 Jan 1680 John Hervey (age 63) died. He was buried in St Mary's Church Ickworth.

On 23 Feb 1999 Frederick William John Augustus Hervey 7th Marquess of Bristol (deceased) was buried at St Mary's Church Ickworth.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, Market Place

On 15 Jun 1381 John Cavendish (age 35) was captured at Church of St Mary, Cavendish during the Peasants' Revolt. He was beheaded in the Market Place in Bury St Edmunds.

Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds, St Mary's Church

After 25 Jun 1533 Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 37) was reburied at St Mary's Church.