Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire

East Yorkshire is in Yorkshire.

1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge

1399 Henry IV lands at Ravenspur

1454 Battle of Stamford Bridge

1471 King Edward lands at Ravenspur

1643 Trial and Execution of the Hothams

On 06 Feb 1400 Miles Stapleton (age 35) died at East Yorkshire.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Airmyn [Map]

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Barmby [Map]

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Bethell's Bridge [Map]

The River Hull rises near Driffield [Map] being formed from a number of streams and becks after which it flows past Wansford, East Yorkshire [Map], Brigham, East Yorkshire [Map], under Bethell's Bridge [Map] then Weel, East Yorkshire [Map] on the outskirts of Beverley [Map] after which it flows to Kingston upon Hull [Map] where it joins the Humber Estuary.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Bishop Burton

On 11 Mar 1296 John le Romeyn Archbishop of York (age 66) died at Bishop Burton.

On 24 Sep 1592 Christopher Wandesford was born to George Wandesford of Kirklington (age 19) and Catherine Hansby at Bishop Burton.

Bede. How he healed a thegn's wife that was sick with holy water.

The same abbot related another miracle, not unlike the former, of the aforesaid bishop. "Not very far from our monastery," he said, "to wit, about two miles off, was the township of one Puch, a thegn, whose wife had lain sick of a very grievous disease for nearly forty days, insomuch that for three weeks she could not be carried out of the chamber where she lay." It happened that the man of God was, at that time, called thither by the thegn to consecrate a church; and when that was done, the thegn desired him to come into his house and dine. The bishop declined, saying that he must return to the monastery, which was very near. The thegn, entreating him more earnestly, vowed he would also give alms to the poor, if so be that the bishop would vouchsafe to enter his house that day and break his fast. I joined my entreaties to his, promising in like manner to give alms for the relief of the poor, if he would but go and dine at the thegn's house, and give his blessing. Having at length, with much difficulty, prevailed, we went in to refresh ourselves. The bishop had sent to the woman that lay sick some of the holy water, which he had blessed for the consecration of the church, by one of the brothers who had come with me, ordering him to give her some to drink, and wash that part of her where he found that her pain was greatest, with some of the same water. This being done, the woman immediately got up whole and sound, and perceiving that she had not only been delivered from her long sickness, but at the same time had recovered the strength which she had lost for so great a time, she presented the cup to the bishop and to us, and continued serving us with meat and drink as she had begun, till dinner was over; following the example of the blessed Peter's wife's mother, who, having been sick of a fever, arose at the touch of our Lord's hand, and having forthwith received health and strength, ministered to them.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Boynton

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Boynton, St Andrew's Church [Map]

Reverend Richard Tennant was appointed Rector of St Andrew's Church, Boynton [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Brandesburton

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Brandesburton, St Mary's Church

In 1670 Thomas Lamplugh of Ribton in Cumberland (age 83) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Brandesburton.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Bridlington

Around 1134 Robert Scrope was born to Hugh Scrope (age 31) at Bridlington.

Around 1267 William Constable (age 62) died at Bridlington.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Jul 1557. At Byrlyngton, John Wallys.

Around Feb 1643, John Hotham (age 33) was ready to switch to the Royalist side. He considered himself a better commander than Thomas Fairfax 3rd Lord Fairfax (age 31) and resented being under his command. In February or March 1643, Hotham started negotiating with the William Cavendish 1st Duke Newcastle upon Tyne (age 50), the Royalist commander in Yorkshire at Bridlington, supposedly about a prisoner exchange. In exchange for surrendering Hull and changing sides, Hotham demanded 20,000 pounds cash, the rank of viscount for his father and the rank of baron for himself.

In 1678 John Reresby 2nd Baronet (age 43) was appointed Governor of Bridlington.

On 17 May 1698 John Major 1st Baronet was born to John Major and Elizabeth Tennant at Bridlington.

On 13 Oct 1832 Godfrey Bosville Macdonald (age 56) died at Bridlington.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Brough [Map]

Ermine Street 2d Lincoln to Winterton. Ermine Street left Lincoln through Bailgate, Lincoln [Map] and travelled north past Fox Owmby [Map], Caenby Corner [Map], Hibaldstow Roman Fort [Map], Appeby [Map] to Winteringham [Map] where a ferry across the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map].

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Burnby

In 1510 John Constable was born to Marmaduke Constable at Burnby.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Burton Agnes

Around 1116 Osmond Stuteville was born to Robert Stuteville at Burton Agnes.

Around 1189 William Stuteville was born to Osmond Stuteville (age 73) at Burton Agnes.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Catton

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Catton Church Catton

Before 28 May 1365 Thomas Ughtred 1st Baron Ughtred (age 73) died. He was buried at Catton Church Catton. His son Thomas Ughtred 2nd Baron Ughtred (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baron Ughtred although it appears he was never summoned to Parliament. Catherine Mauley Countess Suffolk (age 35) by marriage Baroness Ughtred.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Cottingham

On 28 Nov 1753 John Thornton of Clapham (age 33) and Lucy Watson (age 31) were married at Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Cottingham, Haltemprice Priory [Map]

In 1320 Pope John XXII licensed Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell (age 23) to found an Augustinian Priory at Cottingham [Map] in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Thomas bestowed the manors of Newton, Willerby and Wolfreton on the Priory. The name Haltemprice originally Alta Prisa from the medieval French Haulte Emprise or "High Endeavour". Its first Prior was Thomas de Overton.

On 31 May 1349 Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell (age 52) died. He was buried at Haltemprice Priory [Map]. His sister Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 52) succeeded 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell.

From 1415 to 1458 Haltemprice Priory [Map] was exempted from royal taxation on grounds of 'notorious poverty'.

On 12 Aug 1536 Haltemprice Priory [Map] was disolved.

Vesta Monumenta. Plate 1.5: Engravings of Three Medieval Seals

Plate 1.5 of Vetusta Monumenta depicts three medieval seals: the Seal of Clare College, Cambridge (1359), the seal of the Cathedral Priory of St. Etheldreda, Ely [Map] (c. 1280), and seal of the Priory of Cottingham [Map] (1322) [Note. The date here somewhat confusing since the Priory was founded in 1325?]. Engraving by George Vertue after his own drawings. 173 x 233 mm [upper portion] and 172 x 228 mm [lower portion]. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1720. Current locations: The top seal is in Clare College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK; an impression of the center seal is in Westminster Abbey (WAM 7933), London, UK; the bottom seal is in the British Museum (1913,1105.2), London, UK.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Dalton Holme

On 21 Jul 1992 Letitia Sibell Winifred Brownlow-Cecil Baroness Hotham (age 88) died at Dalton Holme.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Driffield [Map]

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 14 Dec 704. This year died Ealdferth, king of the Northumbrians, on the nineteenth day before the calends of January [14 Dec 704], at Driffield [Map]; and was succeeded by his son Osred (age 7). Bishop Saxulf also died the same year.

In 1529 Robert Fairfax of Pockthorpe in Yorkshire was born to Nicholas Fairfax of Gilling Castle (age 31) and Jane Palmes at Driffield [Map].

Nicholas Fairfax was born to Nicholas Fairfax of Gilling Castle and Jane Palmes at Driffield [Map].

The River Hull rises near Driffield [Map] being formed from a number of streams and becks after which it flows past Wansford, East Yorkshire [Map], Brigham, East Yorkshire [Map], under Bethell's Bridge [Map] then Weel, East Yorkshire [Map] on the outskirts of Beverley [Map] after which it flows to Kingston upon Hull [Map] where it joins the Humber Estuary.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Driffield, Brigham [Map]

The River Hull rises near Driffield [Map] being formed from a number of streams and becks after which it flows past Wansford, East Yorkshire [Map], Brigham, East Yorkshire [Map], under Bethell's Bridge [Map] then Weel, East Yorkshire [Map] on the outskirts of Beverley [Map] after which it flows to Kingston upon Hull [Map] where it joins the Humber Estuary.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Driffield, Wansford [Map]

The River Hull rises near Driffield [Map] being formed from a number of streams and becks after which it flows past Wansford, East Yorkshire [Map], Brigham, East Yorkshire [Map], under Bethell's Bridge [Map] then Weel, East Yorkshire [Map] on the outskirts of Beverley [Map] after which it flows to Kingston upon Hull [Map] where it joins the Humber Estuary.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Everingham

Around 1460 Alice Southill was born to Henry Southill (age 12) at Everingham.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Church of St Everild Everingham

On 04 Oct 1540 Barbara Sothill (age 66) died. She was buried at Church of St Everild Everingham.

On 14 Sep 1545 Marmaduke Constable (age 65) died. He was buried at Church of St Everild Everingham.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Garrowby

The Times. 24 Dec 1959. From Our Correspondent STAMFORD BRIDGE [Map], Dec. 23. The Earl of Halifax (deceased) died to-night at his home at Garrowby, near York. He was 78 and had been suffering from a chest complaint. Lord (age 53) and Baroness Feversham (age 49), Lord (age 47) and Lady Irwin (age 43), Lady Clarissa Duncombe (age 21), and Baroness Bingley were at Garrowby when he died. Baroness Feversham (age 49) said he had suffered from poor breathing for some time and that had been aggravated by a chest infection. Last July Lord Halifax broke his hip when walking in his garden and was flown to London for an operation at University College Hospital. He made a remarkable recovery from the accident. In September he and Lady Halifax celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The funeral will be in private. A memorial service and requiem will be held in York Minster [Map] next Monday at 11 a.m. The date of a service in London is to be announced later. Obituary on page 8. MR. SELWYN LLOYD'S TRIBUTE Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, Foreign Secretary, in a tribute to Lord Halifax last night, said: "He held high office, as Viceroy of India, Foreign Secretary, and finally as Ambassador to Washington. He adorned each of these offices with his integrity, his idealism, and his ability. He was a great public servant. He will be deeply mourned." WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Mr. Douglas Dillon, the acting Secretary of State, to-night issued this statement: "The many Americans who knew Lord Halifax deeply regret his passing. He was ever a staunch friend of this country and during his years of public life contributed greatly to the strengthening of Anglo-American relations. He is particularly remembered for his dedicated service to the cause of humanity during the crucial war years as British Ambassador in Washington." Reuter.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Goole [Map]

In 1226 Joan Bruce was born to Peter Bruce (age 41) and Hawise Lancaster at Goole [Map].

The River Ouse is formed by the confluence of the River Ure and River Swale around 900m south-west of Myton-on-Swale [Map]; there are other theories as to where it starts. Thereafter it flows broadly south-east through York [Map], past Cawood, North Yorkshire [Map], Selby, North Yorkshire [Map], Goole [Map] and the location of the former Whitgift Ferry, East Yorkshire [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].

The River Don rises at Dunford Bridge [Map] after which it flows broadly east through Penistone [Map] then south through Oughtibridge [Map], Sheffield [Map] then east through Rotherham [Map], past Conisbrough Castle [Map], Doncaster [Map] and Stainforth [Map] before joining the River Ouse at Goole [Map]. Originally the River Don was a tributary of the River Trent forming the northern boundary of the Isle of Axholme [Map] but was re-engineered by Cornelius Vermuyden as the Dutch River in the 1620s.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Goole, Snaith [Map]

On or before 08 Oct 1667 Henrietta Maria Yarburgh was born to Thomas Yarburgh of Snaith and Henrietta-Maria Blague. She was baptised on 08 Oct 1667 at Snaith, East Yorkshire [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Halsham

Around 1243 Simon Constable was born to William Constable (age 38) at Halsham.

In 1550 John Constable (age 40) died at Halsham.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Holme upon Spalding Moor

In 1376 Joan Zouche (age 63) died at Holme upon Spalding Moor.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Kexby Bridge [Map]

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Leconfield

On 29 Nov 1422 Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont was born to Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 29) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 25) at Leconfield. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.49%.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Londesborough

In 1365 Margaret St John was born to Edward St John (age 35) and Eustace Anastasia Aton at Londesborough.

In or before 1407 Henry Bromflete 1st Baron Vesci was born to Thomas Bromflete and Margaret St John (age 41) at Londesborough. His date of birth sometimes stated as around 1412. His mother, however, died in 1407 so his birth must have been in or before 1407.

Around 1434 Margaret Bromflete Baroness Clifford was born to Henry Bromflete 1st Baron Vesci (age 27) and Joan Holland Duchess York (age 54) at Londesborough. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 16 Jan 1469 Henry Bromflete 1st Baron Vesci (age 62) died at Londesborough without make issue. Baron Vesci extinct.

On 12 Apr 1493 Margaret Bromflete Baroness Clifford (age 59) died at Londesborough.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Melton

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Jul 1557. Att Malton [Note. Assumed to be Melton since in the East Riding like the other places mentioned rather than Mlaton in the North Riding.], Wyllyam Palmer, John Mortfurth, scott.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Danby Manor Melton

Around 1243 William Latimer 1st Baron Latimer of Corby was born to William Latimer of Corby (age 23) at Danby Manor Melton.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Ravenser Odd

Around 1274 William Pole was born at Ravenser Odd.

Around 1302 William Pole was born to William Pole (age 28) at Ravenser Odd.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Ravenspur [Map]

After 07 Jul 1399 Henry Bolingbroke Earl of Derby (age 32) landed at Ravenspur [Map] with Thomas Rempston.

William Ros 6th Baron Ros Helmsley (age 29) joined Henry Bolingbroke Earl of Derby (age 32) with a large retinue.

Warkworth's Chronicle 1470. 14 Mar 1471. And in the secunde weke of Marche, the xlix. yere of the regne of Kynge Herry the vjte, and in the x. yere of the regne of Kynge Edwarde the iiijte, the same Kynge Edwarde toke his schippynge in Flaunders, and hade withe hym the Lorde Hastynges and the Lorde Say, and ix. c. of Englismenne and three hundred of Flemmynges with hande-gonnes, and sailed toward England, and hade grete troble uppon the see with stormys, and lost a schyppe withe horse; and purpost to have londede in Northfolke, and one of the Earl [of] Oxenfordes brother withe the comons of the cuntre arose up togedere, and put hym abake to the see ageyne. And after that, at he was so trobled in the see, that he was fayne to londe in Yorkeschyre at Ravenys-spore [Map]1; and there rose ageyns hym alle the cuntre of Holdernes, whose capteyne was a preste, and a persone in the same cuntre called Sere Jhon Westerdale, whiche aftyrwarde for his abused disposycion was casten in presone in the Marchalse at Londone by the same Kynge Edwarde: for the same preste mett Kynge Edwarde and askede the cause of his landynge; and he answeryde that he came thedere by the Earl of Northumberlondes avyse, and schewede the Earls lettere y-send to hym, &c. undere his seale; and also he came for to clayme the Duchery of Yorke, the whiche was his inherytaunce of ryght, and so passed forthe to the cite of Yorke, where Thomas Clyfford lete hym inne, and ther he was examynede ayenne; and he seyde to the mayre and aldermenne and to alle the comons of the cite, in likewyse as he was afore in Holdernes at his landyng: that was to sey, that [he] never wulde clayme no title2, ne take uppone honde to be Kynge of England, nor wulde have do afore that tyme, but be excitynge and sturing of the Earl of Warwick (age 42); and therto afore alle peple, he cryed "A! Kynge Herry! A! Kynge and Prynce Edwarde! " and wered ane estryche feder, Prynce Edwardes lyvery. And after this he was sufferd to passe the cite, and so helde his wey southwarde, and no man lettyd hym ne hurtyde hym.

Note 1. At Ravenyspore. See Mr. Jones's Essay on the Rival Roses, p. xxv.

Note 2. Nevere wulde clayme no title. He took a solemn oath to that effect; Cf. MS. Sloan. 3479, and MS. Harl. 2408.

On 14 Mar 1471 King Edward IV of England (age 28) landed at Ravenspur [Map] with William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 40).

Archaeologia Volume 21 Section III Chapter I. From the time our Sovereign Lord Edward, by the Grace of God, King of England and Lord of Ireland, departed from the Province of Zealand, and embarked, the 10th day of March, on the seas, he experienced exceeding bad weather and heavy tempests, so that he reached his kingdom of England, with his followers, in great peril and danger, on the 14th day of the said month; and landing on the northern coasta, they took from thence the road leading to the city of York, where they arrived on the 18th, and then proceeded by such forced marches, that they got to the river Trent, which is about the centre of the kingdom, on the 21st. Here they received intelligence that the Earl of Oxford was posted at a ford, and was assembling men, in order to guard the passage; but our sovereign lord advanced within so short a distance of the earl, that the latter presently took to flight; whereupon the king marched straight forward towards his grand rebel and traitor the Earl of Warwick, who by this time had taken the field with a powerful force, but he also being informed of the approach of our sovereign lord, retired with his men on the 27th day of the same month, within a strong closed city called Coventry; before which city, our sovereign lord, on the 29th of the said month, drew up his whole army in battle array.

Note a. At Ravenspurgh [Map], on the Holderness side of the Humber.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Rudston

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Rudston, All Saints Church [Map]

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, All Saints Church, Rudston Monolith [Map]

Rudston Monolith is also in North England Standing Stones.

Rudston Monolith [Map]. Is the tallest megalith (standing stone) in the United Kingdom at 7.6m tall.

Archaeologia Volume 5 Section V. Mr. Pegge, on the Rudston Pyramidal Stone [Rudston Monolith [Map]]. Read May 9, 1776.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Scorborough

On 12 May 1615 Charles Hotham was born to John Hotham 1st Baronet (age 25) in Scorborough and Anne Rokeby.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Shiptonthorpe [Map]

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Sledmere

Before 1714 Mark Kirkby died. He left his Sledmere estates to his sister Mary Kirkby (age 32) and her husband Richard Sykes (age 7).

Before 1714 Mark Kirkby acquired his Sledmere estates through twelve separate transactions.

In 1761 Richard Sykes (age 55) died without issue. He left his Sledmere estates to his brother Mark Sykes 1st Baronet (age 49).

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Snape

Henry Chaplin A Memoir: 2 Family and Social Life Part I. His grandfather, another Charles Chaplin of Blankney, had married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Robert Taylor of Newark on Trent and Pocklington, and it was through this lady that the land in Nottinghamshire had been brought into the family. The property in Yorkshire, part of the Manor of Snape, is of some historical interest. Snape originally belonged to the Nevills, and on the death of John, last Lord of Latimer of the Nevills in 1577, himself a son of John Nevill, Lord Latimer, and of Catherine Parr, afterwards King Henry VIII.'s queen, it passed as her portion to his second daughter, Dorothy, who had married Thomas Cecil, first Earl of Exeter. When John Chaplin, nearly 200 years later, married Elizabeth Cecil, daughter of the 8th Earl of Exeter, the Snape property no doubt formed part of her dowry, perhaps as compensation on the birth of her brother for the loss of the Burleigh estate.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Snape Hall

On 09 May 1514 John Dawnay of Cowick (age 23) and Dorothy Neville (age 18) were married at Snape Hall. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, South Dalton

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, St Mary's Church South Dalton

On 29 Sep 1689 John Hotham 2nd Baronet (age 57) died. He was buried in St Mary's Church South Dalton. His son John Hotham 3rd Baronet (age 34) succeeded 3rd Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

On 03 Nov 1795 Bishop John Hotham 9th Baronet (age 59) died at Bath, Somerset [Map]. He was buried at St Mary's Church South Dalton. His son Charles Hotham 10th Baronet (age 29) succeeded 10th Baronet Hotham of Scorborough in Yorkshire.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, South Newbald [Map]

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Stamford Bridge [Map]

On 25 Sep 1066 King Harold II of England (age 44), supported by the brothers Edwin Earl of Mercia and Morcar Earl Northumbria, defeated the Viking army at the Battle of Stamford Bridge at Stamford Bridge [Map].

King Harald Hardrada III of Norway (age 51) was killed. His son Magnus II King Norway (age 18) succeeded King Norway.

Tostig Godwinson Earl Northumbria (age 40) was killed.

On 31 Oct 1454 or 01 Nov 1454 John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu (age 23) and Thomas Neville (age 24) captured Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 31) and Richard Percy (age 28) in a skirmish known as the Battle of Stamford Bridge. [Note. The second battle at Stamford Bridge [Map] with the first being in 1066]. The brothers were taken to Middleham Castle [Map]. Thomas Percy 1st Baron Egremont (age 31) was subsequently fined £11,200 in damages which, with an income of £100, he was unlikely to ever pay. He was, therefore, taken to Newgate Prison, London [Map] in which he stayed until he escaped in 1456.

The Times. 24 Dec 1959. From Our Correspondent STAMFORD BRIDGE [Map], Dec. 23. The Earl of Halifax (deceased) died to-night at his home at Garrowby, near York. He was 78 and had been suffering from a chest complaint. Lord (age 53) and Baroness Feversham (age 49), Lord (age 47) and Lady Irwin (age 43), Lady Clarissa Duncombe (age 21), and Baroness Bingley were at Garrowby when he died. Baroness Feversham (age 49) said he had suffered from poor breathing for some time and that had been aggravated by a chest infection. Last July Lord Halifax broke his hip when walking in his garden and was flown to London for an operation at University College Hospital. He made a remarkable recovery from the accident. In September he and Lady Halifax celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The funeral will be in private. A memorial service and requiem will be held in York Minster [Map] next Monday at 11 a.m. The date of a service in London is to be announced later. Obituary on page 8. MR. SELWYN LLOYD'S TRIBUTE Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, Foreign Secretary, in a tribute to Lord Halifax last night, said: "He held high office, as Viceroy of India, Foreign Secretary, and finally as Ambassador to Washington. He adorned each of these offices with his integrity, his idealism, and his ability. He was a great public servant. He will be deeply mourned." WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Mr. Douglas Dillon, the acting Secretary of State, to-night issued this statement: "The many Americans who knew Lord Halifax deeply regret his passing. He was ever a staunch friend of this country and during his years of public life contributed greatly to the strengthening of Anglo-American relations. He is particularly remembered for his dedicated service to the cause of humanity during the crucial war years as British Ambassador in Washington." Reuter.

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Swine

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Swine, The Priory Church of St Mary the Virgin [Map]

The Priory Church of St Mary the Virgin, Swine [Map]. Sir Robert Hilton c.1370/80 died 1372 and his wife Maud of Campaigne.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Warter

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Warter Hall aka Priory [Map]

Around 1680 Warter Hall aka Priory [Map] was commissioned by the Pennington family. Originally named Warter Hall, it was renamed Warter Priory following extensive Victorian redevelopment.

On 03 Aug 1905 Eric Chaplin 2nd Viscount Chaplin (age 27) and Gwladys Alice Wilson Viscountess Chaplin (age 24) were married at Warter Hall aka Priory [Map].

In 1972 Warter Hall aka Priory [Map] was demolished with the rubble being used to fill the lake in the extensive gardens.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Watton

Bede. The same bishop John by his prayers healed a sick maiden.

The same Berthun told another miracle concerning the said bishop. When the most reverend Wilfrid, after a long banishment, was admitted to the bishopric of the church of Hagustald [Map], and the aforesaid John, upon the death of Bosa, a man of great sanctity and humility, was, in his place, appointed bishop of York, he himself came, once upon a time, to the monastery [Map] of nuns, at the place called Wetadun, where the Abbess Heriburg then presided. "When we were come thither," said he, "and had been received with great and universal joy, the abbess told us, that one of the nuns, who was her own daughter after the flesh, laboured under a grievous sickness, for she had been lately let blood in the arm, and whilst she was under treatment, was seized with an attack of sudden pain, which speedily increased, while the wounded arm became worse, and so much swollen, that it could scarce be compassed with both hands; and she lay in bed like to die through excess of pain. Wherefore the abbess entreated the bishop that he would vouchsafe to go in and give her his blessing; for she believed that she would soon be better if he blessed her or laid his hands upon her. He asked when the maiden had been let blood, and being told that it was on the fourth day of the moon, said, 'You did very indiscreetly and unskilfully to let blood on the fourth day of the moon; for I remember that Archbishop Theodore, of blessed memory, said, that blood-letting at that time was very dangerous, when the light of the moon is waxing and the tide of the ocean is rising. And what can I do for the maiden if she is like to die? ".

But the abbess still earnestly entreated for her daughter, whom she dearly loved, and designed to make abbess in her stead, and at last prevailed with him to go in and visit the sick maiden. Wherefore he went in, taking me with him to the maid, who lay, as I said, in sore anguish, and her arm swelling so greatly that it could not be bent at all at the elbow; and he stood and said a prayer over her, and having given his blessing, went out. Afterwards, as we were sitting at table, at the usual hour, some one came in and called me out, saying, 'Quoenburg' (that was the maid's name) 'desires that you should immediately go back to her.' This I did, and entering the chamber, I found her of more cheerful countenance, and like one in good health. And while I was sitting beside her, she said, 'Shall we call for something to drink?'-'Yes,' said I, 'and right glad am I, if you can.' When the cup was brought, and we had both drunk, she said, 'As soon as the bishop had said the prayer for me and given me his blessing and had gone out, I immediately began to mend; and though I have not yet recovered my former strength, yet all the pain is quite gone both from my arm, where it was most burning, and from all my body, as if the bishop had carried it away with him; notwithstanding the swelling of the arm still seems to remain.' But when we departed thence, the cure of the pain in her limbs was followed by the assuaging of the grievous swelling; and the maiden being thus delivered from pains and death, returned praise to our Lord and Saviour, in company with His other servants who were there.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Watton Priory [Map]

In 1337 Margaret Despencer (age 18) died at Watton Priory [Map].

Bede. The same bishop John by his prayers healed a sick maiden.

The same Berthun told another miracle concerning the said bishop. When the most reverend Wilfrid, after a long banishment, was admitted to the bishopric of the church of Hagustald [Map], and the aforesaid John, upon the death of Bosa, a man of great sanctity and humility, was, in his place, appointed bishop of York, he himself came, once upon a time, to the monastery [Map] of nuns, at the place called Wetadun, where the Abbess Heriburg then presided. "When we were come thither," said he, "and had been received with great and universal joy, the abbess told us, that one of the nuns, who was her own daughter after the flesh, laboured under a grievous sickness, for she had been lately let blood in the arm, and whilst she was under treatment, was seized with an attack of sudden pain, which speedily increased, while the wounded arm became worse, and so much swollen, that it could scarce be compassed with both hands; and she lay in bed like to die through excess of pain. Wherefore the abbess entreated the bishop that he would vouchsafe to go in and give her his blessing; for she believed that she would soon be better if he blessed her or laid his hands upon her. He asked when the maiden had been let blood, and being told that it was on the fourth day of the moon, said, 'You did very indiscreetly and unskilfully to let blood on the fourth day of the moon; for I remember that Archbishop Theodore, of blessed memory, said, that blood-letting at that time was very dangerous, when the light of the moon is waxing and the tide of the ocean is rising. And what can I do for the maiden if she is like to die? ".

But the abbess still earnestly entreated for her daughter, whom she dearly loved, and designed to make abbess in her stead, and at last prevailed with him to go in and visit the sick maiden. Wherefore he went in, taking me with him to the maid, who lay, as I said, in sore anguish, and her arm swelling so greatly that it could not be bent at all at the elbow; and he stood and said a prayer over her, and having given his blessing, went out. Afterwards, as we were sitting at table, at the usual hour, some one came in and called me out, saying, 'Quoenburg' (that was the maid's name) 'desires that you should immediately go back to her.' This I did, and entering the chamber, I found her of more cheerful countenance, and like one in good health. And while I was sitting beside her, she said, 'Shall we call for something to drink?'-'Yes,' said I, 'and right glad am I, if you can.' When the cup was brought, and we had both drunk, she said, 'As soon as the bishop had said the prayer for me and given me his blessing and had gone out, I immediately began to mend; and though I have not yet recovered my former strength, yet all the pain is quite gone both from my arm, where it was most burning, and from all my body, as if the bishop had carried it away with him; notwithstanding the swelling of the arm still seems to remain.' But when we departed thence, the cure of the pain in her limbs was followed by the assuaging of the grievous swelling; and the maiden being thus delivered from pains and death, returned praise to our Lord and Saviour, in company with His other servants who were there.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Welton

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Melton Welton

Around 1275 Archbishop William Melton was born to Nicholas Melton (age 25) in Melton Welton.

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Whitgift

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Whitgift Ferry [Map]

On 03 Dec 1614 brothers John Sheffield, Edmund Sheffield (age 25) and Philip Sheffield (age 21) were drowned whilst attempting to cross the flooded River Ouse at the Whitgift Ferry, East Yorkshire [Map].

The River Ouse is formed by the confluence of the River Ure and River Swale around 900m south-west of Myton-on-Swale [Map]; there are other theories as to where it starts. Thereafter it flows broadly south-east through York [Map], past Cawood, North Yorkshire [Map], Selby, North Yorkshire [Map], Goole [Map] and the location of the former Whitgift Ferry, East Yorkshire [Map] before joining the Humber Estuary at Trent Falls [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Wilberfoss [Map]

Ermine Street 2e Brough to York. Having crossed the Humber Estuary to Petuaria [Map] Ermine Street continues north past South Newbald [Map], Shiptonthorpe [Map], Barmby [Map]. Ermine Street then follows either, or both of two routes. The first, Kexby Bridge [Map] to Eboracum [Map]. The second route suggests Ermine Street may have continued to Durham via Wilberfoss [Map], Stamford Bridge [Map] after whic it turned left for Eboracum [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Wressle

Europe, British Isles, England, East Yorkshire, Wressle Castle [Map]

In 1513 William Babthorpe (age 24) was appointed Constable of Wressle Castle.