Europe, British Isles, England, Welsh March, Shropshire, Ludlow Castle [Map]

Ludlow Castle is in Ludlow, Shropshire [Map].

Before 1106 Roger de Lacy undertook building works at Ludlow Castle [Map].

After 1106 Roger de Lacy died. His kinswoman Sybil de Lacy inherited Ludlow Castle [Map].

Around 1115 Payn Fitzjohn (age 29) and Sybil de Lacy were married. Through her marriage, Sybil transferred lands in several shires to her husband, including lands around Ludlow Castle [Map].

In 1139 Josce de Dinan and Sybil de Lacy were married by which he gained control of Ludlow Castle [Map]. The marriage arranged by King Stephen I England (age 45).

The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 2 Chapter 13. From Wenloch, we passed by the little cell of Brumfeld,180 the noble castle of Ludlow [Map], through Leominster [Map] to Hereford [Map] leaving on our right hand the districts of Melenyth and Elvel; thus (describing as it were a circle) we came to the same point from which we had commenced this laborious journey through Wales.

Note 180. It appears that a small college of prebendaries, or secular canons, resided at Bromfield in the reign of king Henry I.; Osbert, the prior, being recorded as a witness to a deed made before the year 1148. In 1155, they became Benedictines, and surrendered church and lands to the abbey of St. Peter's at Gloucester, whereupon a prior and monks were placed there, and continued till the dissolution. An ancient gateway and some remains of the priory still testify the existence of this religious house, the local situation of which, near the confluence of the rivers Oney and Teme, has been accurately described by Leland.

On 21 Oct 1314 Geoffrey Geneville 1st Baron Geneville (age 88) died at Trim County Meath. He was buried at Black Friary, Trim, County Meath. His granddaughter Joan Geneville Baroness Mortimer 2nd Baroness Geneville (age 28) succeeded 2nd Baroness Geneville. She and her husband Roger Mortimer 1st Earl March (age 27) inherited the vast legacy of the de Lacy dynasty, including Ludlow Castle [Map].

On 11 Nov 1328 Roger Mortimer 2nd Earl March was born to Edmund Mortimer (age 25) and Elizabeth Badlesmere Countess Northampton (age 15) at Ludlow Castle [Map].

On 10 Dec 1376 Edmund Mortimer was born to Edmund Mortimer 3rd Earl March, Earl Ulster (age 24) and Philippa Plantagenet Countess March 5th Countess Ulster (age 21) at Ludlow Castle [Map]. He a great grandson of King Edward III of England.

In 1402 Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 24) was appointed Captain Ludlow Castle.

Death of Prince Arthur

On 02 Apr 1502 Prince Arthur Tudor (age 15) died at Ludlow Castle [Map]. Earl Chester extinct. The cause of death unknown other than being reported as "a malign vapour which proceeded from the air". Catherine of Aragon (age 16) had recovered.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 02 Apr 1502. And in Easter weeke followinge the saide Prince Arthure (age 15) deceased at Ludlowe [Map], in Wales, and was buried at Worcester [Map].b

Note b. Prince Arthur (age 15) died on the Saturday following Easter Sunday in 1503, being April 2nd, and was buried in Worcester cathedral on the 27th April.

On 14 Oct 1559 John Williams 1st Baron Williams (age 59) died at Ludlow Castle [Map]. He was buried at St Mary the Virgin Church, Thame. Isabel Williams (age 37) inherited Thame, Oxfordshire. His son Francis William 2nd Baron Thame succeeded 2nd Baron Williams of Thame although he died four months later at which time the Barony became extinct. Some sources don't mention Francis William 2nd Baron Thame regarding the Barony as extinct following the death of John Williams 1st Baron Williams (age 59).

On 22 Feb 1574 Ambrosia Sidney (age 9) died at Ludlow Castle [Map] where her father Henry Sidney (age 45) was President of the Council of the Marches in Wales.

Around 1755 Samuel Scott (age 53). Ludlow Castle [Map] with Dinham Weir, from the South-West