Biography of John Singer Sargent 1856-1925

John Singer Sargent 1856-1925 is in Painters.

Before 1854 [his father] Fitzwilliam Sargent (age 34) and [his mother] Mary Newbold Singer (age 27) were married.

On 12 Jan 1856 John Singer Sargent was born to Fitzwilliam Sargent (age 36) and Mary Newbold Singer (age 30) in Florence, Italy.

1879. John Singer Sargent (age 22). Portrait of Charles Auguste Émile Durand "Carolus Duran" (age 41).

Around 1880. John Singer Sargent (age 23). "A Street in Avignon [Map]".

Around 1880 to 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 23). "The Entrance to the Grand Canal".

Around 1880 to 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 23). Portrait of Eugenia Errázuriz (age 19)

Around 1880 to 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 23). "Pavement of St_Mark's_Cathedral,_Venice__QQxfG5Ix".

Around 1881 John Singer Sargent (age 24). Portrait of the artist's sister [his sister] Violet Sargent.

Violet Sargent: she was born to Fitzwilliam Sargent and Mary Newbold Singer.

1881. John Singer Sargent (age 24). "Dr Pozzi at Home". Portrait of the French gynaecologist and art collector Samuel Jean de Pozzi was Sargent's first large portrait of a male subject. It was first exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1882 under the title A Portrait, and then at the first Les XX exhibition in Brussels in 1884.

1882. John Singer Sargent (age 25). Portrait of Eleanor Beatrice Townsend (age 12). One of Sargent's earliest works, possibly influence by his study of the works of Diego Velázquez.

Eleanor Beatrice Townsend: In 1870 he was born to John Joseph Townsend. The sixth of seven children. In 1884 he died.

1882 to 1883. John Singer Sargent (age 25). Portrait of Virginie Amélie Avegno "Madame Gautreau" (age 22) Drinking a Toast.

Around 1882 to 1884. John Singer Sargent (age 25). Portrait of Madame Escudier.

Around 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 25). Portrait of Madame Escudier.

Around 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 25). "The Lady in Black", Portrait of Eugenia Errázuriz (age 21)

Around Oct 1882. John Singer Sargent (age 26). "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit". Painted in Paris in the autumn of 1882, one of a number of portraits of members of the American expatriate community that Sargent made in the French capital in the late 1870s and early 1880s. While the exact circumstances of this commission remain unknown, Sargent was a friend of the girls’ parents, Edward Darley Boit and Mary Louisa Cushing Boit. Sargent titled the painting Portraits of Children and displayed it in December 1882 in an exhibition at the gallery of the French dealer Georges Petit, who specialized in works by an international group of artists who were more modern than many of the painters who showed at the Salon, but less innovative than the Impressionists. The picture received generally good reviews, and Sargent decided to display it again the following spring, this time at the Salon, the annual state-run exhibition in Paris that was an important venue for artists seeking to build their reputations.

1883. John Singer Sargent (age 26). Study for Madame X. Virginie Amélie Avegno "Madame Gautreau" (age 23).

1883. John Singer Sargent (age 26). Portrait of Olivia Richardson.

Around 1883 to 1884. John Singer Sargent (age 26). Portrait of Eugenia Errázuriz (age 22)

1884. John Singer Sargent (age 27). "Mrs Albert Vickers". Portrait of Edith Foster.

Edith Foster: Before 1884 Albert Vickers and she were married.

1884. John Singer Sargent (age 27). A photo of the painting "Madame X" before the artist changed the right shoulder strap to be more acceptable to the public.

1884. John Singer Sargent (age 27). "Madame X". Portrait of Virginie Amélie Avegno "Madame Gautreau" (age 24).

1884. John Singer Sargent (age 27). "The Misses Vickers". Portrait of three sisters, Florence Evelyn Vickers, Mabel Frances Vickers, and Clara Mildred Vickers. The portrait was commissioned by their father, Colonel Thomas Vickers (age 50), a wealthy industrialist. First exhibited at the Salon of 1885 alongside a portrait of Mrs. Albert Vickers. Sargent later exhibited The Misses Vickers with Mrs. Albert Vickers and Portrait of Mrs. Robert Harrison at the Royal Academy in 1886.

Thomas Vickers: On 09 Jul 1833 he was born to Edward Vickers and Anne Naylor. In 1860 he and Frances Mary Douglas were married. On 19 Oct 1915 he died.

In 1887 Ightham Mote, Kent was rented by American railway magnate William Jackson Palmer and his family and for three years became a centre for artists and writers of the Aesthetic Movement, with visitors including John Singer Sargent (age 30), Henry James and Ellen Terry (age 39)s.

1888. John Singer Sargent (age 31). Portrait of Maria Louisa Kissam.

Maria Louisa Kissam: she was born to Reverend Samuel Kissam and Margaret Hamilton Adams. In 1841 William Henry Vanderbilt and she were married.

1888. John Singer Sargent (age 31). Portrait of Cornelius Vanderbilt II (age 44).

Cornelius Vanderbilt II: On 11 Nov 1843 he was born to William Henry Vanderbilt and Maria Louisa Kissam at Staten Island. On 04 Feb 1867 Cornelius Vanderbilt II and Alice Claypoole Gwynne were married at the Church of the Incarnation, Madison Avenue. On 12 Sep 1899 Cornelius Vanderbilt II died at his home 1 West 57th Street, Manhattan.

1888. John Singer Sargent (age 31). Portrait of Mary Barrett.

Mary Barrett: Before 13 Apr 1869 Jacob Wendell and she were married.

Around 1889 John Singer Sargent (age 32). "Paul Helleu Sketching with His Wife".

1889. John Singer Sargent (age 32). "Elsie Palmer.

Elsie Palmer: he was born to William Jackson Palmer and Mary Lincoln Mellen.

1889. John Singer Sargent (age 32). Study for "Elsie Palmer.

1889-1890. John Singer Sargent (age 32). "Miss Elsie Palmer". Painted at Ightham Mote, Kent.

Around 1889 John Singer Sargent (age 32). Portrait of Madame Helleu.

1890. Giovanni Boldini (age 47). Portrait of John Singer Sargent (age 33).

1892. John Singer Sargent (age 35). Portrait of Elizabeth Eberstadt Lady Lewis (age 47).

Elizabeth Eberstadt Lady Lewis: On 27 Oct 1844 she was born. In or before 1868 George Henry Lewis 1st Baronet and she were married. On 24 Jul 1902 George Henry Lewis 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Lewis of Portland Place in Marylebone. She by marriage Lady Lewis of Portland Place in Marylebone. On 04 Sep 1931 she died.

1892. John Singer Sargent (age 35). "Mrs Carl Meyer and her Family". Adele Levis Lady Meyer (age 37) and her children Frank Meyer 2nd Baronet (age 5) and Elsie Charlotte Meyer (age 7).

Adele Levis Lady Meyer: In 1855 she was born. In 1883 Carl Ferdinand Meyer 1st Baronet and she were married. On 18 Jul 1910 Carl Ferdinand Meyer 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Meyer of Shortgrove. She by marriage Lady Meyer of Shortgrove. In 1930 she died.

Elsie Charlotte Meyer: In 1885 she was born to Carl Ferdinand Meyer 1st Baronet and Adele Levis Lady Meyer. In 1954 she died.

1892. John Singer Sargent (age 35) was commissioned by Andrew Agnew 9th Baronet (age 41) to paint a portrait of his wife Gertrude Vernon (age 27). The Portrait is titled Lady Agnew of Lochnaw.

Andrew Agnew 9th Baronet: On 14 Aug 1850 he was born to Andrew Agnew 8th Baronet and Mary Arabella Louisa Noel. On 15 Oct 1889 Andrew Agnew 9th Baronet and Gertrude Vernon were married. On 25 Mar 1892 Andrew Agnew 8th Baronet died. His son Andrew Agnew 9th Baronet succeeded 9th Baronet Agnew of Lochnaw in Wigtownshire. On 14 Jul 1928 Andrew Agnew 9th Baronet died.

Gertrude Vernon: In 1865 she was born to Gowran Charles Vernon. In Apr 1932 Gertrude Vernon died.

1896. John Singer Sargent (age 39). Portrait of Mrs Walter Bacon aka Virginia Purdy Barker (age 33).

Virginia Purdy Barker: On 20 Feb 1862 she was born to Smith Barker and Catherine Vanderbilt. On 16 Feb 1882 Walter Rathbone Bacon and she were married at Bordeaux. There was no issue from the marriage. On 07 Apr 1919 she died.

1897. Anders Zorn (age 36). Portrait of Mrs Walter Rathbone Bacon aka Virginia Purdy Barker (age 34). In 1917 American Art News described the painting as "the finest woman's portrait the Swedish modern master ever produced." When exhibited in 1897 at the Paris Salon it was admired by James Abbott McNeill Whistler (age 62) and John Singer Sargent (age 40).

In 1897 Emil Fuchs (age 30) moved to London where he was tutored by John Singer Sargent (age 40).

1898. John Singer Sargent (age 41). Portrait of Margaret Hyde "Daisy" Leiter (age 19).

Around 1900. John Singer Sargent (age 43). Portrait of the Sitwell Family including, left to right, Edith Sitwell (age 12), George Sitwell 2nd Baronet, Ida Emily Augusta Denison Lady Sitwell (age 31), Sacheverell Reresby Sitwell 6th Baronet (age 2) and Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell 5th Baronet (age 7).

1901. John Singer Sargent (age 44). Portrait of sisters Helena aka Ena Wertheimer (age 26) and Betty Wertheimer (age 23).

Helena aka Ena Wertheimer: On 27 Sep 1874 she was born to Asher Ezra Wertheimer. On 24 Mar 1936 she died.

Betty Wertheimer: On 16 Aug 1877 she was born to Asher Ezra Wertheimer. On 15 Jul 1953 she died.

Around 1901. John Singer Sargent (age 44). Portrait of Ethel Adeline Pottinger Baroness Knaresborough (age 37).

Ethel Adeline Pottinger Baroness Knaresborough: In 1864 she was born to Henry Pottinger 3rd Baronet. On 21 Apr 1885 Henry Meysey-Thompson 1st Baron Knaresborough and she were married. In 1922 she died.

1901. John Singer Sargent (age 44). Portrait of Alfred Wertheimer (age 24).

Alfred Wertheimer: On 08 Aug 1876 he was born to Asher Ezra Wertheimer. On 18 Sep 1902 he died.

1901. John Singer Sargent (age 44). Portrait of John Ridgeley Carter (age 36).

John Ridgeley Carter: On 02 Mar 1864 he was born. Before 02 Mar 1888 he and Alice Morgan were married. On 07 Sep 1965 he died.

In 1902 John Singer Sargent (age 45). Portrait of Winifred Anna Dallas Yorke Duchess Portland (age 38).

1902. John Singer Sargent (age 45). Portrait of Alexandra Georgette Christian (age 37) known as Mrs Philip Leslie Agnew (age 38).

Alexandra Georgette Christian: Philip Leslie Agnew and she were married. In 1865 she was born. On 12 Jun 1957 she died.

Philip Leslie Agnew: On 30 Jun 1863 he was born to William Agnew 1st Baronet. On 05 Mar 1938 he died.

1904. John Singer Sargent (age 47). Portrait of Helen Venetia Duncombe Viscountess D'Abernon (age 38).

1904. John Singer Sargent (age 47). Portrait of Millicent Fanny St Clair-Erskine Duchess of Sutherland (age 36).

In or after 1904 John Singer Sargent (age 47). Portrait of Charles Stewart Vane-Tempest-Stewart 6th Marquess Londonderry (age 51).

1905. John Singer Sargent (age 48). Portrait of Frances Evelyn "Daisy" Maynard Countess Warwick (age 43) and her son Maynard Greville (age 6).

Maynard Greville: On 21 Mar 1898 he was born to Francis Greville 5th Earl Warwick 5th Earl Brooke and Frances Evelyn "Daisy" Maynard Countess Warwick. Some sources describe his father as Joseph Frederick Laycock. In 1967 Maynard Greville died.

1905. John Singer Sargent (age 48). Portrait of the Spencer-Church family including Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill 9th Duke of Marlborough (age 33), Consuelo Vanderbilt Duchess of Marlborough (age 27), John Albert William Spencer-Churchill 10th Duke of Marlborough (age 7) and Ivor Charles Spencer-Churchill (age 6).

Consuelo Vanderbilt Duchess of Marlborough: On 02 Mar 1877 she was born to William Kissam Vanderbilt and Alva Erskine Smith at New York. On 06 Nov 1895 Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill 9th Duke of Marlborough and she were married at St Thomas' Church New York. She by marriage Duchess Marlborough. The marriage arranged by Mary "Minnie" Fiske Stevens and encouraged by mother Alva Erskine Smith. The marriage was unhappy; they seperated in 1906 and the mariage was annulled on 19 Aug 1926. He the son of George Charles Spencer-Churchill 8th Duke of Marlborough and Albertha Frances Anne Hamilton Duchess of Marlborough. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. On 06 Dec 1964 Consuelo Vanderbilt Duchess of Marlborough died.

Ivor Charles Spencer-Churchill: On 14 Oct 1898 he was born to Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill 9th Duke of Marlborough and Consuelo Vanderbilt Duchess of Marlborough. On 17 Sep 1956 Ivor Charles Spencer-Churchill died.

1905. John Singer Sargent (age 48). Portrait of Margaret Hyde "Daisy" Leiter (age 26).

In 1905 John Singer Sargent (age 48). "A Vele Gonfie". Portrait of sisters Helena aka Ena Wertheimer (age 30) and Betty Wertheimer (age 27).

In 1905 John Singer Sargent (age 48). Portrait of Adele Beach Grant Countess Essex (age 38).

Around 1905 John Singer Sargent (age 48). Portrait of Eugenia Errázuriz (age 44)

1906. John Singer Sargent (age 49). Portrait of Edgar Vincent 1st Viscount D'Abernon (age 48).

1906. John Singer Sargent (age 49) Portrait of Lillian Maud Glen Coats Duchess Wellington (age 21).

1906. John Singer Sargent (age 49). Portrait of Gladys Moore Vanderbilt Countess Széchenyi (age 19).

Gladys Moore Vanderbilt Countess Széchenyi: On 27 Aug 1886 she was born to Cornelius Vanderbilt II and Alice Claypoole Gwynne. On 27 Jan 1908 Count László Széchenyi de Sárvár-Felsővidék and she were married. On 29 Jan 1965 Gladys Moore Vanderbilt Countess Széchenyi died.

In 1906 [his mother] Mary Newbold Singer (age 80) died.

1906. John Singer Sargent (age 49). Self-portrait.

1907. John Singer Sargent (age 50). Portrait of Aline Caroline de Rothschild (age 39).

Aline Caroline de Rothschild: On 21 Oct 1867 she was born to Gustave Samuel de Rothschild and Cécile Anspach at her parents home on Avenue Marigny Paris in Paris. On 19 Oct 1887 Edward Albert Sassoon 2nd Baronet and she were married two days before her twentieth birthday in a ceremony in the synagogue at the Rue de la Victoire in Paris. The couple set up home at 25 Kensington Gore, where Aline, a talented artist, set up her own studio. On 28 Jul 1909 Aline Caroline de Rothschild died.

1907. John Singer Sargent (age 50) Portrait of Olga de Meyer (age 35).

Olga de Meyer: On 08 Aug 1871 she was born at 14 William Street Lowndes Square. Possibly a daughter of the Prince of Wales. On 06 Jan 1931 she died.

1907.John Singer Sargent (age 50). Portrait of Clara Annabel Caroline Huth-Jackson nee Duff (age 36).

Clara Annabel Caroline Huth-Jackson nee Duff: On 25 Dec 1870 she was born to Mountstuart Grant Duff. In 1894 Frederick Huth Jackson and she were married. On 01 Dec 1944 she died.

1908 John Singer Sargent (age 51). Portrait of Nancy Witcher Langhorne Viscountess Astor (age 28).

Nancy Witcher Langhorne Viscountess Astor: On 19 May 1879 she was born. In May 1906 Waldorf Astor 2nd Viscount Astor and she were married. The groom's father gave the couple the family estate of Cliveden, Buckinghamshire. On 02 May 1964 she died.

In 1908 John Singer Sargent (age 51). Portrait of Betty Wertheimer (age 30).

In 1908 John Singer Sargent (age 51). Portrait of Cora Smith Countess Strafford.

Cora Smith Countess Strafford: On 06 Dec 1898 Henry Byng 4th Earl Strafford and she were married. She by marriage Countess Strafford. He the son of George Byng 2nd Earl Strafford and Agnes Paget. On 11 Oct 1932 she died.

In 1908 John Singer Sargent (age 51). Portrait of Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 57).

1908. John Singer Sargent (age 51). Portrait of Mildred Carter Countess Gosford (age 19).

Mildred Carter Countess Gosford: On 02 Mar 1888 she was born to John Ridgeley Carter and Alice Morgan in Cambridge, Massachusetts. On 07 Sep 1965 she died.

Feb 1908 John Singer Sargent (age 52). Drawing of Elsie Charlotte Meyer (age 23).

1910. John Singer Sargent (age 53). Portrait of Archbishop Randall Davidson (age 61).

1913. John Singer Sargent (age 56). Portrait of Sybil Sassoon Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 18).

1914. John Singer Sargent (age 57). "Crashed Aeroplane".

1914. John Singer Sargent (age 57). Portrait of Douglas Vickers (age 52)

Douglas Vickers: On 24 Jul 1861 he was born to Thomas Vickers and Frances Mary Douglas. In 1893 he and Katharine Adelaide Chetwynd were married. On 23 Nov 1937 he died.

In 1915 John Singer Sargent (age 58). Portrait of Edward Wyndham Tennant (age 17).

Edward Wyndham Tennant: On 01 Jul 1897 he was born to Edward Tennant 1st Baron Glenconner and Pamela Wyndham Viscountess Grey.

1918. John Singer Sargent (age 61). Study for "Gassed"

1918. John Singer Sargent (age 61). "A Street in Arras".

1919. John Singer Sargent (age 62). "Gassed". The painting is on permanent display at the Imperial War Museum, London.

1922. John Singer Sargent (age 65). Portrait of Sybil Sassoon Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 27).

Before 14 Apr 1925 John Singer Sargent (age 69). His last portrait the sitter being Grace Elvina Hinds Marchioness Curzon Kedleston (age 39).

On 14 Apr 1925 John Singer Sargent (age 69) died suddenly at his home in Chelsea.