Biography of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders 1012-1067

Paternal Family Tree: Flanders

1051 Banishment of the Godwins

1054 Battle of Lille

1065 Exile of Tostig

Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders succeeded V Count Flanders. Adela Capet Duchess Normandy by marriage Countess Flanders.

On 30 Mar 987 [his grandfather] Arnulf II Count Flanders (age 27) died. His son [his father] Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders (age 7) succeeded IV Count Flanders.

In 1012 [his father] Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders (age 32) and [his mother] Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders were married. She by marriage Countess Flanders. He the son of Arnulf II Count Flanders and Rozala of Italy.

On 19 Aug 1012 Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders was born to Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders (age 32) and Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders at Arras.

On 25 Jan 1016 Renauld I Count of Nevers (age 11) and [his future sister-in-law] Hedwig Capet Couness Nevers (age 13) were married. She the daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France (age 43) and Constance Arles Queen Consort France (age 30).

In 1028 Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 15) and Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Robert "Pious" II King France (age 55) and Constance Arles Queen Consort France (age 42). He the son of Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders (age 48) and Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders.

In 1030 [his son] Baldwin VI Count Flanders I Count Hainault was born to Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 17) and [his wife] Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 21).

Around 1031 [his daughter] Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England was born to Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 18) and [his wife] Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 22).

In 1033 [his son] Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders was born to Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 20) and [his wife] Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 24).

In 1035 [his father] Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders (age 55) died.

In 1036 [his mother] Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders died.

John of Worcester. 1037. Harold (age 21), king of Mercia and Northumbria, was elected by the nobles, and the whole people, king of all England; Hardicanute (age 19) being entirely deposed, because he wasted his time in Denmark, and deferred coming over, as he was requested. His mother Elfgiva (age 52), formerly queen of England, was banished from the kingdom, without mercy, at the beginning of winter. As soon as a ship could be got ready she sailed for Flanders, where she received an honourable welcome from the noble count Baldwin (age 24), who, with a liberality becoming his rank, took care that she should be freely supplied with all things needful, as long as she required it. A little before this, the same year, Ælfic, dean of Evesham, a man of deep piety, died.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1046. This year died Lifting, the eloquent bishop, on the tenth day before the calends of April. He had three bishoprics; one in Devonshire, one in Cornwall, and another in Worcestershire. Then succeeded Leofric, who was the king's priest, to Devonshire and to Cornwall, and Bishop Aldred to Worcestershire. This year died Elfwine, Bishop of Winchester, on the fourth day before the calends of September; and Stigand, Bishop of Norfolk, was raised to his see. Ere this, in the same year, died Grimkytel, Bishop of Sussex; and he lies at Christ-church, in Canterbury. And Heca, the king's priest, succeeded to the bishopric. Sweyne also sent hither, and requested the aid of fifty ships against Magnus (age 22), king of the Norwegians; but it was thought unwise by all the people, and it was prevented, because that Magnus (age 22) had a large navy: and he drove Sweyne (age 27) out, and with much slaughter won the land. The Danes then gave him much money, and received him as king. The same year Magnus (age 22) died. The same year also Earl Sweyne (age 25) went out to Baldwin's (age 33) land, to Bruges [Map]; and remained there all the winter. In the summer he departed.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1047. This year died Athelstan, Abbot of Abingdon, on the fourth day before the calends of April; and Sparhawk, monk of St. Edmundsbury, succeeded him. Easter day was then on the third day before the nones of April; and there was over all England very great loss of men this year also. The same year came to Sandwich, Kent [Map] Lothen and Irling, with twenty-five ships, and plundered and took incalculable spoil, in men, and in gold, and in silver, so that no man wist what it all was; and went then about Thanet [Map], and would there have done the same; but the land-folk firmly withstood, and resisted them both by land and sea, and thence put them to flight withal. They betook themselves thence into Essex, where they plundered and took men, and whatsoever they could find, whence they departed eastward to Baldwin's (age 34) land, and having deposited the booty they had gained, they returned east to the place whence they had come before.

John of Worcester. 1049. The emperor Henry (age 31) assembled a vast army against Baldwin (age 36), count of Flanders, chiefly because he had burnt and ruined his stately palace at Nimeguen. In this expedition were pope Leo, and many great and noble men from various countries. Sweyn (age 30), king of Denmark, was also there with his fleet at the emperor's command, and swore fealty to the emperor for that occasion. He sent also to Edward (age 46), king of England, and requested him not to let Baldwin (age 36) escape, if he should retreat to the sea. In consequence, the king went with a large fleet to the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map], and remained there until the emperor had obtained of Baldwin (age 36) all he desired. Meanwhile, earl Sweyn (age 28), son of earl Godwin (age 48) and Githa, who had left England and gone to Denmark, because he was not permitted to marry Edgiva, abbess of the monastery of Leominster, whom he had debauched, returned with eight ships, alleging falsely that he would now remain loyally with the king.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1049. Then the king and all the army proclaimed Sweyne (age 28) an outlaw. A little before this the men of Hastings and thereabout fought his two ships with their ships, and slew all the men, and brought the ships to Sandwich, Kent [Map] to the king. Eight ships had he, ere he betrayed Beorn; afterwards they all forsook him except two; whereupon he went eastward to the land of Baldwin (age 36), and sat there all the winter at Bruges [Map], in full security. In the same year came up from Ireland thirty-six ships on the Welsh coast, and thereabout committed outrages, with the aid of Griffin, the Welsh king. The people were soon gathered against them, and there was also with them Bishop Eldred, but they had too little assistance, and the enemy came unawares on them very early in the morning, and slew on the spot many good men; but the others burst forth with the bishop. This was done on the fourth day before the calends of August. This year died the good Bishop Ednoth in Oxfordshire; and Oswy, Abbot of Thomey; and Wulfnoth, Abbot of Westminster; and King Edward (age 46) gave the bishopric which Ednoth had to Ulf his priest, but it ill betided him; and he was driven from it, because he did nought like a bishop therein, so that it shameth us now to say more. Bishop Siward also died who lies at Abingdon.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1049. [Note 62] This year the emperor gathered an innumerable army against Baldwin of Bruges (age 36), because he had destroyed the palace of Nimeguen, and because of many other ungracious acts that he did against him. The army was immense that he had collected together. There was Leo, the Pope of Rome, and the patriarch, and many other great men of several provinces. He sent also to King Edward (age 46), and requested of him naval aid, that he might not permit him to escape from him by water. Whereupon he went to Sandwich, Kent [Map], and lay there with a large naval armament, until the emperor had all that he wished of Baldwin (age 36). Thither also came back again Earl Sweyne (age 28), who had gone from this land to Denmark, and there ruined his cause with the Danes. He came hither with a pretence, saying that he would again submit to the king, and be his man; and he requested Earl Beorn to be of assistance to him, and give him land to feed him on. But Harold (age 27), his brother, and Earl Beorn resisted, and would give him nothing of that which the king had given them. The king also refused him everything. Whereupon Sweyne (age 28) retired to his ships at Bosham. Then, after the settlement between the emperor and Baldwin (age 36), many ships went home, and the king remained behind Sandwich, Kent [Map] with a few ships. Earl Godwin (age 48) also sailed forty-two ships from Sandwich, Kent [Map] to Pevensey [Map], and Earl Beorn went with him.

Note 62. So Florence of Worcester, whose authority we here follow for the sake of perspicuity, though some of these events are placed in the MSS. to very different years; as the story of Beorn.

Before 1051 [his son-in-law] King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 23) and [his daughter] Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 38) and Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 41). He the illegitmate son of Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy and Herleva Falaise. They were third cousin once removed.

Banishment of the Godwins

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1051. This year came Archbishop Robert hither over sea with his pall from Rome, one day before St. Peter's eve: and he took his archiepiscopal seat at Christ-church on St. Peter's day, and soon after this went to the king. Then came Abbot Sparhawk to him with the king's writ and seal, to the intent that he should consecrate him Bishop o[oe] London; but the archbishop refused, saying that the pope had forbidden him. Then went the abbot to the archbishop again for the same purpose, and there demanded episcopal consecration; but the archbishop obstinately refused, repeating that the pope had forbidden him. Then went the abbot to London, and sat at the bishopric which the king had before given him, with his full leave, all the summer and the autumn. Then during the same year came Eustace (age 36), who had the sister of King Edward (age 48) to wife, from beyond sea, soon after the bishop, and went to the king; and having spoken with him whatever he chose, he then went homeward. When he came to Canterbury eastward, there took he a repast, and his men; whence he proceeded to Dover, Kent [Map]. When he was about a mile or more on this side Dover, Kent [Map], he put on his breast-plate; and so did all his companions: and they proceeded to Dover. When they came thither, they resolved to quarter themselves wherever they lived. Then came one of his men, and would lodge at the house of a master of a family against his will; but having wounded the master of the house, he was slain by the other. Then was Eustace (age 36) quickly upon his horse, and his companions upon theirs; and having gone to the master of the family, they slew him on his own hearth; then going up to the boroughward, they slew both within and without more than twenty men. The townsmen slew nineteen men on the other side, and wounded more, but they knew not how many. Eustace (age 36) escaped with a few men, and went again to the king (age 48), telling him partially how they had fared. The king (age 48) was very wroth with the townsmen, and sent off Earl Godwin (age 50), bidding him go into Kent with hostility to Dover, Kent [Map]. For Eustace (age 36) had told the king that the guilt of the townsmen was greater than his. But it was not so: and the earl (age 50) would not consent to the expedition, because he was loth to destroy his own people. Then sent the king after all his council, and bade them come to Gloucester nigh the after-mass of St. Mary. Meanwhile Godwin (age 50) took it much to heart, that in his earldom such a thing should happen. Whereupon be began to gather forces over all his earldom, and Earl Sweyne (age 30), his son, over his; and Harold (age 29), his other son, over his earldom: and they assembled all in Gloucestershire, at Langtree, Gloucestershire, a large and innumerable army, all ready for battle against the king; unless Eustace (age 36) and his men were delivered to them handcuffed, and also the Frenchmen that were in the castle. This was done seven nights before the latter mass of St. Mary, when King Edward (age 48) was sitting at Gloucester. Whereupon he sent after Earl Leofric, and north after Earl Siward (age 41), and summoned their retinues. At first they came to him with moderate aid; but when they found how it was in the south, then sent they north over all their earldom, and ordered a large force to the help of their lord. So did Ralph also over his earldom. Then came they all to Gloucester to the aid of the king (age 48), though it was late. So unanimous were they all in defence of the king (age 48), that they would seek Godwin's (age 50) army if the king (age 48) desired it. But some prevented that; because it was very unwise that they should come together; for in the two armies was there almost all that was noblest in England. They therefore prevented this, that they might not leave the land at the mercy of our foes, whilst engaged in a destructive conflict betwixt ourselves. Then it was advised that they should exchange hostages between them. And they issued proclamations throughout to London, whither all the people were summoned over all this north end in Siward's (age 41) earldom, and in Leofric's, and also elsewhere; and Earl Godwin (age 50) was to come thither with his sons to a conference; They came as far as Southwark, Surrey [Map], and very many with them from Wessex; but his army continually diminished more and more; for they bound over to the king (age 48) all the thanes that belonged to Earl Harold (age 29) his son, and outlawed Earl Sweyne (age 30) his other son. When therefore it could not serve his purpose to come to a conference against the king (age 48) and against the army that was with him, he went in the night away. In the morning the king (age 48) held a council, and proclaimed him an outlaw, with his whole army; himself (age 50) and his wife, and all his three sons - Sweyne (age 30) and Tosty (age 25) and Grith (age 19). And he went south to Thorney67, with his wife, and Sweyne (age 30) his son, and Tosty (age 25) and his [his half-sister] wife (age 18), a cousin of Baldwin of Bruges (age 38) [Note. Judith Flanders Duchess Bavaria (age 18) was a sister of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 38)], and his son Grith (age 19). Earl Harold (age 29) with Leofwine (age 16) went to Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map] in the ship that Earl Sweyne (age 30) had before prepared and provisioned for himself; and the king (age 48) sent Bishop Aldred from London with his retinue, with orders to overtake him ere he came to ship. But they either could not or would not: and he then went out from the mouth of the Avon; but he encountered such adverse weather, that he got off with difficulty, and suffered great loss. He then went forth to Ireland, as soon as the weather permitted. In the meantime the Welshmen had wrought a castle in Herefordshire, in the territory of Earl Sweyne (age 30), and brought as much injury and disgrace on the king's (age 48) men thereabout as they could. Then came Earl Godwin (age 50), and Earl Sweyne (age 30), and Earl Harold (age 29), together at Beverstone [Map], and many men with them; to the intent that they might go to their natural lord, and to all the peers that were assembled with him; to have the king's (age 48) counsel and assistance, and that of all the peers, how they might avenge the insult offered to the king (age 48), and to all the nation. But the Welshmen were before with the king (age 48), and betrayed the earls, so that they were not permitted to come within the sight of his eyes; for they declared that they intended to come thither to betray the king (age 48). There was now assembled before the king (age 48)68 Earl Siward (age 41), and Earl Leofric, and much people with them from the north: and it was told Earl Godwin (age 50) and his sons, that the king (age 48) and the men who were with him would take counsel against them; but they prepared themselves firmly to resist, though they were loth to proceed against their natural lord. Then advised the peers on either side, that they should abstain from all hostility: and the king (age 48) gave God's peace and his full friendship to each party. Then advised the king (age 48) and his council, that there should be a second time a general assembly of all the nobles in London, at the autumnal equinox: and the king (age 48) ordered out an army both south and north of the Thames, the best that ever was. Then was Earl Sweyne (age 30) proclaimed an outlaw; and Earl Godwin (age 50) and Earl Harold (age 29) were summoned to the council as early as they could come. When they came thither and were cited to the council, then required they security and hostages, that they might come into the council and go out without treachery. The king (age 48) then demanded all the thanes that the earls had; and they put them all into his hands. Then sent the king (age 48) again to them, and commanded them to come with twelve men to the king's (age 48) council. Then desired the earl again security and hostages, that he might answer singly to each of the things that were laid to his charge. But the hostages were refused; and a truce of five nights was allowed him to depart from the land. Then went Earl Godwin (age 50) and Earl Sweyne (age 30) to Bosham [Map], and drew out their ships, and went beyond sea, seeking the protection of Baldwin (age 38); and there they abode all the winter. Earl Harold (age 29) went westward to Ireland, and was there all the winter on the king's (age 48) security.

It was from Thorney69 that Godwin (age 50) and those that were with him went to Bruges [Map], to Baldwin's (age 38) land, in one ship, with as much treasure as they could lodge therein for each man. Wonderful would it have been thought by every man that was then in England, if any person had said before this that it would end thus! For he was before raised to such a height, that he ruled the king (age 48) and all England; his sons were earls, and the king's (age 48) darlings; and his daughter (age 25) wedded and united to the king (age 48). Soon after this took place, the king (age 48) dismissed the lady (age 25) who had been consecrated his queen, and ordered to be taken from her all that she had in land, and in gold, and in silver, and in all things; and committed her to the care of his sister at Wherwell [Map]. Soon after came [his son-in-law] Earl William (age 23) from beyond sea with a large retinue of Frenchmen; and the king (age 48) entertained him and as many of his companions as were convenient to him, and let him depart again. Then was Abbot Sparhawk driven from his bishopric at London; and William (age 23) the king's priest was invested therewith. Then was Oddy appointed earl over Devonshire, and over Somerset, and over Dorset, and over Wales; and Algar, the son of Earl Leofric, was promoted to the earldom which Harold (age 29) before possessed.

Note 67. The ancient name of Westminster; which came into disuse because there was another Thorney in Cambridgeshire.

Note 68. i.e. at Gloucester, according to the printed Chronicle; which omits all that took place in the meantime at London and Southwark.

Note 69. Now Westminster.

John of Worcester. 08 Sep 1051. Meanwhile, Godwin (age 50) and his sons [Note. Sweyn (age 30), Harold (age 29), Tostig (age 25), Gyrth (age 19), Leofwine (age 16) and Wulfnoth (age 11); it isn't clear whether all were present?], with their respective armies, entered Gloucestershire after the feast of the nativity of St. Mary [8th September], and encamping at a place called Langtreo, sent envoys to the king at Gloucester, demanding the surrender of count Eustace (age 36) and his followers, as well as of the Normans and men of Boulogne, who were in possession of the castle on the cliff at Dover, Kent [Map], on pain of hostilities. The king, alarmed for a time at this message, was in great distress, and in the utmost perplexity what to do. But when he found that the troops of the earls Leofric, Siward (age 41), and Ralph were on their march, he replied with firmness that he would by no means consent to give up Eustace (age 36) and the rest who were demanded. On hearing this, the envoys returned from their bootless errand. As they were departing, the army entered Gloucester, so exasperated, and unanimously ready to fight, that, if the king had given permission, they would have instantly engaged earl Godwin's (age 50) army. But earl Leofric considering that all the men of greatest note in England were assembled either on his side or the other, it appeared to him and some others a great folly to fight with their own countrymen, and he proposed that, hostages having been given by both parties, the king and Godwin (age 50) should meet at London on a day appointed, and settle their controversy in a legal way. This advice being approved, and after the exchange of messages, hostages having been given and received, the earl (age 50) returned into Wessex; and the king assembled a more powerful army from the whole of Mercia and Northumbria, and led it to London. Meanwhile, Godwin (age 50) and his sons came to Southwark with a vast multitude of the people of Wessex; but his army gradually dwindling away and deserting him, he did not venture to abide the judgment of the king's court, but fled, under cover of night. When, therefore, the morning came, the king, in his witan, with the unanimous consent of the whole army, made a decree that Godwin (age 50) and his five sons should be banished. Thereupon he and his wife Githa, and Tosti (age 25) and his wife [his half-sister] Judith (age 18), the daughter of Baldwin, count of Flanders, and two of his. other sons, namely, Sweyn (age 30) and Gurth (age 19), went, without loss of time, to Thorney, where a ship had been got ready for them. They quickly laded her with as much gold, silver, and other valuable articles as she could hold, and, embarking in great haste, directed her course towards Flanders and Baldwin (age 39) the count. His sons Harold (age 29) and Leofwine (age 16), making their way to Brycgstowe [Map], went on board a ship which their brother Sweyn (age 30) had prepared for them, and crossed over to Ireland. The king (age 48) repudiated the queen Edgitha (age 25), on account of his wrath against her father Godwin (age 50), and sent her in disgrace, with only a single handmaid, to Wherwell [Map], where she was committed to the custody of the abbess.67

Note 67. She was a sister of the king.

In 1052 [his sister-in-law] Constance Capet (age 38) died.

Battle of Lille

In 1054 Lambert Flanders II Count Lens (age 38) died at Lille during the Battle of Lille when fighting for Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 41).

In 1054 Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 41) fought against Henry "Black Pious" Salian III Holy Roman Emperor (age 36) at the Battle of Lille after Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 41) had seized Cambrai.

Before 1055 [his son] Baldwin VI Count Flanders I Count Hainault (age 25) and [his daughter-in-law] Richilde Countess Flanders and Hainault were married. She by marriage Countess Flanders, Countess Hainault. He the son of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 42) and Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 45).

In 1063 [his sister-in-law] Hedwig Capet Couness Nevers (age 60) died.

Before 1065 [his son] Robert "The Frisian" I Count Flanders (age 32) and [his daughter-in-law] Gertrude Billung Countess Holland (age 34) were married. She the daughter of Bernard II Duke of Saxony and Eilika Schweinfurt Duchess Saxony. He the son of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 52) and Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 55). They were second cousin twice removed.

Exile of Tostig

John of Worcester. 1065. Soon after the feast of St. Michael, the archangel, on Monday, the fifth of the nones [the 3rd] of October, the Northumbrian thanes, Gamelbearn, Dunstan, son of Athelneth, and Glonicorn, son of Heardulf, entered York with two hundred soldiers, to revenge the execrable murder of the noble Northumbrian thane, Cospatric, who was treacherously killed by order of queen Edgitha (age 39) at the king's court on the fourth night of Christmas, for the sake of her brother Tosti (age 39); as also the murder of the thanes Gamel, the son of Orm, and Ulf, the son of Dolfin, whom earl Tosti (age 39) had perfidiously caused to be assassinated in his own chamber at York, the year before, although there was peace between them. The insurgent thanes were also aggrieved by the enormous taxes which Tosti (age 39) unjustly levied through the whole of Northumbria. They therefore, on the day of their arrival, first seized his Danish house-carles, Amund and Ravenswart, as they were making their escape, and put them to death outside the walls, and the next day slew more than two hundred of his liege-men, on the north side of the river Humber. They also broke open his treasury, and retired carrying off all that belonged to him. After that, nearly all the men of his earldom assembled in a body, and met, at Northampton, Harold (age 43), earl of Wessex, and others whom the king, at Tosti's (age 39) request, had sent to restore peace between them. There first, and afterwards at Oxford, on the feast of the apostles St. Simon and St. Jude [28th October], when earl Harold (age 43) and the rest endeavoured to restore peace between them and earl Tosti (age 39), they all unanimously rejected the proposal, and outlawed him and all who had prompted him to enact the oppressive law; and after the feast of All-Saints [1st November], with the assistance of earl Edwin, they banished Tosti (age 39) from England. Thereupon he went, accompanied by his [his half-sister] wife (age 32), to Baldwin (age 52), earl of Flanders, and passed the winter at St. Omer. After this, king Edward (age 62) fell into a lingering sickness, but he held his court at London during Christmas as well as he was able, and on Holy Innocents' day caused the church, which he had built from the foundations [at Westminster], to be dedicated with great splendour to St. Peter, the prince of the apostles.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1066. Then Earl Tosty (age 39) and his [his half-sister] wife (age 32), and all they who acted with him, went south over sea with him to Earl Baldwin (age 53); who received them all: and they were there all the winter.

On 01 Sep 1067 Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders (age 55) died at Lille.

On 08 Jan 1079 [his former wife] Adela Capet Duchess Normandy (age 70) died at Messines.

Royal Ancestors of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders 1012-1067

Kings Wessex: Great x 4 Grand Son of King Alfred "The Great" of Wessex

Kings Franks: Great x 6 Grand Son of Louis "Pious" King Aquitaine I King Franks

Royal Descendants of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders 1012-1067

Agnes La Marck Queen Consort Navarre x 16

Isabella Burgundy Queen Consort Germany x 1

Matilda Flanders Queen Consort England x 1

Adela Flanders Queen Consort Denmark x 1

Isabelle Flanders Queen Consort France x 2

Matilda Dammartin Queen Consort Portugal x 1

Blanche Capet Queen Navarre x 1

Maria Reginar Queen Consort France x 3

Henry Luxemburg VII Holy Roman Emperor x 3

Margaret of Burgundy Queen Consort France x 2

Joan of Burgundy Queen Consort France x 2

Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France x 2

Blanche of Burgundy Queen Consort France x 2

Philip "Noble" III King Navarre x 2

Joan Évreux Queen Consort France x 2

Margaret Hainault Holy Roman Empress x 4

Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England x 4

Blanche Valois Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg x 2

Blanche Dampierre Queen Consort Norway and Sweden x 5

Joan Auvergne Queen Consort France x 2

Joanna Bourbon Queen Consort France x 8

Blanche Bourbon Queen Consort Castile x 8

Yolande of Bar Queen Consort Aragon x 9

King Louis of Naples x 7

Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford x 9

Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England x 5

Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland x 16

Charlotte Savoy Queen Consort France x 11

King Edward IV of England x 1

King Richard III of England x 1

Anne Neville Queen Consort England x 1

King Henry VII of England and Ireland x 1

Christina Queen Consort Denmark Norway and Sweden x 2

Louis XII King France x 16

Jean III King Navarre x 7

Bianca Maria Sforza Holy Roman Empress x 11

Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France x 6

Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile x 30

Germaine Foix Queen Consort Aragon x 16

Marguerite Valois Orléans Queen Consort Navarre x 30

King Francis I of France x 30

Queen Anne Boleyn of England x 1

Anne Jagiellon Holy Roman Empress x 8

Queen Jane Seymour x 2

Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England x 29

Mary of Guise Queen Consort Scotland x 83

Antoine King Navarre x 54

Queen Catherine Howard of England x 1

Jane "Nine Days Queen" Grey I Queen England and Ireland x 1

Louis VI Elector Palatine x 16

Louise Lorraine Queen Consort France x 54

King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland x 2

Maximilian "The Great" Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria I Elector Bavaria x 73

Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress x 73

Electress Louise Juliana of the Palatine Rhine x 19

Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor x 18

Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain x 18

Anna of Austria Holy Roman Empress x 2

Eleonora Gonzaga Queen Consort Bohemia x 22

Maria Leopoldine Habsburg Spain Queen Consort Bohemia x 18

Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal x 105

Victor Amadeus King Sardinia x 123

Maria Anna Neuburg Queen Consort Spain x 29

Joseph I Holy Roman Emperor x 29

Charles Habsburg Spain VI Holy Roman Emperor x 29

Francis I Holy Roman Emperor x 55

Elisabeth Therese Lorraine Queen Consort Sardinia x 55

President George Washington x 1

King George III of Great Britain and Ireland x 33

Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway x 33

Caroline of Brunswick Queen Consort England x 33

King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark x 66

Caroline Amalie Oldenburg Queen Norway x 4

Frederick VII King Denmark x 99

Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark x 66

King Christian IX of Denmark x 6

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom x 66

Queen Sophia of Sweden and Norway x 35

Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia x 198

King Edward VII of the United Kingdom x 198

Frederick Charles I King Finland x 66

Constantine I King Greece x 2

Alexandrine Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark x 101

Victoria Eugénie Mountbatten Queen Consort Spain x 198

Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden x 198

Ingrid Bernadotte Queen Consort Denmark x 198

Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh x 200

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom x 191

Sophia Glücksburg Queen Consort Spain x 4

Constantine II King Hellenes x 4

Carl XVI King Sweden x 406

Queen Consort Camilla Shand x 87

Diana Spencer Princess Wales x 774

Catherine Middleton Princess of Wales x 2

Ancestors of Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders 1012-1067

Great x 1 Grandfather: Baldwin III Count Flanders

Great x 2 Grandmother: Adela Vermandois Countess Flanders

Great x 4 Grandfather: Robert I King West Francia

Great x 3 Grandmother: Adela Capet Countess Vermandois, Soissons and Meaux

Great x 4 Grandmother: Aelis Unknown Queen Consort West Francia

GrandFather: Arnulf II Count Flanders

Great x 1 Grandmother: Matilda Billung Countess Flanders

Great x 2 Grandmother: Hildegard Westerburg Margrave Billung March

Father: Baldwin "Bearded" IV Count Flanders

Great x 2 Grandfather: Adalbert I Margrave of Ivrea

Great x 1 Grandfather: Berengar II King of Italy

GrandMother: Rozala of Italy

Great x 3 Grandfather: Theobald Count of Arles

Great x 2 Grandfather: Boso Unknown Margrave Tuscany

Great x 1 Grandmother: Willa Bosonids Queen Consort Italy

Baldwin "The Good" V Count Flanders

GrandFather: Frederick Luxemburg Ardennes

Great x 2 Grandfather: Eberhard IV Nordgau

Great x 1 Grandmother: Hedwig Nordgau

Mother: Ogive Luxemburg Countess Flanders

Great x 1 Grandfather: Heribert I Count Gleiberg Gleiburg

GrandMother: Ermentrude Gleiburg