Biography of Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" 1463-1538

Paternal Family Tree: Vaux

1471 Battle of Tewkesbury

1497 Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge

1509 Funeral of Henry VII

1513 New Years Day Gift Giving

Around 1463 Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" was born to William Vaux of Harrowden (age 27).

Battle of Tewkesbury

On 04 May 1471 King Edward IV of England (age 29) was victorious at the Battle of Tewkesbury. His brother Richard (age 18), Richard Beauchamp 2nd Baron Beauchamp Powick (age 36), John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 46), George Neville 4th and 2nd Baron Bergavenny (age 31), John Savage (age 49), John Savage (age 27), Thomas St Leger (age 31), John Tuchet 6th Baron Audley, 3rd Baron Tuchet (age 45), Thomas Burgh 1st Baron Burgh (age 40) fought. William Brandon (age 46), George Browne (age 31), Ralph Hastings, Richard Hastings Baron Willoughby (age 38), James Tyrrell (age 16), Roger Kynaston of Myddle and Hordley (age 38) were knighted. William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 40) commanded.

Margaret of Anjou (age 41) was captured. Her son Edward of Westminster Prince of Wales (age 17) was killed. He was the last of the Lancastrian line excluding the illegitmate Charles Somerset 1st Earl of Worcester (age 11) whose line continues to the present.

John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 36) was killed and attainted. Earl Devon, Baron Courtenay forfeit. Some sources refer to these titles as being abeyant?

John Wenlock 1st Baron Wenlock (age 71) was killed. Baron Wenlock extinct.

John Delves (age 49), Humphrey Tuchet (age 37), John Beaufort (age 30), [her father] William Vaux of Harrowden (age 35) and Robert Whittingham (age 42) were killed.

Edmund Beaufort 3rd Duke of Somerset (age 32) and Hugh Courtenay (age 44) were captured.

Henry Roos fought and escaped to Tewkesbury Abbey [Map] where he sought sanctuary. He was subsequently pardoned.

In or before 1474 [her future husband] Richard Guildford (age 24) and Ann Pympe (age 19) were married. His [her future father-in-law] father (age 43) had married, or would marry, her mother (age 42) each as their second spouse.

In 1489 [her son] Henry Guildford was born to [her future husband] Richard Guildford (age 39) and Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 26).

After 1490 Richard Guildford (age 40) and Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 27) were married.

Before 1496 [her step-son] Edward Guildford (age 22) and Eleanor West (age 14) were married.

Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge

On 17 Jun 1497 the Cornish rebel army was destroyed at the Battle of Blackheath aka Deptford Bridge.

[her husband] Richard Guildford (age 47) was created Knight Banneret.

Edward Stafford 2nd Earl Wiltshire (age 27), Henry Willoughby (age 46), Edward Belknapp of Blackfriars in London and Thomas Fiennes 8th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 25) fought at Deptford, Kent [Map].

Giles Brugge 6th Baron Chandos (age 35), John Hussey 1st Baron Hussey of Sleaford (age 32), Robert Sheffield (age 36), Edward Stanhope 1462-1487, John Peche (age 47) and Robert Constable (age 19) were knighted by King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 40).

Thomas West 8th Baron De La Warr 5th Baron West (age 40) commanded.

James Tuchet 7th Baron Audley, 4th Baron Tuchet (age 34) was captured by Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Thomas Deheubarth (age 19).

In or before 1500 Thomas Isley (age 14) and [her step-daughter] Elizabeth Guildford (age 11) were married.

In or before 1501 [her step-son] George Guildford (age 31) and Elizabeth Mortimer (age 22) were married.

In or before 1501 Matthew Browne (age 25) and [her step-daughter] Frideswide Guildford (age 18) were married.

On 14 Apr 1502 John Gage (age 22) and [her step-daughter] Philippa Guildford (age 22) were married.

In 1506 [her husband] Richard Guildford (age 56) died at Jerusalem.

Around 1508 [her former step-daughter] Philippa Guildford (age 28) died. She was buried at West Firle Church Firle, East Sussex.

Funeral of Henry VII

On 11 May 1509 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (deceased) was buried in the King Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey [Map]. Henry Willoughby (age 58) and Anthony Wingfield (age 22) attended. The ladies given mantelets and kerchiefs were as follows:

Household of Mary Tudor:

Mary Tudor Queen Consort France (age 13).

Catherine York Countess Devon (age 29).

Elizabeth Stafford Countess Sussex (age 30). Possibly Margaret Whetehill.

Anne Percy (age 65) or Anne Percy Countess Arundel (age 23).

Elizabeth Hussey Countess Kent.

Eleanor Pole (age 47).

Mary Brandon.

Elizabeth Empson.

Mary Scrope (age 33).

Jane Popincourt.

Alice Vaux.

Household of the Princess of Wales Catherine of Aragon:

Catherine of Aragon (age 23).

Agnes or Inez Vanegas.

Maria de Salinas Baroness Willoughby (age 19).

Household of Margaret Beaufort the King's Mother:

Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 65).

Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 46).

Mary Hussey Baroness Willoughby of Eresby (age 25).

In 1512 [her former step-daughter] Elizabeth Guildford (age 24) died.

In May 1512 [her son] Henry Guildford (age 23) and [her daughter-in-law] Margaret Bryan were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

1513 New Years Day Gift Giving

Letters. 01 Jan 1513. The following pieces of plate received from William Holland of London, goldsmith, 1 Jan. 4 Henry VIII.

[Given in three columns (1) name of a person (to whom the article has been presented); (2), description of the article; and (3), its weight.]

Bishop of Canterbury (age 63), a cup with a gilt cover, 34 oz.

Lady Hastings (age 30), the same, 30¾ oz.

Sir H. Marney (age 66), the same, 23 oz.

Mr. Lupton (age 57), the same, 23 oz.

Sir E. Ponyngs (age 54), the same, 22¼ oz.

The Abbot of Abingdon, the same, 23¾ oz.

Sir Edward Haward, the same, 24 oz.

The old Lady Guylford (age 50), a little pot gilt, 17 7/8 oz.

Lady Lucy, the same, 16 7/8 oz. [Possibly Catherine Hastings (age 35) who married John Melton of Aston Yorkshire 10th Baron Lucy (age 37) before 1506]

Lady Mountjoy, the same, 16 7/8 oz.

Lady Bulleyn (age 33), the same, 16½ oz.

Lord Audeley (age 30), a salt with a gilt cover, 15¾ oz.

The Queen's grace (age 27), a pair of great pots gilt, 575 oz.

Mrs. Catesby, a proper bottle for rose water, 4 oz.

Mrs. Briget, the same, 3 7/8 oz.

Mrs. Lacy, the same, 4 oz. Which, at 5s. the oz., is £212 11s 10½d.

James Worsley, a proper pot, parcel gilt, 10 oz. Copynger, 8 spoons, part gilt, 9¾ oz., Amadas. Which is, at 4s. the oz., 76s. 6d.

In part payment, old plate to the value of £194 16s. 8d. has been delivered to him. The remainder paid by J. Heron (age 43).

On the dorse [reverse]:-Holland beseeches the King to reward him for the workmanship of the Queen's great pots, "for he cannot live to make such curious work at the price within written"; and £6 13s. 4d. is added in another hand, making a total due of £28 5s. Signed by the King.

Ellis' Letters S1 V1 Letter XXXIX. 12 Oct 1514. Mary Queen of France (age 18) to King Henry the Eighth (age 23).

[MS. COTTON. CALIG. D. vi. fol. 253. Orig.]

MY good Brother (age 23) as hertly as I can I recomaund me unto your Grace, mervelynge moch that I never herd from you syns ... re depertynge, so often as I have sent and wrytten to you. And now am I left post a lone in effect; for on the morn next after . . e maryage my chambirlayn with all other men servants wer dischargd and in lyke wyse my mother Guldeford (age 51) with other my women and maydyns, except such as never had experiens nor knowlech how to advertyse or gyfe me counsell yn any tyme of nede, which is to be fered more schortly then your Grace thought at the tyme of my depertynge, as my mother Guldeford (age 51) can more playnly schew your Grace then I cann wryt; to whom I beseche you to gyve credens. And yf hit may be by eny meane possible, I humbly requyr you to cause my seyd mother Guldeford (age 51) to repayr hither once agayn. For ells if any chauns happe other then weale I schall not knowe wher nor of whom to aske any good counsell to your pleasur, nor yet to myn own proffit. I merveill moche that my Lord of Northfolke (age 41) wold at all tymes so lyghtly graunt every thynge at ther reqwests here. I am weale assured that when ze know the trouth of every thyng as my mother Guideford can schew you, ze wold full lyttyll have thowght I schold have ben thus intreated: that wold God my Lord of Zorke (age 41) had com with me yn the rome of Northfolke (age 41): for then am I sure I schuld have bene left moch more at my herti .... then I am now.

And thus I byd your Grace fare weale with .... as ever had Prince; and more herds ease then I have now ... a Abvile [Map] the xijth . day of October.

.... gef gredens to my mowder Geldeford.

Note B. your lowyng syster MARY QUENE OF FRANCE.

Note a. From.

Henry the Eighth and his Court accompanied the young Queen to Dover, whence on the second of October she sailed to Boulogne. She reached Abbeville on the 8th and was married on the 9th of that month. The original List of the persons who went in her retinue, signed by Louis himself, is still preserved among the Cottonian Manuscriptsb; though strange as it may seem, almost the whole were dismissed the morning after her marriage. "The Tewesdaye, being the x. daye of October," says Hall, "all th'Englishmen except a fewe that were officers with the sayde Quene, were discharged; whiche was a great sorowe for theim, for some had served her long in hope of prefermente, and some, that had honest romes, lefte them to serve her; and now they were with out service; which caused them to take thought, in so much that some dyed by the way returning, and some fell mad; but ther was no remedy." The Queen's own account of this Transaction will be found in this, and the following Letter. Mother Guldeford (age 51) who is so particularly mentioned in these Letters, was apparently the Governess, or, as she was sometimes called, the Mother to the Maids of Honor.

Note b. It was as follows:


Mons. le Conte de Nrushere.

Maistre docteur Denton aumosmer.

Messe. Richard Blounte escuyer de scuierie.

Enffans d'onneur: Le filz de Mons. Roos, Le filz de Mons. Cobham, Le filz de Messe. Seymor,

Evrard frere du Marquis.

Arthus Polle (age 12), frere de Monsr. de Montagu.

Le Poulayn.

Francoye Buddis, huissier de Chambre.

Maistre Guille, Medicin.

Henry Calays varler des robes.

Robert Wast.

Madamoyselle Grey, seur du Marquis. [Note. Possibly Elizabeth Grey Countess Kildare (age 17)]

Madamoyselle Marie finis fille de Monsr. Dacres. [Note. Possibly Mary Dacre (age 12)]

Madamoyselle Elizabet seur de Monsr. Grey.

Madamoyselle BOLEYNE. [Note. Unclear as to whether this is Queen Anne Boleyn of England (age 13) or Mary Boleyn (age 15)]

Maistres Anne Jenyngham (age 10). femme de Chambre.

Johanue Daruossc, chamberiere."

Ellis' Letters S1 V1 Letter XL. 12 Oct 1514. Mary Queen of France (age 18) to Thomas Wolsey (age 41), then Archbishop of York.

[MS. COTTON. CALIG. D. vi. fol. 143. Orig.]

... I recomaund me un to you as hertly as I can, and as schoth .... intreated as the kynge (age 23) and you thought I schuld have ben, for .... the morn next after the maryage, all my servants, both men and women . . a dyscharged. Insomoch that my mother Guldeford (age 51) was also dischargyd, whom as ze knowe the kynge and zou willed me in eny wyse to be cowncelled. But for eny thynge I myght do, yn no wyse myght I have any graunt for her abode here, which I assure you my lord is moch to my discomffort; besyd meny other discomffortis that ze wold full lyttyll have thought. I have not zet seen yn Fraunce eny lady or jentill woman so necessary for me as sche ys nor zet so mete to do the kynge my brother service as sche ys. And for my part my lord, as ze love the kynge my broder and me, fynd the meanes that sche may yn all hast com hither agayn, for I had as lefe lose the wynnynge I schall have yn France as to lose her counsell when I schall lacke it, which is not like long to be required, as I am sure the nobill men and jentillmen can schew you more then becometh me to wryte yn this matter. I pray you my Lord gyf credens forther to my moder Guldeford (age 51) yn every thyng concernynge thys matter. And albehit my Lord of Northfollke (age 41) h .. b nethyr deled best with me nor zet with her at thys tyme: zet I pray you allwayes to be good lord unto her. And wold to God my had ben so good o have had zou with me hither when I ha . . rd c of Northfolke. And thus fare ze weale

My Lord. Wryt ile a the xij the . daye of Octobr.

My Lord I pray you gyve credens to my .... ord yn my sorows she have delyve ... Yowr on whyl I lefe


To my lovynge frend Th'archebischop of Zorke.

In 1525 [her former step-daughter] Frideswide Guildford (age 43) died.

In 1525 [her former step-daughter] Maria Guildford (age 38) died.

Around 1526 [her future brother-in-law] John Poyntz (age 42) and Elizabeth Browne (age 25) were married.

Around 1527 [her son] Henry Guildford (age 38) and [her daughter-in-law] Mary Wotton (age 28) were married.

In May 1532 [her son] Henry Guildford (age 43) died.

In 1533 [her future husband] Anthony Poyntz (age 53) died.

Before 06 Sep 1533 Anthony Poyntz and Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 70) were married.

Before 06 Sep 1533 [her former husband] Anthony Poyntz and Elizabeth Huddersfield were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 1534 [her former step-son] Edward Guildford (age 60) and Joan Pidleston were married.

Before 1534 [her former step-son] George Guildford (age 64) died.

In 1534 [her former step-son] Edward Guildford (age 60) died.

On 04 Sep 1538 Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" (age 75) died.

Ancestors of Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford" 1463-1538

Great x 4 Grandfather: Elias Vaux

Great x 3 Grandfather: William Vaux

Great x 2 Grandfather: William Vaux

Great x 1 Grandfather: William Vaux

GrandFather: William Vaux

Father: William Vaux of Harrowden

Joan Vaux "Mother Guildford"