Biography of Joseph Highmore 1692-1780

On 13 Jun 1692 Joseph Highmore was born.

In 1700 Joseph Highmore (age 7). Portrait of Sackville Tufton 7th Earl of Thanet 1688-1753 (age 11).

Before 14 Dec 1702 Joseph Highmore (age 10). Portrait of Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 62) and Mary Offley (age 53).

Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet: On 05 Jul 1640 he was born to Thomas Aston 1st Baronet (age 39) and Anne Willoughby Lady Aston (age 26). On 24 Mar 1645 Thomas Aston 1st Baronet (age 44) died. His son Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 4) succeeded 2nd Baronet Aston of Aston. Before 17 Jan 1665 Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Mary Offley (age 15) were married. On 14 Dec 1702 Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 62) died. His son Thomas Aston 3rd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 3rd Baronet Aston of Aston.

Mary Offley: On 03 Feb 1649 she was born to John Offley (age 29) and Mary Broughton (age 27). On 22 Jan 1711 Mary Offley (age 61) died.

After 21 Mar 1726 Joseph Highmore (age 33). Portrait of Elizabeth Rooper Lady Dryden.

Elizabeth Rooper Lady Dryden: On 22 Sep 1726 John Dryden 7th Baronet and she were married. She by marriage Lady Dryden of Canons Ashby in Northamptonshire. On 07 May 1791 she died.

Around 1727. Joseph Highmore (age 34). Portrait of Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 40).

Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter: In 1687 she was born to (age 45) and Karoline von der Pfalz (age 27). On 26 May 1715 Robert Darcy 3rd Earl Holderness 1681-1721 (age 33) and Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 28) were married. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland 1566-1625. She by marriage Countess Holderness. She the daughter of (age 73) and Karoline von der Pfalz. On 18 Jun 1724 Benjamin Mildmay 1st Earl Fitzwalter (age 51) and Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 37) were married. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland 1566-1625. She the daughter of and Karoline von der Pfalz. In 1728 Charles Mildmay 18th Baron Fitzwalter (age 58) died without issue. His brother Benjamin Mildmay 1st Earl Fitzwalter (age 55) succeeded 19th Baron Fitzwalter. Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 41) by marriage Baroness Fitzwalter. In 1730 Benjamin Mildmay 1st Earl Fitzwalter (age 57) was created 1st Earl Fitzwalter, 1st Viscount Harwich Essex. Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 43) by marriage Countess Fitzwalter. On 07 Aug 1751 Frederica Schomberg Countess Holderness and Fitzwalter (age 64) died.

Around 1727. Joseph Highmore (age 34). Portrait of John Sidney 6th Earl of Leicester 1680-1737 (age 46).

1730. Joseph Highmore (age 37). Portrait of Francis Godolphin 2nd Earl Godolphin (age 51).

Before 17 Jan 1733. Joseph Highmore (age 40). Portrait of George Byng 1st Viscount Torrington (age 69).

In 1738. Joseph Highmore (age 45). Portrait of John Barnard Lord Mayor of London (age 53).

John Barnard Lord Mayor of London: Around 1685 he was born. On 28 Aug 1764 John Barnard Lord Mayor of London (age 79) died.

In 1740. Joseph Highmore (age 47). Portrait of John Montagu 4th Earl Sandwich (age 21).

In 1744. Joseph Highmore (age 51). Portrait of the Vigor family including Jane Goodwin (age 45) seated left.

Jane Goodwin: In 1699 she was born to Reverend George Goodwin (age 33). On 20 Nov 1718 Thomas Ward Consul General Russia and Jane Goodwin (age 19) were married at Temple Church, London. At the end of Jul 1728 Thomas Ward Consul General Russia and Jane Goodwin (age 29) arrived at the court of St Petersburg. On 23 Nov 1731 Claudius Rondeau and Jane Goodwin (age 32) were married. He the secretary of her former husband who had died seven months previously. On 05 Oct 1739 Claudius Rondeau died. His wife Jane Goodwin (age 40) was pregnant at the time of his death. On 06 Sep 1783 Jane Goodwin (age 84) died.

1745. Joseph Highmore (age 52). Portrait of Anne Furnese (age 33).

Anne Furnese: In 1712 she was born to Robert Furnese 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Anne Balam. Before 21 Dec 1732 John St John 2nd Viscount St John (age 30) and Anne Furnese (age 20) were married. In Mar 1735 Robert Furnses 3rd Baronet (age 19) died unmarried. Baronet Furnese of Waldershare in Kent extinct. His estates were shared between his three sisters Anne Furnese (age 23), Catherine Furnese Countess Guilford and Rockingham and Selina Furnese. On 11 Jul 1747 Anne Furnese (age 35) died.

1745. Joseph Highmore (age 52). Portrait of John St John 2nd Viscount St John (age 42) in Coronation Robes.

Around 1745. Joseph Highmore (age 52). Self-Portrait.

In 1746. Joseph Highmore (age 53). Portrait of Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 9).

Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos: In 1737 she was born to Richard Gamon. In 1777 James Brydges 3rd Duke Chandos 1731-1789 (age 45) and Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 40) were married. She by marriage Duchess Chandos. Her first husband had left her all his property in Jamaica making her a wealthy widow. He the son of Henry Brydges 2nd Duke Chandos and Mary Bruce. On 29 Sep 1789 James Brydges 3rd Duke Chandos 1731-1789 (age 57) died without male issue. Duke Chandos, Marquess Carnarvon, Earl Carnarvon, Viscount Wilton, Baron Chandos of Sudeley and Baronet Brydges of Wilton in Herefordshire extinct. His wife Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 52) had pulled away a chair, whether inadvertently or deliberately is unknown, he was about to sit in causing him injuries from which he ultimately died. She was, thereafter, declared a lunatic and confined to their London home, 2 Queen Anne Street aka Chandos House Marylebone. In 1813 Anne Eliza Gamon Duchess Chandos (age 76) died.

Before 13 Oct 1746. Attributed to Joseph Highmore (age 54). Portrait belived to be of Theophilus Hastings 9th Earl Huntingdon (age 49).

Before 09 Jan 1777. Joseph Highmore (age 84). Portrait of Frances Maria Fountayne (age 26).

Frances Maria Fountayne: On 08 Aug 1750 she was born to Very Reverend John Fountayne Dean of York (age 36). On 27 Feb 1773 William Tatton Egerton (age 23) and Frances Maria Fountayne (age 22) were married. On 09 Jan 1777 Frances Maria Fountayne (age 26) died.

On 03 Mar 1780 Joseph Highmore (age 87) died.