Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster, Charing Cross, St Martin in the Fields [Map]

St Martin in the Fields is in Charing Cross [Map].

1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

1665 Great Plague of London

1673 Test Act

1688 Glorious Revolution

1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 May 1554. The iij day of May, at the cowrt of sant James, the quen('s) (age 38) grace whent a prossessyon within sant James with harolds and serjants of armes, and iiij bysshopes mytred, and all iij days thay whent her chapell a-bowt the feldes, first day to sant Gylles and ther song masse; the next day tuwyse-day to sant Martens in the feldes [Map], [and there] a sermon and song masse, and so thay dronke ther; and the iij day to Westmynster, and ther a sermon and then masse, and mad good chere; and after a-bowt the Parke, and so to sant James cowrt ther.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 Nov 1554. The xix day of November was bered at sant Martens [Map] at Charyng-crosse with ij crosses a gentyllman a Spaneard, and a iiijxx torchys and tapurs in ther handes, and with syngyng to the cherche, and the morowe-masse boythe Spaneards and Englysmen syngyng.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 May 1555. The xxvj day of May was a goodly May-gam at sant Martens in the feld [Map], with gyant and hobehorsses, with drumes and gonnes and mores danse and with othur mynsterelles.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 May 1557. The xxij day of May was bered master Doge .... gren cloth at sant Martens in the feld [Map] be-syd Charyng-crose, with ij whytt branchys and .... and ij dosen of skochyons and dyver mornars.

23 May 1557. The xxiij day of May dyd pryche the bysshope of Wynchaster doctur Whytt (age 47) at sant Mare Overes [Map] in Sowthwarke, and ther was a heretyke ther for to here the sermon.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Feb 1558. The xj day of Feybruary was bered at sent Marten's-in-thefeyld [Map] master Arthur Sturtun (age 33) sqwyre, the keper of the [White] halle, and brodur to the lord Sturtun, and he was the reyseyver of all copes of cloth of gold that was taken owt of all chyrches, and he dyd delevered them unto serten parryches agayne to them that cowld know them, the wyche wher taken away by kyng Edward the vjth tym by the dewyse of the duke of Northumberland [and] serten of bysshopes of nuw doctryne that was then; and now, when that good qwyne Mare (age 41) cam to the crown, she lett evere parryche for to have them agayne by her commyng to the crowne, yf they wher nott gyffyn to odur places in the reyme of England; but Trenete parryche had nott ther cope of cloth of gold agayne.

Note. P. 165. Funeral of Arthur Stourton esquire. Ancestor of the Stourtons of Over Moigne, co. Dorset. See Collins's Peerage and Hutchins's Dorsetshire.

On 22 May 1574 Walter Hastings (age 30) and Joyce Roper (age 26) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He the son of Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon and Catherine Pole Countess Huntingdon (age 63).

Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

The Letter Books of Amias Paulet Keeper of Mary Queen of Scots Published 1874 Marys Execution. Poulet (age 54), as has already been said, was made Chancellor of the Garter in April, 1587, but he did not retain this preferment for a whole year. He continued in the Captaincy of Jersey up to his death, but he appears to have resided in and near London. In the British Museum are two letters from him of small importance. One, addressed to the Lord High Admiral, is dated, "From my poor lodging in Fleet Street [Map], the 14th of January, 1587," about "right of tenths in Jersey, belonging to the Government." The other, "From my little lodge at Twickenham, the 24th of April, 1588," "on behalf of Berry," whose divorce was referred by the Justices of the Common Pleas to four Doctors of the Civil Law, of whom Mr. Doctor Caesar, Judge of the Admiralty, to whom the letter was written, was one.

His name also occurs in a letter, from Walsingham to Burghley, dated May 23, 1587, while Elizabeth still kept up the farce of Burghley's disgrace for despatching Mary Stuart's death-warrant. "Touching the Chancellorship of the Duchy, she told Sir Amias Poulet that in respect of her promise made unto me, she would not dispose of it otherwise. But yet hath he no power to deliver the seals unto me, though for that purpose the Attorney is commanded to attend him, who I suppose will be dismissed hence this day without any resolution." And on the 4th of January following, together with the other lords of the Council, he signed a letter addressed by the Privy Council to the Lord Admiral and to Lord Buckhurst, the Lieutenants of Sussex, against such Catholics as "most obstinately have refused to come to the church to prayers and divine service," requiring them to "cause the most obstinate and noted persons to be committed to such prisons as are fittest for their safe keeping: the rest that are of value, and not so obstinate, are to be referred to the custody of some -ecclesiastical persons and other gentlemen well affected, to remain at the charges of the recusant, to be restrained in such sort as they may be forthcoming, and kept from intelligence with one another." On the 26th of September, in the year in which this letter was written, 1588, Sir Amias Poulet died.

Poulet was buried in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. [Map]. When that church was pulled down to be rebuilt, his remains, with the handsome monument erected over them, were removed to the parish church of Hinton St. George. After various panegyrics in Latin, French, and English inscribed on his monument, a quatrain, expressive apparently of royal favour, pays the following tribute to the service rendered by him to the State as Keeper of the Queen of Scots: Never shall cease to spread wise Poulet's fame; These will speak, and men shall blush for shame: Without offence to speak what I do know, Great is the debt England to him doth owe.Execution of Mary Queen of Scots.

On 28 Feb 1587 William Paulet 4th Marquess Winchester (age 28) and Lucy Cecil Marchioness Winchester were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of Thomas Cecil 1st Earl Exeter (age 44) and Dorothy Neville Countess Exeter (age 39). He the son of William Paulet 3rd Marquess Winchester (age 55) and Agnes Howard Marchioness Winchester (age 52). They were half fourth cousins.

On or before 15 Jan 1591, the date of her baptism at St Martin in the Fields [Map], Elizabeth Anton was born to George Anton of Lincoln and Unamed Tailor m George Anton.

On 16 Nov 1601 Henry Grey 8th Earl Kent (age 18) and Elizabeth Talbot Countess Kent (age 19) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She by marriage Countess Kent. She the daughter of Gilbert Talbot 7th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 48) and Mary Cavendish Countess Shrewsbury and Waterford (age 45). He the son of Charles Grey 7th Earl Kent.

On 29 Dec 1615 Charles Scarburgh was born to Edmund Scarburgh at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 07 Jan 1619 Nicholas Hilliard (deceased) was buried in St Martin's in the Fields [Map]. In his will he left twenty shillings to the poor of the parish, thirty between his two sisters, some goods to his maidservant, and all the rest of his effects to his son, Lawrence Hilliard, his sole executor.

On 28 Feb 1621 William Stonor (age 27) and Elizabeth Lake (age 21) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 08 Aug 1622 Anne Mayne died. She was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 01 Aug 1624 Edward Dymoke (age 66) died at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On or before 02 Nov 1624 1624 Edward Howard was born to Thomas Howard 1st Earl Berkshire (age 37) and Elizabeth Cecil Countess Berkshire (age 28). He was baptised on 02 Nov 1624 at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 24 Jun 1628 Joshua Marshall was baptised in St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On or before 16 Apr 1637 Henry Killigrew was born to Thomas Killigrew (age 25) and Cecilia Crofts (age 27). On 16 Apr 1637 Henry Killigrew was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 27 May 1637 John Boteler 1st Baron Boteler (age 71) died at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He was buried at Higham Gobion. After 27 May 1637 His son William Boteler 2nd Baron Boteler succeeded 2nd Baron Boteler of Brantfield, 2nd Baronet Boteler of Hatfield Woodhall in Hertfordshire.

On 24 Aug 1647 Nicholas Stone (age 60) died in Long Acre. He was buried in St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On or before 10 Aug 1649 Endymion Porter (age 62) died. He was buried on 10 Aug 1649 in St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 30 Dec 1663 Lady Elizabeth Carteret was born to Edouard Carteret Gentleman Usher (age 43) and Elizabeth Johnson. She was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

Great Plague of London

Pepy's Diary. 05 Nov 1665. To dinner, where a great deale of silly discourse, but the worst is I hear that the plague increases much at Lambeth, Surrey [Map], St. Martin's [Map] and Westminster, and fear it will all over the city.

On 01 Nov 1668 John Hervey 1st Earl Bristol (age 3) and Isabella Carr were married in St Martin in the Fields [Map].

1673 Test Act

Evelyn's Diary. 26 Apr 1673. Dr. Lamplugh (age 58) preached at St. Martin's [Map] the Holy Sacrament following, which I partook of, upon obligation of the late Act of Parliament, enjoining everybody in office, civil or military, under penalty of £500, to receive it within one month before two authentic witnesses; being engrossed on parchment, to be afterward produced in the Court of Chancery, or some other Court of Record; which I did at the Chancery bar, as being one of the Council of Plantations and Trade; taking then also the oath of allegiance and supremacy, signing the clause in the said Act against Transubstantiation.

On 24 Aug 1673 Charlotte de Vere was born to Aubrey de Vere 20th Earl of Oxford (age 46) and Diana Kirke Countess of Oxford. She was baptised 13 Sep 1673 at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 17 Mar 1674 Thomas Burman (age 56) died in the parish of St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He was buried at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden.

On 16 Feb 1675 Robert Foley (age 24) and Anne North (age 39) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She brought a £1500 portion and a jointure of £400 each year to the marriage. The bride's brother, Roger North (age 21), wrote that: The old father fancied that a friend at Court, so considerable as his lordship [Sir Francis North] was, might be useful, which, together with his lordship's skill in dealing with such a touchy spark, drew a full consent to all. The young man was every way acceptable, and, left to himself, would not have chosen one that was fifteen years older than he was. But finding that his father by negligence, sottishness, and desperate projects was in a fair way to utter ruin, he was glad upon any terms to get the estate settled.

On 22 Nov 1675 Charles de Vere was born to Aubrey de Vere 20th Earl of Oxford (age 48) and Diana Kirke Countess of Oxford. He was baptised on 09 Dec 1675 at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Died as an infant.

On 12 Apr 1678 Thomas Stanley (age 53) died at Suffolk Street Strand. He was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

In 1680 Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 43) was presented by King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 49) to St Martin in the Fields [Map].

Evelyn's Diary. 31 Oct 1680. I began and spent the whole week in examining my life, begging pardon for my faults, assistance and blessing for the future, that I might, in some sort, be prepared for the time that now drew near, and not have the great work to begin, when one can work no longer. The Lord Jesus help and assist me! I therefore stirred little abroad till the 5th of November, when I heard Dr. Tenison (age 44), the now vicar of St. Martin's [Map]; Dr. Lloyd (age 53), the former incumbent, being made Bishop of St. Asaph.

Evelyn's Diary. 31 Oct 1680. I spent this whole day in exercises. A stranger preached at Whitehall [Map] on Luke xvi. 30, 31. I then went to St. Martin's [Map], where the Bishop of St. Asaph (age 53) [Note. The next post refers to Bishop William Lloyd (age 53) being made Bishop of St Asaph. The previous incumbent Isaac Barrow had died 24 Jun 1680] preached on 1 Peter iii. 15; the Holy Communion followed, at which I participated, humbly imploring God's assistance in the great work I was entering into. In the afternoon, I heard Dr. Sprat (age 45), at St. Margaret's [Map], on Acts xvii. 11.

Evelyn's Diary. 30 Mar 1684. Easter day. The Bp. of Rochester [Dr. Turner] (age 46) preach'd before, the King (age 53) after which his Ma*, accompanied with three of his natural sonns, the Dukes of Northumberland (age 18), Richmond, and St. Alban's (age 13) (sons of Portsmouth (age 34), Cleaveland (age 43), and Nelly (age 34)), went up to the Altar; ye three boyes entering before the King (age 53) within the railes, at the right hand, and three Bishops on the left, viz. London (age 52) (who officiated), Durham (age 51), and Rochester (age 46), with the Sub-dean Dr. Holder. the King (age 53) kneeling before the Altar, zaking his offering, the Bishop first receiv'd, and then his Ma* after which he retir'd to a canopied seate on the right hand. Note, there was perfume burnt before the Office began. I had receiv'd ye Sacrament at Whitehall early with the Lords and Household, ye Bp. of London officiating. Then went to St. Martin's [Map], where Dr. Tenison (age 47) preach'd (recover'd from yc small-pox); then went againe to Whitehall as above. In the afternoone went to St. Martin's againe.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jul 1685. I went to see Dr. Tenison's (age 48) Library [in St. Martin's [Map].].

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1686. I went to St. Martin's [Map] in the morning, where Dr. Birch preached very boldly against the Papists, from John xvi. 2. In the afternoon I heard Dr. Tillotson (age 56) in Lincoln's Inn chapel, on the of same text, but more cautiously.

Evelyn's Diary. 20 Mar 1687. The Bishop of Bath and Wells (age 49) (Dr. Ken) preached at St. Martin's [Map] to a crowd of people not to be expressed, nor the wonderful eloquence of this admirable preacher; the text was Matt. xxvi. 36 to verse 40, describing the bitterness of our Blessed Savior's agony, the ardor of his love, the infinite obligations we have to imitate his patience and resignation; the means by watching against temptations, and over ourselves with fervent prayer to attain it, and the exceeding reward in the end. Upon all which he made most pathetical discourses. The Communion followed, at which I was participant. I afterward dined at Dr. Tenison's (age 50) with the Bishop and that young, most learned, pious, and excellent preacher, Mr. Wake (age 30). In the afternoon, I went to hear Mr. Wake (age 30) at the newly built church of St. Anne, on Mark viii. 34, upon the subject of taking up the cross, and strenuously behaving ourselves in time of persecution, as this now threatened to be.

Evelyn's Diary. 25 Mar 1687 Good Friday. Dr. Tenison (age 50) preached at St. Martin's [Map] on 1 Peter II 24. During the service, a man came into near the middle of the church, with his sword drawn, with several others in that posture; in this jealous time it put the congregation into great confusion, but it appeared to be one who fled for sanctuary, being pursued by bailiffs.

Before 1688 John Fenwick 3rd Baronet (age 43) and Mary Howard (age 34) were married. They had three sons and one daughter, all of whom died young, and are buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of Charles Howard 1st Earl Carlisle and Anne Howard Countess Carlisle.

Evelyn's Diary. 07 Oct 1688. Dr. Tenison (age 52) preached at St. Martin's [Map] on 2 Tim. iii. 16, showing the Scriptures to be our only rule of faith, and its perfection above all traditions. After which, near 1,000 devout persons partook of the Communion. The sermon was chiefly occasioned by a Jesuit, who in the Masshouse on the Sunday before had disparaged the Scripture and railed at our translation, which some present contradicting, they pulled him out of the pulpit, and treated him very coarsely, insomuch that it was like to create a great disturbance in the city.

Glorious Revolution

Evelyn's Diary. 02 Dec 1688. Dr. Tenison (age 52) preached at St. Martin's [Map] on Psalm xxxvi. 5, 6, 7, concerning Providence. I received the blessed Sacrament. Afterward, visited my Lord Godolphin (age 43), then going with the Marquis of Halifax (age 55) and Earl of Nottingham (age 41) as Commissioners to the Prince of Orange (age 38); he told me they had little power. Plymouth, Devon [Map] declared for the Prince (age 38). Bath, Somerset [Map], York [Map], Hull [Map], Bristol, Gloucestershire [Map], and all the eminent nobility and persons of quality through England, declare for the Protestant religion and laws, and go to meet the Prince (age 38), who every day sets forth new Declarations against the Papists. The great favorites at Court, Priests and Jesuits, fly or abscond. Everything, till now concealed, flies abroad in public print, and is cried about the streets. Expectation of the Prince (age 38) coming to Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. The Prince of Wales and great treasure sent privily to Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], the Earl of Dover (age 52) being Governor. Address from the Fleet not grateful to his Majesty (age 55). The Papists in offices lay down their commissions, and fly. Universal consternation among them; it looks like a revolution.

Evelyn's Diary. 16 Feb 1690. The Duchess of Monmouth's (age 39) chaplain preached at St. Martin's [Map] an excellent discourse exhorting to peace and sanctity, it being now the time of very great division and dissension in the nation; first, among the Churchmen, of whom the moderate and sober part were for a speedy reformation of divers things, which it was thought might be made in our Liturgy, for the inviting of Dissenters; others more stiff and rigid, were for no condescension at all. Books and pamphlets were published every day pro and con; the Convocation were forced for the present to suspend any further progress. There was fierce and great carousing about being elected in the new Parliament. The King (age 39) persists in his intention of going in person for Ireland, whither the French are sending supplies to King James (age 56), and we, the Danish horse to Schomberg (age 74).

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Jul 1691. To London to hear Mr. Stringfellow preach his first sermon in the newly erected Church of Trinity, in Conduit Street; to which I did recommend him to Dr. Tenison (age 54) for the constant preacher and lecturer. This Church, formerly built of timber on Hounslow-Heath by King James (age 57) for the mass priests, being begged by Dr. Tenison (age 54), rector of St. Martin's [Map], was set up by that public-minded, charitable, and pious man near my son's dwelling in Dover Street, chiefly at the charge of the Doctor (age 54). I know him to be an excellent preacher and a fit person. This Church, though erected in St. Martin's, which is the Doctor's parish, he was not only content, but was the sole industrious mover, that it should be made a separate parish, in regard of the neighborhood having become so populous. Wherefore to countenance and introduce the new minister, and take possession of a gallery designed for my son's family, I went to London, where, [NOTE. Text runs out?].

Evelyn's Diary. 06 Jan 1692. At the funeral of Mr. Boyle, at St. Martin's [Map], Dr. Burnet (age 48), Bishop of Salisbury, preached on Eccles. II 26. He concluded with an eulogy due to the deceased, who made God and religion the scope of all his excellent talents in the knowledge of nature, and who had arrived to so high a degree in it, accompanied with such zeal and extraordinary piety, which he showed in the whole course of his life, particularly in his exemplary charity on all occasions,-that he gave £1,000 yearly to the distressed refugees of France and Ireland; was at the charge of translating the Scriptures into the Irish and Indian tongues, and was now promoting a Turkish translation, as he had formerly done of Grotius "on the Truth of the Christian Religion" into Arabic, which he caused to be dispersed in the eastern countries; that he had settled a fund for preachers who should preach expressly against Atheists, Libertines, Socinians, and Jews; that he had in his will given £8,000 to charitable uses; but that his private charities were extraordinary. He dilated on his learning in Hebrew and Greek, his reading of the fathers, and solid knowledge in theology, once deliberating about taking Holy Orders, and that at the time of restoration of King Charles II, when he might have made a great figure in the nation as to secular honor and titles, his fear of not being able to discharge so weighty a duty as the first, made him decline that, and his humility the other. He spoke of his civility to strangers, the great good which he did by his experience in medicine and chemistry, and to what noble ends he applied himself to his darling studies; the works, both pious and useful, which he published; the exact life he led, and the happy end he made. Something was touched of his sister, the Lady Ranelagh, who died but a few days before him. And truly all this was but his due, without any grain of flattery.

Evelyn's Diary. 13 Feb 1692. Mr. Boyle having made me one of the trustees for his charitable bequests, I went to a meeting of the Bishop of Lincoln (age 55), Sir Rob.... wood, and serjeant, Rotheram, to settle that clause in the will which related to charitable uses, and especially the appointing and electing a minister to preach one sermon the first Sunday in the month, during the four summer months, expressly against Atheists, Deists, Libertines, Jews, etc., without descending to any other controversy whatever, for which £50 per annum is to be paid quarterly to the preacher; and, at the end of three years, to proceed to a new election of some other able divine, or to continue the same, as the trustees should judge convenient. We made choice of one Mr. Bentley, chaplain to the Bishop of Worcester (Dr. Stillingfleet) (age 56). The first sermon was appointed for the first Sunday in March, at St. Martin's [Map]; the second Sunday in April, at Bow Church [Map], and so alternately.

Evelyn's Diary. 20 Nov 1692. Dr. Lancaster, the new Vicar of St. Martin's [Map], preached.

Evelyn's Diary. 25 Mar 1694. Mr. Goode, minister of St. Martin's [Map], preached; he was likewise put in by the Queen (age 31), on the issue of her process with the Bishop of London (age 62).

On 15 Jan 1696 William Wheeler 3rd Baronet (age 42) and Teresa Widdrington were married by the Chaplain to the Portuguese Envoy at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III

On 28 Jan 1697 John Fenwick 3rd Baronet (age 52) was beheaded for his part in the 1696 Plot to Assassinate King William III. He was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Baronet Fenwick of Fenwick in Northumberland extinct. He was the last person to be executed under an Act of Attainder.

Robert Burdett 3rd Baronet (age 57) had spoken against the attainder in Parliament.

Evelyn's Diary. 14 Jan 1700. Dr. Lancaster, Vicar of St. Martin's, dismissed Mr. Stringfellow, who had been made the first preacher at our chapel by the Bishop of Lincoln (age 63), while he held St. Martin's [Map] by dispensation, and put in one Mr. Sandys, much against the inclination of those who frequented the chapel. The Scotch book about Darien was burned by the hangman by vote of Parliament.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Feb 1700. Mild and calm season, with gentle frost, and little mizzling rain. The Vicar of St. Martin's [Map] frequently preached at Trinity chapel in the afternoon.

On 22 May 1700 Charles Goring 3rd Baronet (age 32) and Elizabeth Bridger were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 06 Jun 1702 James Long 5th Baronet (age 20) and Henrietta Greville Lady Long (age 18) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She by marriage Lady Long of Westminster in London.

On 16 Jun 1702 William Anne Keppel 2nd Earl Albermarle was baptised with Queen Anne of England Scotland and Ireland (age 37) as godparent at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 08 Sep 1702 George Eyre (age 22) and Barbara Coningsby (age 25) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of Thomas Coningsby 1st Earl Coningsby (age 45) and Barbara Gorges.

On 27 May 1703 Walter Chetwynd 1st Viscount Chetwynd (age 24) and Mary Berkeley Viscountess Chetwynd (age 32) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

In 1705 Robert Long 6th Baronet was born to James Long 5th Baronet (age 23) and Henrietta Greville Lady Long (age 21). He was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 16 Mar 1705 John Sheffield 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby (age 56) and Catherine Darnley Duchess Buckingham and Normandby (age 25) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She by marriage Duchess of Buckingham and Normanby. The difference in their ages was 31 years. She the illegitmate daughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland and Catherine Sedley Countess Dorchester and Portmore (age 47). He the son of Edmund Sheffield 2nd Earl Mulgrave and Elizabeth Cranfield Countess Mulgrave (age 97).

On 15 May 1707 George Brudenell 3rd Earl Cardigan (age 21) and Elizabeth Bruce 3rd Countess Cardigan (age 18) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She by marriage Countess Cardigan. She the daughter of Thomas Bruce 3rd Earl Elgin 2nd Earl Ailesbury (age 51) and Elizabeth Seymour Countess Elgin and Ailesbury.

On 05 Jan 1709 David Wemyss 4th Earl of Wemyss (age 31) and Mary Robinson were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He the son of James Wemyss 1st Lord Burntisland and Margaret Wemyss Countess Cromartie 3rd Countess Wemyss.

In 1711 Edward Hungerford (age 78) died. He was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 15 Dec 1711 George Granville 1st Baron Lansdowne (age 45) and Mary Villiers Baroness Lansdowne were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of Edward Villiers 1st Earl Jersey and Barbara Chiffinch Countess Jersey (age 48).

On 27 May 1712 Thomas Cave 5th Baronet was born to Thomas Cave 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Margaret Verney Lady Cave. He was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 11 Mar 1716 George Carteret was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 05 Apr 1716 Georgiana Caroline Carteret was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 26 Aug 1717 John Conduit (age 29) and Catherine Barton (age 38) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 01 May 1718 Frances Carteret Marchioness Teviotdale was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 30 Nov 1721 Cecil Wray 11th Baronet (age 43) and Joanna Taylor Lady Wray were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She by marriage Lady Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire.

On 20 Feb 1723 Hayman Rooke was born. He was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map] on 19 Mar 1723.

On 21 Nov 1761 Dorothea Bland aka "Mrs Jordan" was born near Waterford, County Waterford. On 05 Dec 1761 she was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 11 Jan 1762 Louis Francois Roubiliac (age 59) died. He was buried in St Martin in the Fields [Map]. His funeral was attended by Joshua Reynolds (age 38) among many others. His apprentice Nicholas Read (age 29) took over his studio at 66 St Martin's Lane.

In 1765 Benjamin West (age 26) and Elizabeth Shewell were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 16 Apr 1767 Richard Barry 6th Earl Barrymore (age 22) and Amelia Stanhope Countess Barrymore (age 17) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of William Stanhope 2nd Earl of Harrington (age 47) and Caroline Fitzroy Countess Harrington (age 45). He the son of James Barry 5th Earl Barrymore. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Around 12 Feb 1771 Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower Duchess Beaufort was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 07 Nov 1774 Richard Noel-Hill 4th Baron Berwick was born to Noel Hill 1st Baron Berwick (age 29) and Anna Vernon (age 26). He was baptised at St Martin in the Fields [Map] on 11 Nov 1774.

On 12 Jul 1778 Archdeacon Anthony Hamilton was born to Archdeacon Anthony Hamilton (age 39) and Anne Terrick in St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 27 Sep 1788 Robert Taylor (age 74) died at his home 34 Spring Gardens. He was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 19 May 1810 James Murray 1st Baron Glenlyon (age 27) and Emily Frances Percy Baroness Goldolphin Helston (age 22) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of Hugh Percy 2nd Duke Northumberland (age 67) and Frances Julia Burrell Duchess Northumberland (age 57). He the son of John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 54).

On 22 May 1813 Admiral Joseph Sydney Yorke (age 44) and Urania Paulet Marchioness Clanricarde (age 46) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. She the daughter of George Paulett 12th Marquess Winchester and Martha Ingoldsby Marchioness Winchester.

In Oct 1816 John Constable (age 40) and Maria Bicknell were married by Bishop John Fisher (age 68) at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. They had sevn children.

On 30 Mar 1819 Walter Farquhar 1st Baronet (age 80) died. He was buried at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. His son Thomas Harvie Farquhar 2nd Baronet (age 43) succeeded 2nd Baronet Farquhar of Cadogan House.

On 05 Sep 1835 Charles Canning 1st Earl Canning (age 22) and Charlotte Stuart Countess Canning (age 18) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

1888. William Logsdail (age 28). St Martin in the Fields [Map]

On 06 Nov 1919 Walter Gibbs 2nd Baron Hunsdon 4th Baron Aldenham (age 31) and Beatrix Elinor Paul Baroness Aldenham and Hunsdon (age 29) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 20 Jul 1921 Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont 2nd Viscount Allendale (age 30) and Violet Lucy Emily Seely Viscountess Allendale (age 24) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map].

On 09 Feb 1928 James Edward Hamilton 4th Duke of Abercorn (age 24) and Kathleen Hamilton Duchess of Abercorn (age 22) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. He the son of James Albert Edward Hamilton 3rd Duke of Abercorn (age 58) and Rosalind Cecilia Caroline Bingham Duchess Abercorn (age 58).

On 21 Oct 1947 David Allan Bethell 5th Baron Westbury (age 25) and Ursula James (age 23) were married at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. Princesses Elizabeth (age 21) and Margaret (age 17) attended the wedding, as did the Duke (age 47) and Duchess (age 45) of Gloucester.

On 22 Oct 1983 a Memorial Service was held for David Niven at St Martin in the Fields [Map]. The servie was attended by Margaret Whigham (age 70), Richard Attenborough, Michael Caine, Jon Pertwee, Anthony Quayle, Sir John Mills, Shirley Anne Field and John Mortimer.