Bishop of Lincoln

Bishop of Lincoln is in Bishop. See Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

1554 Consecration of new Bishops

1560 Consecration of new Bishops

In 1093 Bishop Roger Bloet was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 03 Jun 1123. Henry, king of England, went over sea after the feast of Whitsuntide [3rd June]. William (age 53), archbishop of Canterbury, having received the pallium from pope Calixtus, and Thurstan (age 53), archbishop of York, with their companions, on their return from Rome, paid a visit to the king, who was still in Normandy: after a short stay, archbishop William came back to England, and, on the eleventh of the calends of August [22nd July], at Canterbury, consecrated Alexander as bishop of Lincoln; and, on the seventh of the calends of September [26th August], in the church of St. Paul the Apostle, at London, consecrated Godfrey, the queen's chancellor, to the bishopric of Bath.

In 1173 Archbishop Geoffrey Plantagenet (age 21) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 11 May 1183 Walter de Coutances was elected Bishop of Lincoln being selected by King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 50) over three other candidates.

On 03 Jul 1183 Walter de Coutances was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln at Angers Cathedral [Map] by Archbishop Richard de Dover.

On 11 Dec 1183 Walter de Coutances was enthroned Bishop of Lincoln.

In Jun 1235 Bishop Robert Grosseteste (age 67) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 06 Feb 1280 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 61) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 19 May 1280 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 61) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln at Lambeth Palace [Map].

On 08 Sep 1280 Bishop Oliver Sutton (age 61) was enthroned Bishop of Lincoln at Lincoln Cathedral [Map].

On 27 May 1320 Bishop Henry Burghesh (age 28) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln due to the influence of his uncle Bartholomew Badlesmere 1st Baron Badlesmere (age 44) despite the chapter having already elected a new bishop.

On 20 Jul 1320 Bishop Henry Burghesh (age 28) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

Around 01 Mar 1341 Bishop Thomas Bek (age 59) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 07 Jul 1342 Bishop Thomas Bek (age 60) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

On 27 Feb 1398 Cardinal Henry Beaufort (age 23) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 28 Apr 1419 Richard Fleming Bishop Lincoln (age 32) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

On 20 Nov 1419 Richard Fleming Bishop Lincoln (age 32) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 20 Nov 1419 Bishop Richard Fleming (age 34) was nominated by papal provision to be Bishop of Lincoln.

On 28 Apr 1420 Bishop Richard Fleming (age 35) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by by Martin V in Florence.

On 30 Apr 1431 Bishop William Grey aka Gray was translated to Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1450 Bishop Marmaduke Lumley was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1472 Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 48) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 07 Jul 1480 Bishop John Russell was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 06 Nov 1496 Bishop William Smyth (age 36) was translated to Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1514 Bishop William Atwater (age 74) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

In 05 May 1521 Bishop John Longland (age 48) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop William Warham (age 71) assisted by Bishop John Fisher (age 51), Bishop Nicholas West (age 60) and Bishop John Vesey aka Harman (age 59).

On 07 Jan 1527 Bishop Robert King was appointed suffragan Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1547 Bishop Henry Holbeach (age 70) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1552 Bishop John Taylor (age 49) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

1554 Consecration of new Bishops

On 01 Apr 1554 the Lord Chancellor Bishop Edmund "Bloody" Bonner of London (age 54), assisted by Bishop Stephen Gardiner (age 71), Bishop Nicholas Ridley (age 54) and Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 80), consecrated seven bishops at Southwark Cathedral [Map]:

Bishop George Cotes was consecrated Bishop of Chester.

Bishop Gilbert Bourne was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Bishop James Brooks (age 41) was consecrated Bishop of Gloucester.

Bishop Maurice Griffiths (age 47) was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.

Bishop Henry Morgan was consecrated Bishop of St David's.

Bishop John White (age 44) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton was consecrated Bishop of Hereford.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Apr 1554. [The first day of April my lord chancellor (age 54) did consecrate six new bishops at St. Mary Overy's [Map], before the high altar; and a goodly mass was said. And when all] was done thay yede unto my lord ch[ancellor's,] for ther was as grett a dener as youe ha[ve seen.] Thes be the bysshopes names that wher consecrated, [doctor] Whyt (age 44), warden of Wynchastur, the bysshope of Ly[ncoln]; doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe; doctur Morgan, bishop of sant Davys; doctur Brokes (age 41), bysshope of Gloss [ter]; doctur Cottes, bysshope of Westtchastur; bysshope of sant Asse changyd to be bysshope of Arfford; master [Griffith] (age 47) parsun of sant Magnus bysshope of Rochastur.

On 15 Apr 1556 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 41) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 15 Aug 1557 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 42) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop Nicholas Heath (age 56).

On 25 Nov 1559 Bishop Nicholas Bullingham (age 39) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

1560 Consecration of new Bishops

On 21 Jan 1560 two Bishops were consecrated ...

Bishop Nicholas Bullingham (age 40) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

Archbishop Thomas Young (age 53) was consecrated Bishop of St David's at Lambeth Palace [Map] by Archbishop Matthew Parker (age 55).

In 1584 Bishop William Wickham (age 45) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1614 Richard Neale Archbishop (age 51) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1621 John Williams Archbishop of York (age 38) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln by King James I (age 54).

Evelyn's Diary. 31 Aug 1654. Trinity College [Map] is said by some to be the fairest quadrangle of any university in Europe; but in truth is far inferior to that of Christ Church, in Oxford; the hall is ample and of stone, the fountain in the quadrangle is graceful, the chapel and library fair. There they showed us the prophetic manuscript of the famous Grebner, but the passage and emblem which they would apply to our late King, is manifestly relating to the Swedish; in truth, it seems to be a mere fantastic rhapsody, however the title may bespeak strange revelations. There is an office in manuscript with fine miniatures, and some other antiquities, given by the Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VIII, and the before-mentioned Archbishop Williams, when Bishop of Lincoln. The library is pretty well stored. The Greek Professor had me into another large quadrangle cloistered and well built, and gave us a handsome collation in his own chamber.

Evelyn's Diary. 18 Dec 1659. Preached that famous divine, Dr. Sanderson (age 72) (since Bishop of Lincoln), now eighty years old, on Jer. xxx. 13, concerning the evil of forsaking God.

In 1660 Bishop Robert Sanderson (age 72) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 03 Oct 1660 Bishop Robert Saunderson (age 73) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 28 Nov 1660 Bishop Robert Saunderson (age 73) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

On 17 Sep 1667 Bishop William Fuller (age 59) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

Before 27 Jun 1675 Bishop Thomas Barlow (age 67) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

Evelyn's Diary. 27 Jun 1675. At Ely House, I went to the consecration of my worthy friend, the learned Dr. Barlow (age 51), Warden of Queen's College, Oxford, now made Bishop of Lincoln. After it succeeded a magnificent feast, where were the Duke of Ormond (age 64), Earl of Lauderdale (age 59), the Lord Treasurer (age 43), Lord Keeper, etc.

On 27 Jun 1675 Bishop Thomas Barlow (age 67) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Bishop George Morley (age 77) at the Chapel at the Palace of the Bishop of Ely, Holborn rather than Lambeth Palace [Map] since Gilbert Sheldon (age 77), the Archbishop of Canterbury, was opposed to his election.

In 1691 Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 54) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

Evelyn's Diary. 12 Jan 1692. My granddaughter was christened by Dr. Tenison (age 55), now Bishop of Lincoln, in Trinity Church (assumed to be a reference to the new church described on 18 Jul 1691), being the first that was christened there. She was named Jane.

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1694. I had news that my dear and worthy friend, Dr. Tenison (age 58), Bishop of Lincoln, was made Archbishop of Canterbury, for which I thank God and rejoice, he being most worthy of it, for his learning, piety, and prudence.

On 10 Mar 1695 Bishop James Gardiner (age 58) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 58) [who had formerly been Bishop of Lincoln before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury].

In 1705 Archbishop William Wake (age 47) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1716 Bishop Edmund Gibson (age 47) was appointed In Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1820 Bishop George Pelham (age 53) was translated to Bishop of Lincoln.

In 1827 Bishop John Kaye (age 43) was translated to Bishop of Lincoln in which office he served for twenty-six years until his death in 1853.

On 22 Feb 1869 Bishop Christopher Wordsworth (age 61) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 24 Feb 1869 Bishop Christopher Wordsworth (age 61) was ordained and consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop Campbell Tait.

In 1933 Bishop Nugent Hicks (age 61) was appointed Bishop of Lincoln.

On 12 Jun 1946 Bishop Leslie Owen (age 60) was nominated Bishop of Lincoln which office he held for ten months.

On 13 Dec 11488 Bishop Robert de Chesney was elected Bishop of Lincoln.

On 19 Dec 11488 Bishop Robert de Chesney was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop Theobald of Bec at Canterbury Cathedral [Map]. He had been ordained as a Priest the day before.